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Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:13 pm
by Mastermind
HelpMeGod wrote:Okay, I am having some faith issues right now and it is turning into something monsterous. I know I have a Christian counselor, but I don't see him till next Thursday. Anyways, I have been reading both the Christian point of view and the skeptic/atheist/agnostic point of view. I am feeling like maybe the skeptic/atheist/agnostic point of view is stronger because it has science to back it up while the Christian point of view doesn't really. Debates such as the cruxifiction, ressurection, the Bibles authenticity, and so on. The skeptic/atheist/agnostic writes it off as being a myth/urban legend and I am having those thoughts that it might be true. I mean, we have hundreds of thousands of people praying for Terry Schiavo right now, and NOTHING has happened, hmmm, is it possible God doesn't exist? Hundreds of thousands of people pray for one thing and NOTHING happpens, where is God??? My belief is starting to loose steam and I don't want it to, but it is. The Bible makes good points about testing all things and that "the fool has said there is no God" but were these just made up to sound authentic but weren't? I really need the help guys, I really do and I dont know what is going on but my faith in "God" is getting worse.

Then go to and read some of JP Holding's articles. Not only is that man brilliant, but his devastating sarcasm will keep you entertained throughout the ordeal.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:22 pm
by Prodigal Son
actually, the skeptic/agnostic/atheist don't have any science to back-up their claims. :lol: ; they just hope that the rest of us will think that they do!

what do you do when you start to lose your faith? cultivate it. work to know God and he will grow closer to you.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:20 pm
by Believer
I didn't want to let this thread die, so I am starting it up again. I am having faith issues again, mostly with the "evolution vs. creation vs. does God exist debate." I am seeking a Christian counselor but it isn't enough. I constantly keep thinking about WHAT is truth. Scientists claim to have more mounting evidence for the support of evolution and the Big Bang while science is showing that more and more of the stories in the Bible were just that, STORIES, pure fiction. I read all about this from under the Tech/Science section on the sidebar and other sources. I approach everything from secular to religious viewpoints but I can't make my mind up, it hurts my head to constantly think about this, it is more of an obsession. I just want to know if there IS a God. Personal testimonies help me some, so if you want to share anything like seeing Jesus or seeing something happen that is unexplainable, please share. My fear is that science will eventually uncover everything in the future. Science will uncover miracles and prove they arn't miracles at all. I am VERY confused. I don't want to be an atheist/agnostic/pagan/non-religious but with the way science is proving everything away I feel that maybe religion is just something that was created to be non-sense. Imagine someone thinking about evolution and creation and does God exist and was Jesus really ressurected and so on every day and can't stop thinking about it, that is me. My head feels like it is gonna EXPLODE. Secular people refute religion people very well and religion people refute secular people very well but I find, and maybe I'm wrong, that secular people have a better position than religious people. I want there to be a God so badly and I want to know there is an afterlife, and if there was a God and we could take our own lives without being judged about it I would kill myself, but I just don't know. Please help me!

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:37 pm
by Dan
HelpMeGod wrote:I didn't want to let this thread die, so I am starting it up again. I am having faith issues again, mostly with the "evolution vs. creation vs. does God exist debate." I am seeking a Christian counselor but it isn't enough. I constantly keep thinking about WHAT is truth. Scientists claim to have more mounting evidence for the support of evolution and the Big Bang while science is showing that more and more of the stories in the Bible were just that, STORIES, pure fiction. I read all about this from under the Tech/Science section on the sidebar and other sources. I approach everything from secular to religious viewpoints but I can't make my mind up, it hurts my head to constantly think about this, it is more of an obsession. I just want to know if there IS a God. Personal testimonies help me some, so if you want to share anything like seeing Jesus or seeing something happen that is unexplainable, please share. My fear is that science will eventually uncover everything in the future. Science will uncover miracles and prove they arn't miracles at all. I am VERY confused. Please help me!
Every news source is biased. I can honestly tell you evolution is a model that cannot explain nature and so any evidence that DOESN'T support it is tossed out by biased scientists.

