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Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:29 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Oh come on, it's light humor. We're like the US and Britain, after one of them beat the monkey out of the other, they became close allies.

Don't worry Mystical we're good friends.

You know what they say keep you're friends close...

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 10:33 pm
by Mystical

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:42 pm
by Forge
The U.S. owned the British, though.

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 6:02 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Forge wrote:The U.S. owned the British, though.
Oh...and I'm American...did I forgot to say that?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:09 pm
by smrpgx
(in response to original subject)
If evolution was possible then there would be more than just living and nonliving matter. According to their standards, there would have to be something in between. Because there's not, that's evidence against evolution.

And in Genesis 1:1 it says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". Notice it says earth, not earth and mars(or whatever other planet). God is not biased so there cannot be aliens or God would have mentioned another planet. No matter how cool they would be, face it; they don't exist. Now don't tell me that God may have created small unicellular life forms on another planet because that makes no sense at all.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:38 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
smrpgx wrote:(in response to original subject)
If evolution was possible then there would be more than just living and nonliving matter. According to their standards, there would have to be something in between. Because there's not, that's evidence against evolution.
Are viruses alive?
smrpgx wrote:And in Genesis 1:1 it says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". Notice it says earth, not earth and mars(or whatever other planet). God is not biased so there cannot be aliens or God would have mentioned another planet. No matter how cool they would be, face it; they don't exist. Now don't tell me that God may have created small unicellular life forms on another planet because that makes no sense at all.