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Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:12 pm
by MAGSolo
So then you dont think God should do that?

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 4:56 pm
by B. W.
MAGSolo wrote:from what you quoted Im really not seeing at all how you are hearing me say that
Me: So you people dont think its not okay for God to kill people before they commit an evil act right?
B.W.: So what I hear you saying is that its perfectly acceptable for human being to kill each other, correct?

Im super confused how you got that from what I said
MAGSolo wrote:
1over137 wrote:Magsolo, I feel like you are ignoring my posts.
...Yet i have posted about a 3 year old boy cooked to death by his mother. I five year old girl sold by her mother to a pedophile where she was raped and then killed, and here a 10 year old girl that was kidnapped with her mother, raped, and her mother was stabbed to death. My point is what about all the cases where no good comes of evil? When Im talking about children being raped and murdered in terrible ways, and you are telling me about how you recovered from depression, I feel that there is a disconnect somewhere and so there really isnt much for me to say to a post like that.
Who did the killing - God or the mother?

So what I am hearing you say Mag is this: It is perfectly acceptable for human beings to kill each other, correct?

Jesus helps us to recover and prevent such things but the bible is true for many who chose to reject recovery - they love darkness more than light...

Are you are contending that it is perfectly acceptable for human beings to kill each other...

What moral standard do you use to convict God of evil since, you do not hold to any absolute moral standard which judgment can be finalized?

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:07 pm
by Kurieuo
MAGSolo wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:
B. W. wrote:
MAGSolo wrote:I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
So, what I am hearing you say Mag is this: It is perfectly acceptable for human beings to kill each other, correct?
You got that? I just keep hearing blah blah blah... blah blah blah blah with question marks on the end. y:-?
So is this like the official point where Christians just start derailing threads when they are unable to answer a tough question? When the going gets tough, just throw out baseless accusations of trolling right y:-?
A troll that uses a bit more tact than outright inflamatory comments, but a troll no less. FL's right by a mile with his earlier on comments in this thread.

Your intent is obvious here and it's not to search for answers or have a discussion.

You may think yourself wise, but let's just say you're no Ivellious. You're not even in the same league.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:22 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
MAGSolo wrote:Here again there seems to be a disconnect somewhere or it seems like you havent been following the conversation somehow.
The disconnect is in your head, MAGSolo. I have been saying ever since you came to G & S that you are unfocused, stubborn and unable to understand simple explanations. The proof is that you keep asking the same questions over and over and over again yet never seem to understand the answers.

What's with you? You keep making a fool of yourself. Why ? Why would you have so little self-respect?


Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:50 pm
by Jac3510
Mag, I hope you consider what you are being told. I am confident you won't, but all the same, but if you notice, there are people here who are not Christian who are taken seriously, and many, many others who have posted here in the past who were taken seriously during their stay here. You should ask why they are and you are not. You can, of course, assume that you are so much more brilliant than them, so much more than the rest of us are terrified of these objections that no one has ever thought of but you, that we've never considered until you brought them to light, and that the other poor non-Christian souls here would do well to follow your lead and ask about. I'm not sure that assumption would serve you all that well, but I can't deny that it is an option for you.

On the other hand, you can make the more humble assumption that maybe those unbelievers are at least as intelligent as you, if not more so, and that their questions are just good and penetrating as yours, if not more so, and then ask why it is that they get taken seriously and, by and large, you aren't. I realize that there are some here who have given you their time, but you've noticed and complained yourself that much of that time isn't spent in the discussion as you would like to have it. Again, you should consider the possibility that there is a reason for that, and that that reason lies solely behind your keyboard, not ours.

Or, you just refuse to think about the issue at all. Given your history, I suspect you'll pay lip-service (if that) to this line of thought, pretending to "get" it, and carry on as you always have, completely unfazed and oblivious, having learned nothing, and simply frustrating yourself.

We aren't the problem, Mag. You are. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can go about fixing it. And if you refuse to admit that, then you'll continue to be the problem, you will find the engagement to be less and less, and eventually, like everyone else who takes your approach, you will leave here having learned nothing, convinced in your own self-righteous arrogance that your measly arguments have actually managed to tear down two thousand years of scholarship from the brightest minds the world has ever seen, that everyone except you really is that stupid. Not that you would put it to yourself that way, of course. When you say it that way, the arrogance is obvious. But then again, that's just a matter of being honest with yourself. And in the end, that might be the hardest thing of all.

Just a thought. By all means, carry on.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:09 pm
by MAGSolo
Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand, but Im not falling for it.
I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
Since I have asked this not a single person has yet to answer.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:18 pm
by Danieltwotwenty
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand, but Im not falling for it.
I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
Since I have asked this not a single person has yet to answer.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 7:36 pm
by Kurieuo
Danieltwotwenty wrote:
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand, but Im not falling for it.
I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
Since I have asked this not a single person has yet to answer.
:lol: :amen:

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 8:18 pm
by Jac3510
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand
Of course we are. Don't you realize how utterly devastating, how deeply incisive, and terrifyingly revelatory your arguments are? Why, to try to answer would be to set ourselves up to see plainly and incontrovertibly the error of our ways, which could perhaps break us from the spell of our self-induced delusion. No, sir. We cannot, we dare not, answer your questions. Our very faith depends on it! We will ignore. We will distract. We will do anything to keep from seeing the truth!
but Im not falling for it.

