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Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:17 pm
by Kurieuo
Just wondering if you could provide a reference so we can read about it?


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:23 pm
by Mastermind
I remember reading an article on a news site (I think it was CNN), where somebody claimed to have seen a wooden object sticking out of mount Ararat through satellite images and are going to form an expedition to investigate.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:30 pm
by Kurieuo
Search for Noah's Ark 2004 -

Ahh, a new claim. It really looks like protruding rocks to me on the slope. The expedition was meant to be July 15 to August 15, but was never allowed (, and now McGivern has given up on even bothering. The Russians are also apparently interested however, so someone will surely find an ark-like rock soon enough. :P hehe...


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:22 pm
by Anonymous

Check this out, again its not proof, but i'm inclined to believe that the piece of wood they retrieved is from the Ark.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2005 2:17 am
by voicingmaster
Sorry, I know this is an old topic, but I feel I should comment on this.

As for your first question, about water and plants. Genesis 2:6 says "But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground."
I always interpretted this as morning dew.

As for your second question, about why haven't we found Eden. Eden couldn't have been destroyed in the flood. B/c the tree of life is talked about in Revelation. So, perhaps a portal is possible.

A Variety of Responses

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:06 am
by kateliz
The Garden of Eden was on Earth, exactly where God described it was. The Flood must have been what did away with it, because the Tree of Life in Revelations is actually many trees of life near the river of life, or something like that, but they're on the new earth in the new heavens, not here- they're different trees completely. The mist that arose to water the ground couldn't have been morning dew because morning dew is not a mist, it is condensation. There is no portal because God said that He, "planted a garden toward the east, in Eden," (Gen. 2:8,) and that implies the earth as the ground it was planted in, as well as the conditions necessary for a garden, soil, and the atmosphere needed by both plants, trees, man, and the animals Adam named while still in the garden. Only on Earth is found a suitable place for those things, and, pardon me, but it's ridiculus to assume the garden was on another planet just because it's not around today! No portal, no other planet, just here on Earth, in the Fertile Cresent or thereabouts, with an actual entrance to the garden that was blocked by the angel, and it was destroyed in the Flood. The end! Sorry if I seem harsh, I'm just a little frustrated! On the Ark, I've several times heard the same rumor that explorers found what would have had to be the ark in a huge chunk of ice on the supposedly correct mountain, but that the government of the country it was in won't allow further investigation. Don't know anything more than that on that topic! And I did not put that smiley face in here, and it won't go away!!! :cry: That one I did.

Re: A Variety of Responses

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:52 am
by bizzt
kateliz wrote:The Garden of Eden was on Earth, exactly where God described it was. The Flood must have been what did away with it, because the Tree of Life in Revelations is actually many trees of life near the river of life, or something like that, but they're on the new earth in the new heavens, not here- they're different trees completely. The mist that arose to water the ground couldn't have been morning dew because morning dew is not a mist, it is condensation. There is no portal because God said that He, "planted a garden toward the east, in Eden," (Gen. 2:8) and that implies the earth as the ground it was planted in, as well as the conditions necessary for a garden, soil, and the atmosphere needed by both plants, trees, man, and the animals Adam named while still in the garden. Only on Earth is found a suitable place for those things, and, pardon me, but it's ridiculus to assume the garden was on another planet just because it's not around today! No portal, no other planet, just here on Earth, in the Fertile Cresent or thereabouts, with an actual entrance to the garden that was blocked by the angel, and it was destroyed in the Flood. The end! Sorry if I seem harsh, I'm just a little frustrated! On the Ark, I've several times heard the same rumor that explorers found what would have had to be the ark in a huge chunk of ice on the supposedly correct mountain, but that the government of the country it was in won't allow further investigation. Don't know anything more than that on that topic! And I did not put that smiley face in here, and it won't go away!!! :cry: That one I did.
8) The Cool Symbol to the left is the ")" and "8" put together...

Undesired Smiley Face

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:12 pm
by kateliz
Got it. Thanks. I edited it, just so people know it's no longer there; not like it's a big deal or anything.