And Bible "stories" are being shown to be completely true. The babylonian cities of Ur, Nineveh, and others were only recorded in the Bible until recently last century. The five cities of the plain, which include sodom and gomorrah have been found, with large amounts of sulfur and decimated infrastructure *hint* *hint*.

You're just reading a biased news source, the trick is figuring out which is biased and what is just reporting the facts.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:52 pm
by Felgar
HelpMeGod wrote:My fear is that science will eventually uncover everything in the future. Science will uncover miracles and prove they arn't miracles at all. I am VERY confused. I don't want to be an atheist/agnostic/pagan/non-religious but with the way science is proving everything away I feel that maybe religion is just something that was created to be non-sense.
You need not fear science proving anything at all! The more we know, the more we will come to know our creator, and how perfect His creation is. And once science finally gets it right (not there yet with evolution or the Big Bang for that matter) then you can be sure that the evidence will support rather than refute the existance of God.

Let's take the round Earth for instance. We know now that the planet is a sphere. How does that undermine God's existance? Of course it doesn't; if anything we learn how the forces of gravity work and how our planet's rotation, water cycle, magnetic fields, etc. etc. all work together in order to harbour life. If anything, these intricacies reveal the majesty and infinite wisdom of the one who designed it. Intelligent Design is on the rise for a reason. Trust in the Lord, and seek first His kingdom.

As for stories, my younger cousin was on a missions trip to Mexico about 2 years ago. There was a very poor child who was sick (going blind I think) and so the team got together and prayed for him. He was instantly healed. So they asked him, "now, do you know who healed you?" And the boy (about 10) says "Yes, that man in the white robe standing beside the van." Only the child actually perceived Jesus though; but it's interesting considering that no one had ever told him about Jesus, about salvation, etc.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:32 pm
by Believer
Felgar wrote:
HelpMeGod wrote:My fear is that science will eventually uncover everything in the future. Science will uncover miracles and prove they arn't miracles at all. I am VERY confused. I don't want to be an atheist/agnostic/pagan/non-religious but with the way science is proving everything away I feel that maybe religion is just something that was created to be non-sense.
You need not fear science proving anything at all! The more we know, the more we will come to know our creator, and how perfect His creation is. And once science finally gets it right (not there yet with evolution or the Big Bang for that matter) then you can be sure that the evidence will support rather than refute the existance of God.

Let's take the round Earth for instance. We know now that the planet is a sphere. How does that undermine God's existance? Of course it doesn't; if anything we learn how the forces of gravity work and how our planet's rotation, water cycle, magnetic fields, etc. etc. all work together in order to harbour life. If anything, these intricacies reveal the majesty and infinite wisdom of the one who designed it. Intelligent Design is on the rise for a reason. Trust in the Lord, and seek first His kingdom.

As for stories, my younger cousin was on a missions trip to Mexico about 2 years ago. There was a very poor child who was sick (going blind I think) and so the team got together and prayed for him. He was instantly healed. So they asked him, "now, do you know who healed you?" And the boy (about 10) says "Yes, that man in the white robe standing beside the van." Only the child actually perceived Jesus though; but it's interesting considering that no one had ever told him about Jesus, about salvation, etc.
Thank you Felgar, that helped a bit, especially the story. Do you have credible sources that show that evidence for Intelligent Design is on the rise? I don't know what happened, I just feel like every prayer I do almost nightly goes unanswered. Nothing really miracoulous has happened to me, and I just am skeptical right now. I don't know where atheist get their information to refute religion but it bothers me because it is truth, it is real science they have to back it.

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:13 pm
by Dan
HelpMeGod wrote:
Felgar wrote:
HelpMeGod wrote:My fear is that science will eventually uncover everything in the future. Science will uncover miracles and prove they arn't miracles at all. I am VERY confused. I don't want to be an atheist/agnostic/pagan/non-religious but with the way science is proving everything away I feel that maybe religion is just something that was created to be non-sense.
You need not fear science proving anything at all! The more we know, the more we will come to know our creator, and how perfect His creation is. And once science finally gets it right (not there yet with evolution or the Big Bang for that matter) then you can be sure that the evidence will support rather than refute the existance of God.

