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Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:12 pm
by graceshaker
it seems pretty simple to me.

God created man…(Genesis 1:28)
the first man sinned in the garden…(Genesis 3:6-7)
our sin is tied to his…(Romans 5:12)
for all have sinned...(Romans 3:23)
the wages are death...(Romans 6:23a)
while we were sinners christ died...(Romans 5:8)
and rose from the dead…(Acts 2:24)
defeating sin and death…(1 Cornithians 15:27)
bc of this God offers man the gift of life...(Romans 6:23b)
being pleased to save those who believe…(1 Corinthians 1:21)
who he calls through grace…(2 Tim 1:9)
so if we confesses he will forgive...(1 John 1:9)
and there is no condemnation in christ...(Romans 8:1)
so call on his name and be baptized...(Acts 22:16)
and know that you have eternal life...(1 John 5:13)
being sealed with the holy spirit...(Ephesians 1:13)

jesus came to seek and to save the lost. since none of us gets to personally choose who is elect and who is not we should all passionately take part in that which the father not only allows us to do but commands it - the ministry of reconciliation. we are the chosen tools that God has decided to use to bring others to his inconceivable grace. go therefore and do it. make disciples. teach scripture. the holy spirit will use it whenever it is spoken to convict and to shine a light into the darkness. this is what the world needs - not a bunch of disagreeable argumentative xians.

as for me i desire to know nothing among you except jesus christ and him crucified. (1 cor 2:2)