Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 4:28 pm
The general context of the thread related to TR's claim that there are little to no dissenters among biologists, and that those who do dissent are made up, primarily, of those in other fields. However, if you follow the thread, you'll see that the discussion quickly revolved around whether or not TR made just such a claim.BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Not to be annoying or anything but I thought the point of this thread was as follows.
"Just saw this and thought of him[thereal]...he said most dissenters aren't biologists."
And in your last post
"I had been under the impression that thereal had suggested, that evolution was so firmly entrenched in biology that the only real dissenters came from other fields."
Also to mention to fact that the thread is entitled "Just How Wrong thereal was:"
So isn't the context of the argument that the real stated most dissenters aren't biologists? And KMart calling him out on it?
So who is backtracking?
As that relates to my post, I openend by saying, "Back to the original quote" . . . Notice especially the words "back to." The implication is that I am avoiding the particular discussion related to TR's actual claim and moving, instead, to a discussion on the implications of the quotation. In fact, you will see that I never mentioned TR until the very end of the thread, in which I said, in passing, that I was under the same impression that he had put forward generally.
And, as noted above, if you trace my argument, you'll see that I took no issue either for or against this. My point related to the actual statistical data and its implications on science as a whole, whether or not this did or did not measure up with thereal's alleged comments.BGood wrote:Just staying within the context of the argument.
This thread was a personal challenge to thereal it seemed not a thread about the fact that dissenters exist.
Never the less I agree with your analysis, there should and always will be dissenters. Science is not a collection of facts, it is a collection of observations.
Again, then, I find it interesting that, among those who dissent from Darwinism, biologists outnumber any other single field at least 2:1. My question, for which there is no answer right now, is whether or not that is representative of the dissenting community as a whole or not.
From a secondary perspective, yet again, if we want to tie this back into the argument related to TR, I still say that he got got