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Re: Homosexuality

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:14 pm
by SourceofLiFe
vvart wrote:.
Check out this verse:
"Some are born without the ability to marry, and some are disabled by men, and some refuse to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 19:12
Let me offer my insight regarding the verse.

"Some are born without the ability to marry" That is implying that mankind don't use their heart enough to feel one another, instead we're influenced by the environment to rely onto our eyes to see and judge.

Meaning relationships are base on attraction, and most attractions are base on how one sees another with their eyes. Their eyes blinded their purity to use their heart and feel one another. Everyone born differently, some are burn more physically attractive than another. Therefore those people may have trouble to marry because most people use their eyes to fall into attraction.

"and some are disabled by men"

That is implying that back in those days, boys are physically disabled "meaning they have their male sexual organ removed" also known as neutered. It's a common practice in China Empire.

"and some refuse to marry for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven."

Those are the people chosen by God to serve for God.
To be the one you have to be by one. All attention and focus are dedicated to the cause in succeeding the mission. Which prevents any other form of energy and attention for a sustainable relationship such as marriage. Being in a relationship such as marriage takes huge commitment, it wouldn't be fair to your significant one if you can't dedicate all your energy and commit to them. In order to succeed and go far in life, sometimes you need to make sacrifice, and by sacrificing our desire to be with that special person, it balance out and allow us to fully dedicate everything into the cause and mission of serving for our Lord.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 3:21 pm
by SourceofLiFe
Mastermind wrote:Either one works. Just remember that simply being gay isn't a sin, just acting upon the desire.
Being gay is a sin...

I am not happy with the way on how you always attempt in falsifying truth and deceiving others into thinking that wrongfulness is a righteous act.

Acting upon desire is acting upon temptation. Temptation are often used by Satan to get a desired effect. It is witnessed through the bible when Satan tries to tempt Jesus Christ.

Being gay is against God's will and God's way of creating mankind.

Can two man create another human? No, it takes one man and one woman to create another human.

This is the biggest and most wrong flaw that you're trying to justify.
I seriously suggest you consult with a experienced pastor who can lead you to God closely.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:38 pm
by Mastermind
Seeing how you don't even understand what being gay is, and probably haven't read the verses, which clearly depict homosexual ACTS as a sin, I'm not even going to bother with you.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 8:54 pm
by Shirtless
eu·nuch ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ynk)

1. A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.
2. A man or boy whose testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed.

Could we please realize that this passage doesn't "clearly" mention ANYTHING about homosexuality? Try Paul's letter to the Romans or something. This passage is refering to eunuchs, not homosexuality, or even homosexual acts.

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 9:39 pm
by Kurieuo
Shirtless wrote:I'm saying that the passage has nothing to do with homosexuality. It's about the disabled (reproductively speaking). So we shouldn't have a discussion about a subject based on a misinterpretation. :o
Ahh... I thought you were meaning the opposite. ;)
SourceofLiFe wrote:Being gay is a sin...
I disagree, and am with Mastermind again ;) ;). Being gay (if that were possible) is not a sin, but acting upon your homosexual feelings is. However, if someone is actively homosexual, we can try to point to the error of their ways (which I don't recall having ever seen work), or we could turn the gaze back to our own imperfect self.


Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:23 am
by Anonymous
yeah misinterpretation on my part, my bad, however if you guys notice I haven't said anything about gay's ages ago. However, I still think its a relevant topic to discuss and the verse didn't concern me as much as why gay people exist.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 8:41 am
by Mastermind
I'm guessing being gay is just another obstacle God puts in one's path to see if they overcome it, and how they overcome it.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:02 pm
by SourceofLiFe
To be gay you must "ACT" gay.
Therefore your statement is invalid Mastermind.

Being gay is "acting" up on homosexuality.

People turn gay, they don't born to be gay.

They turn gay due to their environment.

God is fair, for that God is mighty.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:13 pm
by Mastermind
First, I don't believe the "environment" part being the only thing that affects it. I've seen gay people try to turn around to the best of their ability and fail miserably. Being gay isn't acting on it, it's having certain feelings of attraction. Having romantic feelings for the same sex is what being gay is. Anything else is misunderstanding and speculation. You can engage in homosexual activity and not be gay, or you can be gay and resist the temptations of the flesh. And God ISNT fair, and I'm glad He isn't. I believe one of the authors of this site commented quite clearly that if He was fair, we'd have it much worse than we do now. Some people face more obstacles than others. Some people are born with the Spirit strong in them and never stray. Others are born under Satan's grasp, and those who escape it are rewarded tenfold. I find any obstacles like being born with a serious predisposition to turn gay to be a blessing from God, since those that resist them have it much better than those of us who have known God all our lives.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:19 pm
by SourceofLiFe
Mastermind wrote:First, I don't believe the "environment" part being the only thing that affects it. I've seen gay people try to turn around to the best of their ability and fail miserably.
Let me make it clear to you, the "environment" part is the only thing that affects it, why? because the environment constantly distract them from concentrating onto turning around.

