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Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:56 pm
by FFC
My thoughts take the form of images and dramas in my mind. for instance if I need to pick up toilet paper or something I usually play it out in my mind like a little that weird?

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:56 pm
by Felgar
I've wondered the same thing as the OP about thinking. I speak only English, and I think in words and they are English. For instance when I realize I'm hungry, it's almost like I can hear the 'inner voice' say "I'm hungry." I've often wondered what it would be like to speak 2 languages, and would the thoughts be of a different language? Since the prevalance of text-messaging and the like though, I think I see a glimpse of what it might be like. I've caught myself actually thinking "lol" as in "loll"... So that would almost be an instance of a new language taking hold (yes a geeky language I know :D)

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:49 pm
by Byblos
Felgar wrote:I've wondered the same thing as the OP about thinking. I speak only English, and I think in words and they are English. For instance when I realize I'm hungry, it's almost like I can hear the 'inner voice' say "I'm hungry." I've often wondered what it would be like to speak 2 languages, and would the thoughts be of a different language? Since the prevalance of text-messaging and the like though, I think I see a glimpse of what it might be like. I've caught myself actually thinking "lol" as in "loll"... So that would almost be an instance of a new language taking hold (yes a geeky language I know :D)

I speak 3 languages and I can tell you based on my experience, I have a 'dominant' language that I 'think' with and it's not even my native language. I think in English and sometimes fall back on either Arabic (Lebanese) or French. Lebanese is my native language and French is my second language. Interestingly enough, even when I go to Lebanon for a visit and everyone around is speaking Lebanese, I'm still thinking in English and translating internally. Weird!

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 9:54 pm
by Felgar
And it's not even your native language Byblos... Fascinating!