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Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 5:58 pm
by Kenny
Kurieuo wrote: Isn't one's "evil" just another's "good" and even pleasure?
Nothing more, and nothing less.
Unfortunately it is, but I don’t respect the other persons pleasure. I judge based upon what I believe is right or wrong. I know it sounds arrogant, but that’s how I judge things. And my views of right and wrong for the most part is the same as what most people view right and wrong.
Of course my view of inserting God where I put myself only changes the quote;

One mans evil is just another man’s pleasure nothing more and nothing less to…..
God’s evil is just another mans pleasure nothing more and nothing less.

Which doesn’t change anything unless he suffers consequences in the after life…..but then if he believes and trust, maybe not.
Kurieuo wrote:I feel you're more taking a dig at RickD, but in case your statements are intended as a generalisation of Christians and towards grace.
I wasn’t taking a dig at him, I was just trying to find out where he is coming from.Obviously just because a person believes and trust Jesus doesn’t mean they are going to stop sinning and doing wrong. To believe and trust does not automatically equal good behavior.

I guess my skepticism is based upon the fact that over the years I’ve seen people trust Jesus, have faith, believe, etc. etc. but they continue to beat their wives, abuse their children, and unapologetic as they use their position at work to cause harm to innocent people simply because they have the wrong skin color. I guess the idea that some feel they can commit evil acts free of consequences as long as they trust and believe the right way; bothers me.

This may sound like a silly question, but if trusting is all it takes, why even have a day of judgment? Why not just say those who trust go to Heaven, and those who don’t go to Hell? What’s really to judge?
Kurieuo wrote:Desiring Christ leads to "trust in Christ" which contradicts "wicked heart desires much hell".
Take "believe [pisteuo] in your heart" as found in Romans 10:9-10:
  • 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
  • pisteuo think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in
    a) of the thing believed
    i. to credit, have confidence
    b) in a moral or religious reference
    i. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
    ii. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith
    iii. mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
    2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity
    a) to be intrusted with a thing
Read over Romans 6 and chapter 7 Kenny, and you'll see Paul talks of spiritual conflict between flesh and spirit.
There is something that goes on in the spiritual man/woman in Christ and being conflicted (afflicted might be a better term) by their flesh.
To know Christ has our back, means we can be free to love others and show the same spirit of love and grace that God showed towards us in Christ.
That sounds like a person who wants to do right but is struggling with his character flaws and moral weaknesses. I'm talking about the person who has no desire to change, yet they trust and believe.


Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2015 10:03 pm
by Mallz
Hope you don't mind me jumping in here..
And my views of right and wrong for the most part is the same as what most people view right and wrong.
I think that is way too of a presumptuous statement to make. Go to the Middle East where sharia law is the law of governance, go to Africa where you find the same or a jumbled mess, etc. to more countries.
Without an objective measure of good and evil... Romans 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.
I guess my skepticism is based upon the fact that over the years I’ve seen people trust Jesus, have faith, believe, etc. etc. but they continue to beat their wives, abuse their children, and unapologetic as they use their position at work to cause harm to innocent people simply because they have the wrong skin color. I guess the idea that some feel they can commit evil acts free of consequences as long as they trust and believe the right way; bothers me.
Those are called hypocrites. I've come under the belief that OSAS is true, but no human can determine who is saved, only have ideas and would have a better idea if someone is not saved (but generally, I don't see a point in even going here, no reason at all). This behavior is not one that you see from someone who trusts Christ and believes in Him. There are false christs, false gospels, much confusion because of the injection of humanism into religion that has been going on for so long.. Before it was the state injected as seen with the Catholic Church, now it's humanism. How can you have an idea of where a person sits? Who is their God? What do their actions say their God is? Are they their own God? What does their heart believe and lead them to, does it match up with their claims?
This may sound like a silly question, but if trusting is all it takes, why even have a day of judgment? Why not just say those who trust go to Heaven, and those who don’t go to Hell? What’s really to judge?
Excellent question, please keep asking!! Dude, you are spot on. This is exactly it!! You are not condemned to hell for your sins, but for your unbelief in your creator.

