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Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:46 pm
by thesign
RickD wrote:But we can't play along with his delusions of grandeur,
It's that cut throat technology which has gotten you into this mess.

Identity is not something to be abused.

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:09 pm
by thesign
That has all been addressed.

The bottom line is that the General Resurrection of the Dead is not a psychotic disorder.

For you to continue your rant in disbelief as you have will only show your disrespect not only for the science of psychiatry, but for Theology as well, which is the Mother of all sciences.
RickD wrote:thesign,

The least you could do is to seek medical attention for the possibility of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Maybe something as simple as the proper medication can get you back to reality.

For the sake of you and your loved ones, please go see a doctor.

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:18 pm
by thesign
RickD wrote:England will be destroyed?
The colonies admitted to their source in their list of grievances.

But through the murder of an innocent man, the tyranny has been willfully transplanted to within their own borders.

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:28 pm
by thesign
RickD wrote:for "judging" you.
Under the guise of skepticism.

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:43 pm
by RickD
I really feel bad for you. Whatever trauma you've been through that has you pushing aside reality like you do, must've been awful. I'm sorry for whoever hurt you. Please get some help. y[-o<

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:13 am
by Storyteller

Show me where I have judged you.

No, I don`t believe you are who you say you are but that is not judging you, it is merely my opinion. I freely admit I could be wrong yet you are so certain in your belief.

Is Christ about love, forgiveness and compassion? You show none of these things.

Believe it or not, I care greatly about you, as I do about everybody. Love thy neighbour? I try, I often fail but that is something I try and improve on every day.

Do you remember David Icke? He thought he was the Messiah. History is littered with those that make extraordinary claims. You have done nothing to back up your claims, all you have done is respond to my posts in a condescending manner. That does not speak of God to me.

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:25 am
by thesign
I've put your quote at the bottom to put things into the proper perspective for you.

My reality is exactly as I've explained.

I feel the Ascension of Christ into Heaven : it is blissful; and such feeling has only been made possible through Christ's Redemption for Mankind.

I am facing betrayal by my country; if you really feel bad, it is because of your active participation in that betrayal, not something of me that you can honestly say you experience for me.

If you are so greedy that you need to attempt to steal the reward of another saint, then you should feel bad.

Such a reward doesn't belong to you and to attempt to steal something that is eternal that belongs to another can only result in a judgment against you which is eternal because Christ's Kingdom is without end, and neither murderers, thieves, nor the like enter into Christ's Kingdom without reproach. (Daniel 12:2)

World War III is in full swing. (Ezekiel 21:14)

It is the war of Satan against all of mankind, and Satan has less than 333 days left before he is thrown into his eternal resting place of the Judgment prepared for him from the foundation of the world. (Matthew 25:41-42)

You also attempt in your quote to treat this as something purely in the past, while in reality it is current.

The apparition at Medjugorje which began there in the first year of World War III includes the prophecy of the Great Event, where everyone will be brought to the awareness of their sin.

This is unavoidable.

As it is Satan who is making war against mankind, don't feel sorry for him, ask St. Michael the Archangel to cast him into hell where he belongs. (Daniel 12:1)

The prayer of St. Michael (say this prayer everyday) :

"St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle, be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do Thou, oh Prince of the Heavenly Host, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls."
RickD wrote:I really feel bad for you. Whatever trauma you've been through that has you pushing aside reality like you do, must've been awful. I'm sorry for whoever hurt you. Please get some help. y[-o<

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:00 am
by EssentialSacrifice
The apparition(s) at Medjugorje which began there in the first year of World War III includes the prophecy of the Great Event, where everyone will be brought to the awareness of their sin.
and what of the prophecy of Garabandal ?

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 5:20 am
by RickD

Seeing how you brought up Medjugorie, you might be interested in this book: ... 096371418X

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:52 pm
by NobodySpecial
I think Scripture is pretty clear that the resurrection of the dead will not happen until after Christ returns when He initiates the thousand-year reign. (see Revelation 20:4-5). Those verses also reference that the ones who will reign with Him at that time are those who have not received the mark of the beast - which has yet to reveal itself. So no one who has died will be resurrected until both of those events come to pass.

