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Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:10 pm
by Canuckster1127
tj rich wrote:thank you FFC your response shows great generosity of spirit and gives me hope. As for making assumptions, anything I have said I have meant and all my conclusions were only arrived at after years of deliberation and diligent study, and I am happy to substantiate any and all of them. However that is not the point, just because I cannot find peace in organised religion does not take away from anyone who does. I realise some of my opinions could cause offence,that was not my intention I have been looking for insight and debate not argument.

No offense taken on my end at all. This site exists for such debate and searching.

FFC has given you a good answer. Christianity is first and foremost a relationship, not simply dry dogma and teachings.

What is it about Christianity that raises your questions? What are your sources as you've worked through things?


Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:47 pm
by FFC
Canuckster1127 wrote:
tj rich wrote:thank you FFC your response shows great generosity of spirit and gives me hope. As for making assumptions, anything I have said I have meant and all my conclusions were only arrived at after years of deliberation and diligent study, and I am happy to substantiate any and all of them. However that is not the point, just because I cannot find peace in organised religion does not take away from anyone who does. I realise some of my opinions could cause offence,that was not my intention I have been looking for insight and debate not argument.

No offense taken on my end at all. This site exists for such debate and searching.

FFC has given you a good answer. Christianity is first and foremost a relationship, not simply dry dogma and teachings.

What is it about Christianity that raises your questions? What are your sources as you've worked through things?

Thank you both for your kind words of encouragement.

I want to say that I didn't sense an argumentative tone in your posts at all. Just honest questions. I believe God respects that and you are in a long line of people who have finally come to peace in God, who searched for hard answers like you are doing. Personally I just appeal to you to not throw out the baby with the bathwater in your findings, because if you really are searching for truth, God in His great mercy, love and grace will lead you to it. I have no doubt about that.

God bless you in your search