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Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 10:37 pm
by ryo dokomi
andy wrote:Who are the sign gifts for?

according to the scriptures quoted, Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world, telling everyone that he had paid the penalty of Sin and that those who believe in Him can be forgiven and live eternally with God. so Jesus send his Holy Spirit to strengthen his disciples hearts and give them gifts of the holy spirit((i.e., tongues, miracles, and miraculous healings) to preach the gospel to the world at that time...

For now, God gives us Spiritual Gift for our lives on earth in order to build up, serve and strenthen fellow Christian community. The Spiritual Gifts are for the Church(i.e., Christians cos the Bible say Christian make up the Church, and the Head of the Church is Jesus Christ). In eternity, we weill be made prefect nad complete and will be in the presence of God. At that time, we no longer need Spiritual Gifts, so they will come to an end...

BTW having Spirtual Gifts is NOT the most important thing a Christian muz have...You muz be wondering why?.. well, let me explain, in the Church of the Corinthians, Paul give evidence of the Corinthians' lack of LOVE in the utilization of Spiritual Gifts, in 1 Corinthians chap 13 defines REAL LOVE and chap 14 show how LOVE works...LOVE is the more important the all other Spiritual Gifts exercised in the Church body. Great Faith acts dedication or sacrifice, and miracle works power produce very little without LOVE... LOVE make our actions and gifts useful... Although people have different gifts, LOVE is the greatest among all...

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:41 am
by andy
led wrote:Clearly the gifts are for today. So why don't we see the gifts of the Spirit in the church?

As the world sees Christians and the church, they see us with zero power. What is the church lacking that it can't produce the gifts?

Just wondering what you guys thought.

hmmm...i wonder why u say Christians and the Church have zero power..are u doubting God is bluffing us in showering blessings and gifts on us..

Actually, our Almighty God showers blessing and gifts on us EVERY SINGLE DAY...take note, i mean every single day... You can see for yr everyday life like
- Everyday we sleep over the nite and wakes up refresh, tats a blessing and gift of God too...
- All our daily needs are taken care off...(i don mean we don work for a living)
- We oso have the Greatest Gift on earth tat is LOVE...
- We oso have the Fruit of the Spirit that is Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control

A lot of time, Christians will forget to count all the blessings and gifts God have given, but if u start counting now, u will be amaze..

I have a verse in the Bible to share
God said "Bring all the tithes into the storeroom, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,"Says the LORD of hosts, "If i will not open for you the window of heaven, And pour out for you such blessing, That there will not be room enough to receive it." MALACHI 3:10

BTW, not forgetting the last and oso the most important point...
*Always place God as our Head of our daily life and God will showers blessings and gifts on us.....

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:46 am
by led
I agree, we are very blessed.

I was refering to the gifts/manifestation of the Spirit. 1 Corinthians 12:7-11. We don't see this very often, if at all in most churches.

Where's the power to heal the sick? Where's the words of wisdom and knowledge? Where's prophecy and miracles? Aren't we to have this in the church today? I've been around through the US, Canada, South America and Asia and have seen very little of the gifts of the Spirit. Isn't the church to walk in the power of the Spirit, or am I wrong?

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 5:56 am
by andy and manifestations of the Holy Spirit does not mean a Christian will/must have healing powers, perform miracles etc...cos we don have the power to do this what i mention above, all this healing powers, miracles have stop...Only during the tribulation age than it will happened again. By then that kind of healing powers and miracles abilities is not from the Holy Spirit but from the Devil

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 6:13 am
by led
bizzt wrote:
led wrote:Clearly the gifts are for today. So why don't we see the gifts of the Spirit in the church?

As the world sees Christians and the church, they see us with zero power. What is the church lacking that it can't produce the gifts?

Just wondering what you guys thought.
I think Andy already answered that :wink:
Oops. Just noticed it. Ya, I can be a bit slow at times (did I just type that?).

So Andy, you wrote:
the Bible says all the miracles and speaking in tougues have already stopped after the Apostles Age...while we are in the Church Age
Where does it say that?

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 10:57 pm
by ryo dokomi
led wrote:So Andy, you wrote:
the Bible says all the miracles and speaking in tougues have already stopped after the Apostles Age...while we are in the Church Age
Where does it say that?
they are most likely getting it from 1 Corinthians 13:8
however, i disagree, and feel that that verse has been misinterpreted by God's people. they seem to skip over the part that says knowledge will pass away as well. well, let me ask, has knowledge stopped growing, has it passed, its increased emensly.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:18 am
by andy
ok...the knowledge means the knowledge of God...

if i not wrong..this verse on knowledge mean knowledge abt God... yes.. it will be over one day, and tat day will be the 2nd coming of Jesus.. cos at tat time, God will have reveal everything to us... U might say other knowledge abt God is increasing...yes i agree but i always think and tells myself, no matter how much knowledge i have, in God eyes, a still very very small and tiny. cos God knowledge is too much greater than wat we think..people can say i noe alot abt God, but i myself thinks i only noe 0.00001% or even lesser...cos God knowledge is way to great for man.. but tat doesnt mean we don needto noe more at Him...and the second thing is, so wat if we know alot alot abt God.. without LOVE, we cant do anything much too...

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:55 am
by Canuckster1127
ryo dokomi wrote:
led wrote:So Andy, you wrote:
the Bible says all the miracles and speaking in tougues have already stopped after the Apostles Age...while we are in the Church Age
Where does it say that?
they are most likely getting it from 1 Corinthians 13:8
however, i disagree, and feel that that verse has been misinterpreted by God's people. they seem to skip over the part that says knowledge will pass away as well. well, let me ask, has knowledge stopped growing, has it passed, its increased emensly.
I'm not defending the interpretation of this passage as indicative of a dispensational ceasing of gifts.

However, those of that persuasion would argue that the use of "knowledge" in this context would refer to the revelatory gift of a "word of knowledge", not knowledge itself in the broader context.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 7:07 am
by led
andy wrote:ok...the knowledge means the knowledge of God...

if i not wrong..this verse on knowledge mean knowledge abt God... yes.. it will be over one day, and tat day will be the 2nd coming of Jesus..
That scripture could be refering to when Jesus returns. It certainly doesn't say that they have ceased today.