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Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 9:51 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Butterfly wrote:A woman's glory should be whatever she wishes it to be, and her pleasure and happiness as well...just like it is for men.
Funny you should say that. In a used book shop, I found a publication commemorating the 50th anniversary of the USSR. It is littered with pictorial and prose gems vaunting the glory of the USSR:

The half-century history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is that of the emergence of the indissoluble unity and friendship of all the nations within the framework of the Soviet socialist state. It is the history of the unprecedented growth and all-round development of the state which was born of the socialist revolution and which is now one of the mightiest powers in the world.
-Leonid Brezhnev

In the light of what has happened since, the whole book is hilarious :pound: ! The USSR was dissolved and each of its constituent nations went their own quarrelsome way in spite of ''the indissoluable unity and friendship of all the nations within the framework of the Soviet socialist state.''

The photos relating to women are also funny! One shows a woman doing heavy manual labor in a foundry, side-by-side with her male comrades; another shows a woman in the captain's seat of an airliner; another shows a woman looking intently at a solution in a test tube. many women want to work in a foundry, really? ...and, women pilots account for no more than 2% of all licensed pilots in the world so the likelyhood of having Svetlana or Hana as the Captain of your next flight are really, really small. (The lady with the test tube is a better reflection of reality than the other two.) Even so, I agree with you that ''A woman's glory should be whatever she wishes it to be.''

The thing is, women generally don't want the same things as men and so their ''glory'' ends up being different from men's. Not better or worse, just different.


Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 12:31 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote:
You guys are wimps! Ya gotta lern to keep yer wimmin in line!
Furstentum Liechtenstein, please do school us on your technique - as apparently we are doing something terribly wrong! :shock: And thus need all the pointers we can get. :D
Dare's too wheys too keep wimmin in line:

1. Give 'em what dey want,
2. Don't give 'em what dey want.

See, whichever whey yoo chooze, ya gotta stay wit it an neva neva go over and doo the udder whey 'cause that'll juss confound yer wimmin. Its like wen yer loss inna forest: ya don juss turn leff & den rite and den leff and den rite cause youle juss get more-in-more loss! Ya gotta keep inna strait line if ya wanna git somewear.

IMPORTINT: chooze ether #1 or #2 and stik wit it.

If yoo chooze #1, alls fine but its gonna coss a lotta $$$, so I advize yong men hoo chooze #1 to only marry a rich wimmin.
If you chooze #2, ya gots mor choice in wimmin but shes gonna git frustrated now & den cauz nothin's gong her whey, so I advize yong men hoo chooze #2 to catch deir wimmin by the waste an say ''I Loooove ya, honney!'' once inna wile juss to keep her happy.


Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 5:18 am
by Philip
I vote for #1 - marry rich and then give her all she wants (within reason, of course). :lol: As how could it possibly go wrong? :shock:

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 3:19 am
by CazPerth
Dallas wrote:About three days ago I got into a little argument on why men are much more dominant than their female counter parts.

Let me be clear about this, what I said to her I did not agree with, but it's the truth.

So here's the scoop. A friend of mine posted something on facebook asking why when men have sex they get called a "Stud," but when women have sex they are considered a "whore" or a "****." Which is true.
So I said it has to do with the dominance between a male and a female. Males are considered to have a higher dominance than females, because of the way we're built (physically). Which I find, by the Grace of God, completely unacceptable.
A female posted a reply saying that is not true, men are not more dominant than a female. Then I explained to her the reason why they we are "considered" to be dominant. I kept coming back to the physical factors, compared to the mental factors.

So am I correct on this or no? I do believe without a shadow of a doubt, that men are more dominant (in the sinful word) because of their physical attributes, compared to their mental.

Again I am going to stress, dominance should not be judged on physical contact.
Ok going back to the OP. I'm curious about why you said something you don't agree with but then claim it is the truth? y:-/
You have begged the question for starters. What is dominance and where do you see men having more of it? Certainly in some societies there has been an historical picture painted of women dominated by men (however I venture to suggest that women have had far more power where it counts than the recorders of the history have cared to acknowledge) and in the Bible we see a patriarchal society. Taking the question from a biblical perspective we can start with Genesis and note that Eve was of Adam's flesh and their relationship would have been as equals who share the same body and mind had they not sinned. One could imagine in a paradise where all food was provided they could have been equal partners in raising their children. After the fall Adam was to toil for food and Eve was to give birth in pain. How else could this division of labour proceed except that women as mothers must be dependent on the father of the children to provide a greater portion of the food.

I will stop here to note that I consider myself a feminist (surprise!). I am the mother of four children and raised three of them as a single parent so I know how hard it is to be the sole provider and nurturer. I challenge you to find more examples of men being both the provider AND the nurturer than of women taking on both roles.
Thank the Lord I have been blessed with a second relationship with a man who is an equal partner in raising my fourth child we both work and divide parenting equally.

The OP question seems simple but the answer is incredibly complex. I have more questions. Why do men have a lower pain threshold? Why do women live longer after the death of their spouse than vice versa? To give but two.

