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Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:42 am
by RickD
Philip wrote:
Rick: If you want to make a decent living in Florida, you probably have to own your own business. The pay here stinks. But I think I'm stuck somewhere in warm weather. I can't stand the cold anymore.
Or, you have to go much further south in Florida to the real money places, like Miami, or various places on the Gulf Coast. North Florida is basically south Georgia, economically speaking.
That it is. And Georgia is like a south South Carolina. :lol:

But if you're in the financial business, Jacksonville is a pretty good city to work in. Or so I've heard.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 9:58 am
by Philip
Rick: That it is. And Georgia is like a south South Carolina. :lol:
In SC, the money centers are the capital (Columbia, seat of government, several universities (one major, USC) and colleges, Fort Jackson/key U.S. training camp), Greenville (manufacturing, many companies foreign companies), Charleston (tourism, Boeing). Away from these centers, it is much like inland FL, economically. However, the online telecommuting respects no borders :D .

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:50 pm
by Kurieuo
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:@Neo-X, just want to direct a post to you after further thought on FL's earlier harsh words.It's actually irked me a little. Do not listen to him. You couldn't receive more dribble if it were Satan himself!If we were called to separate from those who aren't Christian, then we'd have to leave the world. (1 Cor 5:10)I'm not sure FL gets that. He just sees "Red" and "Danger, Will Robinson!", "Islam", "Run Run"...
You don't know what you're talking about, Kurieuo! It's nice of you to defend neo but he needs no defence from me. You may want to look into Christian persecution in Pakistan. According to VOM, Pakistan is a nation hostile to Christians. So, in addition to lawlessness & corruption, Christians also must face violence, church destructions and death.
I see that you obviously had the best the intentions.
I'm not sure where you got the idea I believe Pakistan loves Christians.
My words in fact were quite the opposite of that and more to encourage Neo since he is there as a Christian.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 2:56 pm
by Kurieuo
neo-x wrote:Thank you K. Honestly I wanted to leave and I tried to leave too but was not successful. I just wanted my family to be safe after some events which directly posed real danger to me and my family. However I am staying whether I want or not, if that is how God wants it than I can't change it. I pray for guidance and a heart which can hear God.

As for Pakistan, I don't mind FL's words, he has to be literally here to see things as they are. If I had only a hope of a life with justice and without discrimination in my country, I would never want to leave Pakistan. Its a good country in many ways. I don't want to go to some western country just to clean at McDonald's or pump gas at some station, drive a taxi etc. I have a better life here in many ways but what I don't have is a stable environment, a chance to do better.

And there is a lot of work still to be done in Pakistan, evangelism is still not full done here. Its dangerous and sometimes fatal. But its not always that either, sometimes we can get a lot done without much "fatal" problems, its difficulty always though. We just have to be careful. I sometimes feel may be God still wants me and my family here, a lot of people rely on us. Including children we put to schools. So I can never fully "escape" I would still need to support and take responsibility of what God has put to me.
Family certainly adds complexities.
Everything I would like to do is filtered through my responsibilities to family.
I truly have not much idea and can only imagine what it is like, but pray one day it will change before the end.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 3:50 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
B. W. wrote:I was considering moving to Canada but Australia sounds better, unless there is still hope for this country.
Moving to Canada or Australia from the USA? That's like drinking champagne all your life then deciding to drink urine for health reasons...I think you're still better off in the USA, as long as it's not in southern Florida. There are too many foreigners south of Okeechobee: you'll need to learn either French or Spanish to live there.

Wyoming! Go to Wyoming! They got 'em nice license plates!


Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 4:05 pm
by Kurieuo
Always wondered why our beer tasted like piss. y:-?

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:07 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Kurieuo wrote:Always wondered why our beer tasted like piss. y:-?
Hey! I'm the one with the smart-alec responses! I was expecting you to be offended at my bashing of Australia.

What is this world coming to?

FL :shakehead:

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:12 pm
by RickD
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:Always wondered why our beer tasted like piss. y:-?
Hey! I'm the one with the smart-alec responses! I was expecting you to be offended at my bashing of Australia.

What is this world coming to?

FL :shakehead:
Why is it that French Canadian women taste like piss? y:-?

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:22 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote: Why is it that French Canadian women taste like piss? y:-?
uh...why? (You'd better hide your post from your wife...)

FL y:-/

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 5:26 pm
by RickD
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
RickD wrote: Why is it that French Canadian women taste like piss? y:-?
uh...why? (You'd better hide your post from your wife...)

FL y:-/
Oh crap! I forgot she's French Canadian! y#-o

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:01 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
OK...It has been amusing for me to poke fun at your god Patriotism :pound: but let's get to something serious: sends me stuff every once in a while because I send them my spare change. They recently sent me a nice map of the world (a flat sheet of paper about 12 x 18inches [30x45cm]) in which every country is color-coded. The colors represent the levels of persecution Christians face in that particular country. Countries in grey are those where no persecution of Christians exist. Countries in yellow are "Monitored" meaning that there is a tendency for increasing persecution. Countries colored in teal are "Hostile" which means that they are...hostile towards Christians. And, lastly - the worst group - countries colored in RED on the map are cassified as "Restricted". This is how VOM defines Restricted:

RESTRICTED This includes countries where government Policy or practise prevents Christians from obtaining Bibles or other Christian literature. Also included are countries with government-sanctioned circumstances or anti-Christian laws that lead to believers being harassed, imprisoned, killed or deprived of basic needs.

Restricted countries are:

Comoros Islands
Gaza & the West Bank
North Korea
Saudi Arabia

So, you see, the world isn't really a friendly place for Christians.

FL :teacher:

EDIT: I had to add Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan to the list.

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 8:01 pm
by Philip
Wow, FL, that's about 19 percent of the world's countries! Sad! But unsurprising. Strange how a belief that commands sacrificial love, honesty and kindness to ALL is such a national security threat to so many nations. You'd almost think Christian were terrorists!

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2015 10:06 pm
by B. W.
Furstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
B. W. wrote:I was considering moving to Canada but Australia sounds better, unless there is still hope for this country.
Moving to Canada or Australia from the USA? That's like drinking champagne all your life then deciding to drink urine for health reasons...I think you're still better off in the USA, as long as it's not in southern Florida. There are too many foreigners south of Okeechobee: you'll need to learn either French or Spanish to live there.

Wyoming! Go to Wyoming! They got 'em nice license plates!

Yes that is only 45 miles form me now - maybe South Dakota...

Heard there are a lot of knowns in Florida selling mountain view swamp beach front property...

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:57 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
B. W. wrote:Heard there are a lot of klowns in Florida selling mountain view swamp beach front property...
RickD ain't a Klown no more! He's a football player!

Ever thought of recycling yourself as a realtor, Ricardo? You have all the prerequisites: you're personable, funny, intelligent...I could continue but your head might swell up!

The only problem I see is your 550HP Mustang. It has only two doors and is not suited to driving your clients around. I'm willing to trade my rusted beautiful 1998 Dodge Caravan in perfect running condition for your totally inappropriate teenmobile. I'm only thinking of your good.

FL y:D

Re: The evil within us

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 5:02 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Philip wrote:Wow, FL, that's about 19 percent of the world's countries! Sad! But unsurprising. Strange how a belief that commands sacrificial love, honesty and kindness to ALL is such a national security threat to so many nations. You'd almost think Christian were terrorists!
Yessir! And only 6 of the countries on the list are not populated by members of the so-called Religion of Peace. Antisemitic Christians take note!