Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Nessa »

bbyrd009 wrote:
Nessa wrote:
my whole family mourns for my dad except my mourning is,different. I mourn for a man who I never really knew and where there was no relationship.

Be careful of not giving false comfort. Hell is real.
yes, i do not deny that it is real; just that it is misrepresented to us, and seeking in Scripture with a shovel--really even just a garden spade, in this instance--will reveal what hell really is. Hell in the "afterlife" might easily be the remorse from not having learned...what hell really is, while one was on earth. Lack of knowledge, or, better put, lack of Living Water, is what the rich man suffers from. God is the All~Consuming Fire, as the lesson of Meshak, Shadrak, and Abed-Nego (whose names were changed) might inform us. All go to the same place.

So it is at least advisable to keep an open mind there imo, and seek other informed opinions. Find out what Gehenna really is. Ask a Jew, even; you don't have to become a Jew, to get their opinion.

How do you feel hell has been misrepresented? What has B.W said that is not inline with scripture?
I meant the reality of the hell spoken of in the bible is real.

keeping our minds open is fine as long as it includes being open to discovering the truth
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by RickD »

Please keep the discussion about B. W.'s book. Please start a new thread if you want to debate hell.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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Majority of Biblical scholars state that Gehenna is analogous to the Lake of Fire...

The current Hell as mentioned in Job 26:5-6, Isa 24:22, Ezekiel 32:17-31, Ezekiel 26:20, Isa 59:10 etc and etc and is not Gehenna. These verses mentioned describe what I saw and I saw a pit. Also note that in Rev 20:14 where the current hell will be cast into... Casting Gehenna into Gehenna simply would not make sense...
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

didn't see any "hell" mentioned in any of those? And i suggest that there is a spiritual principle at work there, in the tossing of stuff into a pit, anyway, that a literal tossing of anything does not really consider or even approach. And if the pit is disconnected from Gehenna somehow, i have not seen it in the Book. The pit is a ref to Gehenna, and i would just go find some new Biblical Scholars who maybe are not so sure of themselves. Not disagreeing that the device is not useful, for getting childrens' attention, and the like; it works great imo, but it is strictly baby food.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

Job 26:6 Sheol

should be read with the understanding that "all go to the same place," and you and i are going there, too. Note how Job literally ties these to Erets, Earth:

5The departed spirits tremble
beneath the waters and all that inhabit them. 
6•Sheol is naked before God,
and •Abaddon  has no covering. 
7He stretches the northern skies over empty space;
He hangs the earth on nothing.
8He wraps up the waters in His clouds,
yet the clouds do not burst beneath their weight. 

And your position has you excluded from someday being a "departed spirit."
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

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like the Job passage you quote, the Isaiah one is also written as alliteration, and note that Sheol is not even invoked in the Lex at that passage.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

Ezekiel 32 is literally whispering at you,

18“Son of man, wail for the hordes of Egypt and consign to the earth below both her and the daughters of mighty nations, along with those who go down to the pit."

wherein neither Gehenna, Sheol, nor Hades is invoked; the word used is the same as for "well" in this case.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by bbyrd009 »

etc, we can go on if you like. I'm not meaning to be a jerk here, honest. And hold a literal concept of hell, with fire, and guys with pitchforks sticking bad people, as long as you want to, ok, the alliteration works fine for me.

Just to be clear i did read the OP, but if i had connected that BW with you, i doubt that i would have even commented here
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

I have questions regarding the people in the cubes...

... had all consciously rejected God during their lives outright? Or did some believe in God ... yet were sent to hell regardless..

I'm seeking a "common thread" or "common denominator" amongst the cubes inhabitants.

The characters which troubled me most in the book were those not evil.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

This book has been on my mind for a while. I experienced something, which may, support a certain notion from the authors experience outlined in the book. But I'm not sure.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:I have questions regarding the people in the cubes...

... had all consciously rejected God during their lives outright? Or did some believe in God ... yet were sent to hell regardless..

I'm seeking a "common thread" or "common denominator" amongst the cubes inhabitants.

The characters which troubled me most in the book were those not evil.
The short answer is yes...

How they did so...easy... they made their own concepts of god of gods to escape consequences.

It is like this... We all bank on something. In other words, we gamble and place everything on something.

For me, back then, I banked on myself - my wisdom of atheism. Others, well put all their stock into self as well.

Others bank on this: Can't believe God would sentence any to hell as that is so unloving. Or, God is so loving... Or I cannot accept that Jesus is the only way because what about all those others and their ways?

Or, there is no God. Still others bank on works to earn favor with the gods or the right to reside with dead ancestors in a land of bliss. Others - all roads lead to heaven... or reason -All people are basically good so we deserve goodness from gods or god.

Their faith is in whom? Answer - Themselves...

