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Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:54 pm
by ClassicalTeacher
SonofAletheia wrote:
ClassicalTeacher wrote: ... I am by no means an expert in the argument of creationism vs. evolution. I do not believe in evolution, however, When I teach science, I teach evolution as a poor scientific theory and engage my students in provocative discussions and research to prove it is a poor scientific theory. ... I do not believe that the universe is billions and billions and billions of years old....
Out of curiosity, why do you teach evolution as a "poor scientific theory" if you would not consider yourself an expert in the field? Wouldn't it be better to stay objective and describe the contemporary scientific scene as a teacher? (Especially if the subject is not something you're well-educated in).
I just hope the students know about the objective evidence and are aware that the vast majority of scientists hold to the view that the universe is 13.7 billions years old and in the theory of evolution.
I am not going to get into a debate with you on this because I stated that these were my own personal beliefs. You don't like them? Don't agree with them? Oh well....I guess you'll have to deal...
You teach evolution to young kids and show them how it's a "poor scientific theory" yet are not willing to discuss the view? And your justification is because they are your "personal beliefs"? I don't quite understand this
And why do you respond to Huge with "You don't like them? Don't agree with them? Oh well....I guess you'll have to deal..." Come on now. No need for that[/quote]

I do not teach young children. I teach older kids in grades 6-10. I don't like to argue about this because it never is resolved. It is a constant and ongoing debate with no one giving in. It doesn't take an expert to see that evolution is not based on the scientific method. Arguing about evolution vs creationism is like the abortion issue--no one is going to give an inch--and I'm too old to get all riled up. It is my personal belief, based on what I've learned, read, and experienced over many years, that evolution is a poor theory. I believe that it takes a greater act of faith to believe in evolution--that is, that order came out of chaos--than it takes to believe in an omnipotent entity (aka: God) creating everything from nothing. I can't prove that--no one can--but neither can evolution be proved. We simply cannot apply the scientific method to it.

I did not mean to be abrasive and I'm sorry if that is how I came off. I just don't want to debate this issue--for reasons I explained above. If that doesn't sit well with anyone here, well, then there's nothing I can do about it. That's all I meant. And that is all I'm going to say on the topic. I hope you can accept that. I'm sorry I brought it up.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:05 pm
by SonofAletheia
Maybe you should wake Charles Darwin up from the dead and explain that to him, including your version of science fiction where you have whales evolving from hippo-like creatures.

Charles Darwin predicted that future generations of paleontologists would find fossils showing a whale on its way to a bear. I believe he got the idea after he saw a bear swimming across the river.
What does Darwin's predictions have to do with the contemporary evidence? Like I've been trying to tell you, there have been numerous transitional fossils found within the past few years alone, let alone since The Origin Of Species. Although Darwin was a brilliant mind and his views on evolution were revolutionary, he was wrong on a number of things (and some evidence for evolution he didn't even know about) So quoting one of Darwin's (potential) mistakes from a book written 150 years ago does not defeat the current evidence.
That would be like quoting Albert Einstein and listing a mistake he made. Does the mistake disprove the General theory of relativity? Not at all
You need to directly answer Hugh's evidence, not just throw around more outdated quotes

And please try responding to comments without using a passive aggressive tone, personal attacks, or red herrings. Calling a view "science fiction" can come off fairly pretentious

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:15 pm
by SonofAletheia
I do not teach young children. I teach older kids in grades 6-10. I don't like to argue about this because it never is resolved. It is a constant and ongoing debate with no one giving in. It doesn't take an expert to see that evolution is not based on the scientific method. Arguing about evolution vs creationism is like the abortion issue--no one is going to give an inch--and I'm too old to get all riled up. It is my personal belief, based on what I've learned, read, and experienced over many years, that evolution is a poor theory. I believe that it takes a greater act of faith to believe in evolution--that is, that order came out of chaos--than it takes to believe in an omnipotent entity (aka: God) creating everything from nothing. I can't prove that--no one can--but neither can evolution be proved. We simply cannot apply the scientific method to it.

