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Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:14 pm
by ClassicalTeacher
RickD wrote:
PeteSinCA wrote:Thanks, Rick. My long posts near the end were the ones I liked....something possibly informative and helpful.
Pete, that's one good thing that can come out of these kinds of threads. Others reading can get a better understanding of things such as the trinity. Those who refuse to see, will still be blind. But others who are open, will learn more about why JW is a cult, and why the doctrine of the trinity is backed by scripture.
Pete has a beautiful way of writing and I've printed a number of his posts for my own personal meditation. His writing are truly inspired and are inspiring. And, he is a kind and compassionate mod on RO. I'm glad you got a chance to read for yourself what we went through with alter. There are some very good, well-meaning people on RO and they didn't deserve to be ignored after making such an effort to answer the questions posed. FC (the author of the two questions you repeated) will be tickled to know that you have posed them to her again! God bless you!

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:22 pm
by ClassicalTeacher
RickD wrote:Alter2Ego,

Since I'm moderating, I have two "rules" you must follow if you want to continue posting here.

1). You must post using the normal
system that was put in place here. No more

Alter2Ego -to- whomever quoting will be allowed.


2). You must answer these 2 questions before proceeding with anything else:
1. Do you believe that Jesus is God?
2. Do you believe that Jesus is holy?
Failure to follow my conditions will result in your post getting deleted.


Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:39 pm
by ClassicalTeacher
This was a response to one of alter's comments in another forum (body-building). I thought it was funny--and I hope it's ok to post it here. I love the old Twilight Zone episodes!

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:01 am
by PeteSinCA
ClassicalTeacher wrote:
RickD wrote:
PeteSinCA wrote:Thanks, Rick. My long posts near the end were the ones I liked....something possibly informative and helpful.
Pete, that's one good thing that can come out of these kinds of threads. Others reading can get a better understanding of things such as the trinity. Those who refuse to see, will still be blind. But others who are open, will learn more about why JW is a cult, and why the doctrine of the trinity is backed by scripture.
Pete has a beautiful way of writing and I've printed a number of his posts for my own personal meditation. His writing are truly inspired and are inspiring. And, he is a kind and compassionate mod on RO. I'm glad you got a chance to read for yourself what we went through with alter. There are some very good, well-meaning people on RO and they didn't deserve to be ignored after making such an effort to answer the questions posed. FC (the author of the two questions you repeated) will be tickled to know that you have posed them to her again! God bless you!
Thanks, CT. I feel particularly unequal to your compliment.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:58 pm
by Alter2Ego
RickD wrote:Alter2Ego,

I'm going to step back from the discussion, and moderate.
With that, I need to point out what Danieltwotwenty was trying to say. He tried to show you how Jeremiah 23:24 shows God's omnipresence. Here's the verse:
24 “Can a man hide himself in hiding places
So I do not see him?” declares the Lord.
“Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the Lord.

Since the verse says that God fills the heavens and the earth, I believe that's where Daniel was showing God's omnipresence.

Alter2Ego, how do you interpret that part of the verse?
I responded in detail and gave Danieltwotwenty the context: that Jehovah was speaking specifically to the ancient Israelites and not to the entire universe and that the expression "God fills the heavens and the earth" is figurative speech that indicates God has the ability to know what is occurring. Below is the weblink to that conversation. It will be my second post on page 6 of this thread. The weblink will take you directly to that response. ... ow#p141557

At the response in question (the weblink is provided above), I directed Danieltwotwenty's attention to the context of Jeremiah 23:24 (the surrounding verses) where figurative speech was consistently used. For instance, the false religious leaders and false prophets from among the ancient Israelites were referred to as shepherds, and the common people were referred to as sheep. If the "shepherds" and "sheep" at Jeremiah chapter 23 were not literal but were in reality human beings, then the expression "God fills the heavens and earth," is likewise not literal. It is with reference to Jehovah's ability to know what is taking place in heaven and on earth.

Because Danieltwotwenty is not interested in context and has chosen to believe that God is "omnipresent," he/she rejected the idea that the words "shepherds" and "sheep" -- when applied to human beings -- is considered figurative speech. Below is what he stated along that line at Page 6 of this thread, at the following weblink. It will be his/her second post on the page, and his/her second paragraph. ... ow#p141579

Danieltwotwenty wrote:The dictionary say that sheep can mean people who follow and shepherd can also be religious leaders of a flock (which can mean a group of people)and the pastures are obviously the land they live in. So really most of these words here can be interpreted as literal because that is what the words mean, the only word here that really needs interpretation would be pastures.
Did you see that? Danieltwotwenty said humans are literal sheep. And you are telling me that I need to respond to everything everyone says, even when they are arguing that misguided human beings are literal sheep rather than figurative sheep!

