Islam and Jihad

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Post by Byblos »

Case in point Aviatrix, have you heard of Ali Al-Timimi? In July of 2005 he was convicted of 10 counts of terrorism, including inciting others to go to war against the U.S. That was not in some foreign country but right here in Virginia, not far from the White House.

Here's what the below link says about Al-Timimi:
Ali al-Timimi, 41, a Ph.D. in computational biology and a self-professed Islamic scholar whom prosecutors described as enjoying "rock star" status among his followers in Virginia, was convicted today on all ten counts against him, including soliciting others to levy war against the United States and inducing others to use firearms in violation of federal law.

What struck me as relevant to the topic is what Mr. al-Timimi asserted at the end of his trial:
In an impassioned speech before the sentencing, Ali Timimi, a prominent Muslim spiritual leader, asserted his innocence, read the preamble to the U.S. Constitution and said his religious beliefs do not recognize "secular law."

I know this is one case in a million, but it does seem to be representative of what radical Islamists believe and it is the version of Islam we are made to believe to be the prevalent one.

How would you answer him, Aviatrix? What approach would you take to tell this learned, well respected Islamic scholar, who enjoys almost 'Rock Star' status among his followers, that the version of Islam he's practicing is not Islam at all? What verses from the Qur'an would you use to prove your case and him wrong? He is the one distorting your religion, Aviatrix, not us. How would you answer him (and his followers) back?

link to article
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Post by Aviatrix »

Last couple posts ask the same question... how would I respond to such-and-such who has (according to my statements above) distorted Islam.

Like another of my favorite scholars says, "Qur'an and Sunnah, baby!"

(As in, that is how I would respond, using Qur'an and Sunnah.)
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Post by Judah »

Aviatrix wrote:Last couple posts ask the same question... how would I respond to such-and-such who has (according to my statements above) distorted Islam.

Like another of my favorite scholars says, "Qur'an and Sunnah, baby!"

(As in, that is how I would respond, using Qur'an and Sunnah.)
But so would those who disagree with you.

Aviatrix, you are skirting around the issue by discussing the question rather than giving a direct answer.
Here is the question you avoided answering:
What verses from the Qur'an would you use to prove your case and him [Ali Timimi] wrong?
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Post by Byblos »

Aviatrix wrote:Last couple posts ask the same question... how would I respond to such-and-such who has (according to my statements above) distorted Islam.

Like another of my favorite scholars says, "Qur'an and Sunnah, baby!"

(As in, that is how I would respond, using Qur'an and Sunnah.)

And Al-Timimi also quotes "Qur'an and Sunnah, baby!", yet his version of Islam is the polar opposite of yours. Wa halumma jara (and on and on it goes).

Aviatrix, it is rather clear you just want to make assertions without backing them up. That's why the Al-Timimis of the world are succeeding in convincing us of their version of Islam; because, unfortunately, they practice what they preach (however wrong, despicable or vile).

Take care,

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Post by Aviatrix »

It couldn't possibly be that I had a busy day and didn't have time to respond adequately, could it? No, I must have no life at all and just post long rants about how evil Christianity is all day. :roll:

I really don't know what you guys want from me. I don't see any evidence that Mr. Al-Tamimi did anything wrong, first of all. It is legal to possess firearms, isn't it? Or is it, unless you're Muslim? It is legal to fire off rockets (I know, I've done it... neverminding they were made of cardboard.) So what did he actually do that I can condemn?

It says he's a "self-proclaimed" Islamic scholar--I don't know what that is. To me a "scholar" isn't somebody with a 4-yr degree in Islamic studies who can speak Arabic, even. (Much less somebody with a religious studies degree who didn't even study Islam specifically--know who I'm on about?) It's somebody who has spent at least a decade studying in islamic institutions or with a sheikh somewhere, in Arabic, memorizing Qur'an and Hadith.

And if someone has done that, he doesn't need to proclaim himself a scholar. So I don't trust this guys credentials if I don't know them. Show me where he studied, who his sheikh is, and there might be something.

But as it is... I have nothing against him. I still don't see that he did anything wrong.

Is Islam above secular law? Of course it is. So is your religion.

Many of the terrorists actually don't cite, or don't properly cite, Qur'an and Sunnah for justification. To do it properly is to do it along with the traditional understanding and commentaries related to every single word. Very often their doctrines will disagree with what has been held by the majority of the Muslims.

And the majority is right. It isn't that hard, okay?

The Qur'an is not subject to individual interpretation. This isn't rocket science. They are wrong. And Muslims around the world denounce them. They denounce attacks on civilians. They denounce attacks on innocents. They denounce attacks on women and children (absolutely prohibited in Islam, in mutawatir hadith in fact.) They denounce suicide bombing (suicide prohibited in Islam.) They denounce the use of force against anyone who is not aggressing on the Muslims.

It isn't so hard. The majority of Muslims, by far, and the ulema agree about what is right and wrong, and this kind of terrorism in any shape or form is flat out wrong. It doesn't matter if the terrorists try to justify it for themselves--they aren't fooling anyone but themselves... and perhaps you.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Would I be understanding your position correctly to say you believe your interpretation of the Quran is correct since values you strongly believe in conflict with differing interpretations?