I did not mean to be abrasive and I'm sorry if that is how I came off. I just don't want to debate this issue--for reasons I explained above. If that doesn't sit well with anyone here, well, then there's nothing I can do about it. That's all I meant. And that is all I'm going to say on the topic. I hope you can accept that. I'm sorry I brought it up.
I can sympathize with your opinion that sometimes people become entrenched in their views. However, I think this is a good group of people (more or less :ewink: ) to discuss issues with. But I respect your decision if you decide you'd rather not.

I consider myself fairly open-minded on these kinds of topics. For example, after studying evolution for a few years I decided it was the most rational position given the strong and cumulative evidence. I was raised and believed in the so-called Young Earth Creationist view for years until a few years ago when I became a Theistic Evolutionist (which I think makes great sense of the "order from chaos" trouble you mentioned)
All that to say, in my humble opinion, discussion tends to purify beliefs, rather than hurt them.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:16 pm
by Alter2Ego
hughfarey wrote:
Alter2Ego wrote:Look at those ridiculous dates. There is no credible dating method in existence that goes that far back. But that's the least of your problems. You stated above that the transition from fish to amphibians is Eusthenopteron foordi. Let's go back to the example that I gave hughfarey regarding the hypothetical creatures. It is because the fossils record consistently presents gaps aka missing links between every creature, that Gould and Eldridge decided to compensate by dreaming up punctuated equilibrium THEORY. And that's theory as in: "an attempt at explaining why a phenomena occurred" aka "a group of hypotheses that can be disproven."
No. Gould and Eldredge's theory predicts long series of fossils in a relatively unchanged state, followed by short series of fossils showing successive small differences, and then more long series. Their theory was of course based on what had been found before, but it has been confirmed by what has been found since, and although in 1980 their ideas were considered speculative by mainstream biologists, the last thirty years have borne out their predictions.
Frankly, I'm not sure what you are attempting to rebut. You are actually confirming what I said when I gave the example of the hypothetical creatures.

A "short series of successive small differences" does not suffice to fill in the gaps created by the missing link of, for example, the hypothetical Creature B and Creature C. According to Gould and Eldredge (via their punctuated equilibrium theory), Creature A turned into Creature D, despite the fact the fossils for Creature B and Creature C were never found (the gaps or missing links).

The "short series of fossils showing successive small differences" that Gould and Eldredge claim are part of punctuated equilibrium are of variations of the exact same creature in some instances, and fossils of entirely, unrelated creatures in other instances. There has never been found a single bone that connects creatures that are entirely different from one another. In other words, even punctuated equilibrium is debunked by the fossils record.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:23 pm
by Alter2Ego
SonofAletheia wrote:
Maybe you should wake Charles Darwin up from the dead and explain that to him, including your version of science fiction where you have whales evolving from hippo-like creatures.

Charles Darwin predicted that future generations of paleontologists would find fossils showing a whale on its way to a bear. I believe he got the idea after he saw a bear swimming across the river.
What does Darwin's predictions have to do with the contemporary evidence? Like I've been trying to tell you, there have been numerous transitional fossils found within the past few years alone, let alone since The Origin Of Species. Although Darwin was a brilliant mind and his views on evolution were revolutionary, he was wrong on a number of things (and some evidence for evolution he didn't even know about) So quoting one of Darwin's (potential) mistakes from a book written 150 years ago does not defeat the current evidence.
That would be like quoting Albert Einstein and listing a mistake he made. Does the mistake disprove the General theory of relativity? Not at all
You need to directly answer Hugh's evidence, not just throw around more outdated quotes

And please try responding to comments without using a passive aggressive tone, personal attacks, or red herrings. Calling a view "science fiction" can come off fairly pretentious
You are giving me wash, rinse, and repeat. Therefore, I will return the favor by informing you that the "fossils transitions" you are referring to are of creatures for which there are no bones showing how they evolved from one another. In other words, the "fossils transitions" are not transitional fossils at all. They are either variations of the exact same creature or bones of creatures that are not even related to one another. What is it about that don't you get?

