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Re: Supernova Observation

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:30 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
dad wrote:Sorry, but that is same past, same light speculations. Lightspeed was constant only since we were left with present light. No matter what expansion occurred in the last several thousand years, it used to get here pronto, as the different light.
dad wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote: Dad,

Does your belief in "present light" have any basis in provable observation or do you draw it as a necessary truth based solely on your understanding of Scripture?
The present light is quite provable and observable. In fact, it is the only light we have ever known, or science.

The light in heaven is different than this. As was, I contend, the past light.
Yes the past light actually has a fragrance and instantly communicates movement which occurs large distances away.

Satelite TV didn't have the weird delays back then which make people look stupid taking a few extra moments to react to a question.

Also as soon as someone lit a fire in the hearth the entire room became warm instantly, because we all know back then all light even in the non visible portions of the spectrum behaved the same way.

Pointing was deadly because the warmth in the finger would instantly cook anyone in it's deadly path.

Re: Supernova Observation

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 5:00 am
by Canuckster1127
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
dad wrote:
Canuckster1127 wrote: Dad,

Does your belief in "present light" have any basis in provable observation or do you draw it as a necessary truth based solely on your understanding of Scripture?
The present light is quite provable and observable. In fact, it is the only light we have ever known, or science.

The light in heaven is different than this. As was, I contend, the past light.
Yes the past light actually has a fragrance and instantly communicates movement which occurs large distances away.

Satelite TV didn't have the weird delays back then which make people look stupid taking a few extra moments to react to a question.

Also as soon as someone lit a fire in the hearth the entire room became warm instantly, because we all know back then all light even in the non visible portions of the spectrum behaved the same way.

Pointing was deadly because the warmth in the finger would instantly cook anyone in it's deadly path.
Thanks for sharing Bgood.

I'm not sure how I "feel" about this.

But it is important to have different points of view on the matter and of course, your feelings in this regard are just as valid as Dad's and anyone else's.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:23 am
by Jbuza

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 6:54 am
by Canuckster1127
Jbuza wrote:Hmmm I missed a post.


I don't agree that sience falsely so called has anything at all to do with evolution, necessarily. I also don't take my opinions from the party line of some group of YEC.

Let me paste the NET translation of the verse.

Avoid31 the profane chatter and absurdities32 of so-called “knowledge.”33 6:21 By professing it, some have strayed from the faith.34 Grace be with you all.35

I think that people believe all kinds of things to be true that are not true. Just because something is accepted knowledge doesn't make it truth.

Also God says that he will confound the wisdom of this world. It is clear to me that people accept interpretations and stories based on unobserved suppositions. AT least YEC is derived from records, while OE takes its history from interpretations largely derived from assumptions of how the earth could be without God.

I don't mind the hard questions. Sometimes I have difficulty in becoming interested in some subjects to bother refuting these stories, but there is always lots to do, so I can't put all my time in unproductive, yet enjoyable disputations.

I would like to point out that the passage from Timothy above seems to indicate that one can profess so called knowledge or science as truth and still hang onto their faith. IT is clear however that one should avoid accepting and professing a story simply because someone else has accepted it is truth, especially when it is from the wise and great minds of this world, whom God has promised to confound.

You should not be surprised that conclusions and experimentation are supposed and interpreted from an OE standpoint because that has been the "so-called knowledge" of science for a while.

You're welcome to your interpretation.

The point is that the passage in question uses the greek word "gnosis," which is knowledge and the context of the passage and the understanding of it by those reading it would clearly have applied to the heresy of gnosticism, which is a very specific and narrow context and has nothing whatsoever to do with what you are suggesting above. The text you are using to proof it here is grossly out of context.

The use of the word "science" in the KJV more than 1500 years after the writing of the text in the original greek, has nothing to do with how you are using the verse now.

It is a good example though of what I believe commonly takes place with YEC teaching and it is something that all Christians need to guard against as it is certainly not unique to YEC.