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Post by Aviatrix »

Maybe I'm short on sleep, but that question didn't make sense to me, sorry. :oops:

I don't interpret the Qur'an.

I believe my understanding of the Qur'an is correct because it is the same understadning as the majority of Muslims, the same understanding taught by the ulema who can interpret, and because it is the same understanding that has existed in Islam since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.

The understanding you find among the terrorists is "new." They are doing things which have never been done but are in fact clearly prohibited, making up new laws to endorse them. It's new, it is an innovation, and it is wrong. That's a circular sentence. It's wrong because it is new.
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Post by Judah »

Aviatrix wrote:Maybe I'm short on sleep, but that question didn't make sense to me, sorry. :oops:

I don't interpret the Qur'an.

I believe my understanding of the Qur'an is correct because it is the same understadning as the majority of Muslims, the same understanding taught by the ulema who can interpret, and because it is the same understanding that has existed in Islam since the time of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh.

The understanding you find among the terrorists is "new." They are doing things which have never been done but are in fact clearly prohibited, making up new laws to endorse them. It's new, it is an innovation, and it is wrong. That's a circular sentence. It's wrong because it is new.
No Aviatrix, it is not new. It is the reason why Islam spread so fast in the first 600 hundred years of its existence. Muhammad fought 78 battles in his life time, and only one of them was a defensive one. Christian2 posted to the thread that was locked a long list of Muslim aggression whereby Islam moved quickly into neighbouring territories plundering and murdering and taking them for their own. Muhammad was a warrior and the Qur'an reflects that perfectly by endorsing his actions and those of his armies. Islam was to become the dominant religion - submission to Allah wherever Islam invaded. Dhimmitude was enforced upon non-Muslims. They were to be subdued, which meant the jyzra (?spelling) plus a great many restrictions on their activities and measures designed to humiliate and make them miserable. It was that or death. There is nothing new about what we are seeing in world events other than that the effect of petrodollars since the 1970s onward has made it more possible on a global scale.
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Post by Aviatrix »

That is a bold-faced lie, every word.

Islam spread by trade.

Under Muslim rule, other religions were allowed to flourish. Dhimmi, if you would bother to look it up, means "protected one." Jizya is a tax because the non-Muslims didn't have to serve in the military. Muslims actually had to pay more than that in Zakat, and they had to serve in the military--to protect the non-Muslims! That or death? Oh please. Look at Spain. Christianity flourished. In many parts of the world other religions were freely practiced under Muslim rule.

The Jews from Morocco would go and pay tribute to the king of Morocco, even though it was a mostly Muslim country. Muslims never had pogroms, killing off Jews. They never had an Inquisition.

People embraced Islam because they liked the Muslims, and they embraced it peacefully.

No forced conversions, submit or die kind of thing. What a lie.
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Post by Aviatrix »

Muhammad's Sword

You should read that article by Uri Avnery, regarding the Pope's Comments.

Broadening the Scope of the Pope

A great video made by my favorite scholar, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf.[/url]
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Post by Judah »

Aviatrix wrote:That is a bold-faced lie, every word.
*** sigh ***

No, it isn't a lie.
But I see you will not believe any of it. And you will protest any other facts I state, or references that I provide. You will just make broad accusations about dubious credentials or whatever because you don't agree.

Where to from here? Anywhere... or nowhere?
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Post by Kurieuo »

Aviatrix wrote:That is a bold-faced lie, every word.
You mean Muhammad never fought a war? I am amazed that Christ never once fought to defend Himself. If Muhammod and Christ are from God, I find them quite contradictory in action.

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Post by Aviatrix »

You mean Muhammad never fought a war? I am amazed that Christ never once fought to defend Himself. If Muhammod and Christ are from God, I find them quite contradictory in action.
She didn't say Muhammad fought a war, nor did I say he never did. She said Muhammad pbuh was a warrior and fought dozens of battles only one of which was defensive. That isn't true.

Next item, Jesus pbuh was not a political leader--religious only.

There are prophets in the Old Testament who did fight battles--David, for example, pbuh. It's not a completely foreign idea to the religion, is it? Historians say that Muhammad pbuh was successful on the religious and secular fronts, meaning he was successful at establishing a state by implementing a law and system of government. Jesus pbuh on the other hand was sent to a group of people, the Jews, who had already had their own law and government, although they were at that time subject *as well* to the Roman authorities.

Islam is about freedom of religion, freedom from persecution about religion. The Muslims were persecuted in Mecca when the movement began, and they had to leave. Many were tortured and killed. The spread of Islam was to allow the Muslims to actually practice Islam--in Mecca the paganism was wiped out, but not by force. Muhammad pbuh did not force anyone in Mecca to convert when he retook the city--they chose to, after listening to him. They converted, by choice.

But while the Muslims were living in Medina, they faced constant threats from the Quraysh (of Mecca) who attacked them, and the hypocrites who betrayed them.