As for judgement. Those who believe in The Christ already have their sins forgiven, they are forgotten. And as long as we remain repentant and humble, YHWH is righteous in forgiving our sins, so He continually does until mortal death.
Judgement for those who do not believe will be judged based on their righteousness in life. No one can be righteous their entire life, so all are damned unless we trust in Christ. The judgement of unbelievers can be better put as the judgement of the damned. Then once they are all found lacking for heaven, their sins will all be judged to see their degree of punishment in hell.
I'm talking about the person who has no desire to change, yet they trust and believe.
I don't see those people as ever being saved. Again, their heart does not follow God. Their lips might deceive others to say they do, but their actions and life betray their heart.

Forgot to add the judgment of the just. Believers will be judged by their works for rewards. We will be rewarded and miss out on rewards (I'm sure everyone will miss out on something?) These are eternal rewards, which is why Jesus and the apostles stressed to become disciples of Christ (not just saved) for our race to do His will before we die will determine part of our eternal destiny. And YHWH wants to pour out His blessing on us, however, He is a gentleman as He is Love and does not 'come on to us' or force himself upon us. Our relationship to Him is up to us individually. He's waiting to bless and reward us, but will we join the race?

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 3:46 am
by Storyteller
Kenny wrote:
Kurieuo wrote: Isn't one's "evil" just another's "good" and even pleasure?
Nothing more, and nothing less.
Unfortunately it is, but I don’t respect the other persons pleasure. I judge based upon what I believe is right or wrong. I know it sounds arrogant, but that’s how I judge things. And my views of right and wrong for the most part is the same as what most people view right and wrong.
Of course my view of inserting God where I put myself only changes the quote;

One mans evil is just another man’s pleasure nothing more and nothing less to…..
God’s evil is just another mans pleasure nothing more and nothing less.

Which doesn’t change anything unless he suffers consequences in the after life…..but then if he believes and trust, maybe not.
Kurieuo wrote:I feel you're more taking a dig at RickD, but in case your statements are intended as a generalisation of Christians and towards grace.
I wasn’t taking a dig at him, I was just trying to find out where he is coming from.Obviously just because a person believes and trust Jesus doesn’t mean they are going to stop sinning and doing wrong. To believe and trust does not automatically equal good behavior.
Kenny wrote:I guess my skepticism is based upon the fact that over the years I’ve seen people trust Jesus, have faith, believe, etc. etc. but they continue to beat their wives, abuse their children, and unapologetic as they use their position at work to cause harm to innocent people simply because they have the wrong skin color. I guess the idea that some feel they can commit evil acts free of consequences as long as they trust and believe the right way; bothers me.

This may sound like a silly question, but if trusting is all it takes, why even have a day of judgment? Why not just say those who trust go to Heaven, and those who don’t go to Hell? What’s really to judge?
I could be wrong but I think if people claim to believe in Christ yet still knowingly sin, or use their faith as an excuse to sin then I would question whether they really do believe.
I do know what you mean Ken, it`s something I struggled with for a long time. I mean, what about priests who abuse children? Are they forgiven just because they believe? I guess the answer is if they truly repent then yes, they are, but the key here is repentance.
Just a thought here for you Ken, why are you judging God by what people do? Sure there are, and probably always will be, those who use God as an excuse to sin but that`s them, not God. If you had an apple tree that produced a load of fruit and a few of the apples were rotten, you wouldn`t say the tree was rotten would you? Just those particular fruits.

