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Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:50 am
by beckyandretti
TimM1104 wrote:But, most of the time when they go off the deepend, they usually dont go off the deepend on the bypass with cars around you going 75mph... it is as dangerous to them as it is to others to shoot someone in the car next to you, with it likely to swerve hit your car and then cars behind you stockpile a lil...
And while I dont want to pick a fight with you Tim, how would you know if they havent already gone off the deepend and you are that guy they "arent going to let push them around anymore". People do illogical things and applying logic to them doesnt always work. Road rage itself isnt logical if you think about it. I know quite a few people that have concealed carry permits and they have reported being a lot calmer now because they know that they have to be more responsible. Parents drive a little more saner when their children are in cars. (thats logical) Getting pissed off at someone because they were spacing out and didnt realize they were in the merge lane and playing with them (they could have been on their way to a hospital and scared to miss their exit). (isnt logical) again road rage isnt logical.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:58 am
by beckyandretti
Ocho, to answer your question though I've had a road rage turn into a parking lot rage. I was entering a shopping mall parking lot, the gentleman in the car ahead of me must have felt that I was following him too closely, he waved me around. (sounds innocent enough right?) I parked my car, my daughter was in the car about to get out. The gentleman parked 2 spots down from me and got out of his car his son was in his car. He starts shouting at me, completely beside himself yelling obsenities and just generally trying to scare me. He is approx 6'2 and 300lbs I am 5'6 and 130lbs. I told my daughter to remain in the car for a moment. Then I asked him when his next anger management class was and how many times he had been arrested for scaring people. Or did he thrive on teaching his son how to treat women badly? When he started becoming sarcastic because of my questions, I told him what he was doing had a technical term and also police involvement.. its called menacing and I showed him my badge. I asked him then if he would like to continue or if he was going to think about it before going off on the next smaller person he found in a parking lot. At that he shut up and got back into his car and left.

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:40 pm
by bizzt
beckyandretti wrote:Ocho, to answer your question though I've had a road rage turn into a parking lot rage. I was entering a shopping mall parking lot, the gentleman in the car ahead of me must have felt that I was following him too closely, he waved me around. (sounds innocent enough right?) I parked my car, my daughter was in the car about to get out. The gentleman parked 2 spots down from me and got out of his car his son was in his car. He starts shouting at me, completely beside himself yelling obsenities and just generally trying to scare me. He is approx 6'2 and 300lbs I am 5'6 and 130lbs. I told my daughter to remain in the car for a moment. Then I asked him when his next anger management class was and how many times he had been arrested for scaring people. Or did he thrive on teaching his son how to treat women badly? When he started becoming sarcastic because of my questions, I told him what he was doing had a technical term and also police involvement.. its called menacing and I showed him my badge. I asked him then if he would like to continue or if he was going to think about it before going off on the next smaller person he found in a parking lot. At that he shut up and got back into his car and left.
:lol: Good ONE!!! I can't believe some people!

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:56 pm
by TimM1104
I really do not like paranoia about people pulling guns out and shooting people on the road.. If someone pulled out a gun, and shot me for doing it, i wouldnt mind.. i would just goto heaven and be happy.. if i dont, i will live life, love god, and try to share the gospel.. either way i win...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 11:31 pm
by beckyandretti
that is true you should never just be paranoid about people shooting you... all I had said when I first started was please becareful when playing "games"

and on that... on with the show...

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:43 am
by TimM1104
The show is on? where! i think i might of missed it :(

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:43 pm
by kateliz
I have a confession to make: I've become an angry driver. All week I've been driving, so it feels, nonstop, and I've become very impatient. I'm always complaining about the people on the road around me, (alone or with people- doesn't matter!) and I get angry and irritated. I've become what I call a Lane Changer, though not because I speed, (which I only do when everyone else is.) I hate being behind people who accelerate slow. It does not take two or three blocks to reach 35 mph. I get irritated when I leave the lane I want to be in to pass someone at my speed and have them then speed up to match me because they accelerated slower than I think they should have.

