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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:49 pm
by Mastermind
I'm afraid I cannot give you any sources, as it is mostly my theory. My point was to simply state that God could have created other spirits, that I think it is quite likely that He did, and that to dismiss the possibility without any information would be rather naive.

more advice about the dangerous spirit

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 3:38 pm
by Anonymous

I happened upon this site while doing an internet search for "reiki" and "evil spirits." While you did not mention Reiki, I felt for you, Moonflower, because your story is similar to many I've collected in interviews and through other sources. I'm a writer exposing Reiki as the occult and a dangerous doorway into serious spiritual consequences and I've heard your tale a hundred times now. It's always the same old story...a spirit appears and you're interested in more contact (was it "nice" in the beginning?) and eventually it tries to convince you to do things that go against Christ and Biblical scripture. Unfortunately, there are a plethora of activities in the occult / New Age realm that open up opportunities for spirit contact. Are you by any chance involved in Reiki or other spirit-enhanced or open channeling activities?

You mentioned questions about using this and that aspect of other beliefs / religions. That's the problem...when folks pick and choose their practices and beliefs based on what they WANT to do and believe in rather than truth, the end result is deception and spiritual danger. You end up, like New Agers, building your own little "personal religion" which turns out to be the religion of self, which of course leads to the next step which is worshipping false gods or even the antichrist. Whether it's to become a "healer" or to "heal" yourself so that you can become a better person, or what, remember that there are many snares to lure you to the occult.

There is a reason the Bible warns us again consulting with sorcerers, against contacting or trusting spirits, against divination, etc. I think we all struggle with the more uncomfortable, constricting aspects of Biblical Christianity and it's only when we are really brutally honest with ourselves we realize, it's not a struggle against the so called "harshness" of the Bible but really against our own selfish desires.

When we've accepted Christ, the enemy cannot have a victory over us because he is already defeated. But we can be harassed and bothered if we "dabble" in the occult which you have done if you've purposely channeled an unknown energy or contacted a spirit. For folks who haven't accepted Christ as their savior, the spiritual danger is much greater. I've talked to SO MANY PEOPLE who have had terrible things happen to them AFTER they've participated in the New Age or witchcraft (even those believing they were practicing "good" witchcraft) and BEFORE seeing the light and accepting Christ. Then the battle is much harder, because the turn to Christ happened after the "door" was opened.

I've had a real spiritual warfare sitution I've had to deal with myself before I realized how protected I was in Christ , since I've been writing against and exposing the truth about Reiki and other topics. Remember, when you dabble in the spirit world, you not only endanger yourself but also your loved ones and folks like the ones reading this board who will willingly pray for you, hence "battle" for you as well. And contrary to the Reiki and Wicca and other occult / new agey things you may have learned or read say, don't fall into the trap of thinking there are simple "spells" or tactics using occult symbols or objects, like crystals or smudging, that you can use to protect yourself in spiritual battles. There are lots of terrible articles and books out that warn of the dangers and realities of spirit harassment and even possession, and yet the advice given about dealing with it is so bad and so wrong and against scripture.

I've had folks tell me they had a terrible spiritual situation and here we were actively trying to protect them, surrounding them with prayer, etc. only to find out, when it seemed not to work, that the people in question were "covering all their bases" so to speak and were using Reiki and crystals and chants for protection, along with prayers. That simply doesn't work and if it does temporarily, it might be a spirit "trick" meant to entice you to do more. There are very dangerous people around like Sylvia Brown, who do more harm than good trying to incorporate just enough Christian-like terms and practices, like "praying" and talking with "angels" with the more occult things like making angel-tarot cards, diviniation charts and candle-spells, into their doctorine. This confuses people and makes them think if they've done this one "Christian-like" act, like saying a prayer of protection, it's automatically okay to do this decidely non-Christian act, like seek spirit contact, or channel unknown energy being directed by "angels and other beings." The wholesale use of the words "God" and "angel" and "light" and "good" doens't mean anything when dealing with deception. Remember that satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