Kurieuo wrote:Desiring Christ leads to "trust in Christ" which contradicts "wicked heart desires much hell".
Take "believe [pisteuo] in your heart" as found in Romans 10:9-10:
  • 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.
  • pisteuo think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in
    a) of the thing believed
    i. to credit, have confidence
    b) in a moral or religious reference
    i. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
    ii. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith
    iii. mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
    2. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity
    a) to be intrusted with a thing
Read over Romans 6 and chapter 7 Kenny, and you'll see Paul talks of spiritual conflict between flesh and spirit.
There is something that goes on in the spiritual man/woman in Christ and being conflicted (afflicted might be a better term) by their flesh.
To know Christ has our back, means we can be free to love others and show the same spirit of love and grace that God showed towards us in Christ.
That sounds like a person who wants to do right but is struggling with his character flaws and moral weaknesses. I'm talking about the person who has no desire to change, yet they trust and believe.


Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 7:10 pm
by Kurieuo
Kenny wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:I feel you're more taking a dig at RickD, but in case your statements are intended as a generalisation of Christians and towards grace.
I wasn’t taking a dig at him, I was just trying to find out where he is coming from.Obviously just because a person believes and trust Jesus doesn’t mean they are going to stop sinning and doing wrong. To believe and trust does not automatically equal good behavior.

I guess my skepticism is based upon the fact that over the years I’ve seen people trust Jesus, have faith, believe, etc. etc. but they continue to beat their wives, abuse their children, and unapologetic as they use their position at work to cause harm to innocent people simply because they have the wrong skin color. I guess the idea that some feel they can commit evil acts free of consequences as long as they trust and believe the right way; bothers me.


... I'm talking about the person who has no desire to change, yet they trust and believe.
Issues of battery and the like often run deep.
The treatment in your words here is rather superficial though, obviously intended to make a potent point against an easy faith-ism Christianity.

By "superficial" I mean you're not examining the whole person's life (i.e., the person beating), but rather one particularly horrible element.
Take for example what war can do to a person, and their family.
"Let God send any war veteran to Hell for beating their wife or children once they come back" -- you didn't say that, but is that something like you would want?
Or, the boy who copped abuse growing up in the foster system while the rest of society didn't care, who then commits the same abuse when they grow up.

God doesn't work with Christians -- God works with people.
All Christians are people and so are affected mentally and physically the same as others.

The message of grace is that God doesn't wait for us to change and be good.
If God did, then all of us would be condemned, for none are righteous.
  • 6For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6-8)
God meets us all where we are at, even the worst of humanity for before him there is no difference -- all of us stand guilty.

I'd expect for the most part, many Christians would make a turn in their life, and you hear stories all the time of such changes for the better.
I'd expect for the most part, that even if a Christian sins their conscience would greatly trouble them given their heart is for Christ.
If they didn't, then do they really believe in their heart? What does Romans 10:9-10 say again?
  • 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
BUT, I can't know the heart of such people. Do you? Things are often complicated.

I said of you in my previous posts here, I do not claim to know whether you yourself are saved or not.
Even despite your conscious objections to Christ and God, perhaps beneath it all there is still that child and child-like faith in Christ.
So, if I cannot be sure about you, then I cannot be sure of those you mention. In my eyes you both are going against God but in different ways.

Finally, if they think it is fine for them to continue beating or doing bad things (which I doubt, because Christian or not, people know it's not alright to beat others),
then hopefully the law governing a society will catch up and intervene, and then the abuser will suffer the due consequences of their actions.
Paul himself sees governing authorities generally-speaking as established by God.
  • 1Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. 2Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. 3For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; 4for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. (Romans 13:1-4)
But, heaven and hell isn't about legalities. Such are not even really about good and bad.
Rather it's about who a fully righteous God can have stand in His presence.
And the answer to that is NOONE unless wrapped in Christ's righteousness.
Kenny wrote:This may sound like a silly question, but if trusting is all it takes, why even have a day of judgment? Why not just say those who trust go to Heaven, and those who don’t go to Hell? What’s really to judge?
Well, many kind of believe that in a way.

Have you heard of there being two judgments?