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:30 pm
by Alter2Ego
hughfarey wrote:
Alter2Ego wrote:I stated in my last post that they dreamed up the fabricated term: "punctuated equilibrium" in 1972 when they realized there were no transitional fossils showing a connection between fossils of creatures that appear to be similar.
I don't understand what you really mean by this. Names for all new ideas I suppose can be 'dreamed up' or consciously 'fabricated' but the two sources seem to be mutually exclusive. I expect somebody dreamed up the fabricated terms "motor car" or "moving picture" or "apologetical forum." You seem to imply that "dreaming up" "fabricated terms" is in some way reprehensible. Perhaps I misunderstand.
You are under the mistaken impression that any terminology that is used to described something is a negative "fabrication." The term fabricate has several meanings, and one of the meanings is with reference to the intent to deceive.


"The definition of fabrication is something that is false or not real."


transitive verb

1 a : invent, create
b : to make up for the purpose of deception <accused of fabricating evidence> ... 1370807251

The term "moving picture" accurately describes films. That is, the picture moves in front of the eyes of the viewer. Likewise, the term "motor car" is an accurate description of a car that is motorized.

The term "punctuated equilibrium" is a fabrication in the negative sense of the word. It describes something for which there is no evidence. Its sole intent is to mislead the gullible, to have people thinking that animals evolved and that it happened when, for example, Creature A became Creature D, with no need for transitional fossils (the gaps in the record). Never mind that there is no way of proving this ever occurred, since nobody was there when Creature A decided to change into Creature D. In other words, we're talking blind faith when discussing macroevolution myth: believing in something for which there is no evidence in the fossils.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:19 pm
by SonofAletheia
What does Darwin's predictions have to do with the contemporary evidence? Like I've been trying to tell you, there have been numerous transitional fossils found within the past few years alone, let alone since The Origin Of Species. Although Darwin was a brilliant mind and his views on evolution were revolutionary, he was wrong on a number of things (and some evidence for evolution he didn't even know about) So quoting one of Darwin's (potential) mistakes from a book written 150 years ago does not defeat the current evidence.
That would be like quoting Albert Einstein and listing a mistake he made. Does the mistake disprove the General theory of relativity? Not at all
You need to directly answer Hugh's evidence, not just throw around more outdated quotes

And please try responding to comments without using a passive aggressive tone, personal attacks, or red herrings. Calling a view "science fiction" can come off fairly pretentious
You are giving me wash, rinse, and repeat. Therefore, I will return the favor by informing you that the "fossils transitions" you are referring to are of creatures for which there are no bones showing how they evolved from one another. In other words, the "fossils transitions" are not transitional fossils at all. They are either variations of the exact same creature or bones of creatures that are not even related to one another. What is it about that don't you get?
My last post was more exposing your elementary knowledge of argumentation and debate. I was not attempting to argue with you, as I've already attempted multiple times and you haven't responded.


Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:36 am
by hughfarey
Alter2Ego wrote:Maybe you should wake Charles Darwin up from the dead and explain that to him, including your version of science fiction where you have whales evolving from hippo-like creatures. Charles Darwin predicted that future generations of paleontologists would find fossils showing a whale on its way to a bear. I believe he got the idea after he saw a bear swimming across the river.
In North America the black bear was seen by Hearne swimming for hours with widely open mouth, thus catching, like a whale, insects in the water. Even in so extreme a case as this, if the supply of insects were constant, and if better adapted competitors did not already exist in the country, I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.
(SOURCE: Charles Darwin, Origin of Species; Chapter 6, p. 184)
You really must read On the Origin of Species more carefully. Charles Darwin speculated accurately that marine mammals probably evolved from terrestrial ones, and bears were a reasonable guess. As it happens, the fossil record shows that hippos are more closely related to whales than bears are. However, you have completely misread the entire passage. Darwin was not saying that Whales might "turn into" Bears, but the other way round.
Alter2Ego wrote:A "short series of successive small differences" does not suffice to fill in the gaps created by the missing link of, for example, the hypothetical Creature B and Creature C. According to Gould and Eldredge (via their punctuated equilibrium theory), Creature A turned into Creature D, despite the fact the fossils for Creature B and Creature C were never found (the gaps or missing links).The "short series of fossils showing successive small differences" that Gould and Eldredge claim are part of punctuated equilibrium are of variations of the exact same creature in some instances, and fossils of entirely, unrelated creatures in other instances. There has never been found a single bone that connects creatures that are entirely different from one another. In other words, even punctuated equilibrium is debunked by the fossils record.
Well, in a way I agree with you. It is possible to look at a continuous series of fossils - marine organisms are the best examples - with continuous gradual differences between them, and arbitrarily say at any stage: "This one is merely a variation of Creature A, but this next one is an entirely new creation, Creature D. All the intermediate forms are variations of these two."
What would be interesting, from my point of view, would be to see a Creationist such as yourself identify the point at which one Species was suddenly replaced by the other, and describe how the transition came about.
As they are so remarkably similar, you might say that God spontaneously and miraculous altered the DNA of a zygote or two of Species A, which was gestated and hatched (or born) as Species D?
Or, was every member of Species A suddenly annihilated, and the chemicals from which they were made immediately replaced by an equivalent population of Species D?
Or, did every member of Species A die childless, and God create some Species D from nothing, who then expanded to repopulate the ecological niche vacated by Species A?
The alternatives above are not the only possibilities, by any means.