I hate tail-gaters. I honestly feel like slamming on my brakes and making them finally smash me like they're asking for. I honestly considered doing that to someone today. I'll quickly step on my brake just enough to scare them, but even then they don't always get the picture. I slow down and stay there long enough to let them know I'm displeased with them, and then I speed back up, (usually quicker than them and so they're not on me tail for a little while. Once on a long trip up north I had a semi on my butt for way too long. I wanted to honk backwards or something other than flick him off or shake my fist, ( :) ,) and so I decided to scare him. I let off the gas and after a little bit put my emergency lights on. It worked like a dream. He backed off, concerned I was having car problems, and then I sped up and exited a ways up feeling satisfied. :D Another time I tried my emergency lights on a tail-gater it didn't work and so I just sped up and changed lanes or something. Then today I considered getting out of my car on a long red light to politely mention something to the person behind me, whatever it was, but didn't.

Once when I had a motorcycle pass between me and the car next to me I honked right when he got between us. I shouldn't have because it was dangerous to startle him, but gosh darnit if he didn't deserve a scare or warning or something! Motorcyclists are generally very unsafe on the roads and so I get irritated with those "Start seeing motorcycles" bumper stickers. If I wanted to put bumper stickers on my car I'd get one like "Start being a safe motorcyclist" or something.

Oh, and when an oncoming car is riding the line or in my lane I sometimes, (want to start doing it everytime,) pull quickly a little into their lane to get their attention and tell them to "STAY IN YOUR LANE!" Had a bus begin to ride the line on me just today right as I came up next to it! You know, I feel like scraping them while still staying in my lane just to get the point across! Also had another car start to pull into my lane right after a turn without a signal or anything. I would've gotten pushed off if I didn't have another turn lane next to me. I looked at them as I went past to let them know I was displeased with their inattention. They were startled I was there. Must not have known both lanes we were in were turn lanes and wanted to do an illegal lane change without looking.

My blood pressure has suffered greatly this week from driving. I've gotten headaches after getting off the road once or twice, and because of my frustration on the road. I try to be patient or make myself stay behind slow people, but people drive so differently that I just want consitant, safe driving. I think I need help for my getting so irritated and frustrated and, yes, angry.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:59 pm
by Believer
kateliz wrote:I have a confession to make: I've become an angry driver. All week I've been driving, so it feels, nonstop, and I've become very impatient. I'm always complaining about the people on the road around me, (alone or with people- doesn't matter!) and I get angry and irritated. I've become what I call a Lane Changer, though not because I speed, (which I only do when everyone else is.) I hate being behind people who accelerate slow. It does not take two or three blocks to reach 35 mph. I get irritated when I leave the lane I want to be in to pass someone at my speed and have them then speed up to match me because they accelerated slower than I think they should have.

I hate tail-gaters. I honestly feel like slamming on my brakes and making them finally smash me like they're asking for. I honestly considered doing that to someone today. I'll quickly step on my brake just enough to scare them, but even then they don't always get the picture. I slow down and stay there long enough to let them know I'm displeased with them, and then I speed back up, (usually quicker than them and so they're not on me tail for a little while. Once on a long trip up north I had a semi on my butt for way too long. I wanted to honk backwards or something other than flick him off or shake my fist, ( :) ,) and so I decided to scare him. I let off the gas and after a little bit put my emergency lights on. It worked like a dream. He backed off, concerned I was having car problems, and then I sped up and exited a ways up feeling satisfied. :D Another time I tried my emergency lights on a tail-gater it didn't work and so I just sped up and changed lanes or something. Then today I considered getting out of my car on a long red light to politely mention something to the person behind me, whatever it was, but didn't.

Once when I had a motorcycle pass between me and the car next to me I honked right when he got between us. I shouldn't have because it was dangerous to startle him, but gosh darnit if he didn't deserve a scare or warning or something! Motorcyclists are generally very unsafe on the roads and so I get irritated with those "Start seeing motorcycles" bumper stickers. If I wanted to put bumper stickers on my car I'd get one like "Start being a safe motorcyclist" or something.