Those who are in Christ, who Christ takes to Himself to mediate on behalf of, will pass from judgement that leads to eternal death from God, to enter into eternal life with Christ.
And yet, all are said to stand before the judgement seat of Christ --
  • For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (2 Cor 5:10)
Some believe in two judgements.
At Christ's judgement, one receives recompense for what they did whether good or bad.
I once didn't believe in "rewards". My own parents were theologically against it, but I do see justification for such.

My thinking is that it may work something like this...
For the abuser of which you mention, while they may inherit eternal life if they truly believe in their heart, then having their life re-played out they could bear the shame of their deeds everlastingly.
Even if all is forgiven, and they get to remain in the presence of God through Christ, they'll have this shame. And since they are no longer afflicted but fully healed and conformed to Christ, they may feel the full gravity of their past life.

NOTE: I don't really know what the "recompense" really is -- perhaps others here have looked into it further -- I'm just taking a stab at what seems logical to me.

So then, perhaps those who help lead others to Christ or really did love and help others here, will be praised and honoured.
It makes sense that those who also inherited eternal life would be thankful to those who helped guide them in this life.
Therefore while some saved will feel shame, even great shame over many deeds, others saved will be respected and esteemed.
Since possessions really don't count as far as I'm aware in the new life, then these immaterial things to me seem like the most sensible and natural rewards.

Yet, those in Christ will clearly pass from the Judgement that leads to an everlasting death from God.
  • John 5:24
    24“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.
Something I feel often burdened by in this life is that I don't do more.
I'll be looking back on this life and constantly thinking about how much more I could have done for others. What a poor excuse I am...
And yet, I know that I may still be forgiven, it's my own consciousness I'll live with everlastingly.

BUT, in any case those in Christ will pass from judgement that leads to an everlasting death from God
-- however, it still seems according to Scripture that Christians still enter into a sort of extended judgement.

This is not something I dare say a lot of Christians would want to hear.
Many are probably even unaware to such. I know my parents shunned the thought.
And so I did too, thought it was silly. I've only re-reflected upon it occasionally only in recent years.
I felt Scripture was scarce on such, however strong trains of thought definitely appear to be in Scripture for this.

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:50 pm
by Kenny
Mallz wrote:Hope you don't mind me jumping in here..
No go ahead; the more the merrier!
Mallz wrote:I think that is way too of a presumptuous statement to make. Go to the Middle East where sharia law is the law of governance, go to Africa where you find the same or a jumbled mess, etc. to more countries.
Most don't agree with Sharia law, or the messed up situations in much of Africa. Mostly those in power who benefit from that mess agree with it.
Mallz wrote:Without an objective measure of good and evil...
If we assume an objective measure of good and evil, whose measure do we go by? Your God's? Someone else's God's? Sharia law? And who is going to enforce this measure?
Mallz wrote:Those are called hypocrites...... This behavior is not one that you see from someone who trusts Christ and believes in Him.
Trusting and believing has little to do with behavior. I can believe it is wrong to steal, yet steal when nobody is looking. Yes that makes me a hypocrite, but if trusting and believing is all it takes to get in, then the hypocrite will get in.
Mallz wrote:I don't see those people as ever being saved. Again, their heart does not follow God. Their lips might deceive others to say they do, but their actions and life betray their heart.
Not sure how you define “saved”, but if believing and trusting is all it takes, then their actions has nothing to do with it right?
Mallz wrote:*Edit
Forgot to add the judgment of the just. Believers will be judged by their works for rewards. We will be rewarded and miss out on rewards (I'm sure everyone will miss out on something?) These are eternal rewards, which is why Jesus and the apostles stressed to become disciples of Christ (not just saved) for our race to do His will before we die will determine part of our eternal destiny.
So there is a hierarchy in Heaven?


Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:55 pm
by Kenny
Storyteller wrote: Just a thought here for you Ken, why are you judging God by what people do? Sure there are, and probably always will be, those who use God as an excuse to sin but that`s them, not God. If you had an apple tree that produced a load of fruit and a few of the apples were rotten, you wouldn`t say the tree was rotten would you? Just those particular fruits
I'm not judging God, I am asking questions of those who are making claims about God.


Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:01 pm
by Kenny
Kurieuo wrote:
Kenny wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:I feel you're more taking a dig at RickD, but in case your statements are intended as a generalisation of Christians and towards grace.
I wasn’t taking a dig at him, I was just trying to find out where he is coming from.Obviously just because a person believes and trust Jesus doesn’t mean they are going to stop sinning and doing wrong. To believe and trust does not automatically equal good behavior.

I guess my skepticism is based upon the fact that over the years I’ve seen people trust Jesus, have faith, believe, etc. etc. but they continue to beat their wives, abuse their children, and unapologetic as they use their position at work to cause harm to innocent people simply because they have the wrong skin color. I guess the idea that some feel they can commit evil acts free of consequences as long as they trust and believe the right way; bothers me.


... I'm talking about the person who has no desire to change, yet they trust and believe.
Issues of battery and the like often run deep.
The treatment in your words here is rather superficial though, obviously intended to make a potent point against an easy faith-ism Christianity.

By "superficial" I mean you're not examining the whole person's life (i.e., the person beating), but rather one particularly horrible element.
Take for example what war can do to a person, and their family.
"Let God send any war veteran to Hell for beating their wife or children once they come back" -- you didn't say that, but is that something like you would want?
Or, the boy who copped abuse growing up in the foster system while the rest of society didn't care, who then commits the same abuse when they grow up.

God doesn't work with Christians -- God works with people.
All Christians are people and so are affected mentally and physically the same as others.

The message of grace is that God doesn't wait for us to change and be good.
If God did, then all of us would be condemned, for none are righteous.
  • 6For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6-8)
God meets us all where we are at, even the worst of humanity for before him there is no difference -- all of us stand guilty.

I'd expect for the most part, many Christians would make a turn in their life, and you hear stories all the time of such changes for the better.
I'd expect for the most part, that even if a Christian sins their conscience would greatly trouble them given their heart is for Christ.
If they didn't, then do they really believe in their heart? What does Romans 10:9-10 say again?
  • 9that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
BUT, I can't know the heart of such people. Do you? Things are often complicated.

I said of you in my previous posts here, I do not claim to know whether you yourself are saved or not.
Even despite your conscious objections to Christ and God, perhaps beneath it all there is still that child and child-like faith in Christ.
So, if I cannot be sure about you, then I cannot be sure of those you mention. In my eyes you both are going against God but in different ways.

Finally, if they think it is fine for them to continue beating or doing bad things (which I doubt, because Christian or not, people know it's not alright to beat others),
then hopefully the law governing a society will catch up and intervene, and then the abuser will suffer the due consequences of their actions.
Paul himself sees governing authorities generally-speaking as established by God.
  • 1Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. 2Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves. 3For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same; 4for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil. (Romans 13:1-4)
But, heaven and hell isn't about legalities. Such are not even really about good and bad.
Rather it's about who a fully righteous God can have stand in His presence.
And the answer to that is NOONE unless wrapped in Christ's righteousness.
Kenny wrote:This may sound like a silly question, but if trusting is all it takes, why even have a day of judgment? Why not just say those who trust go to Heaven, and those who don’t go to Hell? What’s really to judge?
Well, many kind of believe that in a way.

Have you heard of there being two judgments?

Those who are in Christ, who Christ takes to Himself to mediate on behalf of, will pass from judgement that leads to eternal death from God, to enter into eternal life with Christ.
And yet, all are said to stand before the judgement seat of Christ --
  • For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. (2 Cor 5:10)
Some believe in two judgements.
At Christ's judgement, one receives recompense for what they did whether good or bad.
I once didn't believe in "rewards". My own parents were theologically against it, but I do see justification for such.

