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Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:28 am
by cslewislover
Byblos wrote:
jlay wrote:Mods, I'd keep a close eye on this thread, and clean up any junk with haste.
Haha! beat you to it, the ax has fallen (I guess the truth did hurt). :D

I'm sure he justifies himself by shaking his head and exclaiming, "See, they're all so close-minded and irrational!" (Oh, and munster is gone now too.)

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:37 am
by Byblos
cslewislover wrote:
Byblos wrote:
jlay wrote:Mods, I'd keep a close eye on this thread, and clean up any junk with haste.
Haha! beat you to it, the ax has fallen (I guess the truth did hurt). :D

I'm sure he justifies himself by shaking his head and exclaiming, "See, they're all so close-minded and irrational!" (Oh, and munster is gone now too.)
But since he's the product of mindless, thoughtless creation, his feelings are no more than an insignificant chemical reaction in his insignificant brain. So don't feel bad for him/her/it.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:02 am
by ElShamah
munster at ireland atheist forum :

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Yes truthhurts, when a certain individual named gman could not answer me on scientific evidence for the Garden of Eden or that the reliability of the Bible, I was conveniently banned, and it's my IP address thats banned not just my email!. Still I had a good run.

How long did you last? Or what did you say to piss them off
has he been banned ? - and if so, why ?

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:56 am
by cslewislover
ElShamah wrote:munster at ireland atheist forum :

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Yes truthhurts, when a certain individual named gman could not answer me on scientific evidence for the Garden of Eden or that the reliability of the Bible, I was conveniently banned, and it's my IP address thats banned not just my email!. Still I had a good run.

How long did you last? Or what did you say to piss them off
has he been banned ? - and if so, why ?
Yes, he was banned (but not by me). If you look at the board purpose and guidelines, it's pretty clear that for people like munster and truthhurts (especially), this board is not for them. It isn't for people who have their minds made up already and are just here to debate without seeking. If you wanted to let him know how he, or they, didn't abide by the board rules and guidelines, I guess you could do that. It would seem like at least munster would understand.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:27 am
by jlay
There are plenty of places they can bicker.

It isn't a conicedence that after munster came another new member atheist. If you didn't stop it now, there would be another and another. Ultimately this turns to chaos, which is their objective. This is a very interesting group.

We have some atheist here who debate, and it leads to some very interesting discussion.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:37 am
by cslewislover
jlay wrote:There are plenty of places they can bicker.

It isn't a conicedence that after munster came another new member atheist. If you didn't stop it now, there would be another and another. Ultimately this turns to chaos, which is their objective. This is a very interesting group.

We have some atheist here who debate, and it leads to some very interesting discussion.
Yes, I was enjoying (pretty much), chatting with munster. But the discussion became pretty unfruitful, and I'm sure that's why it finally ended. Some of these discussions bring out a lot of good points, I think. And it can be an opportunity for atheists to engage with respectful, informed Christians (hopefully) - something they might not experience too often.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:39 am
by Gman
ElShamah wrote:munster at ireland atheist forum :

Code: Select all

Yes truthhurts, when a certain individual named gman could not answer me on scientific evidence for the Garden of Eden or that the reliability of the Bible, I was conveniently banned, and it's my IP address thats banned not just my email!. Still I had a good run.

How long did you last? Or what did you say to piss them off
has he been banned ? - and if so, why ?
He was here only to debate which goes against this forums guidelines. Questions were asked of him and he simply could not answer them (hence debating). Also ad hominem's are not tolerated here either. ... f=1&t=2517

Also if he wants scientific evidence for ID it's all here...

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:41 am
by jlay
It is impossible to engage with someone like truthhurts. They have a distorted view. Their posts reveal a lot of misconceptions and fallacies. For example, he assumes that creationists are anti-science.

He also assumes evolutions is a fact. This is the same circular reasoning that gets no where. "evolution is an accepted fact." Well, it is accpeted, in fact it is accpeted in varying degrees by creationists and darwinists. Natural selection is testable and observable, and is an evidence of evolution. The Darwinist says that man and ape descend from a common ancestor. This is also an evolutionary theory. This is where the leap of faith is made that since natural selection is evolutionary theory and is a fact, then common ancestory is also fact. However, that violates proper reasoning. Rarely will you get someone like truthhurts to engage beyond this point. They will quickly move to another argument, or an insult, like, "you think the earth is 6,000 years old, blah, blah. Or ALL scientists believe in evolution." However, depending on how one defines evolution, you can accurately state, "all creationists believe in evolution."

They can't focus on one argument. Begin to really address the problems with Darwinism, and they will jump to issues with the bible. Address the issues of the bible and they will jump to disagreements with God. Address that and they will jump to their problems with miracles. Address that and they will jump to "prove God exist." Adress that and they jump back to the beginning. And here you go again. Sadly, they don't realize that there methods actually demonstrate prophetic truth in the bible. There are several prophetic statements regarding how scoffers will react. Being dogmatic in their arguments only further illustrates that theirs is a position of religious ideology and not objective science. Science is merely the veil in which they cloak their religious objectives.

Personally, I love science. I love the fact that I can get a flu shot, make a phone call, watch TV, and drive a motor car. However it is nothing less than snobbery to imply that we should bow to Darwinism because of these accomplishments. That is called taking credit where none is due. Science has also given us germ warfare, the threat of nuclear annihilation, and multiple ways to contaminate your body with carcinogens. I would never try to argue that Darwinism isn't true because Hiroshima was blown off the map.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:44 am
by cslewislover
Yes, truthhurts came on here simply to criticize, to put it kindly (lol).