How can God entrust us with heaven if we do not trust him?

How can we trust him if he never did anything to wake us up that we are banking on the wrong things?

He came, and shown great love and let us put the hidden nature of the human heart upon himself, by Jesus Christ, then Jesus paid our death penalty, and took our punishment in our place for putting him on the cross in the first place. He then rose from the dead 3 days latter to unite those who stop banking on other things to bank on him alone.

That makes God's love way beyond profound - it changes your life and teaches you the nature of true faith by banking it all on what He went thru for us - He is trustworthy.

That takes faith to bank all on him. Without faith, you cannot trust God at all but instead will contiune to trust other things that never ever can go so great lengths, depths, heights to rescue one.

You see, people bank on other things to rescue them but never fully bank on the Lord of Host to save them, change them, place his Spirit in them as that takes a kind of Faith/Trust in God alone, based on what he did, and not what we do or think.

By Trusting Jesus - he then works in our lives to change us (freely) to trust-worthily bear the Holy Spirit who changes us out of darkness into his marvelous light. Thus, we affect those close to us to stop living in darkness. If all people lived by the Faith in the Lord Jesus, transformed by him, actually trust him and what he says, there would be no more crime, suffering, wars...etc - note - Isaiah 61:1,2,3,4

But as long as people bank on other things - the world gets worse - that is evidence enough most folks see that they chose the wrong path by the personal wars, selfishness they trusted in, self justifications to cause harm, betray, neglect, abandon, reject, hurt, despise others and for some, yes, even their own selves.

For me - I bank it all on Jesus. I bank all on what he says about himself, 'That he is the only way, the truth, and the only life.'

There is no other way, no other gods, no other road to heaven, or any escape from God, or any escaping from the consequences of what we have done in life and to life as evidenced by how we treat friends, family self, strangers, God...

So, therefore, I place everything on Jesus as the only way, the truth, and the light of life because of what He did - alone when I deserved in not.

Others will not bank on this. Why - answer is Pride -plain and simple.

I also bank on what Jesus says about hell and warned to avoid this place at all cost, that it is eternal - never ending.

Current stats vary but around 55 to 65 million people world wide die each year. Around 6,300 to 7,800 die each hour. Sadly, most bank on something other than Jesus - choosing that faith Jesus can't be right due to what they trust in the most.

So you see, people do reject Jesus just as Romans chapter one speaks of... as their faith is something else...

Hope you understand...
Blessed wrote:This book has been on my mind for a while. I experienced something, which may, support a certain notion from the authors experience outlined in the book. But I'm not sure.
Okay, please let us know, or myself, know what it is...

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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »


Thank you for your extensive and detailed reply. I really appreceite it. I know it must take you time and your a busy man. I've been reading it. It's allot to address.

In regards to banking on Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I believe Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, yes.

However, I use lifes circumstances to justify sin or "getting away with it". Based on the cards I'm being dealt. It's not my fault. I'm being forced into temptations and having to fight it with everything I've got.

Are you saying that in thier heart-of-hearts the cubes inhabitants followed thier own version of morality and "godliness" over Gods? Don't most human beings do this to a certain extent? What is the standard of God's judgement after death? Are the card's dealt in this life, who you are inside, your spirit, motives, positive desires, positive feelings and questions that drive you, all taken into account during judgement? Or just the negative stuff? If someone is more "afflicated' by sin (tested harder) is this taken into account? I'm trying to understand God's judgement. Also if I am "cast out" will God answer every question, quarelling, and philosopics, I've had during my life?

Regarding my experiance(s): It was very concerning. You'd stated the creatures of the cubes (i.e. demons) lived "eons" ago, and had the power of illusion, to appear as other people, and even objects, to the cubes inhabitants.

QUESTION: Does this power of illusion explain paranormal experiences, i.e. ghosts, disembodied spirits, hauntings, on this earth?

Thank you.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by B. W. »

Blessed wrote:Thank you for your extensive and detailed reply. I really appreciate it. I know it must take you time and your a busy man. I've been reading it. It's allot to address.

In regards to banking on Jesus Christ as my personal savior, I believe Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, yes.

However, I use life's circumstances to justify sin or "getting away with it". Based on the cards I'm being dealt. It's not my fault. I'm being forced into temptations and having to fight it with everything I've got.
Certain things happen to all of us in life and are victims. However, remaining a victim is one thing and another is not remaining enslaved to being a victim and spreading victimization around upon those around us.

Jesus came and broke the chains of being enslaved to being a victim so we stop making more victims by our actions and thoughts, etc.