My thinking is that it may work something like this...
For the abuser of which you mention, while they may inherit eternal life if they truly believe in their heart, then having their life re-played out they could bear the shame of their deeds everlastingly.
Even if all is forgiven, and they get to remain in the presence of God through Christ, they'll have this shame. And since they are no longer afflicted but fully healed and conformed to Christ, they may feel the full gravity of their past life.

NOTE: I don't really know what the "recompense" really is -- perhaps others here have looked into it further -- I'm just taking a stab at what seems logical to me.

So then, perhaps those who help lead others to Christ or really did love and help others here, will be praised and honoured.
It makes sense that those who also inherited eternal life would be thankful to those who helped guide them in this life.
Therefore while some saved will feel shame, even great shame over many deeds, others saved will be respected and esteemed.
Since possessions really don't count as far as I'm aware in the new life, then these immaterial things to me seem like the most sensible and natural rewards.

Yet, those in Christ will clearly pass from the Judgement that leads to an everlasting death from God.
  • John 5:24
    24“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.
Something I feel often burdened by in this life is that I don't do more.
I'll be looking back on this life and constantly thinking about how much more I could have done for others. What a poor excuse I am...
And yet, I know that I may still be forgiven, it's my own consciousness I'll live with everlastingly.

BUT, in any case those in Christ will pass from judgement that leads to an everlasting death from God
-- however, it still seems according to Scripture that Christians still enter into a sort of extended judgement.

This is not something I dare say a lot of Christians would want to hear.
Many are probably even unaware to such. I know my parents shunned the thought.
And so I did too, thought it was silly. I've only re-reflected upon it occasionally only in recent years.
I felt Scripture was scarce on such, however strong trains of thought definitely appear to be in Scripture for this.
You make some excellent points Kureiuo. It's a little late and I don't have time to detail your entire response in order to get the full flavor of what you are saying, I will go over it tomorrow and if I have any further questions I will respond at that time.


Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 11:03 pm
by abelcainsbrother
It seems like because there is sin in the world this is a reason to reject God.I mean the bible makes it very clear there is sin in the world and so to acknowledge what God already told us about and to reject God because of it?Just does not make sense.

The bible even talks about hypocrites,false Christ's,false teachers,etc warning us about these things,it is not like we don't know.But is this a reason to reject God? No.

Church people can be some of the meanest people and I've seen church splits,where just about time things get going and the church starts to grow? Something is stirred up that splits it,yet I have never let this effect my faith.People do not always do the right things and it can only take a few to ruin a good thing,but this is no reason to reject God.

Our faith should be in Christ anyway not some man that can sometimes fall.I mean I have what I consider spiritual fathers but it would not effect my faith if they back-slid,etc and I would still be grateful that they were right at the right time that impacted me.All I see are excuses to reject God and very poor reasons.

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:18 am
by Kenny
abelcainsbrother wrote:It seems like because there is sin in the world this is a reason to reject God.I mean the bible makes it very clear there is sin in the world and so to acknowledge what God already told us about and to reject God because of it?Just does not make sense.

The bible even talks about hypocrites,false Christ's,false teachers,etc warning us about these things,it is not like we don't know.But is this a reason to reject God? No.

Church people can be some of the meanest people and I've seen church splits,where just about time things get going and the church starts to grow? Something is stirred up that splits it,yet I have never let this effect my faith.People do not always do the right things and it can only take a few to ruin a good thing,but this is no reason to reject God.

Our faith should be in Christ anyway not some man that can sometimes fall.I mean I have what I consider spiritual fathers but it would not effect my faith if they back-slid,etc and I would still be grateful that they were right at the right time that impacted me.All I see are excuses to reject God and very poor reasons.
I've never heard of someone rejecting God based on human behavior, but I suppose it is possible though


Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:32 am
by Storyteller
Kenny wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:It seems like because there is sin in the world this is a reason to reject God.I mean the bible makes it very clear there is sin in the world and so to acknowledge what God already told us about and to reject God because of it?Just does not make sense.