In a nutshell, figure out what you did to open this door. Be brutally honest with yourself, it's the only way to really save yourself and protect yourself in the future. And stop it immediately. I know people who have kept some of their old occult stuff and later other weird things seemed to happen, and I know some who feel that it was enough just to renounce the occult and desist. Pray very hard. I know that's often VERY difficult to do when you're being harassed spiritually. But don't let that stop you. Keep trying and trying and you'll eventually have success. Renounce whatever it was that allowed that spirit in. (I hope I am not assuming too much and you aren't being harassed by that spirit for no reason.) Ask for forgiveness and a spiritual hedge of protection that is unpenetrable. Avoid direct contact, for I think that's a very dangerous business. Don't mentally, or in prayer "argue" with it. Rather, tell YOURSELF that you are protected by Christ, recite to YOURSELF Bible verses, etc. Even if you are having unwelcome thoughts or fears intrude, focus on a phrase from the Bible and if you can't do a phrase, stick to a word, like "Christ." I know I felt very angry in my own spiritual trouble that everyone would agree with me that there was this spiritual warfare thing going on, that certain things and people were dangerous, etc. but I got no PRACTICAL advice on what to do, what to say, what to pray...

Keep the Bible close by during times of fright or trouble. In the beginning was the word and the Word was God. The words of God are annointed. They will protect you in the end. Don't be scared. The devil is a liar and there is no reason to assume the worst once you've asked Christ into your life. I know from experience that fear is a powerful weapon of the enemy, just as deception is. Guard your mind and ask Christ to protect your mind. Even Jesus Himself was tempted by the devil, who tried to use scripture to tempt him. But stand firm and use your experience to help others in similar situations.

If you would like to send me a personal message, I'd love to "collect" your story and will be happy to tell you anything else that might be helpful to you and I have some folks to refer you to as well, although there were obviously helpful and powerful folks already responding to you here. I've got a book list and an article list you could largely get online that I'd be glad to share. I've promised God I'd always help others since I've been helped so greatly in my own journey. Bless and keep you and remember to have faith!


Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:03 pm
by Mastermind
I did a lot of reading as a kid, and subjects like the spirit world and demonology(the study and clasification of demons) were particularly interesting. Sadly, i got a really bad case of depression during high school(I owe it all to God for getting me out of it), and even though I survived, I lost many of my original talents, including my will to read for fun. I'd love to review some of the previous books that I have read (one was an interesting book on Astral Projection and the other one was something similar to a demon encyclopedia), but I don can't for the life of me remember their names. If you want to read on the stuff, just go to a nearby library and see if they have any books(since it's mostly a phylosophical subject, almost anything will do), or see if they can order in books from other libraries if they have nothing(my library does this for free).

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 5:18 pm
by Anonymous
Actually I had two demonic encounters in which the first time Satan tried to influence my mind against the holy spirit and I knew it was him but I had to do my best to suppress these thoughts. The second time i got attacked by a demon while sleeping and left me paralyzed for a couple of seconds. Having the holy spirit dwell within the christian won't protect us from encountering Satan and his legions, but it will allow us to know that it is infact Satan and keep us from suffering any real harm. Many Saints are known to have been tormented by demons and overcome them. The way i see it is that God would allow that to happen as it can strengthen one's faith and has done so for me.

As for this forest spirit thing its obviously a demon, your not a christian right now so you don't have the holy spirit and demons can easily disguise themselves to you. I suggest you seek Christ Jesus our Lord and get a copy of the bible!

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:06 pm
by Mastermind
When you were attacked by a demon in bed, were you asleep or awake? Because sleep paralysis happens sometimes when your body doesn't realise you are awake.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:50 pm
by Anonymous
I was semi-sleeping you could say, but the thing is I was frantically trying to wake up and in my dream i guess i was looking at a face that went demonic and as it did i was going to ask it a question and It jumped at me. At that moment my mind woke up and I tried to move and I couldn't, also i felt another presence in my head, basically I had my own thoughts of which was to move my arms and some other thoughts i couldn't make out.

I would have dismissed it had i not had an earlier encounter when i wasn't sleeping at all and for a couple of days i kept having thoughts against the holy spirit for no reason and I tried to suppress them until finally they stopped.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 8:35 pm
by Mastermind
Then perhaps it was a demonic attack. It does sound like sleep paralysys, but you're the first to describe seeing demons or having another being's thoughts invading your mind.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:13 pm
by Anonymous
It could have been, but then again its one of those things where you never know. At this point I can't remember what I saw to any degree of accuracy, but I think with Demons its about feeling their presence rather then seeing.