Love and peace

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:44 am
by domokunrox
CazPerth wrote: Ok going back to the OP. I'm curious about why you said something you don't agree with but then claim it is the truth? y:-/
You have begged the question for starters. What is dominance and where do you see men having more of it? Certainly in some societies there has been an historical picture painted of women dominated by men (however I venture to suggest that women have had far more power where it counts than the recorders of the history have cared to acknowledge) and in the Bible we see a patriarchal society. Taking the question from a biblical perspective we can start with Genesis and note that Eve was of Adam's flesh and their relationship would have been as equals who share the same body and mind had they not sinned. One could imagine in a paradise where all food was provided they could have been equal partners in raising their children. After the fall Adam was to toil for food and Eve was to give birth in pain. How else could this division of labour proceed except that women as mothers must be dependent on the father of the children to provide a greater portion of the food.

I will stop here to note that I consider myself a feminist (surprise!). I am the mother of four children and raised three of them as a single parent so I know how hard it is to be the sole provider and nurturer. I challenge you to find more examples of men being both the provider AND the nurturer than of women taking on both roles.
Thank the Lord I have been blessed with a second relationship with a man who is an equal partner in raising my fourth child we both work and divide parenting equally.

The OP question seems simple but the answer is incredibly complex. I have more questions. Why do men have a lower pain threshold? Why do women live longer after the death of their spouse than vice versa? To give but two.

Love and peace
Hi Carolyn. Thanks for your post. I have a couple of comments.
You say that man and women stood as equals before they sinned, and that is simply incorrect. Please refer to the following scripture.
Genesis 2:18, 21-23 NASB
Then the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him." [21] So the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place. [22] The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. [23] The man said, "This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man."

What people seem to not notice here is that the usage of the rib is VERY significant. The ribs serve a PROTECTIVE purpose. Surely, that can be interpreted in a variety of ways, but we can certainly say that the ribs do not exercise authority over the man. Quite the opposite. The man has authority over his body. This is not vague symbolism. This is as God intended it.

When one says equal or equality and assumes that the man and women conditions are equal, you pretty much slam face first into physical inconsistencies and logical impossibilities. The word you are looking for is that we have similarities and one of those similarities is that we have a creator that has given us purpose. A purpose in which we play to our strengths, but make no mistake here that the man is the leader. To say that it is equal or contrary is just unbiblical and unsupported by every shred of evidence imaginable.

Second, you may want to reconsider your identity as a feminist because the idea and goals of feminism is not equality but rather of female superiority and that man is second class. I often tell other women," we're different, there is nothing wrong with that".

I found your other comment interesting as well that you challenge to find a more examples of man being the provider and nurturer. We need not look any further then Christ.

I believe these kinds of challenges are silly for us to do. For example, I challenge a women out there to teach a boy how to become a man. Or challenge a man to teach a young girl how to be a women. It sounds ridiculous because it actually is.

To your last questions.

Why do men have a lower pain threshold?

Not sure what you mean, but men are probably mentally engaged in a different way in regards to how they respond to pain. Then again, it depends on what kind of pain you're talking about.

Why do women live longer?

Might have more to do with the fact that women are typically younger or are in generally safer occupation working conditions.

My wife is 7 years older then me. I am shrugging my shoulders here on that one.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:31 pm
by Philip
In my house, conversations related to this topic can go very bad, very quickly - ESPECIALLY, if I give one of those "God bestowed headship/authority to the husband" type of responses. And, now trust me on this one, guys - never, EVER exclaim, "Well, there's a reason why there weren't any "chick" apostles!" :esurprised: :shock: :esurprised: :shock: :esurprised: :shock: And THEN following that weak attempt at humor with: "I've also noticed that women typically don't have as good a sense of humor as us guys do." But now, I think I understand why (or I understand it as it was explained to me. :roll:

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:20 am
by CazPerth
I get carried away sometimes :roll: Its too big a topic to tackle in one post but I'll consider your response, Phil, even if I don't respond here. You mentioned your wife being older, I am 12 years older than my husband.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:06 am
by Philip
No, Caz, my wife is a year younger than me.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:08 am
by CazPerth
It was the post above yours. oops :oops:

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 5:47 am
by Mallz
Why do men have a lower pain threshold?
Being in the medical field I can tell you this is absolutely false. Everyones pain threshold is different. There is no gender differences in response or ability to 'handle' pain. I work with people emotionally and mentally crushed, spiritually questioning and physically very sick. The main differences I see in someones ability to 'deal' is their social/economic/educational background and their outlook on life.

Why do women live longer after the death of their spouse than vice versa?
Women in general go to their doctors and come to the hospital much more frequently, resulting in better health. Men generally ignore obvious signs there's something wrong with them. Then come in later or too late. Also, historically and not anymore, men were the smokers/drinkers/coal workers/etc to hazardous environmental factors affecting their health. Now since women want to be just as stupid (or work in hazardous environments, the substance abuse was the point to the beginning of this sentence), your seeing that gap decrease.