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Re: Saw Narnia

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:08 am
by Silvertusk
Mystical wrote:Saw The Chronicles. Liked. Only complaints: should have made Aslan bigger after resurrection and should not have made him resurrect so quickly.

Yes I saw it myself on Sunday with my wife and some members of our church. I am big fan of the books and so was hoping this to be good - and it was. I am a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings movies and was hoping this could deliver some of the same magic. It was wonderful from start to finish and the adaptation was almost exact - even down to the bluebottle that flies in to the room with the wardrobe.

As for protraying the christian allegorical side to it - again it was wonderful - right down to Aslan saying "It is Finished" after he killed the queen. That itself was a beautiful moment.

Great stuff - recommend it to everyone.

God Bless
