The Destruction of the Bible and God.

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Post by voicingmaster »

The constitution was based on "Identified Biblical Principles" since nearly each author of the constitution was a christian.
Actually, that's a myth. Most of our founding fathers were dietists, not Christian. For the uninitiated, a Dietist is one who believes in a god, somewhere out there, who created everything, then just left things to unfold, meaning no miracles, no prophets, not prophesies, no messiah, no laws, no nothing, just creation. So, the Constitution wasn't based on Christian ideaology, but what the founding fathers thought should be in a government.

Post by Anonymous »

Nope, you are in fact historically wrong.

Webster himself could quote the bible nearly cover to cover. John Adams was a deacan of his church. James Madison's bible was in the national historical archive somewhere if I recall.

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Post by bizzt »

Jared wrote:Nope, you are in fact historically wrong.

Webster himself could quote the bible nearly cover to cover. John Adams was a deacan of his church. James Madison's bible was in the national historical archive somewhere if I recall.

Disagree with you there Jared... Sorry I should have said that I disagree on the People you Chose...

Then you have other websites like this

However there was some that had Great Christian Faith

Post by Anonymous »

I respect that response; However --

A true tragedy of our time from most perspectives;

People wonder why the masses are so easily manipulated (or confused). Then they get angry with me for practicing warfare and manipulation in advertising. Sorry to sound rude, but people are all sheep in my eyes and I'm the wolf.

You are a victim;
Neither of those sites are of any validity; It may take some work on your part to actually research history but you will discover that it was the bible that was first cited when in original ideas and berthings of the constitution. I'm not just telling you this. History is one of my favorite subjects. I rely on it. If people repeat history, it makes sense to me to study it to predict peoples reactions and thereby control their thinking by their fears. I have history as an example. Its plain science-fact.

Only a truly confused person would believe that the wisdom in the constitution came from educated men. Men who often "historically" doubted themselves in business and in life and even documented such things in their biographies. I'm not saying it was divinely inspired, but its stood the test of time, until lawyers and those with the spirit of lust and the anti-christ have wanted it repealed and edited so they can live their sicknesses.

The US Constitution WAS WRITTEN on biblical principles! About Justice, Government, Rights, etc....

I'm humored by people when they take the things of the bible and interpret it based on their values. I've been guilty of the same. And I'm not preaching. I don't really respect or even like God anymore. But I do make it my business to get the facts or I become the manipulated and not the manipulator.

Keep searching. I could post a similar site and tell people what ever I wanted. I could call Thomas Jefferson a child molestor; provide alleged historical documents that suggest it, write a persuasive article about it on a website, create some hype, and before you know it, it would spread as truth or rumor, much like the eel-skin wallets erasing your credit cards or cellular phones causing brain tumors. Neither is true not even remotely.

Look at those sites again. I place little weight in those articles. Porn advertising in the footer and links to "Saved Sex, Post Fun Sex Tour" is one of the advertisements at the bottom of the page. Do you know what the word SHALOM means? Interesting articles and points of view though. I'm almost jealous that they influence so easily. I must be slacking off.

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Post by bizzt »

Jared wrote:I respect that response; However --

A true tragedy of our time from most perspectives;

People wonder why the masses are so easily manipulated (or confused). Then they get angry with me for practicing warfare and manipulation in advertising. Sorry to sound rude, but people are all sheep in my eyes and I'm the wolf.

You are a victim;
Neither of those sites are of any validity; It may take some work on your part to actually research history but you will discover that it was the bible that was first cited when in original ideas and berthings of the constitution. I'm not just telling you this. History is one of my favorite subjects. I rely on it. If people repeat history, it makes sense to me to study it to predict peoples reactions and thereby control their thinking by their fears. I have history as an example. Its plain science-fact.

Only a truly confused person would believe that the wisdom in the constitution came from educated men. Men who often "historically" doubted themselves in business and in life and even documented such things in their biographies. I'm not saying it was divinely inspired, but its stood the test of time, until lawyers and those with the spirit of lust and the anti-christ have wanted it repealed and edited so they can live their sicknesses.

The US Constitution WAS WRITTEN on biblical principles! About Justice, Government, Rights, etc....

I'm humored by people when they take the things of the bible and interpret it based on their values. I've been guilty of the same. And I'm not preaching. I don't really respect or even like God anymore. But I do make it my business to get the facts or I become the manipulated and not the manipulator.

Keep searching. I could post a similar site and tell people what ever I wanted. I could call Thomas Jefferson a child molestor; provide alleged historical documents that suggest it, write a persuasive article about it on a website, create some hype, and before you know it, it would spread as truth or rumor, much like the eel-skin wallets erasing your credit cards or cellular phones causing brain tumors. Neither is true not even remotely.

Look at those sites again. I place little weight in those articles. Porn advertising in the footer and links to "Saved Sex, Post Fun Sex Tour" is one of the advertisements at the bottom of the page. Do you know what the word SHALOM means? Interesting articles and points of view though. I'm almost jealous that they influence so easily. I must be slacking off.

