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Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:32 am
by jenna
Cross.eyed wrote:Jenna, I went through a similar situation several years ago and although I don't know what you are going through my heart goes out to you and your loved ones.

I hope it's o.k. that I pray for you and all involved.

Sincerely, Roger
Of course it's ok! y#-o I appreciate it. ;)

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 4:23 pm
by Lufia
I just want to share with you something special that happened to me.

Last spring i heard that my manager, Melany was trying desperately to have a baby. For the last 2 years her husband and her have hoped for that great news. In last april or may, as i was praying for her to be pregnant, God told me that she would tell us ( all of those who works with her) in september that she is pregnant. A few days later ( about may) I told Caroline ( a coworker) about my prayer and God's response to me. Caroline looked at me with a very strange look!

Yesterday Melany asked me in her office. She told me that she is pregnant!!! I told her about my prayer. She looked at me with her mouth open :esurprised: and then said Wow you are giving me goosebumps y:O2 I also told her that if she doesn't believe me, ask Caroline. And just as i was saying that, Caroline enter the office!!! And she says Yes it is true, Lufia told me that last spring.

I'm a new born christian since last march and believe me it was a great experience in my life. Melany and i will never forget it. I don't even know if Melany believes in God ...

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:40 am
by JohnnyDontDoIt
This is my first time sharing this testimony online. I could never bring myself to share my testimony online for two reasons. One, for fear of ridicule and having my own true personal testimony reduced to 'so-what'. Two, I was, and still am, scared that someone would belittle my testimony and shatter my faith. Every time I feel like there is a God, I end up at some secular website that shuts down my conviction and crushes my faith in a personal, living Creator. I know my faith should be stronger but it hurts when some rationalist, humanist, atheist, etc claims what I believe to be nothing more than pure fairy tale. I apologize, I just can't get over it. But still I feel like I should share my story. The same story that brings me back to the Christian God whenever I truly hit my plateau of doubts. Here goes everything! *I also would like to apologize for this long-winded introduction. But I had to get this off my chest!'

On one fine Sunday, when I was around 10-12 (age), I decided to go to church for no good reason. I honestly have no idea why I wanted to go to church. Most 10 to 12 year old boys find church to be a very boring place with some cute little girls. But on that day I wanted to go to church. Let me try to recollect my memory. So I left my home in hopes of finding a church. There were 3 churches in my neighborhood and I stopped at the first one I caught my eye on. I walked in and took a seat. I'm not sure what type of church it was but I believe it was a church for 'special' kids. There was nobody around except for 2 kids sitting playing with musical instruments so I left. OK, so on I went to the next church. The only thing I remember about the second church was this huge, hung up rug that had a portrait of Jesus. I looked around, waited, and saw no one. Something inside me said this, this church, doesn't feel right. So on I went to the church, that was located right beside the 2nd church, and this is where I would receive my faith in the Lord.

As soon as I walked in to the 3rd church I met this really nice lady. I don't remember her name but I remember having a conversation with her. We talked a little bit and I told her how I just didn't feel right at the last few churches. I determined then that this was the church I was supposed to be at. I excused myself and ran all the way home to get a Bible and some offering money from my mother. I ran all the way back to the church....(Sorry, my memory is foggy) I know what you are thinking...get to the point man, get to the point. Okay, okay.

To make a long story short (too late), her husband who was the pastor gave a sermon. We passed the plate, prayed, etc. just like any normal Christian church service. This next part is the part that changed my life. I was a new visitor and this was a small, small church so naturally the pastor told me to stand up to introduce myself and I did. And he asked me and I remember this...

'When's the last time you seen your father'? :esurprised:

*How in does he know my father lives in a different state and I haven't seen him in ages. I never told anyone that.*

'In the name of Jesus Christ, you'll see your father real soon' :esurprised:

......yadda, yadda.......*Few months later*

Listen to this. The first day my family moved from the rat-trap roach infested duplex to a nice apartment on the good side of town, I get a call. I answer. Guess who it was? Yea, it was my father. But so what right?

But he was here in Jacksonville, Florida on a business meeting and he wanted to spend time with me and my brother! :esurprised:

(No my father wasn't trying to get back with my mom. My mom was re-married and my father didn't know that we moved or even where we lived. He is not familiar with Jacksonville at all.)

Let me expand on how important this is. My father is a deadbeat. He never calls or anything like that. There's some people shrugging their shoulders right now but I had to explain that this wasn't a regular thing. My dad has never been back to Jacksonville and he rarely bothers to talk to me since that day.

Tell me how I can deny Christ after this? This is my personal testimony. Hopefully, this testimony convinces somebody, anyone that Christ is real. Probably, not. I just want to leave with what I believe to be the truest (they are all true) line in the Bible....

(Matthew 7)

7Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Take care.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:39 pm
by cslewislover
That is wonderful! - thanks so much for sharing. I'm so sorry that you've been doubted or belittled by others at other sites :crying: . I believe what happened, and know of other things like that that happen with Christians. The Holy Spirit still works in our lives today :) . (Sorry about your dad.)

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:54 am
by JohnnyDontDoIt
cslewislover wrote:That is wonderful! - thanks so much for sharing. I'm so sorry that you've been doubted or belittled by others at other sites :crying: . I believe what happened, and know of other things like that that happen with Christians. The Holy Spirit still works in our lives today :) . (Sorry about your dad.)
Thank you. Yea, I'm sorry about my father as well. (God bless him :) )

It's just that sometimes when I read posts and threads from other secular message forums I'm left wondering....Why don't these guys see what I see? If I didn't decide to go to church one morning, and if that pastor's prediction fell flat and I didn't see my father soon, I would probably be an atheist right now. But that's why I left my last post with that Bible verse. I searched for my God and I found him. He revealed Himself to me. So why don't others see what I see? I don't know. I wish I had stronger faith (and stronger backbone!) so that my feelings don't get hurt when I read dissenting opinions. Nothing hurts me more than when Christians leave the religion. Because I know my God is real and not some pagan tradition, fairy tale, or any other that other stuff.

But again, thank you cslewislover.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:53 am
by cslewislover
JohnnyDontDoIt wrote:
cslewislover wrote:That is wonderful! - thanks so much for sharing. I'm so sorry that you've been doubted or belittled by others at other sites :crying: . I believe what happened, and know of other things like that that happen with Christians. The Holy Spirit still works in our lives today :) . (Sorry about your dad.)
Thank you. Yea, I'm sorry about my father as well. (God bless him :) )

It's just that sometimes when I read posts and threads from other secular message forums I'm left wondering....Why don't these guys see what I see? If I didn't decide to go to church one morning, and if that pastor's prediction fell flat and I didn't see my father soon, I would probably be an atheist right now. But that's why I left my last post with that Bible verse. I searched for my God and I found him. He revealed Himself to me. So why don't others see what I see? I don't know. I wish I had stronger faith (and stronger backbone!) so that my feelings don't get hurt when I read dissenting opinions. Nothing hurts me more than when Christians leave the religion. Because I know my God is real and not some pagan tradition, fairy tale, or any other that other stuff.

But again, thank you cslewislover.
Awwws y>:D< . Yes, it's hard to take it sometimes when people seem like they're Christians, but then don't act like it toward you. Or they seem arrogant despite their obvious lack of knowledge concerning the Bible. Here, too, at this board, you'll get people coming in that are quite mean-spirited instead of just being enquiring. Glad you're here though, and hope you post more and read Rich's articles on the main site, too. Vicki

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:43 am
by Keefy
My testimony is that a year or 2 after I was saved at age 14 (or thereabouts) I gave up on my faith and lived the usual secular life - lived with a girlfriend, got drunk, spent too much money, tried to get up the corporate ladder la la la. Only problem was that I had no rock for my living, I had very low self-esteem and often became depressed and I used alcohol to help me cope. But through my 20s my drinking got gradually worse and worse, and I became more and more unhappy (and sinful) and eventually I got the point where I was drinking stupid amounts of alcohol every day and night, just to keep myself going. I was in an awful mess, I was self-harming and often contemplated suicide, indeed I had a try one night (which is a separate story in itself).

I'd love to say that God stepped in mightily at this point but that's not what happened to me. What happened is that one night I had stayed up all night long and was still awake at 7am - drinking whisky and playing online poker. It was then I realised that I couldn't go on living this way. There was no flash of light or big booming voice, just my inner self admiting defeat. I got to an AA meeting that day and stayed in AA for 2 years. During the first year of AA I became physically and mentally well and then my spirit began to heal. I was not convinced by the AA teaching of 'God as you understand Him' and I had to find out exactly who God really was. In my search I found a book on Chrisitianity in the library that drew me back to Jesus - I believe God made sure it was there for me. After reading it I phoned up a friend of mine and asked if I could go with him to church that Sunday. I have now been at church for over 2 years and I try to devote my life to Christ each day. I left AA around a year ago once I realised that their teachings and the teachings of the bible were incompatible. I felt God very strongly in the rooms of AA sometimes but I also felt him tell me to leave AA and trust in him instead. The proof is that I have not drunk a drop of alcohol since I left AA and I am not far from 3 years sober. Not that I really count any more or think about alcohol any more. Praise God :)

A few things to add. 1) When I came back to church I later learned that people there had regularly been praying for me to return to Christ! So don't give up on your own prayers! God has his own perfect timing.
2) One afternoon, many months before I came back to church and was still in AA, a (now) very good friend of mine at church asked me if I ever considered returning to church. I said no at the time because I was happy with AA and their teaching of how its a God of my own understanding (which basically gives you carte blanche to live however you deem fit) - I believe God used my friend that day to sow a seed into me because he told me how the God of the bible was the only true God. I left in disagreement but the things he said kept bugging me and eventually I came back to the Father's loving arms - thank God that he had the courage to say those things that day.
Finally, during the period whilst I was reading the book on Christianity I had such an extraordinary feeling of being led by the spirit, that God was guiding me back to him and that all I had to do was follow. It was quite wonderful and I have never really experienced anything like that before or since.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:11 am
by cslewislover
!!!! I am so excited to read this, I mean my heart is over-joyed and I'm kind-of like jumping around inside. Lol. There are no good emoticons for this at this site, in my view. Here's happy one that's not silly looking: :pillows: LOL.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:33 am
by zoegirl
That is wonderful, Keith!

Praise God. He truly is majestic in how He brings us back to HIm.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:18 am
by Gman
Keefy wrote:Finally, during the period whilst I was reading the book on Christianity I had such an extraordinary feeling of being led by the spirit, that God was guiding me back to him and that all I had to do was follow. It was quite wonderful and I have never really experienced anything like that before or since.
Great news Keith! I went down the road of drugs and booze and lived this empty life too.. It wasn't until God woke me up to this fact that my life really started to change. It only get's better as time goes on. It's like you really start getting your life back.. In full color...


G -

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:20 pm
by Believer7777
I have been a Christian for many years, but I didn't know many things for a long time. Then I learned that God's plan for me was so much richer than I had ever known. His love for me was so awesome and He provided everything I needed. Salvation, (the Greek word Sozo) means to replace everything that was missing after Adam and Eve sinned. Nothing missing or broken. Isn't that great? When I learned that, I realized that I didn't have to "Hang on until the end". I realized that God had made a way through Jesus Christ's death on the cross when He paid for it all, and rose from the dead. He restored everything to me that was lost, and I don't get it in heaven. I get it now. Wow! That means when I feel a sore throat coming on that I just say "Thank you God, that you paid for my sins and my sickness and all of my needs." I don't say "Hmmm, I think I'm taking a cold." NO - I'm not taking any disease or sickness. Daily, I say Lord, I know that you took my sins in your body on the tree, that I being dead to sins might live for righteousness by whose stripes I was healed." I Peter 2:24. I want to agree with God's Word. Right now I'm sitting at the computer in the basement, and it's blowing and hailing outside. So I remember Psalm 91 and I remind God that He said that no evil would come near my dwelling, and I thank Him. You know, this is the God I want to be in relationship with. He is so loving and kind, and in Jeremiah it says that His eyes look over all the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is right toward Him. Isn't that wonderful? He shows Himself strong in my behalf. Little old me. He's interested in blessing me. He's an alive God. He's a loving God. He's a God who never sleeps or slumbers because He's watching over me. He doesn't want to beat me up. If I do something wrong and I pray and ask Him to forgive me, He isn't mad at me. He forgets it and doesn't remember it anymore. He knows we're not perfect. Only Jesus was perfect, and I want to put all my trust in Him and what He did for me. I take the forgiveness, and when I do I'm now a for God, not perfect, but leaning on the one who is perfect. He stands between me and God. He's my advocate. I keep remembering that Jesus said that no man comes unto the Father but by Him. I never can do it alone - it's never good enough, but I dont' have to - I have my Saviour who paid for it all and who gives me victory in this life. This is why I'm a Christian.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:25 pm
by Gman
Great testimony Believer 7777!!! Yes the light only get's stronger with time. I've been completely blown away with God's plan.. It simply becomes part of you. And the truth sets you free, which is key. God wants freedom in our lives not legalism...

Take care..

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:44 pm
by jlay
Wow! That ministered to my soul. Amen.

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:28 am
by Daluzinal
First off I am new to this forum.I grew up in a family that believed in God but as time progressed we eventually quit going and stopped reading the bible and everything.So by this time I'm in high school and started to believe in evolution since that's what they teach you in school.Things got worse way worse,I gotten diabetes about my first year at high school.It was a struggle to just live with it.So I started to get depressed and started smoking and eventually that lead to drugs like cocaine and marijuana.I even got into drinking 40's all the time,I was putting back at least four a day which is really deadly considering I have diabetes.This progressed for about two to three years,something told me I'm not living right and I'm missing something in my life and I felt empty and I couldn't figure out what it was.Then one day at like 3am I was watching t.v. and I saw a church service on and I thought Id watch it.I accepted Christ in my life that night as I prayed the prayer that the guy on t.v asked me to do.At that moment I felt complete peace in my life,I felt the holy spirit come into me it was a beautiful feeling.I just couldn't stop smiling after it happened.Even my mom asked me what was going on since I was usually depressed and sad all the time she knew something was going on.If it wasn't for my diabetes and God I probably would still be doing drugs and stuff.I think God put it in my life so I would quit drugs and get on the right path.Right now I have more complications cause of diabetes,like neuropathy and hypertension.But I know that these diseases are a blessing from God to put me on the right path and to help me stay on it.I have changed completely I love everybody now and I'm really humble.Praise the LORD :amen:

Re: Christian Testimonies - Share yours?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 8:13 am
by B. W.
Welcome to the Forum Daluzinal!

Praise the Lord you found Christ and thanks for sharing your testimony!