Let's take the round Earth for instance. We know now that the planet is a sphere. How does that undermine God's existance? Of course it doesn't; if anything we learn how the forces of gravity work and how our planet's rotation, water cycle, magnetic fields, etc. etc. all work together in order to harbour life. If anything, these intricacies reveal the majesty and infinite wisdom of the one who designed it. Intelligent Design is on the rise for a reason. Trust in the Lord, and seek first His kingdom.

As for stories, my younger cousin was on a missions trip to Mexico about 2 years ago. There was a very poor child who was sick (going blind I think) and so the team got together and prayed for him. He was instantly healed. So they asked him, "now, do you know who healed you?" And the boy (about 10) says "Yes, that man in the white robe standing beside the van." Only the child actually perceived Jesus though; but it's interesting considering that no one had ever told him about Jesus, about salvation, etc.
Thank you Felgar, that helped a bit, especially the story. Do you have credible sources that show that evidence for Intelligent Design is on the rise? I don't know what happened, I just feel like every prayer I do almost nightly goes unanswered. Nothing really miracoulous has happened to me, and I just am skeptical right now. I don't know where atheist get their information to refute religion but it bothers me because it is truth, it is real science they have to back it.
Maybe you're trying to look for a really big miracle :)

Look for small things in your life that go your way after praying to God. I know every day of my life there is something fortunate that happens that's in my favor and the only way these things can be explained is God has an eye out for me.

I believe we have Guardian Angels assigned to us by Christ to watch over us and make sure we don't come to harm when sin is afoot. Just another way God blesses us :D

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:46 pm
by Believer
Are there any credible resources/web links that shows that Intelligence Design in science is increasing not only by creationists but by evolutionists?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:23 am
by Believer
Okay, now I have to get this off my head. When we are in desperate need of help from God/Jesus, why isnt he there? When we have no one to run to, why cant we run to God/Jesus because he isn't there? When we want out of this struggle with any sin or just life, why isnt he there to help us? With my conclusion, there either is no God or there is a God that really doesn't represent the God of the Bible which is a loving God. Just were is God? I have been a "baby" Christian for just over a year now and I am having trouble gripping with reality if there even is a God. With science disproving everything, we are lost, confused, baffled, surprised, and angry. Personally, I have prayed to God many times, and nothing ever has changed in my life, it makes the God of the Bible non-existent. I wonder, is the Bible just a psychological text book to manipulate our minds to thinking we are being healed or miracoulous things are taking place when the fact is they don't, or is it the real deal? Please help me out here. Where is God/Jesus (or soon to be in my mind a MYTHILOGICAL God/Jesus)? Also one last thing, what if what we have in the universe was perfected by chance, that is a possibility, but how could you tell if it was perfection by chance, you wouldn't be able to know.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:34 am
by Kurieuo
HelpMeGod wrote:Are there any credible resources/web links that shows that Intelligence Design in science is increasing not only by creationists but by evolutionists?
Try checking out ... e_universe


Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:46 am
by Felgar
HelpMeGod wrote:When we are in desperate need of help from God/Jesus, why isnt he there? When we have no one to run to, why cant we run to God/Jesus because he isn't there? When we want out of this struggle with any sin or just life, why isnt he there to help us?
He is there; He is always there. I'm reminded of the Footprints in the Sand poem. Do you know it?
Personally, I have prayed to God many times, and nothing ever has changed in my life, it makes the God of the Bible non-existent. I wonder, is the Bible just a psychological text book to manipulate our minds to thinking we are being healed or miracoulous things are taking place when the fact is they don't, or is it the real deal? Please help me out here. Where is God/Jesus (or soon to be in my mind a MYTHILOGICAL God/Jesus)?
I know it's tough, and the reason for this is because you're under attack. Satan has your brother and he knows that he'll lose you both if your faith becomes too established. For Satan has no defense for the truth that you will come to know and testify. So you are under constant and heavy spritual attack. You doubt that Christ exists? Think about that; you've accepted Him, and at one point you knew, so why now do you doubt?

