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Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:10 pm
by godslanguage
Canuckster1127 wrote:
godslanguage wrote:Thanks for the replies everyone

I would just like to know, if Hovind implies, and I sort of agree with him on this, that if you don't believe in a young earth, then your faith in the bible is destroyed.

Now, as a good YEC spokesman, do you believe that the science he is teaching along with YEC is misleading. For example, if he says Niagra Falls or the largest desert was created in around 4000 years, than is his dating accurate or not? Can science argue otherwise. Can science point us in the wrong direction as well?

Thanks for any further replies!

If you look at what I wrote again, you see I wrote "sort of....."
And I'm not looking for some kind of challenge to hold my position, I am investigating YEC myself, look at my questions, I am asking not telling you to believe in YEC. I said hes a good spokesman, I did'nt say hes a good scientist or even knows what he's talking about. All I am saying is that is makes perfect sense to me, if God did what he did in the Bible, then backing the bible up, and not evolution would be a better approach to christianity in my opinion. (Quote: "in my opinion")

If I offended you, I am truly sorry, but you misuderstood me completely therefore, I will try to be more clearer from now on. [/b]

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 6:01 am
by Canuckster1127
godslanguage wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote:
godslanguage wrote:Thanks for the replies everyone

I would just like to know, if Hovind implies, and I sort of agree with him on this, that if you don't believe in a young earth, then your faith in the bible is destroyed.

Now, as a good YEC spokesman, do you believe that the science he is teaching along with YEC is misleading. For example, if he says Niagra Falls or the largest desert was created in around 4000 years, than is his dating accurate or not? Can science argue otherwise. Can science point us in the wrong direction as well?

Thanks for any further replies!

If you look at what I wrote again, you see I wrote "sort of....."
And I'm not looking for some kind of challenge to hold my position, I am investigating YEC myself, look at my questions, I am asking not telling you to believe in YEC. I said hes a good spokesman, I did'nt say hes a good scientist or even knows what he's talking about. All I am saying is that is makes perfect sense to me, if God did what he did in the Bible, then backing the bible up, and not evolution would be a better approach to christianity in my opinion. (Quote: "in my opinion")

If I offended you, I am truly sorry, but you misuderstood me completely therefore, I will try to be more clearer from now on. [/b]

There's no need to apologize and I'm trying to be helpful, not just argumentative.

I am very glad you are here and I'm glad you are asking questions. Please don't read anything negative in my words. I just think, honest questions deserve honest answers and if you ask me what I think, then I'll tell you what I think. ;)

I note you are from Toronto. I grew up in Burlington just down the lake from you although many years ago.

Why don't you tell us about yourself and then we can talk some more about the issues you are interested in.

Welcome again. I am very glad you're here.


Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 1:43 pm
by godslanguage
"I am very glad you are here and I'm glad you are asking questions. Please don't read anything negative in my words. I just think, honest questions deserve honest answers and if you ask me what I think, then I'll tell you what I think. ;)"

Well, I'm glad to be here as well, I've been looking at the website for quite a while, but have'nt noticed the forum. If you ask me, this is definetely the best resourse I found on the net, most honest interpretations. And I respect your honesty.

"I note you are from Toronto. I grew up in Burlington just down the lake from you although many years ago."

Burlington is where I'm planning to move, its very nice and peaceful there and real estate is alot cheaper. However, Burlington is not what it used to be, there is massive construction happening there, Mississauga is already almost a "Toronto" (you know what I mean).

"Why don't you tell us about yourself and then we can talk some more about the issues you are interested in."

Well, my profile kind of says it all. I finished Business in Seneca College and due to complete lack of interest/motivation in Business, I'm currently taking Electronics Engineering at Humber College. What motivated me at first to discuss these issues is a course I took in Seneca called Nature of science and technology (evolution, ID, creation, pyramids, UFO's etc...), ofcourse this led me to explore my faith more seriously. I studied the media (Liberal bias) and other issues on politics as well. Currently I have more interest in this than Electronics, don't know why, but I never been interested in anyting more, other than these issues.
I play soccer since I was 7 and train Pak Mei and MMA for approx 7 years.