Owner of All People;
Sorry maybe I should have Researched this a little more... Just picked some sites in Google however did not realize what some of the links showed :oops:

However the Founding Fathers Religious Background has been debated for some time and we can look at Historical Documents and Quotes. We in fact know many of the Founding Fathers were Christians, Some were Deists, and some did not believe in God. I found this one site quite Useful and enjoyed the many POV's ... ng_fathers

Post by Anonymous »

Your right sir;

Debate is the best choice of words you could have ever selected.

Ellen Degeneres is a female [homosexual] and that women will debate everything in her and her [homosexual] friends favor on her shows.

Britney Spears has the IQ of an 11 year old yet I saw an article featuring her "Debate" and how she is praised as being the most influential woman of the year in 2002 I believe. This is a woman that calls Canada, an over-seas destination. Sure, if you live in France.

Lawyers debate, I know I've been a toastmaster for 9 years. Public speaking and debate is nothing but an opportunity to sound smart, influence others, and all based on INDIVIDUAL BELIEFS. People blindly believe public speakers.

Former President Clinton cheats on his wife, but all the "debates" declare him a good leader. Why not? I mean If his wife cant trust him, I guess we should have? No way!

Thanks for your reply though. I hope you find TRUTH and ignore all others. One true statement in the bible is that Truth will set you free.

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Post by CountryBoy »


For someone as negative about God and prayer as you are, I would first question your salvation. If you feel sure about that, I would then question that you've ever been much of a praying Chrsitian and ever had any sort of a close relationship with God.

It may take some very serious circumstance in your life, like it did in mine, to strenghthen you and show you how powerful God is and how incredible the "prayer of a righeous man" can really be.

Good luck on that, because you'll never make a dent in anything on your own strength, and quite frankly, you seem to be saying your ideas and efforts are gonna get much more that God's. You may get much success from a worldy standpoint like that, but none of it will stand the test of time.

In Christ name

Post by Anonymous »

I respect that CountryBoy;

I question it my self; I'm pretty certain I'm going straight to hell, and I'm pretty convinced I don't have a second chance at changing that. I know the reality of the burden that instantly left me the day I told Jesus to get lost and turned my back on God. I had a REAL PHYSICAL sensation of a weight being pulled off of me. The air smelled good, I was at peace, I was calm, and can remember how things started to roll in my favor after doing so. Thats the truth, on everything I know and love.

Here's an interesting fact. I was actually educated to be a Pentecostal Minister and studied with Kenneth Hagen Ministries. I was in Toastmasters to learn to be a public speaker for three years.

Bad things happen, people change, and God doesn't defend his people, He promiscuously allows torment and foolish tests of faith (of which I failed every test)

I could walk up to you with a 9MM, put it in your face, tell you to pray for protection from God, and then pull the trigger. Your prayer would have gone un-answered.

God has NO POWER WHAT SO-EVER ON THIS PLANET UNTIL THE LAST DAY. That has been true in every example I see in the lives of so many people. God is cowardly. He can't stop anything or anyone from hurting his people PERIOD. Its His way, His will, His plan, His rules, His everything, and the individual is just a pawn in the big picture. If God wants you "countryBoy" in a certain position in life, He simply will put you there. Kicking and screaming all the way, you do not have a choice about the destination, only the decision to agree or not to agree.

A miracle is the only thing that will change my heart or my vision.

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Post by Felgar »

Jared wrote:I could walk up to you with a 9MM, put it in your face, tell you to pray for protection from God, and then pull the trigger. Your prayer would have gone un-answered.


A miracle is the only thing that will change my heart or my vision.
Well I've heard testimony from a woman who was shot from about 5 ft. away with an AK-47 - the guy drained a whole clip on her in the middle of the street (third world country conflict). An angel came and blocked every bullet except one that nicked her arm when she moved it in fear.

So that would contradict your first statement PLUS provide proof of a miracle. Would you repent if you could talk to her 1 on 1?

Post by Anonymous »

Sure, But I dont trust many people.
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Post by AttentionKMartShoppers »

Oh a skeptic, where's Mastermind when you need him....
"My actions prove that God takes care of idiots."

He occasionally stumbled over the truth, but hastily picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened.
- On Stanley Baldwin

-Winston Churchill

An atheist can't find God for the same reason a criminal can't find a police officer.

You need to start asking out girls so that you can get used to the rejections.

Post by Anonymous »

Where or where could those miracles be? The sun came up, but it did for Hitler as well.

A gang member down the street won $772,000 in the lotery only to do a drive by in his limo, well thats cool, that money would have been in better hands. considering the guy took all that money, started a rap music studio, and dealt drugs out of it and then financed a chop shop. Just can't escape the ghetto no matter what. Hmmm.

Yep, I'd change my ways for a miracle that I could identify. Thats the damn truth.

I dont need to walk on water or anything, I can already do that. I just wait til it freezes.

a fleece, a gideons fleece, that would do it.