Why in the world would I continue responding to someone who, after I showed them the context to the verse that they cherry picked, went right back to insisting it is literal? Not only that, Danieltwotwenty is now calling to have me banned because I showed him/her the context to Jeremiah 23:24 and indicated it is figurative speech. In other words, those they don't agree with should be banned. I am assuming that everyone here agrees with everyone else, including those who believe in evolution theory and those who do not, and those who believe the Bible is inspired of God and those who do not, etc.

As I have stated repeatedly, people who believe in trinity, literal hellfire torment, omnipresence, etc. are not interested in context. It's about them and what they have chosen to believe. It is always about them and their personal philosophy. It is never about what the Bible is really saying.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:21 pm
by Alter2Ego
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
neo-x wrote:
Speak for yourself. I happen to believe that you are an atheist and that you don't care anything about any conversation where the Bible is concerned. In fact, you showed up earlier making derogatory comments about the New World Translation. So your sudden interest in the cherry picked words that were isolated from the context of several verses is suspicious, at best.
I think you are too full of yourself.

I agree, this person has no interest in rational discourse whatsoever, all they seem to be interested in is their bold assertions. :soap:

Not one of my questions was answered in her above post and I really think the mods should ban this person immediately as she has violated the forum rules on several occasions and has been warned. :sban:

She is just trolling us trying to get a bad reaction, I seriously think the whole board should cease any sort of communication with her, the only thing we can do is pray that she might see the light of truth. y[-o<

Well I am not going to waste anymore time on this, I don't like giving up on people but in this situation I think going on with this is only perpetuating an extremely bad situation.

Now I am sure she will say we are persecuting her and that will validate her belief that she is right, but I think it takes the bigger people to walk away from madness.

You were debunked by the context to Jeremiah 23:24. Get over yourself.

And since you are now spitefully announcing that I should be banned simply because we disagree about scripture (being that you insist human beings are literal sheep), guess what? Our conversation is over. Whether I will hang around here long enough to go back to debating you at some future date is up for grabs.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:39 pm
by Alter2Ego
Mallz wrote:
Danieltwotwenty wrote:Not one of my questions was answered in her above post and I really think the mods should ban this person immediately as she has violated the forum rules on several occasions and has been warned
Seriously... Please listen mods. I, too, have read her tiresome, rude 'discussions'. I come here to learn and ask questions. Seeing someone like this being humored to the extent she has been is disappointing and frankly I loose interest in checking these forums when such closed-minded hateful people are allowed to run rampant. If I feel this way, others must. Lets keep these forums on track for the good they are created for: Intellectual, respectful discussions from those of various faiths or lack of in search for truth.
Obviously, various people are showing up in this thread, not to debate the topic, but to post inflammatory remarks that will get the moderators worked up enough to either ban me or lock this thread. It's called "manipulate the moderators."

BTW: You have not posted anything related to the topic of this thread. Danieltwotwenty at least posted one verse of scripture, before he/she started calling for my head (begging the moderators to ban me). Since you apparently are only interested in posting insults--which I am not interested in reading--consider yourself the newest addition to my "Ignore" list. You will remain there until my account at this website is cancelled.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:06 pm
by Alter2Ego
(Post deleted by moderator)

Alter2Ego -to- Everyone:

RickD to Alter2Ego:
Correction, gone on permanent vacation. She's on a one way flight aboard Ban Am Airlines.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:14 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
These were the exact types of reply I expected.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:35 pm
by RickD
I know I said I was going to delete her posts, but I think it's better off if everyone can see them.

Alter2Ego has been permanently banished to the God & Science "eternal flames" of the ban lake of fire, which she probably thinks doesn't exist.

So she won't be replying to any more posts here.

If anyone is still interested in discussing anything on this topic that she posted in her original post, please start a new thread.

Thanks for everyone's patience.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, my pm "door" is always open. :D

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 10:42 am
by zacchaeus
RickD wrote:Alter2Ego has been permanently banished to the God & Science "eternal flames" of the ban lake of fire, which she probably thinks doesn't exist
Don't want to play advocate lol... are the God & Science "Eternal Flames" literal flames and or fire, is she could read your last response it would only add fuel to her fire (metaphorically). Not good, lol :clap:

Ps. A little peeved that I read this entire thread to
find in the end it was futile and cannot respond now!!!

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:03 pm
by RickD
zacchaeus wrote:
Don't want to play advocate lol... are the God & Science "Eternal Flames" literal flames and or fire, is she could read your last response it would only add fuel to her fire (metaphorically). Not good, lol
While Alter2Ego's ban from God & Science is literal and eternal, the flames are metaphorical. :mrgreen:

It was meant as a "dig" at Alter2Ego's original post in this thread.

Re: Bible Teachings or Traditions of Men?

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 11:44 pm
by B. W.
Wow, I missed this one :guitar:

Returned for a great meeting in all places the wilderness of Nebraska (Scott's Bluff). Great time - the praise music awesome!

God is real and he all showed up... :coffee: :consent:
