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Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:29 am
by BavarianWheels
Mastermind wrote: Where did God command it?
He didn't. People decided to go to church on Sunday and honor it because Christ died on it.
Mark 7:6-9 - Hypocrites...traditions of men.
Mastermind wrote: Where is the change or the release? I challenge you for specifics and not vague interpretations...

There was no change. As for the release, we've been pouring verse after verse unto you throughout this topic, most of which you are constantly ignoring.
Not ignored...just none give specifics. None have shown the commandment to be gone. 9 have been upheld and so you promote those as the "new" ironic as it is, they are part of the old. It seems we are taking Christ only at His Word and ignoring His actions. He may've only reiterated 9, but He lived the 4th. If we are truely "Christ-ians" then it is also His life actions we emulate.
Mastermind wrote:The Sabbath was given at creation when there was no Jew alive. It is a memorial of Creation as it is stated quite plainly in the commandment.

Given as what? Where, at creation, does it say we need to do anything special on the Sabbath? All it says is He made it holy.
If it is holy...what are we to do with it? Scripture plainly says. Paul says it is holy, righteous and good. Christ is Lord of it...He made it so. Christ said, "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." Why would He even bother to mention it being lawful...on the Sabbath?
Mastermind wrote:You must have one hell of an imagination to derive the idea of having to do anything special on it. I already agreed that the sevent day is holy a long time ago, but anything else you want to associate with it is a fabrication of your own imagination.
I didn't fabricate the commandment. I haven't imagined Christ's life or work. If the day is holy, there is purpose in it.