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Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:26 pm
by dfnj
Storyteller wrote:dfnj..
Will your God save Satan too?
Do you believe Satan even exists?
Yes, Satan exists. Satan cannot be saved because he's not really alive the way you and I are at the moment.

God and Satan do not exist the same way you an I experience an "apple". God and Satan, at least with all my experiences, only exist in our written and spoken words. But it's a little more complicated than just simple language. I believe God and Satan are present in the human mind like Jungian archetypes. Both are forces that drive and motivate man's behavior on a conscious and sub-conscious level.

So in my way of thinking, Satan really exists. Satan is expressed in people's actions of selfishness and evil exploiting other people or making other people sad just for fun or for no good reason. Satan is a bully who is trying to coerce everyone on the planet to be his slave. If someone is asking you to give them money, trying to take your money, trick you out of money, making you feel uncomfortable, taking away your power or trying to make you a slave to them then in any way they are probably channeling the spirit of Satan.

God is a force in the mind of man trying to liberate man with peace, love, and harmony with our fellow man. When we take care of other people or make other people smile we are closer to God's intentions.

Satan and God are two forces locked in a daily combat for the soul of man.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:32 pm
by dfnj
Nessa wrote:What if Satan was a member on this board, how would we know? :mrgreen:
Your wallet would have less money in it.

Satan is all about taking power away from people and making them slaves. Satan is a disrespectful bully.

Most people here are nice and respectful.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:32 pm
by Storyteller
What do you mean God and Satan only exist in the written and spoken word?
Present in the human mind? Are they not outside of it too? What do you mran by force?

Am just trying to understand your perspective.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:33 pm
by Storyteller
dfnj wrote:
Nessa wrote:What if Satan was a member on this board, how would we know? :mrgreen:
Your wallet would have less money in it.

Satan is all about taking power away from people and making them slaves. Satan is a disrespectful bully.

Most people here are nice and respectful.
I dont own a wallet :mrgreen:

No money either.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:35 pm
by RickD
dfnj wrote:
Storyteller wrote:dfnj..
Will your God save Satan too?
Do you believe Satan even exists?
Yes, Satan exists. Satan cannot be saved because he's not really alive the way you and I are at the moment.

God and Satan do not exist the same way you an I experience an "apple". God and Satan, at least with all my experiences, only exist in our written and spoken words. But it's a little more complicated than just simple language. I believe God and Satan are present in the human mind like Jungian archetypes. Both are forces that drive and motivate man's behavior on a conscious and sub-conscious level.

So in my way of thinking, Satan really exists. Satan is expressed in people's actions of selfishness and evil exploiting other people or making other people sad just for fun or for no good reason. Satan is a bully who is trying to coerce everyone on the planet to be his slave. If someone is asking you to give them money, trying to take your money, trick you out of money, making you feel uncomfortable, taking away your power or trying to make you a slave to them then in any way they are probably channeling the spirit of Satan.

God is a force in the mind of man trying to liberate man with peace, love, and harmony with our fellow man. When we take care of other people or make other people smile we are closer to God's intentions.

Satan and God are two forces locked in a daily combat for the soul of man.
Pardon me, but :xxpuke:

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:41 pm
by Storyteller
Bit like good cop angel, bad cop angel?

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 1:50 pm
by Nessa
dfnj wrote:
Nessa wrote:What if Satan was a member on this board, how would we know? :mrgreen:
Your wallet would have less money in it.

Satan is all about taking power away from people and making them slaves. Satan is a disrespectful bully.

Most people here are nice and respectful.
Rick can.I please get a full list of everyone who has been banned...oh wait! The bible says that satan diguises himself as an angel of the light y:-?

So he would be extra generous and extra nice...

Omg :shock: I pm some of the really nice people here....

Rickd! Look deep into my eyes! y@-)

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:43 pm
by dfnj
Nessa wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Nessa wrote:What if Satan was a member on this board, how would we know? :mrgreen:
Your wallet would have less money in it.
Satan is all about taking power away from people and making them slaves. Satan is a disrespectful bully.
Most people here are nice and respectful.
Rick can.I please get a full list of everyone who has been banned...oh wait! The bible says that satan diguises himself as an angel of the light y:-?
So he would be extra generous and extra nice...
Omg :shock: I pm some of the really nice people here....
Rickd! Look deep into my eyes! y@-)
I take it back. You, Nessa, are obviously not a very nice person. I would never call anyone Satan. What a terrible thing to say. Let me ask you something, have you ever sinned after accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? You've already been saved and yet you still continue sin. Hmmm, it makes you wonder. Or are you a perfect soul who is essentially God on Earth? If you are, then nice to meet you.