When looking for the "literal" meaning of a passage, it is simply read as if it were written by God directly to a Western American in the 21st century. The original language, context and culture of the original audience are just glossed over.

The problem with this type of hermeneutic is that it will usually render different meanings and understandings of the text which will rely upon the language, culture and context of whoever happens to be reading it at the time. What a mess!

It's certainly easier however. It takes a lot of work and study to put one's self into the position of understanding the Bible from the point of reference of the original audience. Most people prefer to simply read it as if it were written specifically for them and then spiritualize it and claim anyone disagreeing with them is disagreeing with God. Everyone is susceptible to this, including me.

I honestly believe that to a large extent, this is a prime example of what the YEC position relies upon and why it has such popular appeal among Christians who aren't discipled or taught to watch out for it.

In any event, if you want to continue to use this passage in this manner and imagine that it is speaking to the scientific method and/or the realm of science then you're free to do so.

The original audience understood it was addressing the heresy of gnosticism.

I prefer their understanding as an indicator of what God and Paul meant over yours.

In terms of the last portion of your post, the idea that and old earth is simply the result of such a presupposition coming back in a circular manner has been a common mantra of yours.

It fails woefully, as there is no common philosophical basis among the proponents of an Old Earth that creates this need. The breadth and span of those in the scientific community, across multiple disciplines using multiple evidence is so overwhelming in terms of corroboration as to make your assertion in this regard stunningly arbitrary. These are the conclusions of Old Earth Christian Creationists to be sure (a very small subset of the overall scientific community I might add,) but they are the conclusions in terms of the age of the earth based upon scientific observation of Hindus, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jainists, Buddhists, Confucianists etc. The reason their conclusions are so uniform is not because their starting world views are in agreement. It is because by the use of the Scientific Method, on the basis of the evidence, corroborated within many different disciplines and data sets, they have found the conclusion to be inescapable.

Attempting to cast the error of the YEC minority back upon the old earth overwhelming majority is not particularly effective. There is far more diversity of world views present which refutes your assertion.

That is why I asked you earlier to provide one instance of any scientist who on the basis of evidence alone has drawn a conclusion of the earth being 10,000 years old or less. I would venture again to say that you cannot do it. The only "scientists" claiming this are those who attach themselves to the YEC perspective first based upon their acceptance of YEC hermeneutics and then they basically accept a contrarianistic attitude and attempt to obfuscate the evidence. There's precious little else they can do. They cannot work with the evidence itself to bring about any broad agreement with their presuppositions. That in a nutshell is why you see so little peer-reviewed material. It simply can't pass the test within the scientific community.

I admire your tenacity. You're better than most that I've seen in this regard in terms of your willingness to stay with a thread and work it through, but in the end, all I'm observing is a continual return to your assertion that there's some philosophical need dictating the conclusions of an old earth.

What's the common thread among all the groups mentioned above in this regard? By your claim, there is no objectivity, ever. The lengths I see you going to in this manner borders on the absurd.


Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:07 pm
by Jbuza

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:42 pm
by Canuckster1127

Thank you as well for the thought in your response.

I do think we have a better understanding of each other.

I do want to clarify some of what I think you've reflected back.

I do not see how you derive from what I said that the Bible is not relevant and applicable to today. I believe wholeheartedly that it is. What I stated is that if you attempt to read it by applying today's language and understanding then you engage is what is called, "eisogesis" and risk reading into the text something that it was never intended to say.

"Science" as you read that verse was never used in translating that Greek word which is Gnosis, until 1611. It didn't mean then what you take it to mean now, and it didn't mean it when it was written in the original Greek.

I'm stating this as gently as I can. Who places a higher respect to the Word of God? The one who studies, and seeks to undertand it in the manner in which it was written and uses all the tools available to do it? Or the one who simply approaches it, doesn't do the work to understand it as clearly as possible and treats the translation and the passing of 2,000 or more years as if culture, vocabulary and world view were the same then as now?

