Wall-dog wrote:That's the vital step, going back and testing it.
The vital step is to remain open to trying to test it rather than using a cop-out like 'untestable.'
No in science if we can't test it we can't prove it either way. That's how science works.
Wall-dog wrote:We should never give up on a theory becomming testable and we should not be afraid to throw out a theory that is testable in part just because an element of it may not be unequivicably testable.
Once it becomes testable it can become a part of science.
It's a tool and it works because it is testable, not everything is testable so science is not an umbrella of human experience.
Wall-dog wrote:Must we be able to measure the amount of intelligence in a process to posit that intelligence must have been involved?
No but we must be able to show proof of it other than the artifact. For example if you have no knowledge of water chemistry how can you say that a stalagtite formed from mineral deposition?
Wall-dog wrote:Of course new theories rarely overturn old ones, they only encompass them, everything is based on empirical observation after all.
The irony here is that evolution is looking more and more like flat-earth theory, retreating into absurdity. The flat-earth theory is still out there too. Theories don't die even when maybe they should! Or at the very least they should open themselves up to the possibility that they may be wrong.
Again experiments have shown that the mechanisms of evolution occur.
Wall-dog wrote:That is not what evolution posits. Perhaps that is the problem there.
I'll stand by it actually. I'll grant only that I'm exaggerating a little. The Cambrian explosion isn't just a leap for evolution. It's the Grand Canyon. You can't bridge the gulf. You can posit into absurdity but you can't make the gulf go away.
Have you actually examined the data, or are you just repeating what you ave been told? I can reopen the cambrian thread if you would like.
Wall-dog wrote:The protien folding theory is just as absurd as the flat-earth theory that ships sailing over the horizon is an optical illusion caused by the ship sailing through the atmosphere. The evolutionary model does not fit the Cambrian explosion.
I don't follow. Have you ever examined the organisms from the Cambrian?
Wall-dog wrote:You call God a leap of faith and then you ask us to believe in folding proteins making evolution occur overnight. Even Darwin wouldn't have bought that.
Perhaps you didn't grasp the meaning of proteins which fold by themselves according to the natural laws of the Universe. Would you like me to go into more detail on proteins protein structure and how it relates to DNA?
Wall-dog wrote:Sure but can you prove it scientifically? There could be a greater force acting actively right now, but if it can't be tested than science is blind to it. Simple.
CAN be tested. It
has been tested. Dembski's math can be applied to things that are known to have been created such as lamps or TVs. It can be applied to components thereof. It's really best to apply it to as simple of objects as possible because reduction adds a degree of variance. The less reducible the item the better the test. But it can be applied and the math holds up. Nobody disputes that. Where people dispute it is when you take the same math and apply it to other things such as a single living cell or a portion thereof. How is that different than applying Einstien's theory of relativity.
His theories were given credence when an eclipse allowed scientists to measure stars behind the sun actually appearing to be closer to the sun than they actually are. Gravitational lensing was shown experimentally to be plausable.
The idea that time is not constant is also a practical tool as signals which go out into space need to be recalibrated before being sent back to Earth due to the time dialation.
Wall-dog wrote:It's not because I want it to be separate, it's simply because one can still study change with out knowing about origins. Why do you insist on adding more that there really is?
But they are NOT seperate theories.
Again the experiments can still be conducted whether or not we have an answer for the origin of life.
Wall-dog wrote:It wasn't until people began to really look at the Miller Experiment and apply it to realistic atmospheric conditions that people even wanted to divorce the two. And why? Because the only proteins with a realistic chance to 'evolve' that way were cyanide and phormaldahyde. When life tries to evolve from non-life what do you get? Embalming fluid.
=) That might work on the uninitiated but embalming fluid is not harmful to all life. Plus the result was not exactly embalming fluid. There was a much greater and more valid reason why the results of the experiment were rejected by the scientific community.
But that's besides the point the theory existed before the experiments, and it still stands today. No matter that the experiment was flawed and a dead end. This experiment did not discount othr experiments.
Wall-dog wrote:This doesn't apply. I am not trying to replace God.