No one is born gay, to think that some people are born to be gay is an insult to God and a insult to humanity. What makes you think you are born to be something better than someone else?

This is not some physical disorder, people being gay is due to their own decision in acting upon being gay.

Stop trying to manipulate facts.

Do not put God to the test.

God is fair in a way that seems "unfair" to most people, because those are the one that refuse to accept the fact that they can enjoy what God gives them if they start looking for it.

To think that those who are blessed from God just sits around and receives blessing is an insult to those who worked hard to earn God's blessing.

Doesn't matter how much influence or pressure someone put on you, if you turned gay, it is due to your own reason to not withstand against it.

Most gay people are happy the way they are, so why would they change if they are happy with who they are?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:31 pm
by SourceofLiFe
Also let me make it very clear to you, in the bible it's "Adam and Eve" not "Adam and Steve" and I'm disgusted by how you try to make "Adam and Steve" acceptable and not a crime.

No one is born gay, but people do turn toward homosexuality.

When they turn to that direction, they took an action. Without action, how can they turn? You need action to accelerate turning. So if they turned toward homosexuality, that is through their own action. Therefore is it wrong.

Do not try to make people's action blamable onto other aspect.

People need to take responsibility of their own action and accept that it is wrong whether they like it or not when the action is wrong. Finding excuses to make yourself feel better is deceiving yourself.

But if you must decieve yourself, at least spare the deception on others.

You can choose to be gay yourself and think it is not a sin, that is your problem. But please do not try to encourage others by making it seem like it's not a crime.

If people don't know that it's wrong, then they won't stay out from it.

Think of your own action before you take those action to affect people on the board.

So far you have tried to justified swearing, tattoos, killing another human being, and now homosexuality. [all of these acts falls into the category of Satan]

And you claim to have Christ live through you when we discuss about your spirit. Can you honestly say that is Christ without an insult to Christ?

If you honestly think so, then I am very sorry and I'll leave you be.
But if you dont think so, then you must stop. I have asked you this before and you haven't respond to me whether you think Christ truly live through you or not. So I assumed that Christ don't live through you.

I hope you start seeking for Christ, go find an experienced servant of God to help lead you to God closely.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:42 pm
by Mastermind
I have suddenly realised I am debating with a brick wall. May God forgive your hate and judgement towards others. It is pointless to discuss something when the other person has it set that they are the supreme authority on God's laws and the nature of the human mind.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:44 pm
by SourceofLiFe
Mastermind wrote:I have suddenly realised I am debating with a brick wall. May God forgive your hate and judgement towards others. It is pointless to discuss something when the other person has it set that they are the supreme authority on God's laws and the nature of the human mind.
I am not the wall, I am only a brick on God's wall.

If you don't want to meet the wall, then do not pretend to be by the wall.

If you actively go to Church, you will meet the same wall.

but since you are not an active participant [as you put it yourself from earlier discussion] therefore you think that wall is not God's wall.

Hate and judgement falls into the category of "killing" and with you trying to make killing a righteousness, that makes you in that same boat with "hate" and "judgment"

I hope you will learn what is right and what is wrong the hard way, otherwise you won't learn.

Peace be with you.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:47 pm
by Mastermind
I go to church pretty much almost every week, and have never denied it. By the way, by saying I admit I am not an active participant in church, when I never said that, you just broke one of the ten commandments. It is a good thing that God does forgive His bricks ;)

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 5:06 pm
by SourceofLiFe
Mastermind wrote:I go to church pretty much almost every week, and have never denied it. By the way, by saying I admit I am not an active participant in church, when I never said that, you just broke one of the ten commandments. It is a good thing that God does forgive His bricks ;)
I never said you admit that you are not an active participant of Church. I said you put it that way yourself. I never used the word "admit" in that sentence, therefore you must of admit it yourself or else why would you bring that up?

You did put it yourself from earlier discussion when I asked you about spirits and you deny the help of experienced Pastor to lead you to God, and your "spirit" being your mentor.