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Post by FFC »

djbryson wrote:I'm was Christian because i was forced to be. Forced to believe fables and mythology that defy science, like people rising from the dead. Prove to me that happened. You can't. Stories that there is no proof of except a 2000 year old book. The church and religion was created to control. On a positive note religion keeps people civil. Don't get me wrong, you were designed, but you don't afterlife. That is fairytale stuff. What is the perfect thing that could happen when you die? You have an immortal soul! Think about that. You really think that's true? That's a little too good to be true. Humans fear death and therefore there would be a belief in god(s) and afterlife either way. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" We would believe in god even if there wasn't one. I can't understand how people can believe in supernatural stuff with no proof. It blows my mind. How can we control people? Lets offer them the ultimate; Immortality. Follow these rules and you'll go to heaven. It's so ridiculous that people believe it. Death sucks, but you have to except it. You should live your life as if there's no afterlife anyway. Don't count on afterlife, be happy now. Depressed thiest's waiting for their savior. Kinda sad. Just cause we can't explain the universe doesn't mean you have an afterlife. That's so egotistical. We're just smart animals. I don't know why i'm even posting this because fundamentalists NEVER have an open mind. You're all brainwashed. I had an open mind. I believed for many years, mostly because I was taught to. But then i started to read and learn. I still would love to believe in afterlife but i can't. My logical mind won't allow it. Call me doubting Thomas. I need to see to believe. Believe in a creator but the bible aint real. No one knows how we were created, and humans cannot except the unknown. We have to have an answer for everything so we made up a great story... with dual purpose. To control and to have an answer. I would love to be wrong on all this, but sadly i don't think i am. It sucks too... i can't say i told you so if i'm right either.
I can't imagine why a fundamentalist would not be open minded to such kind and respectful words.
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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Post by Turgonian »

djbryson wrote:I'm was Christian because i was forced to be.
I'm a Christian because I'm convinced it's the truth. No coercion.
Forced to believe fables and mythology that defy science, like people rising from the dead. Prove to me that happened. You can't. Stories that there is no proof of except a 2000 year old book.
Ah. Prove to me Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar happened. Please do not use books, though.
If you are willing to think in terms of reliability rather than absolute certainty, check here.
The church and religion was created to control.
By whom?
Why would people accept it?
What happened with religion before there were churches?
On a positive note religion keeps people civil.
And what does atheism do?
Don't get me wrong, you were designed, but you don't afterlife. That is fairytale stuff.
So who designed us?
What is the perfect thing that could happen when you die? You have an immortal soul! Think about that. You really think that's true? That's a little too good to be true.
Seeing that there is enough evidence that Jesus rose from the dead, I do not think in terms of 'too good to be true' or 'too bad to be true', but rather in terms of 'true' or 'not true'. Speculation won't get us an inch further.
Humans fear death and therefore there would be a belief in god(s) and afterlife either way. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" We would believe in god even if there wasn't one.
If God wouldn't be there, thoughts wouldn't exist, only random brain movements. In other words, if God wouldn't be there, people would be unable to invent God...
I can't understand how people can believe in supernatural stuff with no proof. It blows my mind.
Please follow my link (this one). Proof enough.
How can we control people? Lets offer them the ultimate; Immortality.
Yes, Jesus really acted like he wanted nothing more than to control people.
For the record, that was sarcastic.
Follow these rules and you'll go to heaven.
Rules? Nay, brother... Christians are accepted into Heaven if they have believed in Jesus Christ. No Christian can follow the rules as he ought to. Only faith in Jesus can save him. (Does that sound like a man-invented message?)
It's so ridiculous that people believe it. Death sucks, but you have to except it. You should live your life as if there's no afterlife anyway. Don't count on afterlife, be happy now. Depressed thiest's waiting for their savior. Kinda sad.
'Depressed'? I guess that's why an orthodox Christian recently wrote an article with the title 'Joy Is Not Optional'.
Just cause we can't explain the universe doesn't mean you have an afterlife. That's so egotistical.
I don't know how you envision the afterlife, but most Christians believe it is of eternity of spiritual love for God and the others. I will not 'enjoy myself' (egotistically) in the afterlife. I will enjoy God and others.
We're just smart animals.
How did religion and art arise in the animal mind?
I don't know why i'm even posting this because fundamentalists NEVER have an open mind. You're all brainwashed.
Um...friend, you are about to encounter thinking, non-fundamentalist Christians! You could also take a look at my two favourite sites, Tekton Apologetics Ministries and Christian Thinktank, to see some more reason & religion combined.
I had an open mind. I believed for many years, mostly because I was taught to. But then i started to read and learn. I still would love to believe in afterlife but i can't. My logical mind won't allow it.
Blaise Pascal was a great logician, and he believed in God. Unbelief, not logic, is the chief factor in doubting God's existence. What is your logical proof for the non-existence of God?
The Bible says they were "willingly ignorant". In the Greek, this means "be dumb on purpose". (Kent Hovind)
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Post by FFC »

Go ahead, Turgy! Champion of the Faith! You're one of the smartest "animals" I have ever met. :lol:
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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Post by Turgonian »

Thank you, FFC. ;)
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Post by Gman »

djbryson wrote:I'm was Christian because i was forced to be. Forced to believe fables and mythology that defy science, like people rising from the dead. Prove to me that happened. You can't. Stories that there is no proof of except a 2000 year old book. The church and religion was created to control. On a positive note religion keeps people civil. Don't get me wrong, you were designed, but you don't afterlife. That is fairytale stuff.
Hmmm, sounds familiar?

2 Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
What is the perfect thing that could happen when you die? You have an immortal soul! Think about that. You really think that's true? That's a little too good to be true. Humans fear death and therefore there would be a belief in god(s) and afterlife either way. "If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" We would believe in god even if there wasn't one. I can't understand how people can believe in supernatural stuff with no proof. It blows my mind. How can we control people? Lets offer them the ultimate; Immortality. Follow these rules and you'll go to heaven. It's so ridiculous that people believe it. Death sucks, but you have to except it. You should live your life as if there's no afterlife anyway. Don't count on afterlife, be happy now. Depressed thiest's waiting for their savior. Kinda sad. Just cause we can't explain the universe doesn't mean you have an afterlife. That's so egotistical. We're just smart animals. I don't know why i'm even posting this because fundamentalists NEVER have an open mind. You're all brainwashed. I had an open mind. I believed for many years, mostly because I was taught to. But then i started to read and learn. I still would love to believe in afterlife but i can't. My logical mind won't allow it.
Yeah but.... Are you sure? Maybe not...

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
Call me doubting Thomas. I need to see to believe. Believe in a creator but the bible aint real. No one knows how we were created, and humans cannot except the unknown.
You mean you can't see the earth we live on?

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made (or created), so that men are without excuse.
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. -Philippians 4:8
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