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:56 am
by Gman
Truthhurts wrote:when some one says some thing like blind chance they betray not only the facts hard one for humanity but their own ignorance of said facts. There is no blind chance in evolution and anyone who says there is has no idea of what evoultion says happened. as munster said read the blind watchmaker or youtube climbing mount improbable. read any evolution book for that matter...not than anyone here will!!
Baloney!!! What about this evolutionary book???

According to biologists, chance events (blind luck chance) can be described in genetic drift, gene flow, and even mutation in microevolution. Natural selection (a blend of chance and sorting), however, is the only mechanism that consistently leads to adaptive evolution.

“Genetic drift, gene flow, and even mutation can cause microevolution. But these are chance events, and only blind luck could result in their improving a population's fit to its environment. Evolution by natural selection, on the other hand, is a blend of chance and "sorting": chance in the random collection of genetic variation packaged in gametes and combined in offspring and sorting in that some alleles are favored over others. Because of this sorting effect, only natural selection consistently leads to adaptive evolution-evolution that results in a better fit between organisms and their environment.” Biology : Concepts and connections — Ch. 13.12, pg 269, 2008

Your fight is with these evolutionary scientists...
Truthhurts wrote:evidence for evoultion is in the about the evolution of bacteria in the lab over time, germ theory or how about the bloody obvious fact that we look almost EXACTLY the same as monkeys and share 99% of their DNA.

Many say that the chimps blueprint is 99% identical to ours. Humans are much more identical to a chimp than a rat, that is true. It sounds close, only 1%, but you also have to remember that our genome is 3 billion base pairs long. So one 1% of 3 billion we are still talking about millions of letters that are different. It's still a big difference. There are also considerable differences involved in the development of the brain, also our diet and how we digest food are really different. Speech is another area. A sequence called FOXP2 may help give humans the delicate muscle control in their face to produce words far more complex than animal sounds. And the difference from leathery paws to sensitive hands that build computers maybe the result of another sequence dubbed R2.
Truthhurts wrote:i know it doesnt really matter what i say i defense of evolution some will never get it. they will say stupid things like how come there are still apes if we evolved from them? or things like that which again show nothing but ignorance of what evolution says.
no body disputes the theory of gravity....(intelligent falling anyone) or the theory of the atom or pretty much anything else in science.
It seems that evolution alone is a lightening rod for the faithful, why....because it gives us an idea of our beginings as a species which cannot be ignored by the faithful because it directly disputes the bible.
In regards to gravity, I don't think you can compare Darwinian evolution to gravity. When you look at the scientific methods of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton they made observations plus predictions that anyone could observe… Darwinian evolution is not like that. DE is a different kind of science, it's a historical science that claims what happened in the past, it's not like gravity at all… There is a categorical difference between evolutionary science and gravity.. Gravity can make simple predictions like the gravitational force between the earth and the moon. It's something that can be measured.. You can't take Darwinism and formulate it to an equation like F=MA the force of gravity. Dawinism is NOT a law, you can't measure it.. It's all just speculation… And if you believed that life arose by chance processes, you have to believe that millions of years ago life arouse from non-life, from matter, and this violates the law of biogeneis. No scientist has ever showed this law could ever be violated.
Truthhurts wrote:i like this god made us in his image bit too....then why are we not invisible!! we are not the centre of anyones creation that should be obvious to every one here!!
so i ask one question. prove to me god exists??
That fact that you are alive is proof enough that God exists.. You simply have no proof of Darwinian evolution. You have to accept it on faith and miracles.. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:01 pm
by ElShamah
i think it wouldn't hurt if the board moderators would aloud to open just one topic, where atheists can post, and joins, who wants to. Munster went right back to the irish forum, singing victory.....

Yes truthhurts, when a certain individual named gman could not answer me on scientific evidence for the Garden of Eden or that the reliability of the Bible, I was conveniently banned, and it's my IP address thats banned not just my email!. Still I had a good run.

How long did you last? Or what did you say to piss them off

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:46 pm
by Byblos
ElShamah wrote:i think it wouldn't hurt if the board moderators would aloud to open just one topic, where atheists can post, and joins, who wants to. Munster went right back to the irish forum, singing victory.....

Yes truthhurts, when a certain individual named gman could not answer me on scientific evidence for the Garden of Eden or that the reliability of the Bible, I was conveniently banned, and it's my IP address thats banned not just my email!. Still I had a good run.

How long did you last? Or what did you say to piss them off

We are not very concerned with any false sense of victories munster or any other atheist might claim. Our concern is the board and its purpose. We've gone down this road before where we allowed some leeway and the board was soon overcome with them. This board serves a specific cause if you wish, for those who are Christian and those who are sincere seekers. It's not open for everyone. There are plenty of sites out there for that.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:01 pm
by zoegirl
I was actually surprisd to see it last that long!!

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:40 pm
by faded
Banning people with whom you disagree?

How very 'christian' of you.

Re: participate at Atheist Forums

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:46 pm
by ElShamah
Our concern is the board and its purpose. We've gone down this road before where we allowed some leeway and the board was soon overcome with them. This board serves a specific cause if you wish, for those who are Christian and those who are sincere seekers. It's not open for everyone. There are plenty of sites out there for that.
thats why i said : the board administrators could permit just one thread, and participates just, who wants to. I don't know any board on the net with scientifically well instructed christians, who could debate and answer with science as base to atheists. This board could be a bridge - a important one. If some atheist does not show a genuine interest, just not answer him, that would solve the problem.

i found this homepage, i don't know if the participants know it, but i think its very good :

its not creationists showing the weakness of the theory of evolution, but the very own evolutionists. ... quotes.htm

The below are a very small sampling of some quotes taken from peer reviewed journals and other evolutionist writings. In nearly all cases, the authors do believe in the general concept of evolution, and yet are pointing out weaknesses with the theory!