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Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 10:31 am
by StreetReacher
Hi all,

My name is Justin AKA StreetReacher and I love the Lord with all my heart. I am a born again Christian and live in England with my lovely wife Emma (who is also a born again Christian :D). At present (2005) I am 28 years young!!!

My local Church is called Newquay Christian Centre ( we are a church who are not afraid to teach the Word of God exactly how it is - ie. not Bible wrapped in cotten wool.

I am an active member of our Worship Team - I play Keyboards, guitar and lead male vocals; and I love it - nothing is better than Worshipping the Lord :D

I hope to become a regular member here because I have had a good look around and really like what I see. I am a moderator of another Christian Forum which I love doing too.

God bless you all,


Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Posted: Tue May 03, 2005 11:39 am
by Felgar
Awesome SR, welcome to the forum! You'll definately have to weigh in about your take on creation - almost like an initiation here. ;) j/k

Actually it's one topic where most of us can live happily in disagreement with each other. Anyways, I digress...

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 12:48 pm
by Prodigal Son
hello. :)

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 8:12 pm
by Forge
Hello, all. As you can see, my username is Forge.

Truth to tell, I am both overwhelmed and overjoyed at finding this site. I'm sort of a roving messageboard rat, looking for all kinds of interesting boards. Since I'm also a logical Christian--meaning I'm Christian more for logical/historical/scientific evidence rather than Spirit--I think I'll like this site quite much. (This is not to say I'm a caferteria Catholic, but rather my reasons for being an observing Catholic are different from others).

I hope I can contribute positively to the boards. Just don't get me started on abortion, guns, or Communism... I'll talk someone to death.

I'm a highschool student, graduating in a few weeks, and also a swimmer. (My 100m butterfly is decent, I suppose, but 1:06:37 isn't really that hot, eh?). I do quite a bit for my parish. I also have this exceedingly odd habit of collecting Kreeft books.

As a disclaimer, I have a very odd humor and a laid-back manner, so watch out. I'm behind you while you type, after all.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:27 pm
by jerickson314
Whoops - been posting for a while but didn't see this.

My real name is Jeremy Erickson. I am about to graduate from high school and will attend Taylor University next year to double-major in mathematics and computer science.

Apologetics is one of my interests (hence my joining this forum). I am also interested in math and computers (hence my majors). I can recite pi to 230 digits, which isn't nearly as hard as it sounds.

Oh, and I don't care for any computer software with "Microsoft" in the name. I stick to using Gentoo Linux as my primary OS.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:48 pm
by Forge
jerickson314 wrote:Apologetics is one of my interests (hence my joining this forum). I am also interested in math and computers (hence my majors). I can recite pi to 230 digits, which isn't nearly as hard as it sounds.
I guess every forum needs a Rainman.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:53 pm
by jerickson314
Forge wrote:I guess every forum needs a Rainman.
Rainman? Huh?

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 8:56 pm
by Forge
Referencing a movie starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman. Hoffman's character was autistic, but he was a genius with numbers. A guy could drop a box of toothpicks on the floor, and boom, he'd count them in a second. He could also do calculator-level calculations in his head. It's a pretty nice movie, actually.

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 11:40 pm
by Felgar
jerickson314 wrote:My real name is Jeremy Erickson. I am about to graduate from high school and will attend Taylor University next year to double-major in mathematics and computer science.


Oh, and I don't care for any computer software with "Microsoft" in the name. I stick to using Gentoo Linux as my primary OS.
I like computer science too - I like how it's entirely man-made and nothing is unexplained. I can agree with an entire lecture, whereas with Psychology, Geology, Physics, Biology, and (the worst) Anthropolgy, I cannot agree.

I disagree about Microsoft though. Server 2003 is pretty impressive software when you consider stability, scalabity, and useability. Microsoft boxes can stay stable without reboot indefinately now. Also most other Microsoft software leads the pack in terms of general functional usage, and most other solutions are usually playing catch-up, coming out on par at best. And I don't care if Emacs never does crash, it still sucks as a text editor, and has no value as a word processor.