Oh, and when an oncoming car is riding the line or in my lane I sometimes, (want to start doing it everytime,) pull quickly a little into their lane to get their attention and tell them to "STAY IN YOUR LANE!" Had a bus begin to ride the line on me just today right as I came up next to it! You know, I feel like scraping them while still staying in my lane just to get the point across! Also had another car start to pull into my lane right after a turn without a signal or anything. I would've gotten pushed off if I didn't have another turn lane next to me. I looked at them as I went past to let them know I was displeased with their inattention. They were startled I was there. Must not have known both lanes we were in were turn lanes and wanted to do an illegal lane change without looking.

My blood pressure has suffered greatly this week from driving. I've gotten headaches after getting off the road once or twice, and because of my frustration on the road. I try to be patient or make myself stay behind slow people, but people drive so differently that I just want consitant, safe driving. I think I need help for my getting so irritated and frustrated and, yes, angry.
Happens to me everyday :wink:! makes you wonder where our intelligence has gone.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:13 pm
by kateliz
Ours, or theirs? :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:21 pm
by Believer
kateliz wrote:Ours, or theirs? :wink:
Everyone, even people who notice stupid things by other drivers do stupid things themselves without even noticing it. :roll:

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 4:28 pm
by kateliz
That's me! :o I hate it when I make poor decisions or do something stupid. Why is it that I know it's rare for me, yet I'm always so sure other people who do one stupid thing do it all the time?

dont drive with kate i am witness to her road rage

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:26 pm
by tarreyl
Kate is a good drive until some other person does something like cut her off or doesnt use there turn signal then she get mad. I once witness kate pull a old guy out of his car because of her road rage. lucky she didnt hurt the old man. I say do not drive with kate she get mad she get crazt eyed.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:07 am
by kateliz
That old man flipped me off, if you don't remember!

Okay, I'll admit it, I yanked the old geezer out of the car by his jacket and yelled at him while he sat there on the ground staring at me in horror with those bulgy eyes! Said he was only pointing with his middle finger at a stain he found on the ceiling. Well, I wasn't going to buy that! Doesn't matter I saw the spot he was talking about for myself! His car was slowly rolling at this point, and so I threw him back into it while it rolled into the traffic going by, (light was still red.) Suits him right a car came at him and dented his driver's door while slamming it shut on his ankle!

( :wink: )

never drive with katliz if she offers you a ride just walk

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 1:23 am
by tarreyl
If katliz offers you a ride just say I rather walk

Katliz drives like manic she has almost killed me a couple of times. I wont tell you all many poor innocent animals she has ran over. She was going to pull out this old guy out of his car and beat him up. She get mad at people who drive the speed limit. Just a warning for people who drive! watch out for katie if you see her car don't tick katliz off.

Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 3:11 pm
by kateliz
A bit of a slow reply there, huh Tipsy?

I have an update on my driving. God was convicting me of my unsafe communication of displeasure on the road, and after I ignored the conviction long enough, He gave me what for to teach me my lesson. All this happened not too long after I wrote that one post I wrote on this thread.

Here's what God did: I stopped at a green light with my signal on to make a left-hand turn, which was at the bottom of a hill. In my rearview mirror I caught sight of a car coming up behind me that I could tell in the very quick glance wouldn't have enough space to stop without hitting me, so I got off the brake and let myself roll forward a little into the intersection to give her a little more room. She didn't even see me until it was too late- just after she hit me from behind I stepped on the brake. My head jerked forward harshly, yet I remained calm and happy, intrigued that God let the situation happen, and pulled off on the road I wanted to turn on. I was actually chuckling, smiling, and shaking my head as I stopped and got out of the car to talk to the girl. She was very apologetic and honestly sorry, saying she didn't see me and was in a hurry trying to get to college on time. I knew she was speeding, and I think she changed lanes right before she hit me too. The only evidence was a hardly visible dent in my bumper that I didn't care about, and so I just calmed her down, convinced her I was fine and it was okay, and drove off chuckling again. Just two blocks later I felt the whiplash that I had gotten, and had to lay down all day resting my neck with an ice pack on it. After that I was so scared of getting rear-ended and getting whiplash again that I refused from then on to scare people by hitting the brakes. God taught me my lesson.