Maybe not. But you are trying to make him unnecessary,
No I am not. Tell me how can we test God? You're making an illogical conclusion.
The whole point of science is to do the experiment and go from there. How can you reject that idea?
The results don't point away from God they just don't address him.
For example a chemiststudies how various compound form and interact. The results don't address God, does that mean chemists are precluding the existence of God? What of a lawyer or a computer scientist? Why target biologists?
Wall-dog wrote:and you are trying to do so on a board where people go to strengthen their faith. Luckily, science for the past 50 or so years has been making it steadily easier to build a strong scientific case for God! This board exists to show how God and Science do co-exist and how they overlap and point to each other. You try to divorce the two. You try to say that Science has no place and no need for God.
Not at all infact I think science points to a God. Where do you think all these natural laws came from?
Wall-dog wrote:This is why cosmology is so important - because cosmology shows that the rules of science are finite. What caused the big bang??? Science cannot exist
without God!
It doesn't make sence that improvements come about peicemeal and not all at once? I suppose the cell phone never evolved from a primitive hand set into the super sleek models one can find today.
That's the point. The cell phone did NOT evolve from a primitive handset into a cell phone. Designers at Bell Labs and Motorolla sat down and said 'how can we improve this?'
They could only see where improvements were necessary by building the innitial phones in the first place. I see that you still are having trouble separating factors which are just a byproduct of the example.
Wall-dog wrote:It was a product of design built on design rather than mutation on mutation. You can't divorce man's intelligence from that process anymore than you can successfully divorce God from the origin of species. Well - in fairness, you can't prove God was involved. Only that intelligence was. But your example of the phone shows not that evolution can occur without intelligence but how design is a necessary component of any process that makes large leaps!
Testing and modification is the common denominator here. For example for a new motorola antannae they only had the specifications for the new array. How did they design it? They did computer models of every varient they could think of and tested each one! The ones which worked best were used to test actual varients built in the lab. Does this process sound familiar? the only intelligence involved was in the measurement and the innitial specifications. The actual design was developed through brute force testing.
Wall-dog wrote:No that's not logic thats your sence of reality. Imagine the spacial dimentions like a reference. If a catepillar travels down a stick it cannot travel sideways, this world is two dimentional. Under the current theory the dimentions unfolded like leaves of a lettuce. Giving us the spacial dimentions with which we are so familiar and with which would seem bizzaar.
This is where true scientific progress is made - when we go back to philosophy to try and make sense of what we have learned. We rationalize and then try to build experiments to further refine. But how would you experiment with perception? What variables would you use to differentiate between perception and reality?
Our perception of time is based on entropy. If we build two atomic clocks and set one on Earth and one in orbit the one in orbit will tick slower.
Wall-dog wrote:Perception is not a naturalist term either...
No, we can discuss this in a separate thhread if you would like.
Not necessary. This is a side issue. I was using it to illustrate a point and I think I've done so.
No you still think time exists outside of perception. You're logic is based on experiences here on Earth, you have not made your point.
Wall-dog wrote:$25 + $3 + $2 = surprisingly $30.
You answer this in your next post. Really what should work is the following:
(What each man paid initially)=(What each man paid after getting reimbursed)+(What the bellhop kept)
Each man paid innitially $10 they were reinbursed $1 each. The bell hop kept 2$
So how much did the men pay?
$9 x 3 = $27
The bellhop kept $2 and the hotel took the rest.
How many times do I need to explain this?
Wall-dog wrote:I'm not going to say that it does work. Obviously it doesn't.
It does work. Your logic is flawed.
Wall-dog wrote:But it is still logical when you walk through it. If those three guys were business men they would each write down '$9' on their expense reports. They really did each pay $9.
It should work. Scroll up and read it again. Show me a break in logic. The best you can do is tell me I can't substitute back in $9 for $10-$1 when they get their money back - but the
only reason I can't do it is because if I do the math fails. 10-1
is 9. Logically
It should work.
That said, I'll grant that it doesn't.
Look each man will report $9 in their expence reports right?
The bell hop kept $2, the Hotel takes $25, it all works out!
The other $3 dollars is in the posession of the three men.