Yes the Holy Spirit is involved and needs to be. But if we do not do our part to value and hold the word of God high enough to work on it in this manner then what are we saying by our actions is more important? The Word of God or our interpretation. This is part of why there are so many factions among Churches today.

I don't believe what you or I believe in terms of Old Earth or Young Earth raises to the level of our Salvation. You are correct that we should be challenging each other in this regard.

It is important however. I understand that you believe the YEC position is what the Bible teaches. If I believed that still, as I once did, I would not care whether anyone else or anything else lined up with it. Since I have come to the OEC position, I believe that the YEC position, first is not consistent with Scripture and second is a stumbling block to many who equate the YEC position with Christianity itself and as a result, the Gospel message is harmed.

I understand some of what you are saying with regard to objectivity. Frankly, there are levels of understanding within Science that build upon each other and that need to be continually tested, challenged and this often combined with new data, research or even reinterpretation of existing data leads to changes. That is the nature of Science.

Frankly, and there is some level of judgement involved of course, the issue of the age of the earth and the universe is so overwhelmingly clear in terms of collaborated science that the only reason I am aware of to doubt it at a high level, is if you believe the Bible to clearly state otherwise and in addition, you believe that God created the earth in such a manner as to lead people astray in that regard so that they would believe it solely by Faith. I just cannot fathom God deceiving us in that manner. Further, the OEC understanding was firmly in place to allow for what we are finding before modern science even came on the scene.

In terms of what we are speaking about here though if you take anything from this, I encourage you to really consider the issue of how you interpret the Bible.

Really ask yourself, how the original audience understood it, not to discount to Scripture at all .... rather to elevate it to where you do the work, do the praying and really seek to understand what it meant then, so that we can understand the same thing today and subject ourselves to it.



Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 8:48 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Jbuza wrote: ...

So if I am guilty of constant obfuscation just be aware that it is because I am convinced that most of what we “know” as knowledge and truth, that we don't actually know it at all.

I know that what I presume to be true about many things, that I don't really KNOW them, but there are also some things that I have no demonstratable evidence for that I KNOW are true.

In Christ
I can certainly respect this position.

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 12:58 pm
by Jbuza

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:57 am
by Canuckster1127
I think that the man that approaches begging the spirit tp open his eyes has more respect for the Words of God, than the one who presumes that their own work and learning lead to direction and revelation from God. I think we should approach the word to be taught and instructed from it, not that we must attain some level of enlightenment or understanding to be able to receive the gospel, or wisdom from God. Which is what those people that Paul was warning Timothy about were doing in part.
You are thinking either/or here. Why can't it be both? In fact, there is extremely clear teaching within the Scripture itself that it must be both and that the Word of God itself must take precedence over any claim of special leading or interpretation that is contrary to, inconsistent with or added to the Scriptures.

Do you see any danger in elevating personal interpretation of Scripture to a product solely or primarily of the Holy Spirit in a person's life? The Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God and it is inerrent, right? How do you propose to validate yours or anyone else's interpretation of Scripture when they claim they have come to a certain conclusion by the Holy Spirit? Is it not the Word of God itself that must be primary? The Holy Spirit will not contradict himself. How will you know unless you elevate the study and understanding of the Word of God to first place?

There are myriads of doctrines and interpretations out there today that contradict themselves and if you were to speak with the individuals holding and promoting them, they would very strongly appeal to the concept you are apparently espousing here to claim that they were led by the Holy Spirit to interpret Scripture in this manner. What standard or basis of interpretation are you going to offer to contradict that?

Are you familiar with the heresy of Gnosticism that I believe is clear within the text that Paul was referring Timothy too? Gnosticism was not in any way like modern science. Gnosticism was an entire spiritual belief system that had multiple spiritual entities and spiritual eschelons that were risen through by secret knowledge that was spiritual in nature, not in any way objective or scienctific in the manner that you take that translated word in the KJV. It was not objective knowledge and study of the natural world that Gnosticism was about by any stretch of the imagination.