If Islam were not a political as well as religious phenomenom in that area of the world, it would not have survived. For insisting that there was no god but Allah, the Muslims were killed by the polytheistic Quraysh. Killed. Tortured by their families, even. I really can't stress that enough.

Jesus pbuh didn't have to provide a law for the Jews, they already had it. But Muhammad pbuh was sent for all of mankind, starting with the Arabs.
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Post by Aviatrix »

Come on now.

Who read the article I posted??

Who watched the video??

Therein is the refutations to the lies you smear regarding Islam.
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Post by Judah »

This thread began with some discussion of information on Islam and jihad from a book by Dr Mark Gabriel (who does not write under his Arab name due to reasons of personal security) and looked at the some of the components of Islam - the 5 pillars, salvation by works (or faith and works), submission to Allah, and of dhimmitude as a measure to manage non-believers. To discredit the author (because one does not agree with his writings) with no proof presented for such claims is no discredit at all.

The imperialism of Islam and its steady encroachment into our western civilization over the past half century whereby Muslim populations are now seeking to assert their own religious ideals and ideology to dominate host nations has become a serious concern. Higher birth rates of Muslim compared with non-immigrant populations, resistance to assimilation by Muslims, exploitation of host tolerance through ideals of multiculturalism and pluralism, an assumed superiority of Islam by Muslims together with hypersensitivity to criticism, pressure for host appeasement to offset threats of violence - all these have combined with the expressed encouragement and blessing of the Islamic Council of Europe (and in America, similar responses come from the Council of American-Islamic Relations whose officers are on record as stating they want Islam to dominate and shar'iah law installed nationally) to highlight our concerns regarding this extremely aggressive ideology.

While the western world has reeled at the 9/11 attack on the WTC and subsequent acts of terrorism against the west, unrelenting persecution of Christians, Jews and other non-Muslims have continued and increased in Islamic countries under the ruthlessly violent expression of Islam. It is appreciated that not all Muslims follow this form of Islam, many prefering to focus on what they see to be the peaceful inspiration of Islam. This dichotomous nature of Islam has been highlighted on this thread where Aviatrix has shared, not only her abhorrence of the atrocities commited in the name of Allah, but assertions that "true Islam" is nothing but peaceful and the other Islam is not Islam at all. If only all Muslims aspired to those values as she does, there may be little problem - but the reality of world events cannot be ignored, and the Islam that murderously pushes for world wide submission to Allah is the one whose actions speak far louder than the silence of its shadow, the form of the other.

Opinion alone is not enough to convince where reality must be seen as the truth. I have provided references and links to support the points I have made, that Islam does sanction this violence and have an agenda, that of achieving world dominance and submission to Allah. The Qur'an does contain a great many violent surah, and their directions are "real time" and being acted upon as a legitimate interpretation.

Islam is the most Warlike religion
A Danish language researcher has spent over three years analyzing the original texts of ten different religions, and concludes that the Islamic texts stand out by encouraging terror and violence to a larger degree than other religions do. Four years after the terror attacks at the World Trade Center, Danish linguist Tina Magaard presents an analysis that questions Islam's relationship with terror, violence and Holy War.

Islamic texts encourage terror and fighting to a far larger degree than the original texts of other religions, concludes Tina Magaard. She has a PhD in Textual Analysis and Intercultural Communication from the Sorbonne in Paris, and has spent three years on a research project comparing the original texts of ten religions. “The texts in Islam distinguish themselves from the texts of other religions by encouraging violence and aggression against people with other religious beliefs to a larger degree. There are also straightforward calls for terror. This has long been a taboo in the research into Islam, but it is a fact that we need to deal with," says Tina Magaard. Moreover, there are hundreds of calls in the Koran for fighting against people of other faiths. “If it is correct that many Muslims view the Koran as the literal words of God, which cannot be interpreted or rephrased, then we have a problem. It is indisputable that the texts encourage terror and violence. Consequently, it must be reasonable to ask Muslims themselves how they relate to the text, if they read it as it is," says Tina Magaard.
Aviatrix, it is obvious that we have a very different view of Islam. You as a Muslim want to persuade me that it is peaceful, the religion of peace and tolerance. You want me to think of what I have researched and studied to be nothing but lies despite all that I have read and seen that verifies the views I express here. You call them lies, as though I am either lying or are deceived. I know I am neither. I cannot be persuaded by listening to your words in the light of the reality of world events, in light of the violence that is really does exist in the Qur'an despite your protestations, of the violent history of Islam known for its "bloody borders", and of the continuing threat to western civilization by a very clear agenda to bring about universal submission to Allah and the rule of shar'iah law.

Yes, I have viewed and read all of your links. I have listened to your arguments - and your significant avoidances as well. I believe you have been taught by those who do not wish you to be disillusioned by the truth, and they have persuaded you to deny it rather than to open your eyes to it. Our dialogue is now going around and around in circles and getting neither of us, nor anyone else, anywhere. I respectfully suggest that we agree to disagree. And beyond this point, we go no further here as I am now locking the thread.

Judah (moderator)