The bible even talks about hypocrites,false Christ's,false teachers,etc warning us about these things,it is not like we don't know.But is this a reason to reject God? No.

Church people can be some of the meanest people and I've seen church splits,where just about time things get going and the church starts to grow? Something is stirred up that splits it,yet I have never let this effect my faith.People do not always do the right things and it can only take a few to ruin a good thing,but this is no reason to reject God.

Our faith should be in Christ anyway not some man that can sometimes fall.I mean I have what I consider spiritual fathers but it would not effect my faith if they back-slid,etc and I would still be grateful that they were right at the right time that impacted me.All I see are excuses to reject God and very poor reasons.
I've never heard of someone rejecting God based on human behavior, but I suppose it is possible though

Sure they do.

They think "if that`s what being a Christian is I want no part of it"

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:52 am
by Audie
Storyteller wrote:
Kenny wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:It seems like because there is sin in the world this is a reason to reject God.I mean the bible makes it very clear there is sin in the world and so to acknowledge what God already told us about and to reject God because of it?Just does not make sense.

The bible even talks about hypocrites,false Christ's,false teachers,etc warning us about these things,it is not like we don't know.But is this a reason to reject God? No.

Church people can be some of the meanest people and I've seen church splits,where just about time things get going and the church starts to grow? Something is stirred up that splits it,yet I have never let this effect my faith.People do not always do the right things and it can only take a few to ruin a good thing,but this is no reason to reject God.

Our faith should be in Christ anyway not some man that can sometimes fall.I mean I have what I consider spiritual fathers but it would not effect my faith if they back-slid,etc and I would still be grateful that they were right at the right time that impacted me.All I see are excuses to reject God and very poor reasons.
I've never heard of someone rejecting God based on human behavior, but I suppose it is possible though

Sure they do.

They think "if that`s what being a Christian is I want no part of it"
Im sure some do. Kind of shallow but that's people.

I will say this tho: the claim so often made about how Christianity / becoming a Christian has this wonderfully transformative ennobling effect on people-

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 6:58 am
by Storyteller
Nah? Why?

It totally and utterly transformed my life.

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:05 am
by RickD
Audie wrote:
Storyteller wrote:
Kenny wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:It seems like because there is sin in the world this is a reason to reject God.I mean the bible makes it very clear there is sin in the world and so to acknowledge what God already told us about and to reject God because of it?Just does not make sense.

The bible even talks about hypocrites,false Christ's,false teachers,etc warning us about these things,it is not like we don't know.But is this a reason to reject God? No.

Church people can be some of the meanest people and I've seen church splits,where just about time things get going and the church starts to grow? Something is stirred up that splits it,yet I have never let this effect my faith.People do not always do the right things and it can only take a few to ruin a good thing,but this is no reason to reject God.

Our faith should be in Christ anyway not some man that can sometimes fall.I mean I have what I consider spiritual fathers but it would not effect my faith if they back-slid,etc and I would still be grateful that they were right at the right time that impacted me.All I see are excuses to reject God and very poor reasons.
I've never heard of someone rejecting God based on human behavior, but I suppose it is possible though

Sure they do.

They think "if that`s what being a Christian is I want no part of it"
Im sure some do. Kind of shallow but that's people.

I will say this tho: the claim so often made about how Christianity / becoming a Christian has this wonderfully transformative ennobling effect on people-
And you are qualified to assert this how?

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:39 am
by Audie
Assert what? I made no assertions. Are you just trying to be tiresome?

Re: Is secularism spreading?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:42 am
by Storyteller
Audie wrote: I will say this tho: the claim so often made about how Christianity / becoming a Christian has this wonderfully transformative ennobling effect on people-

I think he means this claim Audie.