You see, these are the questions a true Creationist who was also a scientist would be asking herself, and then, by working out the corollaries to each one, try to identify which was likely to be correct. I have asked several times if you would care to share your scientific views, without success. It may be that you don't have any. That's fair enough, but it makes me wonder why, in that case, you would instigate a scientific debate.
Alter2Ego wrote:The term "moving picture" accurately describes films. That is, the picture moves in front of the eyes of the viewer.
It does, doesn't it. Actually of course, the picture does not move at all. A series of still pictures is projected, each one so similar to the last that it gives the impression of continual change. Rather like the fossil record. It seems to me that an old Disney cartoon, such as Sleeping Beauty, describes the Creationist position, as each frame was drawn and coloured more or less individually, and when run together they give the impression of continuous movement, even though there were no transitional stages between each frame, while a film of actors acting is more like the evolutionist position, as each frame is a still snapshot in time of continuous movement, which when run together recreates that continuous movement for the audience. So, is the fossil record a cartoon or a 'live' movie? And how can we tell? Well. I suppose we could narrow down the search to two successive frames, and ask ourselves - is there anything between them? We turn up at the Disney studio to see the original drawings, and it is clear that the artists drew as many pictures as were necessary and no more. Or we turn up at the MGM studio and discover that the film was actually made with many more frames per second than we originally thought, and that extra frames, in between the ones we saw in the original film still exist. I haven't really thought this out, and maybe it won't lead anywhere, but as 'new frames' in the fossil record are continuously being discovered, the film of life is looking more and more like a 'live' movie, and less and less like a cartoon!
ClassicalTeacher wrote:Arguing about evolution vs creationism is like the abortion issue--no one is going to give an inch--and I'm too old to get all riled up. It is my personal belief, based on what I've learned, read, and experienced over many years, that evolution is a poor theory. I believe that it takes a greater act of faith to believe in evolution--that is, that order came out of chaos--than it takes to believe in an omnipotent entity (aka: God) creating everything from nothing. I can't prove that--no one can--but neither can evolution be proved. We simply cannot apply the scientific method to it.
The only similarities between abortion and evolution are that both evoke quite extreme positions. Scientifically they are wholly different. Nobody disputes what happens at an abortion, the question is only whether it is right or wrong. On the other hand the history of the world was not morally "right or wrong;" the dispute is about what actually happened. However I do have a problem with your biology. In a forum specifically devoted to the interaction between the ideas "God" and "Science", to announce that "we simply cannot apply the scientific method to it" rather denies the premise, don't you think? I hope that by posting here you are at least interested, even if only academically, in what the "Science" side of the discussion has to say, and that you will continue to read and contribute to it.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:11 am
by Alter2Ego
hughfarey wrote:
Alter2Ego wrote:Maybe you should wake Charles Darwin up from the dead and explain that to him, including your version of science fiction where you have whales evolving from hippo-like creatures. Charles Darwin predicted that future generations of paleontologists would find fossils showing a whale on its way to a bear. I believe he got the idea after he saw a bear swimming across the river.
In North America the black bear was seen by Hearne swimming for hours with widely open mouth, thus catching, like a whale, insects in the water. Even in so extreme a case as this, if the supply of insects were constant, and if better adapted competitors did not already exist in the country, I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale.
(SOURCE: Charles Darwin, Origin of Species; Chapter 6, p. 184)
You really must read On the Origin of Species more carefully. Charles Darwin speculated accurately that marine mammals probably evolved from terrestrial ones, and bears were a reasonable guess. As it happens, the fossil record shows that hippos are more closely related to whales than bears are. However, you have completely misread the entire passage. Darwin was not saying that Whales might "turn into" Bears, but the other way round.