There are those that go through 15 years never doubting one bit before they finally realize that they have never actually believed. How many times have you heard: "I grew up in a Christian home and accepted it because my parents did. In truth I never really believed." But yet they grow up 15 years or whatever and never even question, despite the fact that they havent even really committed to their faith? You on the other hand, have confessed Jesus as Lord but yet can't go 3 weeks without major doubt. Honestly, something else must be at play here... There's proof right there, that Satan is lying to you and he's esspecially determined.

I have to reitterate; the most important thing you can do is find someone who's a bursting with the love and knowledge of the Lord, and seek prayer and guidance... It has to be someone who understands the nature of spiritual attack and also that is extremely firm in his/her faith and understands what you're going through.

I will pray for you, and encourage other Christians on the board to do the same. Hey, remember that Petra song, fight like a man?

Get on Your Knees and Fight Like a Man
Words and music by Bob Hartman
Based on 2 Chronicles 10:4, James 5:16

Out on your own with your own self reliance
You've got no one to watch your back
You find yourself caught with no strong alliance
You've been left open for attack

Over your head the condition is graver
You've given ground you can't retrieve
The cards are stacked and they're not in your favor
But you've got an ace up your sleeve

Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man

Under the gun, you've got no place to hide out
Backed in the corner on your own
This is one storm you are destined to ride out
One way to leave the danger zone

Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man

You've got the backbone to fight this tide
You've got the will to survive
You've got the weapon, it's at your side
You've got to learn to confide

Get on your knees and fight like a man
You'll pull down strongholds if you just believe you can
Your enemy will tuck his tail and flee
Get on your knees and fight like a man

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:49 am
by Believer
Kurieuo wrote:
HelpMeGod wrote:Are there any credible resources/web links that shows that Intelligence Design in science is increasing not only by creationists but by evolutionists?
Try checking out ... e_universe

Kurieuo, this link doesn't show me that creationsism/I.D. is rising over evolution. That website is also maintained by Christian people, so they have relgious viewpoints, it doesn't offer what atheists think. Lastly, it doesn't show that there is the possibility of perfection from chance, and we can't determine it because it is just that, perfection by CHANCE.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:26 am
by bizzt
HelpMeGod wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
HelpMeGod wrote:Are there any credible resources/web links that shows that Intelligence Design in science is increasing not only by creationists but by evolutionists?
Try checking out ... e_universe

Kurieuo, this link doesn't show me that creationsism/I.D. is rising over evolution. That website is also maintained by Christian people, so they have relgious viewpoints, it doesn't offer what atheists think. Lastly, it doesn't show that there is the possibility of perfection from chance, and we can't determine it because it is just that, perfection by CHANCE.
First of all why do you want to know what Atheists think? Are they also not biased or have their own Opinions. This is a YEC type of site but you get GREAT news articles on it that affect Evolution etc... Check it out

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:49 am
by Felgar
Here's your unbiased evidence that shows ID on the rise.

From the Washington Post - March 13, 2005: ... Mar13.html

The movement is "steadily growing," said Eugenie C. Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education, which defends the teaching of evolution. "The energy level is new. The religious right has had an effect nationally. Now, by golly, they want to call in the chits."

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:54 pm
by seedling
"I want there to be a God so badly and I want to know there is an afterlife, and if there was a God and we could take our own lives without being judged about it I would kill myself, but I just don't know. Please help me!"
Brian, Jesus quoted God in the Old Testament saying "'I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.' He is not the God of the dead, but of the living."

Don't ever think about ending your life for any reason. Stay among the living, for this is where God is.

Also, there is hope for your "afterlife." If Jesus is saying God is a God of the living and he is talking about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, obviously Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are living. How can this be so when the bible reports they were buried and most probably were? So there is a hope for us. Jesus himself said "Let not your heart be troubled ... believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many abodes, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."

You need to deal with the here and now, Brian. Let the afterlife take care of itself. Stop looking for miracles and proof but draw your strength from the Kingdom within. That's where God dwells. You yourself are the miracle. You get too excited and worked up over things, man. Have you ever chased butterflies, only to find that however hard you run and snatch at them they elude you? But if you sit still and be calm, after a while (maybe a long while) one will flutter by and land right on your big toe! And you can see it there close up, and look at it and enjoy it in all it's glory.