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Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 7:25 am
by Anonymous
I'm saddened by people who equate Wiccans to evil or the Devil, you couldn't be further from the truth. I bet you havn't been to any Wiccan gatherings, or met and got to know Witches have you? As always people always fear what they don't understand, it's human nature.

There are two sides to every story, if I did become a borne again Christian my Aunt would probably cry. I've only ever got to know about 3 Wiccans, and about 4 "Borne agains", so perhapse it's too few for me to judge, but, then again people do judge even if they keep their conclusions to themselves, so I'll say this....

All of the "Borne again Christians" I've ever met have been: a) Selfish, b) Close minded, c) Un-trust worthy. All of the Wiccans I've ever met have been, a) Generious, b) Open minded, c) You'd trust them with your own children. These oppinions are based on knowing these people for years.

So, in my heart, and through real life experience meeting people having both faiths I can honestly say I'd rather be a Wiccan than a "Borne again Christian".

Who knows, maybe I will burn in hell, but I'd rather follow my heart and my own observations, and develop my own faith in this world.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:49 am
by BavarianWheels
DanS wrote:I'm saddened by people who equate Wiccans to evil or the Devil, you couldn't be further from the truth. I bet you havn't been to any Wiccan gatherings, or met and got to know Witches have you? As always people always fear what they don't understand, it's human nature.

There are two sides to every story, if I did become a borne again Christian my Aunt would probably cry. I've only ever got to know about 3 Wiccans, and about 4 "Borne agains", so perhapse it's too few for me to judge, but, then again people do judge even if they keep their conclusions to themselves, so I'll say this....

All of the "Borne again Christians" I've ever met have been: a) Selfish, b) Close minded, c) Un-trust worthy. All of the Wiccans I've ever met have been, a) Generious, b) Open minded, c) You'd trust them with your own children. These oppinions are based on knowing these people for years.

So, in my heart, and through real life experience meeting people having both faiths I can honestly say I'd rather be a Wiccan than a "Borne again Christian".

Who knows, maybe I will burn in hell, but I'd rather follow my heart and my own observations, and develop my own faith in this world.
"Evil is anything against God. The Bible is clear on such people. They may not be "evil" as we think of evil, devils, Santeria type stuff, the wicked witch of The Wizard of Oz...

The fact is, they stand opposed to the God revealed in nature and in scripture. The believer is to keep away. Evil is anything against no matter how "sweet" it seems.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 11:18 am
by Felgar
DanS wrote:I'm saddened by people who equate Wiccans to evil or the Devil, you couldn't be further from the truth. I bet you havn't been to any Wiccan gatherings, or met and got to know Witches have you? As always people always fear what they don't understand, it's human nature.

All of the "Borne again Christians" I've ever met have been: a) Selfish, b) Close minded, c) Un-trust worthy. All of the Wiccans I've ever met have been, a) Generious, b) Open minded, c) You'd trust them with your own children. These oppinions are based on knowing these people for years.

Who knows, maybe I will burn in hell, but I'd rather follow my heart and my own observations, and develop my own faith in this world.
Well, I know... We are claiming to you that WE KNOW. I don't think you can make that claim in all honesty.

Regarding Wiccan's and the devil....

Who do you think they are worshipping? There's only 2 things you can worship: the Living God, Holy and true - or the Deceiver, the murderer, Satan. There are many scriptures that explain the reality that anything that does not come from God is bad, simply because God is good. That's all there is to it. Without Him, there is NO good.

Romans 14:23
But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

The second half of that verse applies. Sure, they may not be terrible, evil people like Hitler, but they are nevertheless sinners who have decided not to place their Faith in the one and only God. In this world where we're all taught that truth is relative, that everything is grey, someone needs to explain what is and will always be black and white.

Now the fact that the 'Christians' you've met have not changed their hearts is a big issue. First they may be false prophets - the Bible says that it's Satan who will bring forth FALSE PROPHETS, and even perform signs and miracles to deceive. And second if they truly are born again, then yes they are saved (and will go to heaven). However, they will be held accountable to that fact that they have not represented the truth of the gospel properly. The Bible directs how we should live with such fervor so that this doesn't happen, because Christians who live according to the Bible WILL represent Jesus properly and well. And when a Christian ignores teachings of the Bible, we are held very accountable to that.

My only suggestions are: a) get these guys on this forum so that we can smack them upside the head for ignoring the Word of God, and b) honestly get to know someone who's on fire for the Lord. There is a real and tangible difference in someone who's walking with Jesus - you can't miss it or mistake it for anything else but the power of the Lord working through him/her.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:13 pm
by Kurieuo
DanS wrote:All of the "Borne again Christians" I've ever met have been: a) Selfish, b) Close minded, c) Un-trust worthy. All of the Wiccans I've ever met have been, a) Generious, b) Open minded, c) You'd trust them with your own children. These oppinions are based on knowing these people for years.
First, born again Christians are human just like any other person, and so they have their flaws. Second, I find it hard to believe that "every" Christian you came across would be all you described them to be, while every "Wiccan" would be perfect. I find it significant that many charities are often Christian or have Christians within, and this says to me something... I'm thinking there may be another possibility to explain your experience with Christians, if you really do believe what you say to be true. There are two things in common with every Christian you've met, and that is that the person likely was Christian, and the second common factor was you.

We all make pre-judgements of peopleā€”I suppose it is within our human nature to do so. We sadly make pre-judgements of people by what they wear, how they look, status within society, where they live, how they talk, and even what groups they claims to be apart of. Now if I have pre-judged a group of people as being selfish and so forth (i.e., Christians), then when I meet such a person my distaste for them is likely going to come across. I am also likely going to only notice the things which confirm my beliefs a whole more. I find most people to be sensative to signals one projects, especially if there is any hint of rejection, and so if you don't like them to begin with then they will no doubt pick up on such and either steer clear of you or be offended. Perhaps this is what you are experiencing? Take a step and be the first to show some kindness and acceptance, and see if anything changes.


Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:03 pm
by Kurieuo
DanS wrote:It's interesting that so many young people are having the same ideas about faith, and being drawn to this "New Age" type Wiccan/Neo-Pagan style of worship. I.e. Worshipping the Earth/Universe as a being, drawing on "The power of the Ancients". I mean, we can't all be having these ideas without there being some truth in it can we?
Are many young people being drawn to Wiccan/Neo-Pagan style worship? "New Age" or post-modernism, I'd agree, but specifically your style of belief I'm not too sure about. My opinion would be that when people become spiritually starved, which is what rationalism and empiricism within modernity tended to foster, people gravitate towards anything spiritual. Is there any truth? No doubt there are truths, but then I'd definately not accept some which really are diametrically opposed to Christian beliefs. Yet, perhaps some agreement or similarities could be drawn out?

For example, what is this "power of the Ancients," and why worship such a power? Worship of a higher power looks as though it may be something in common with Christianity. Also, can a non-personal force really accept or know it is being worshipped? Here I'd say if worship is being "received," then the worshipped has to be personal, otherwise the worship would be pointless.

I'd also be interested to understand how Wiccan beliefs affect the purpose of ones life. What is our purpose according to such a position, and how do we go about fulfilling that purpose in life, and is there any ultimate meaning to doing so? I'd be interested to listen and understand more about how your position and answers to some of these questions.


Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:33 am
by Anonymous
Interesting thoughts/comments and questions guys.