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Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:49 pm
by SourceofLiFe
Mastermind, if you look closely in my message, you would realize that I am advicing people to truly seek for the Lord closely.

By being by the Lord closely, you wouldn't have anger, therefore you wouldn't need to "vent away anger by swearing" therefore one becomes peaceful. Swearing is anger, by telling people not to swear, and by telling them to be close to Lord, it helps eliminate and cut anger and swearing from multiplying itself.

All is good when you're close to our Lord.

Truly seek for God.

Mastermind do you go to the church actively?
I hope you do, so you can enjoy God. :)

Regarding your quote ---------------

" However, basing your salvation on such trivial matters is not very wise. In your case, I would suggest you stop judging me. If you want to give advice, give it without saying I don't know anything, I'm not good for anything, I'm not going to heaven, I'm not very pure etc. In other words, Stop JUDGING!!! That doesn't help, that just pisses people off. "


Once again, I will say this one more time. You yourself think that way by having your perception corrupt the meaning.

Since when have I indicated or said "you don't know anything" or "you're not good enough for anything" or "you're not going to heaven" ?

I said you are not very pure, thats a fact, can you truly deny that fact and claim that you are pure without lying to yourself?

Tell me, can you? I think you are intensifying the situation by thinking in terms of negativity.

Free your mind my friend, don't let yourself deceive yourself.

I am more concern of your spirit now because from the way you take information and digest it. From the way you act, can you honestly say that spirit is Jesus?

Without being an insult to Jesus?

Look at your own posts then tell yourself.

If you honestly think you are living through Christ, then I owe you an apology and if so, I am truly sorry for making you thinking that I am "offending" you.

But however if you don't think that you're living through Christ, then you must seek for help. That is a good start! Don't let personal ego sink you into deeper trouble. We often like to think we don't need help or don't have a problem when we do. It takes courage to admit that we have problem and in need of help from others.

Nothing wrong with receiving help from others, because you can always deliver that help too.

I know that deep down in you you are a great person, because you wouldn't seek for the Lord if you aren't a great person :)

But I just think that when you mention about a Spirit being your mentor, I am truly concern for you. Because your spirit can confuse you and give you a specific way of thinking and mindset. And from some of your responses, the mindset in my opinion is not very close to what I know as from God.

I'm just really concern as a friend because I like you, why? You're trying to help and you're seeking for God, but you must know we often don't know when we go astray. So try to seek for ways of confirmation by finding a guide to guide you to the Lord closely and tightly.

With much love, take care.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 3:59 pm
by Anonymous
Personally, I believe that there is nothing wrong with tattoos. They are a personal expression of one's feelings, and things that hold a place deep in their heart. I have two tattoos, and I love them. I have personal reasons for getting them, they were not spur of the moment things, nor things I did to be cool, they were an expression of individuality, and they express me, and my personality. One of them is a Celtic symbol, and it's because I love my Irish ancestory, and my heritage. I'm proud to be who I am, and it expresses that.

I think you should get a cross tattoo, it's a permanent expression of your faith, and who you are, and what you stand for and believe in. If you really want to, you should. If it will make you happy, I think you should do it. A simple two dollar knecklace is cheap, and can easily be damaged, broken, or lost.

Why does the Bible say tattoing is wrong? Is there a reason? Because if there isn't, then why should it be accepted? We cannot simply accept things, sometimes questioning is a good thing. If the Bible does give a reason, then could someone please post it? And for the record, I'm a firm Christian, always have been. And I plan on it staying that way. I firmly believe in God. I'm truely sorry if I've offended anyone, honestly.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:56 pm
by Mastermind
Tatoos are only bad if you use them in a bad way (some dude in the bible tatooed Yahweh on his penis for the purpose of defying God). Unless you use them as a form of worship of false gods or spirits, or to mock God, you should be fine.(A cross on your arm would be ok, but an inverted cross or an inverted pentagram wouldn't)

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:47 pm
by Anonymous
Yeah, the inverted cross symbolises the devil and such, and the inverted pentagram symbolises black magic.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:05 pm
by Anonymous
Hey i myself am wanting to get a tattoo...and by my mothers wishes im waiting another year befor i get it. but i have looked into this greatly ... that verse that says "Ye shall not cut ones skin or put markings on ones skin associated with the dead" was referring to what the Canaanites from their practices of cutting them selfs in morning for their dead relitives...but RIGHT befor this verse it also says for women to not wear diffrent kinds of fabric togather *e.g., wool and linen* and it also states for men to not cut their this is clearly another issue ... these practices were done in morning for ones dead and a way to prevoke a forgivness from other gods that cadonned this kinda behavior....

The tattoo i am planning to get is a bar code (and yea i know first off you guys r like :shock: the mark of the beast! but no no read on) and instead of the numbers under the bar code i am going to have COR. 6;20 and that verse says "you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." ..hehe cool eh? ... well i see it as a witness tool...and way for people to ask hey...whats that verse mean? and get them to go along the thinking of i dont own me..God does....and its always a statment of my faith....but i am saying..if u bring things outta context then yes...getting a tatto is wrong...but that would also mean girls couldnt wear MOST of the clothes that r out today...and i would be a fairly shaggy fella....if ya dont liek tattoos....grand..thats cool man...but do not condem those who do not mind them
LOVE ALL :lol:

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:08 am
by bizzt
HP_elvenfaeiry wrote:Yeah, the inverted cross symbolises the devil and such, and the inverted pentagram symbolises black magic.
The Inverted Cross. Kind of like an upside down 'T'??? That is the way Peter was put to death

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:58 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
bizzt wrote:
HP_elvenfaeiry wrote:Yeah, the inverted cross symbolises the devil and such, and the inverted pentagram symbolises black magic.
The Inverted Cross. Kind of like an upside down 'T'??? That is the way Peter was put to death
It didn't have the bad connotation that it does now.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:28 am
by bizzt
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:
bizzt wrote:
HP_elvenfaeiry wrote:Yeah, the inverted cross symbolises the devil and such, and the inverted pentagram symbolises black magic.
The Inverted Cross. Kind of like an upside down 'T'??? That is the way Peter was put to death
It didn't have the bad connotation that it does now.
I C... Never new it had one now??? I got to get up with the Times!!! I am an Old Fogey like Felgar :wink: :lol:

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:56 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
I was also told the peace sign is a broken cross that's upside down, showing that God's power has been broken or that one true as well?