Additionally, in regards to John the Baptist and Elijah - John himself plainly states he is not Elijah (John 1:21) For a complete context on John the Baptist and his relation to Elijah see ... st-elijah/

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 2:59 pm
by thesign
Storyteller wrote:Show me where I have judged you.
Being skeptical is like being an agnostic, it can be very dangerous.

This encyclical addresses agnosticism within the context of modernism showing how a mental beheading can occur: ... regis.html

As World War III is a direct attack upon the individual, it is an excellent reading written only seven years before the World Wars began.
Storyteller wrote:you can hardly blame us for being skeptical. . . . I hope you eventually get the help you so blatantly need.
So if you choose to toe the line in the middle of the road, that's one thing, but I never made an appeal for aid in this topic.

Yet you judged that I 'blatantly need' help.

The Gospels include reference to judgment. (Matthew 19:28, Luke 22:30)

But when those references are used by men only to mock, Satan is at the helm.

Satan has been very active throughout this thread posing as recommender to psychiatry.
Storyteller wrote:No, I don`t believe you are who you say you are but that is not judging you, it is merely my opinion.
It's still judgment, wrapped in what you call opinion.

The world of judgment is opinion. (John 16:8)

That which is not convicted are the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12)

Yet here in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Satan not only runs a mockery of judgment, but of conviction as well.
Storyteller wrote:I freely admit I could be wrong yet you are so certain in your belief.
I stated that Christ's Reincarnation is the Resurrection.

Likewise, His planting of public revelation yields private revelation.

Such revelation is explained here :
Storyteller wrote:Is Christ about love, forgiveness and compassion?
And much more.
Storyteller wrote:You show none of these things.
Instead of trolling globally with your hooks of judgment, why not choose a single point and proceed from there?

Aside from pitting me against Christ and then bashing me, what proof, outside of your own opinion do you have for lodging such a rude insult?

That question is somewhat rhetorical, but I would have you ask yourself that question before you attempt to dash another into the ground as what a man soweth, so also shall he reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Brit that you are, you prove that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Storyteller wrote:Believe it or not, I care greatly about you, as I do about everybody.
It has nothing to do with belief, your judgment betrays you.
Storyteller wrote:I try, I often fail but that is something I try and improve on every day.
I accept that as a confession.

May God bless you.
Storyteller wrote:Do you remember David Icke?
I posted the counting of the end of days at his forum, too.
Storyteller wrote:He thought he was the Messiah.
There are moments of ecstasy that are like that.

The danger lies in believing it.

Loving Christ produces a strong bond. (John 14:23)
Storyteller wrote:History is littered with those that make extraordinary claims.
I have history and prophecy to confirm my experiences, they aren't claims.

As you are surrounded by water, are you sure you weren't trying to type "clams"?
Storyteller wrote:You have done nothing to back up your claims,
Well, if you meant 'clams', sometimes I'll have some mackeral on hand, tuna, smoked mussels, oysters, that sort of thing.
Storyteller wrote:all you have done is respond to my posts in a condescending manner.
Well, maybe you'll think otherwise of this reply.
Storyteller wrote:That does not speak of God to me.
God created the fish of the sea. (Genesis 1:21)

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:44 pm
by RickD
thesign wrote:
Satan has been very active throughout this thread posing as recommender to psychiatry.

Since I've said that you may possibly need psychiatric help, are you saying that I'm Satan, or possessed by Satan?

It seems to me that since I've been the one who has recommended that you seek psychiatric help, that you're calling me Satan.

You need to answer this, and answer it clearly with no confusion.

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:51 am
by EssentialSacrifice
You need to answer this, and answer it clearly with no confusion.
Well, just to be clear...I think you scared the crap out of him and now he's gone... OK ? :clap:

although I gotta say, he may be back... really didn't think he'd be this easy to uproot sssshhhh ... y/:]

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:05 pm
by RickD
EssentialSacrifice wrote:
You need to answer this, and answer it clearly with no confusion.
Well, just to be clear...I think you scared the crap out of him and now he's gone... OK ? :clap:

although I gotta say, he may be back... really didn't think he'd be this easy to uproot sssshhhh ... y/:]
Maybe he took our advice, and he went to get help. y[-o<

Re: Unsealing Daniel 12:11 & 12 unto the Judgment

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:29 pm
by EssentialSacrifice
Maybe he took our advice, and he went to get help. y[-o<
looked everywhere for that darn elusive "cross your fingers" smiley... :toppoints: this'll do ...