Edit: And oh! Welcome to forum, officially. :D

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 11:42 am
by jerickson314
Felgar wrote:I disagree about Microsoft though. Server 2003 is pretty impressive software when you consider stability, scalabity, and useability.
Yeah, it's probably like Linux, Mac, or BSD 5 or 10 years ago, in terms of stability and scalability. I'm guessing for a distro like SuSE useability is comparable. I haven't run any servers with either OS, though. And compare the price tag to Linux or FreeBSD!
Felgar wrote:Microsoft boxes can stay stable without reboot indefinately now.
Unix has been doing that for like 20 years, with Linux/Mac/BSD following in its footsteps. Looks like Microsoft is finally catching up in this respect! What took so long?

Hey, ever seen these?
Felgar wrote:Also most other Microsoft software leads the pack in terms of general functional usage, and most other solutions are usually playing catch-up, coming out on par at best. And I don't care if Emacs never does crash, it still sucks as a text editor, and has no value as a word processor.
I don't use Emacs, I use Writer and sometimes KWrite, so your argument is a straw man :wink:. The price is usually better for open source stuff, often free! But Richard Stallman is scary, just read some of the articles here.

I actually find no advantage of the Microsoft products over what I use for anything I do.

Internet Explorer is the worst of Microsoft. It's at least 5 years behind the pack and still riddled with security issues. It's probably the least CSS compliant of all common browsers. Outlook/Outlook Express is down there as well. I use Konqueror and Kontact/KMail myself, though I think quite highly of Firefox and Thunderbird.
Felgar wrote:Edit: And oh! Welcome to forum, officially. :D
Thanks. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 4:01 pm
by ella
Hi all! :D

I hail from sunny South Africa (although at the moment it's a little chilly...!). I'm from Durban, but am currently in Grahamstown, studying a Bachelor of Arts (music and English mainly) at Rhodes University. Am now in my second year, and LOVING it. I come from an amazing family of christians (wow, what a blessing), and have been a christian for quite a few years now. The church I attend in Grahamstown is a lot smaller than the one I go to at home, and so the last year and a half has been very challenging and stretching (but oh so exciting!) as God has been using me more than I imagined He ever would... and the REALLY exciting part is that I'm beginnig to realise that there's soooooooo much more He wants to do!

I kind of stumbled across this forum by accident... but I'm really glad I did, cause it's always so great to be able to exchange ideas, or get advice etc from other members of the family. Isn't it awesome that we're connected and related, even though we don't know anything about each other?! Yay for God and His people!

Chat to you all soon.....

Posted: Sat May 21, 2005 7:08 pm
by Dan
ella wrote:Hi all! :D

I hail from sunny South Africa (although at the moment it's a little chilly...!). I'm from Durban, but am currently in Grahamstown, studying a Bachelor of Arts (music and English mainly) at Rhodes University. Am now in my second year, and LOVING it. I come from an amazing family of christians (wow, what a blessing), and have been a christian for quite a few years now. The church I attend in Grahamstown is a lot smaller than the one I go to at home, and so the last year and a half has been very challenging and stretching (but oh so exciting!) as God has been using me more than I imagined He ever would... and the REALLY exciting part is that I'm beginnig to realise that there's soooooooo much more He wants to do!

I kind of stumbled across this forum by accident... but I'm really glad I did, cause it's always so great to be able to exchange ideas, or get advice etc from other members of the family. Isn't it awesome that we're connected and related, even though we don't know anything about each other?! Yay for God and His people!

Chat to you all soon.....
Welcome to the forum!

It's funny because I stumbled upon this site inadvertantly as well. :lol:
I do that a lot with religious sites. That, and religion flame wars :roll: (Why I just stumbled upon one visiting a site with the intention of just joining for the video game forums :lol: )

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 3:11 am
by Anonymous
Hi, I'm brand new here and am not sure how to navigate this place yet. i don't even know who will get this post. ?? Anyway I pray we all have many uplifting discussions in the future. praise God! Ken :D

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 5:51 pm
by Forge
Hello yourself. As you can see by my post count, I'm new here as well.

You name reminds me of that Seether song of the same name.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 8:15 pm
by kateliz
Broken, I love your screen name! I'd like to hear more about how you came to choose it!