The really sad truth is what you have fallen for. Ah well.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 9:10 pm
by Kurieuo
Jac3510 wrote:
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand
Of course we are. Don't you realize how utterly devastating, how deeply incisive, and terrifyingly revelatory your arguments are? Why, to try to answer would be to set ourselves up to see plainly and incontrovertibly the error of our ways, which could perhaps break us from the spell of our self-induced delusion. No, sir. We cannot, we dare not, answer your questions. Our very faith depends on it! We will ignore. We will distract. We will do anything to keep from seeing the truth!
Chris, I hear you buddy! I'm actually super confused too!

Noone's answering MAGSolo's tough questions 100 times. My faith is being challenged so much that I can't take it any longer.

MAGSolo, please help me. I don't know what to do now you've started me thinking. What should I believe... what should I do now?

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:30 am
by B. W.
MAGSolo wrote:....Its not okay because it permits thousands of people to suffer and die at the hands of evil people on a daily basis. Im not okay with innocent people suffering evil so any act by God that allows this to occur is not okay to me. I dont like people being raped, and killed, Gods acts allow this to occur, so Gods acts are not okay with me. But more precisely let me say that the fact that these things occur daily is very strong evidence to me that the kind, loving, benevolent, good God of the bible does not exist.
So for you, it is okay for God to kill evil people before they were born or even when very young. Yet, you disagree with God’s command to kill all the Canaanites in the days of Moses/Joshua or any of the other laws such as Lev 20:15, etc…

You are a contradiction because you contend that there are no moral absolute standards, yet, use your subjective morality logic standard to judge God as a non-being and Christians as neanderthalic nitwits.

So here is a question for you Mag: What happens when an evil person’s far off future progeny will invent penicillin and thus brings relief to billions suffering from infections?

You and we, know not the mind of God, nor understand all things God permits and does. Often evil is allowed due to the future state of benefit that future progeny pose for hmanity and/or their acceptance of Christ in the far off future.

Would it be morally wrong for God to wipe out all humanity, saving none, in Genesis 6? How fair would that be to millions who would do humanity good and all those that would accept the life changing grace of Christ who never had a chance?

Your mind is limited in intelligence and wisdom, Mag, so get used to having your brain deflate of its hot air...

You are not God and you do not look at things as how God does, nor are you able able to work thru all things as God does that try to entrap him to act contrary to himself. Why should an all powerful God be afraid of permitting beings to reason and think independently? In this, proves equity and absolute justice beyond what the human mind is capable of fathoming. God is way more than able to work all things toward his intended goal (Rev 21:1-4) with no violation to being or creature endowed with the gifts, callings, and promises He has given to such

So I find it very hypocritical of you to set forth a subjected moral standard concerning God not slaying the wicked and then turn around and accuse God of immoral acts when he did slay such folk as recorded in the bible.

Mag, you cannot have it both ways. We have shown great grace to you - does that mean anything to you?

You hate God and appear to have a chip on your shoulder. God keeps knocking it off but you keep picking it up and re-wearing it proudly.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:04 am
by 1over137
MAGSolo wrote:.... Im not okay with innocent people suffering evil so any act by God that allows this to occur is not okay to me. I dont like ...
Only Jesus was innocent.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:10 pm
by FallingScales
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand, but Im not falling for it.
I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
Since I have asked this not a single person has yet to answer.
In the Bible God gave man choice
God never revokes any man's choice since he gave man the ability to choose unconditionally. Good or evil, man's decisions will not be stopped by God.
All actions God has done was not to stop a various person's choice on some topic or other.
To do otherwise would go against God's character.
The character of God is a whole debate in and of itself probably.
Without choice there would be no evil, and also nothing would matter. Without a mind, what is the point?

God knows all, how far we can comprehend the ramifications of that doesn't matter.
Looking at a single evil event compared to God looking at it, is like looking at a single word on a random entry in Wikipedia.
The butterfly effect of God killing x person for x reason has to also be considered which only God is capable of doing.
God allows evil to happen and I'm sure he has his reasons for it.
If I were to guess, it probably has something to do with his stance on freedom of choice, his involvement in our getting the freedom of choice, and all the ramifications that lies with that.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:38 am
by PaulSacramento
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand, but Im not falling for it.
I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
Since I have asked this not a single person has yet to answer.
Yes, I feel that God should NOT kill anyone before they commit a sinful act.

Re: Problem of evil

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:01 am
by 1over137
MAGSolo wrote:Everyone seems hellbent on ignoring and distracting from the topic at hand, but Im not falling for it.
I would like to revisit this comment by Paul. You pretty clearly here have voiced your opinion that you dont agree with the idea of God killing people before they commit a sinful act. I would like to clear this up. Is this how you feel? Anyone else feel free to chime in. Do you all agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act?
Since I have asked this not a single person has yet to answer.
Some posts before I wrote this:
Ok, God would kill those people and then what? No chance for a killer to repent and become Christian? Also, you cannot know whether killed children are in heaven now.
I believe that from my post followed that I 'do not agree that it is not a good idea for God to kill people before they commit an evil act'. Well, to be more precise: I cannot tell what is and what is not a good idea for God. I can only tell that it does not seem to me that God would kill everybody before they commit an evil act.