You really must read on the scientific reports more carefully. Charles Darwin's predictions were all false. The fossils record does not support evolution theory. Let me remind you that your two heroes, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Gould, dreamed up the replacement theory entitled Punctuated Equilibrium after Darwin's predictions failed. Gould and Eldredge were not the only ones who wised up to Darwin's failed prophecies regarding macroevolution myth.

"Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin's time, and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record. and it is not always clear, in fact it's rarely clear, that the descendants were actually better adapted than their predecessors. In other words, biological improvement is hard to find." (Raup, David M., "Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology," Bulletin, Field Museum of Natural History, vol. 50, 1979, p. 23.)

David Raup is as pro-evolution as the others. But he was forced to admit that the fossils record does not show any creatures evolving from something entirely different. Not only that, even when variations of the same species showed up, they were not considered an improvement over those that had preceded them. According to evolution theory, the newer arrivals are supposed to be improvements over their predecesors; remember? Raup's comment above says there is no evidence of that in the fossils record. And he's on your side of the evolution debate.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 2:33 am
by Alter2Ego
hughfarey wrote:
Alter2Ego wrote:The term "moving picture" accurately describes films. That is, the picture moves in front of the eyes of the viewer.
It does, doesn't it. Actually of course, the picture does not move at all. A series of still pictures is projected, each one so similar to the last that it gives the impression of continual change. Rather like the fossil record. It seems to me that an old Disney cartoon, such as Sleeping Beauty, describes the Creationist position, as each frame was drawn and coloured more or less individually, and when run together they give the impression of continuous movement, even though there were no transitional stages between each frame, while a film of actors acting is more like the evolutionist position, as each frame is a still snapshot in time of continuous movement, which when run together recreates that continuous movement for the audience.
I am aware of the mechanics of filmmaking. The point is that the frames of subsequent shots taken in quick succession are stretched or "moved" across the screen when the film is fed through the projector. The mechanics of how it is done is not the issue. So the term "moving picture" is accurate and is not a fabrication intended to deceive.

The same cannot be said for the evolutionary term "punctuated equilibrium," which was fabricated for the sole purpose of misleading the gullible. It presents itself as a plausible explanation for why the fossils record contains so many gaps between various creatures that are supposed to have evolved from one another. The reality is that punctuated equilibrium is unprovable, since nobody was there when the creatures supposedly decided to make "small changes" and turn into something entirely different.

Punctuated equilibrium is a theory. Like all theories, it is simply an attempt at explaining why a phenomena occurred. Theories and facts are two entirely different things.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:58 am
by PaulSacramento
Sometimes it seems that people confuse the terms "theory" with "hypothesis".
A scientific theory is based on facts, it is an interpretation of facts.
Evolution is a theory.
The multi-universe is a hypothesis.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:48 am
by ClassicalTeacher
SonofAletheia wrote:
What does Darwin's predictions have to do with the contemporary evidence? Like I've been trying to tell you, there have been numerous transitional fossils found within the past few years alone, let alone since The Origin Of Species. Although Darwin was a brilliant mind and his views on evolution were revolutionary, he was wrong on a number of things (and some evidence for evolution he didn't even know about) So quoting one of Darwin's (potential) mistakes from a book written 150 years ago does not defeat the current evidence.
That would be like quoting Albert Einstein and listing a mistake he made. Does the mistake disprove the General theory of relativity? Not at all
You need to directly answer Hugh's evidence, not just throw around more outdated quotes

And please try responding to comments without using a passive aggressive tone, personal attacks, or red herrings. Calling a view "science fiction" can come off fairly pretentious
You are giving me wash, rinse, and repeat. Therefore, I will return the favor by informing you that the "fossils transitions" you are referring to are of creatures for which there are no bones showing how they evolved from one another. In other words, the "fossils transitions" are not transitional fossils at all. They are either variations of the exact same creature or bones of creatures that are not even related to one another. What is it about that don't you get?
My last post was more exposing your elementary knowledge of argumentation and debate. I was not attempting to argue with you, as I've already attempted multiple times and you haven't responded.

