Johnny is 11. He is being taught the principles of the american constitution and its amendments by his atheistic parents. Recent lessons given him has focused on the first amendment.
The other day, Johnny's school teacher gave him some math problems for homework. When his teacher checked his homework the next day, she was astonished that Johnny gave everyone of the problems incorrect answers.
His teacher therefore called him to her desk and asked him had he forgotten how to solve such problems. But Johnny said to his teacher, "None of my answers are incorrect." His teacher asked him why did he say such, and he said, "Because the answers are the ones I believe them to be, and I have a constitutional right to my opinion. You have the opinion that the answers should be such and such, but I say differently. You cannot say my answers are wrong. I have the right to my opinion and you have the right to yours. If you are dogmatic that my answers should be the same as yours, that makes you self-righteous and a biggot. If you say my answers are wrong, you are judging me. Judge not lest you be judged. I deserve an 'A' like everyone else."
The riddle is this: Who is right, Johnny or his teacher? Is there an atheist who can solve this riddle?
Can't the same thing be said about Christians? And how can this guy compare proof of God to math?
Have you wondered, oh atheist, what makes you feel the way you do about the Almighty God, your Creator? Have you wondered what makes you deny His existence - what makes you fight against Him - what makes you have such a strong negative attitude against Him - what makes you hate Him?
Why would someone hate something they don't think exist? It's not hate toward God; it's hate toward Christians.
The technique this guy uses is trying to group all athiest as thinking the same and being the same...
I received an email from an atheist the other day. In it he stated: "As an atheist, I do not believe in the existence of evil..." That is a most sad statement!
It's one of the core points which make me gag from the existence of atheism. It's one thing that makes atheism so dangerous for mankind and a terrible plague on earth that should be hated by all societies with the deepest of hatred. It should be recognized by all governments as a plague which has no right to existence.
Saying that all atheistic kids are worst than Christians…
Adult atheists will not admit it, but this is why I am such a diabolical kid. Atheism, which is really true satanism, prompts me to cause trouble. I cause a lot of trouble for my parents, and they are afraid of me. I deliberately make school hell. I like taunting and beating up on weak kids and Christian kids. I like giving the teachers and principal a hard time. They also are afraid of me. I like to make a name for myself among my friends so I do things deliberately to get in trouble with the law. I dare even law enforcement to apprehend me. Hey, atheists have fixed the laws of american in such a way that I am not afraid to do anything wrong. I can do anything and nothing will happen to me.
And huh? If anything the media promotes Christianity. Like the cross thingy always scares the monsters away.
It just also promotes bad behavior sometimes.
Adult atheists will not admit it, but this is why I am such a diabolical kid. Atheism, which is really true satanism, prompts me to cause trouble. I cause a lot of trouble for my parents, and they are afraid of me. I deliberately make school hell. I like taunting and beating up on weak kids and Christian kids. I like giving the teachers and principal a hard time. They also are afraid of me. I like to make a name for myself among my friends so I do things deliberately to get in trouble with the law. I dare even law enforcement to apprehend me. Hey, atheists have fixed the laws of american in such a way that I am not afraid to do anything wrong. I can do anything and nothing will happen to me.
And don't give this guy a gun. And does he mean mean kids or kids who are athesit?
Note from Robert T. Lee:
Alas, this is a most sad example of what atheism and non belief in God is doing to america's youth. Any kid that has the same or similar attitude of the one described by this 13 year old ought to be put to death immediately by the government.
Hopefully not all Christains are like this...