In fact, Gnostics would be very comfortable applying their philosophy within the context of Christianity, with the thought that the Holy Spirit was there to guide each individual through their own private path with their own private revelation in terms of how they should understand Scripture. That was why Gnostocosm was seen as such a huge threat to the early Church and why it was responded against in the New Testament itself.

Peter had something to say about this danger as well in I Peter 1:16-20
  • 16 For we did not follow cunningly devised fables, when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

    17 For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

    18 We heard this voice come out of heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.

    19 We have the more sure word of prophecy; and you do well that you heed it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the morning star arises in your hearts:

    20 knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of private interpretation.
We must ask the Holy Spirit within us to lead us to Truth and understanding, but there is also a check against heresy and false teaching present. What is that? If the orginal audience understood a passage in a particular manner, and you're proposing an interpretation that they would not have understood or applied, do you see any danget there? How are you going to know? Do you want to rely upon the Holy Spirit to reveal to you how to read Greek, to show you the culture and history of the time by divine revelation? Or do you think we have a responsibility to get off our butts and discipline ourselves to study the Word of God so that we can submit to it by understanding what it is saying?

Which is the higher view of Scripture?

2 Timothy 2:15 15 Give diligence to present yourself approved by God, a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed, properly handling the Word of Truth.

If the Word of God has to handled properly, then it can also be handled improperly. What standards are you going to apply to guard against heresy and false teaching?

I suggest that it is not so easy as to simply wave your hand and say the Holy Spirit will guide me into truth. In fact, for me to do that is to elevate my sense of what I believe the Spirit it teaching above the text itself. I believe YEC teaching does just that. It is no coincidence that YEC teaching is popular among Christians. Most have been taught to equate it with the Bible itself based upon the "plain" and "clear" meaning of Genesis 1&2 and other passages.

It is no mistake that the more education a person receives in solid Biblical History and Hermeneutics, the more YEC ceases to be held and some form of an OEC position is taken.

The response of YEC and many evangelicals has been to espouse an anti-intellectual and anti-education stance. This is counterproductive however and naive. It's good to see some YEC now starting to realize that it is not enough to naysay and contradict. If their position is indeed an accurate reflection of the Word of God, then it should stand up to intellectual and scientific challenge and it should be expected to demostrate how nature itself is in accord with their beliefs.

There's a long, long way to go. Peer reviewing of their science, even among themselves would be a welcome change.

So Jbuza, I'm glad we've gone down this path. You're a worthy brother in Christ from what I can see and I respect your tenacity and willingness to actually interact with things. I won't mention any names, but you're a vast improvement and a needed one over the typical YEC propenents that I observe who can only point to their interpretation of Scripture, call it Scripture itself and then cover their eyes, ears and continue repeating themselves. That is an extremely poor representation of Christ and of the rational truth and validity of Christianity.


Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:02 am
by Jbuza

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:59 pm
by Canuckster1127
Wisdom and knowledge are two different things. If you believe they grew in their knowledge by sitting in a vacuum and not studying the Word of God available at the time then you have a vastly difference understanding than I do.

This really does illustrate the differences that in some ways helps to frame the YEC - OEC debate.

I believe our ability to study and understand is a manifestation of our being made in God's Image.

Ultimately what we must rely upon is Faith and that certainly does elevate above mere intellectual knowlege.

While Christianity does not rest upon rationality, Christianity is rational. To suspend thinking in favor of some sense of unaccountable spirituality leads to all kinds of error and heresy. I am far more fearful of what a suspension of careful study of God's Word will yield than I am the dangers of examining it too closely.

I feel the same way in science. We don't need to be standing on the sidelines naysaying people who are engaged in doing to hard work studying and seeking to understand this world God created, whether they realize it or not.

Christians need to be in the field working. Coming up with pseudo-intellectual nonesense, relying upon philosophical epistomology without coming up with plausible alternatives is not a good representation of Christ or Christianity.

ANother Article

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:16 pm
by Canuckster1127 ... news_rss20

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