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Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 4:17 pm
by Judah
G'day Kateliz! :wink:

It's amazing to me just how much folks will tell you about God which is nothing more than their own imaginings about Him, about what He likes and dislikes, has said or not said, and so on.
They are, of course, talking about their own perception of God, and it is often constructed to suit themselves.

However, if we are to talk objectively about our Creator Father God who revealed Himself to us in His creation, in Christ, and in the Bible, then we really must be looking in the Bible to find out from there what it is that He likes and dislikes, said and did not say, etc.
All the rest that comes out as "I feel God is saying..." etc is subjective and may well be in error.
It depends on which God one wants to talk about - someone self created, or the One who has revealed Himself to us through His word.

A sin is an offence against God. To find out what is sin (and what is not) one needs to check it out with God - the real One, not a created-to-suit-yourself one. It is all very well to feel offended by being called a sinner, but we are all sinners so what is there to be offended about? The offence felt usually arises out of indignation when there is a refusal to accept that the God of the Bible does not condone it. There is also a deficiency in humility before God when that is the case.