I tell you what Satan is. Satan is someone who decides to drop thousands of pounds of bombs on innocent women and children in some foreign country for whatever reason! At most you don't like what I'm saying for Pete's sake!

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:51 pm
by dfnj
RickD wrote:Pardon me, but :xxpuke:
Well thank you for the puke my face. I forgive you.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:32 pm
by Nessa
dfnj wrote:
Nessa wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Nessa wrote:What if Satan was a member on this board, how would we know? :mrgreen:
Your wallet would have less money in it.
Satan is all about taking power away from people and making them slaves. Satan is a disrespectful bully.
Most people here are nice and respectful.
Rick can.I please get a full list of everyone who has been banned...oh wait! The bible says that satan diguises himself as an angel of the light y:-?
So he would be extra generous and extra nice...
Omg :shock: I pm some of the really nice people here....
Rickd! Look deep into my eyes! y@-)
I take it back. You, Nessa, are obviously not a very nice person. I would never call anyone Satan. What a terrible thing to say. Let me ask you something, have you ever sinned after accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? You've already been saved and yet you still continue sin. Hmmm, it makes you wonder. Or are you a perfect soul who is essentially God on Earth? If you are, then nice to meet you.

I tell you what Satan is. Satan is someone who decides to drop thousands of pounds of bombs on innocent women and children in some foreign country for whatever reason! At most you don't like what I'm saying for Pete's sake!
Am I a nice person? Depends...

What I am tho is oversensitive and and I have learnt to just suck it up a little and give back what I get at this forum. Rick himself admits he takes jokes too far at times so I knew he wouldnt get offended and would see my humour. Also, he knows how I feel about him. He's one of my favourite people here and he means alot to me. I never said he was satan, just implied it as a possibility in jest.

Just the other day I made a cutting remark to FL in minichat. I would not of said the same joke to others I dont think. FL has a certain humour I think, and I played on it. So, when I joke like this with people, I dont just pick anyone. I am specific.

And I dont think Im perfect. But I can't help it if others think I am.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:34 pm
by dfnj
Storyteller wrote:What do you mean God and Satan only exist in the written and spoken word?
If God or Satan showed up tomorrow on the streets of New York City and started barking out commands then I would say no. For now, as far as I can tell, based on my own experiences, God and Satan only exist in our written and spoken words. You could argue ALL of existence is evidence for God which I will accept. Or, you could argue really evil people is evidence for the existence of Satan.

I think God as creator is bigger than just our written and spoken words. But the idea of God, in addition to God as creator, is a powerful force in the psychology of the human mind. This is really what I meant.
Storyteller wrote: Present in the human mind? Are they not outside of it too? What do you mran by force?
Am just trying to understand your perspective.
I'm not sure Satan exist outside the human mind. It seems to me most of the evil that is done day to day is done by people. Satanism is a type of philosophy in which people think the purpose of life is to exploit other people (including children). There are billionaire pedophiles that are well documented but nothing is ever done. I think someone who doesn't treat an innocent child like a priceless work of art is really evil. Evil exists everywhere and always where you least expect it.

What I mean by "force" is what could possible exist in someone's mind for them to be that evil. Nobody becomes that evil without being part of a culture that encourages evil behavior. I think it's a way of thinking that is completely devoid of anything sacred and holy. This way of thinking as it exists in society would be what I mean by "force".

P.S. Thanks for not making any ad hominem attacks with any of my posts.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 7:57 pm
by dfnj
Storyteller wrote:
dfnj wrote:
Nessa wrote:What if Satan was a member on this board, how would we know? :mrgreen:
Your wallet would have less money in it.
Satan is all about taking power away from people and making them slaves. Satan is a disrespectful bully.
Most people here are nice and respectful.
I dont own a wallet :mrgreen:
No money either.
I wish you had money I would hate for you to suffer.

I think you know what I was trying to say about evil. I know some of my ideas about God may be a little unorthodox from certain points of view. But to imply in any way my intention is to cause other people to suffer is so not my intention. I wasn't forcing anyone to choose my way of thinking with coercion. I was trying to manipulate people to choose my way of thinking by giving them guilt. I was not evangelizing as far as I can tell. And I was totally respecting other people's way of thinking.