This is alter's m.o. She NEVER answers anyone's questions--except with an accusation or with another question. This lady needs help--desperately. We all need to pray for her.

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:56 am
by ClassicalTeacher
The only similarities between abortion and evolution are that both evoke quite extreme positions. Scientifically they are wholly different. Nobody disputes what happens at an abortion, the question is only whether it is right or wrong. On the other hand the history of the world was not morally "right or wrong;" the dispute is about what actually happened. However I do have a problem with your biology. In a forum specifically devoted to the interaction between the ideas "God" and "Science", to announce that "we simply cannot apply the scientific method to it" rather denies the premise, don't you think? I hope that by posting here you are at least interested, even if only academically, in what the "Science" side of the discussion has to say, and that you will continue to read and contribute to it.

I was not trying to equate abortion with evolution. I was saying that the ARGUMENTS surrounding the abortion issue is very much like the arguments surrounding evolution--there is never an agreement. And....that is my final remark on this topic. God bless you!

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:24 am
by hughfarey
Alter2Ego wrote:You really must read on the scientific reports more carefully. Charles Darwin's predictions were all false. The fossils record does not support evolution theory. Let me remind you that your two heroes, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Gould, dreamed up the replacement theory entitled Punctuated Equilibrium after Darwin's predictions failed. Gould and Eldredge were not the only ones who wised up to Darwin's failed prophecies regarding macroevolution myth.
5."Instead of finding the gradual unfolding of life, what geologists of Darwin's time, and geologists of the present day actually find is a highly uneven or jerky record; that is, species appear in the sequence very suddenly, show little or no change during their existence in the record, then abruptly go out of the record. and it is not always clear, in fact it's rarely clear, that the descendants were actually better adapted than their predecessors. In other words, biological improvement is hard to find."(Raup, David M., "Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology," Bulletin, Field Museum of Natural History, vol. 50, 1979, p. 23.)
David Raup is as pro-evolution as the others. But he was forced to admit that the fossils record does not show any creatures evolving from something entirely different. Not only that, even when variations of the same species showed up, they were not considered an improvement over those that had preceded them. According to evolution theory, the newer arrivals are supposed to be improvements over their predecesors; remember? Raup's comment above says there is no evidence of that in the fossils record. And he's on your side of the evolution debate.
Still no. Darwin's predictions, and those of Gould and Eldredge have not "failed." In the 150 years since On The Origin Of Species was published, and even in the 40 years or so since Gould and Eldredge's ideas were published, fossils have been found in abundance, and all contributed to the developing theory of evolution as it is today.
David Raup was concerned with the mechanism of mass extinction, and the part played by chance. The extinction of pterosaurs, reptiles supremely well adapted to their environment, and the time it took for birds to replace then in their ecological niche, was a case in point. He realised that birds could not have evolved from pterosaurs, and speculated that a sudden change of environment had rendered them extinct, so that their replacements had to evolve from less well adapted animals, in a remarkably short time. In a loose sense, it is certainly true that early birds were not improvements on pterosaurs from an aerial point of view, but they were great improvements on the species from which they evolved.

As we have seen, your understanding of the details of evolution is not sufficiently strong to persuade those of us who know a bit more about it that it doesn't work. However, it may be that your understanding of the details of creation is more your strength, so why not try to tell us a little more about that?

Re: Genesis Creation vs. Darwin's Macroevolution Myth

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:42 am
by ryanbouma
As a skeptic of evolution, I gotta agree with these guys Alter2Ego. You're not providing very convincing arguments. Just because some predictions of the theory when it was first conceived have been modified, doesn't show the theory fails. I'm not sure there are any arguments that show the theory fails. Rather multiple problems that require extrordinary explanations which cast doubt. So careful not to talk in absolutes, like: "thus the theory of evolution is false". We just can't say that. In the same way, you wouldn't find it convincing if an atheist told you: "thus, there is no god".

Don't worry, I'm not very good at providing convincing arguments either :D