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Post by CountryBoy »


I'll pray for that miracle, unfortunately, it may be completely different than you expect.

We seem to think that our falible minds can wrap aroung God's vision, but that ain't gonna happen. Your miracle may be that you become a paraplegic so that God can get your attention, maybe someone will get you one of those rolling beds to keep the bed sores down and you spend the next 75 years rolling back and forth every 2 minutes until He reaches you. I hope that's not it, and don't worry, I have no desire to pray for that one, just the miracle that you need in order for God to reach you.

I have no idea why tragedies happen to people. And they never seem very trivial when they are happening to you. But God has a way of using any and everything that happens in our lives, if we are willing. These things should be a nuisance to a Christian, nothing more. I realize that many folks have very serious problems mentally, physically, or financially. At times I feel like I've had way more than my share, mostly self-inflicted I might add, and many, if not most of them I have handled horribly. But we are only here for a few seconds when you look at it through the eyes of eternity. If God can reach one person through my suffering, one person came to a saving knowledge of Christ. Maybe someone asked me why I'm not angry at God for what is happening to me and I explain a little about my faith. Whatever happens, if one seed is planted that may lead to one soul whose eternal destiny puts him in the arms of God…it's all worth it. These things seem so serious when we are in the middle of them, and they are, but they pale in comparison to the treasures of heaven. The really great thing about suffering and tragedy is that everybody has to go through it, none are spared. So everybody wants to know how we were able to endure our particular situations. What an excellent opportunity to tell them about the savior. I saw a lady in a wheel chair the other week and she had a sticker on the back that said, “Don't let this wheel chair fool you, my treasures are in heaven”. What a testimony she was, and continues to be to me. Suffering and tragedy seem so all-consuming when we are dealing with them in the present, but my guess is that more people come to know Christ this way, whether it be through their own suffering or that of someone else's, than through sitting in a pew. I personally want to be a better sufferer, and I want to be surrounded in heaven by those who saw something different in the way that I have suffered.

So, if you put a glock to my head and pulled the trigger, God may take me home, or He may let me be paralized, or He may let the bullet pass through without a scratch, we just have to take what we get and try to use it for God.

So don't let that little ole suffering thing detract from the size of God in your eyes, God can get His message across pretty good with that. Suffering is a gift from God, it leads us to Him much quicker than if we have everything and are never in need. I thank God for all the suffering He allowed me to do...really!

Hah, your religion was pretty shallow don't you think. Kinda like, "Hey God, I'll believe in You if you let only good stuff happen to me and my friends, but the first time I have to suffer a little, I'm outta here"

Later dude

Post by Anonymous »

We seem to think that our falible minds can wrap aroung God's vision, but that ain't gonna happen. Your miracle may be that you become a paraplegic so that God can get your attention, maybe someone will get you one of those rolling beds to keep the bed sores down and you spend the next 75 years rolling back and forth every 2 minutes until He reaches you. I hope that's not it, and don't worry, I have no desire to pray for that one, just the miracle that you need in order for God to reach you.
I have my SIG P226 less then 3 Feet from me. I place no value on my own life. Should GOD make a foolish attempt to first oppress me to get my attention, I'll end my life. There has never been more truth in a mans statement then the one I just made.

I use to have children, and I would be locked up if I used pain and suffering to teach them anything. If God were on trial, he would be convicted and sentenced to eternity in hell Himself. Only a coward allows pain and suffering as a means of getting attention. Only a coward finds it necessary to get the attention of his people through oppression.

Because of the fear of the statement you just made, I'm going to make preparation for such a tragedy. In fact I think I'll wear my holster morning and night so I'm able to escape Gods fine attention getting wisdom. Thus when the day of judgement comes the universe will look at all of our errors and short commings in life and just maybe they will say God drove that one right to hell. Not as just as many believe after all.

The Almighty God, builds the Universe, hand crafts the planet Earth, fills the ocean with water and puts more life on this planet then one could possible count, He even controls the sun and all the stars, yet reduced to torment and affliction to get the attention of his people. Hmmm.. Truly one who deserves respect.

God wants to get my attention; He must know me, at least He claims to, how about a direct approach. Like letting me know He's still there. I'm not talking the dip sh*t stuff like a sun rise or near miss in a car wreck. Big deal, devil worshipers wake to the same sun along with every other alledged miracle.

Communicate with ME DIRECTLY. He wrote the bible, parted the sea, framed the planet, but expects me to find him in a history lesson and a book. A BOOK! are you serious or was I drunk when someone said that. A BOOK! I found Tony Robbins in a BOOK when I read "Date with Destiny" I know more about his character then I do of Gods. Because I've met him, I've attended his seminars.

Almighty God, send me an email, better yet, "touched by an angel". Television executives even have a better plan, or at least better idea. Don't impress me God, just anounce that your there. That would be miracle enough.

P.S. Not as an oppressor either, you know the types of people I've fought all my life. You know how I hate them. Act like them and see what kind of response you get Almighty God.

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