If you are going to declare everyone who does not think or practice religion exactly the way you do as Satan deserving of death how many billions of people on Earth are you going to kill? Even if you just kill one person for this reason what does that say about you? My hope is the goal and purpose of all religions is teach people that everyone in the world is sacred, holy, and deserving on our friendship. Here's a really good quote I like from Pope Francis:
Pope_Francis wrote: Francis also spoke out strongly again against religious fundamentalism, saying that fundamentalism exists in all religions and should be combatted with efforts at friendship. He said he prefers not to speak of having tolerance for other religious, but "living together, friendship."

"Fundamentalism is a sickness that is in all religions," said the pontiff. "We Catholics have some -- and not some, many -- who believe in the absolute truth and go ahead dirtying the other with calumny, with disinformation, and doing evil."

"They do evil," said the pope. "I say this because it is my church."

"We have to combat it," he said. "Religious fundamentalism is not religious, because it lacks God. It is idolatry, like the idolatry of money."
I am worried about Pope Francis. This kind of rhetoric is not going to win him a lot of friends in certain places!

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:12 pm
by dfnj
B. W. wrote: Eternity is merely a hypothetical concept for us as well as being an eternal spiritual being. We as mortal, find it difficult to understand how in eternity such a state seals you. In that state of eternity (spiritual state of being) God reveals the truth about all he is because he is all truth and cannot lie.
Here is my view on the "hypothetical concept" of Eternity. As I have stated, my faith is in an all-powerful all-loving totally forgiving God. In my faith, my God uses his omnipotent powers of love and forgiveness to allow everyone through the gates of heaven to experience eternal heavenly bliss regardless of our earthly sins or how we have practiced our religion on Earth. Everyone is saved no matter what because God treats us all as sacred and divine. Which is really good news for most us!

So here's what I think happens when you die. You know how people who have had near death experiences talk about a white light. At the moment of your death, you turn and look into the face of God. You have two choices. The first choice is to bravely and humbly look into the face of God. At that point, you become so enamored with his infinite beauty and grace that all time ceases to exist and you experience eternal heavenly bliss.

The second choice, for whatever reason, you decide to look away from the face of God. At that moment, God immediately gives you the power of omnipotence. Now at first this may sound like a really good thing. But after millions and millions of years of living out all your petty profane desires and imaginations you will become extremely bored. At that point, you humbly decide to turn back and look into the face of God. This time you don't look away. And just after you have the thought what the heck was I thinking when I turned away the first time, time will cease to exist as you experience eternally heavenly bliss. Looking into the face of God is the best possible experience one can ever have almost by definition.

Now some of you may be thinking, gee, you die, your turn away from God and you get rewarded with the power of having omnipotence. This may sound unfair if your heart is immature and you take pleasure in the thought of sinners experiencing eternal suffering. Or maybe your heart is full of hate and you are seeking revenge against people who have sinned against you. But from our omnipotent all-loving God's perspective, what better way to win over someone you love so absolutely and completely than to perfectly give them everything their heart desires. The real sad thing is why would you ever want to waste any of time at all with petty profane desires when you can be looking into the face of God basking in the glow of heavenly eternal bliss. Nothing we can ever imagine could ever come close to God's infinite beauty and grace.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 8:16 pm
by dfnj
RickD wrote: Pardon me, but :xxpuke:
This may be my last post on this site. I was reading the site guidelines for posting and it is clear to me that my views are probably too unorthodox for most users here. I think most people here are looking for a certain unquestioning viewpoint on Christianity and God. I wish you all God's greatest blessings.

Rick, please forgive me. It was not my intention to irritate you or anyone else.

Re: How did God become man?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:31 pm
by RickD
dfnj wrote:
RickD wrote: Pardon me, but :xxpuke:
This may be my last post on this site. I was reading the site guidelines for posting and it is clear to me that my views are probably too unorthodox for most users here. I think most people here are looking for a certain unquestioning viewpoint on Christianity and God. I wish you all God's greatest blessings.

Rick, please forgive me. It was not my intention to irritate you or anyone else.

Since coming here, you have been arguing against the deity of Christ. And by doing so, you are arguing against one of, if not THE most essential Christian beliefs. And doing so, is against the forum guidelines.

We have been patient with you, with hope that you would see the error of what you've been arguing. But as you and I both know, you have no intention of repenting(changing your mind), and believing in Jesus Christ.

I only hope that you will not resist the truth, and you will believe in the one name by which you can be saved.