Currently, I am taking a course called Humanities at Humber College, and do not like it. The phisophy that they teach (Decartes, Neitszche etc...) is a bunch of bolony if you ask me. I beleive that nobody in this world can imitate the bible and its philisophical views on life, so much meaning in the scriptures, its just astonishing to me.

Overall, I lack alot of knowledge on these topics, from the bible to science so I am looking forward to gaining knowledge from everyone here on this forum.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 12:03 am
by Canuckster1127
Good to know more about you godslanguage.

I was born in London Ontario, but grew up in Burlington until 1978 when my family moved to the US.

I have family throughout Ontario including Toronto. Growing up I spent a lot of time in Toronto at the Royal Ontario Museum and the Planetarium there. I was a junior member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and used to read the journals that came out when Red-Shifting was still a developing issue.

I lived in Kerns Rd in Burlington and attended what is now Park Bible Church before it located to the bottom of Kerns Rd. I went to Hillfield-Strathallen in Hamilton for a year and the to Hamilton District and Christian High in Hamilton for another year.

I can tend to be pretty direct on issues. It's a product of getting older and typing fast and having a lot to do.

I don't profess to have all the answers. I am a pretty staunch old earth creationist and I have some history earlier in life as I moved from YEC to an OEC position of being persecuted for my beliefs in that regards by some very strong and I believe, intolerant YEC people who chose to try to make this a cardinal issue of faith.

I don't mind open debate and interaction, but when I get a person who presents their position like they have all the answers and that anyone who disagrees with their position is disagreeing with the Bible, I take it as a personal challenge to let them feel as uncomfortable as I believe they deserve, not because I bear them any animosity, but because I think they do themselves and Christianity in general a disservice and there needs to be consequences.

I don't see you that way at all. I'm just trying to explain why I may come across a little terse at times and ask pointed questions.

We all have to start where we are and what you are doing asking questions is a great thing to be doing and whether you land on a YEC or an OEC position, as long as you are seeking to be true to God and true to the Word, then you'll do great. Of course, I think the OEC is the most consistent position to take both in regard to the Scriptures and with Science and I hope you'll come to see that as you work through the issue.

So again, welcome, and let's keep talking.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 11:44 pm
by Moriah
I just got back to forums have been busy.
First I want to apolgize for not putting the authors link to the site I quoted from on the Adam to Christ line.
I really thought I had, but obviously I had not.
So again I apologize.

Bluesman,,we keep finding one another some how or other, how is the CSI work.

Can someone please how they can explain in the bible the OEC?

I have read alot of comments about if scientists said it, it must be true. Scientists in the days of Columbus and before said the earth was flat.isaiah 40:22 says it is round. But in the Bible it says it was a sphere,,,,wayyyyy before Columbus
Thank you and I apologize again.

Walking in his faith and grace.

Must be someone else?

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 1:51 am
by bluesman
Moriah Wrote
Bluesman,,we keep finding one another some how or other, how is the CSI work.
I think there must be another Bluesman hiding out there somewhere.
However, it seems I am not the Bluesman to which you refer.
Never was involved in any CSI work, but my wife sure likes that show.


Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 5:20 am
by Canuckster1127
Moriah wrote:I just got back to forums have been busy.
First I want to apolgize for not putting the authors link to the site I quoted from on the Adam to Christ line.
I really thought I had, but obviously I had not.
So again I apologize.

Bluesman,,we keep finding one another some how or other, how is the CSI work.

Can someone please how they can explain in the bible the OEC?

I have read alot of comments about if scientists said it, it must be true. Scientists in the days of Columbus and before said the earth was flat.isaiah 40:22 says it is round. But in the Bible it says it was a sphere,,,,wayyyyy before Columbus
Thank you and I apologize again.

Walking in his faith and grace.
No problem Moriah.

Glad you are here.

Let me suggest that you read this article on the main board regarding the Old Earth Creation position with regard to the Genesis Account and why many creationists believe that an Old Earth understanding is the literal rendering.

Then we can discuss your questions and clarify issues.

I believe you stated before that you have some Biblical Hebrew Studies.

I have studied Biblical Literature formally as well, although my focus was on the New Testament and Greek. However, I believe between me and others here we can help you to understand why many take such a position.