One of the best ways I help folks with that works and helps people overcome is to realize that, as a Born Again Believer in Jesus, you now have more in common with Jesus than the world, the flesh, and the ways of the devil. Just mull over Romans 8:29 for a bit and then Isa 61:1-4. We battle devils temptations, the flesh, the world system and it does become easier with time to lay aside these things when we get this mindset: I have more in common with Jesus now then with what is afflicting me. It does helps and works and how it works I cannot explain other than it is the work of the Lord in the Heart... he does it.

Our sins can and will make more victims in this world. Jesus came to stop this and make us new and whole - how - 1John 4:4 who do you have more in common with?
Blessed wrote: 1-Are you saying that in their heart-of-hearts the cubes inhabitants followed their own version of morality and "godliness" over God's? Don't most human beings do this to a certain extent?

2-What is the standard of God's judgement after death?

3-Are the card's dealt in this life, who you are inside, your spirit, motives, positive desires, positive feelings and questions that drive you, all taken into account during judgement? Or just the negative stuff? If someone is more "afflicted' by sin (tested harder) is this taken into account?

4-I'm trying to understand God's judgement. Also if I am "cast out" will God answer every question, quarreling, and philosopics, I've had during my life?
I added numbers 1-4 to answer you:

1-Yes and yes... it goes back to Gen 3 become one's own god based upon lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life and if allowed into heaven rejecting God's cure for this on the bases of sentimental love they would turn heaven into hell in short order. God's cure is in this life alone. You share what you can with folks about the cure - Jesus - and let things play out in their lives - often many of these folks will come to Jesus in the last moments of life and enter in like the thief on the cross.

2-This will sound strange but his standard is his Love. His love judges and shows all how they treat God's love along with its grace and gift of life how people treat such love in this mortal life. Some manipulate love to gain advantage and control. Others spurn love because they were victimized and thus continue teaching other to be victims all justified by how they were treated in life.

There is so much more to this than I list but the skinny on this is this: How do we betray, negligent, abandon, reject, put on trial, bear false witness, abused, stolen from, have them perform to our whims, place heavy burdens on, crucified?

None of us are innocent of these things as we were victimized in the some way and simply continue to spread it around. That is how we treat God's love. Look at Romans 15:3 it tells us what Jesus went thru on the cross: "THE REPROACHES OF THOSE WHO REPROACHED YOU FELL ON ME."

Paul was quoting Psalms 69:7,8,9,20,21 NKJV reads: "Because for Your sake I have borne reproach; Shame has covered my face. 8 I have become a stranger to my brothers, And an alien to my mother's children; 9 Because zeal for Your house has eaten me up, And the reproaches of those who reproach You have fallen on me....
...20 Reproach has broken my heart, And I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; And for comforters, but I found none. 21 They also gave me gall for my food, And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink

That is how we treat goodness and love and seek to use it for our advantages and gain. Until we realize that we are the ones who put Jesus on the cross; that as the OT law states the people place their sins upon the sacrifice is how he took our sins upon himself. Then Jesus, dying in our place, and taking God's wrath in our place for putting him on the the cross in the first place is a love beyond what we can fully fathom. A Love that went so great length to wake us up to what we are really like is too profound to fully comprehend.

A Love that came, let us put our sins upon him to reveal what we are really like to friends family, our own selves, strangers and God and then took our punishment for doing so (THE REPROACHES OF THOSE WHO REPROACHED YOU God FELL ON ME Jesus) is a love way to profound for me to comprehend and goes way beyond mere sentimentality. Till we see this, the message is the cross will continue to lose its full impact in peoples lives.

The standard of judgement after death is what we are really like on the insides compared to who God is and how we treated God's goodness and love for our own gain and our contempt toward his goodness. WE'd do anything, say anything, rather than trust in his love and goodness and change by it - why - because folks do love darkness more than light.

3-Yes -All those things are revealed exposing what is really on the insides. It is a terrible thing to see yourself as you really are with all one's facades removed. The things that came our way came from folks and we learn to justify doing the same to others and spread it around. Postie things are erased by what is inside the heart. People just do not know what is trulu inside the heart.

4- First off, you will not be cast out because god has a hold on you. Those things you mentioned will not cast you away at all. Just keep in mind that you have more in common with Jesus than these things. Things become easier
Blessed wrote:Regarding my experiance(s): It was very concerning. You'd stated the creatures of the cubes (i.e. demons) lived "eons" ago, and had the power of illusion, to appear as other people, and even objects, to the cubes inhabitants.

QUESTION: Does this power of illusion explain paranormal experiences, i.e. ghosts, disembodied spirits, hauntings, on this earth?
Yes, it explains them as well as decent people putting their faith in these sorts of things more then God shows they are not as good as they think they are for giving heed to such things and exalting these above all else.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »


May I PM you?

I have, something happened to me.

If I post here people will call me nuts.
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Re: Hells Dominion by B.W. Melvin

Post by Blessed »

Thank you for your reply. I am reading everything.
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