so are you saying that ony some people go to heaven

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Post by Canuckster1127 »

jezzer wrote:well its got me thinking about it more as you say its nothing to do if you go to church, its if you put your trust in Jesus christ for eternal life

but if it doesn't mean you have to go to church etc how else would you put your trust in jesus

for me:
i am here looking into this with a opened mind and getting alot of info,when i started this thread i said im 50 50 but now im feeling completley different and im seeing what you are saying and starting to belive more but this does not mean im going to church and spreading the word, but it means im beliving there is a god and jesus died for us

im not the sort of person who talks about jesus/god why because everyone i know doesn't belive so i get teased nothing bad,but i like to have my own thoughts on it so i choose to go on the net to find more out,also i dont talk about it as its just about me even if i had freinds who belive i still wouldn't chat about it

to me im putting my trust in Jesus christ for eternal life by comming on here and learning about jesus death and resurrection and if i stood infront of god i would say i choose to keep my belive about you to myself

but god should know what im like
most people dont like shouting things out

but also what is said in the bible about going to heaven is only theory as know one can proof it and the only way would be if you were to be allowed to come back from heaven

but people choose to belive it as its jesus words in the bible

people who belive in the big bang cant say its what happened as its a therory as there is no hard evidence

I think you have a very good grasp on things here.

It's not that Church isn't important. I believe it is and that the Bible teaches that Church is important.

You're right that this isn't about things we can test like in science.

This is about faith. It is faith that God Exists, the He sent Jesus Christ to die on the cross as a sacrifice to do for us what we cannot do for ourselved. It is faith that we accept Christ as our Savior. It is by faith that we trust God with our future because of that decision.

It is more than just intellectual assent however. It is an active faith that responds to what God has done by loving and serving God because of what He has done and is doing in us. God does all the work in terms of saving us. What we do is simply respond because of the change He makes in us.

Let me encourage you to continue to communicate here about this, and if you haven't already, to make that decision.

The other stuff doesn't matter until this is resolved.

If you're interested, I can give you a link to a study on our main board that you can go through at your own pace and learn more about this decision if you're ready to make it, or if you'd like to know more and consider it.

Feel free to private message me as well if you'd like to talk more privately.


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Post by August »


I congratulate you on your open-mindedness. Very few people have the courage to do what you are doing.

You should not worry about what others think, or what behavior is appropriate for Christians. Take it one step at a time.

First, get your belief straight in your own mind, and it sure looks as if you are getting there. Be happy, and excited, and enthusiastic, and learn to feel God's love. I always liken God's love to the arms of a father that hugs a child to his chest. Then allow it to sink in, think and meditate about it, start reading your Bible, come hang out with us here on the board and ask all the questions you need to. There are lots of people here that will only be too excited to walk through this journey with you.

After a while, you will see for yourself what happens. Your faith will grow stronger, all of those horrible doubts and questions will start to get weaker, and you will truly become a new person.

God bless.
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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Post by bizzt »

jezzer wrote:well its got me thinking about it more as you say its nothing to do if you go to church, its if you put your trust in Jesus christ for eternal life

but if it doesn't mean you have to go to church etc how else would you put your trust in jesus

for me:
i am here looking into this with a opened mind and getting alot of info,when i started this thread i said im 50 50 but now im feeling completley different and im seeing what you are saying and starting to belive more but this does not mean im going to church and spreading the word, but it means im beliving there is a god and jesus died for us

im not the sort of person who talks about jesus/god why because everyone i know doesn't belive so i get teased nothing bad,but i like to have my own thoughts on it so i choose to go on the net to find more out,also i dont talk about it as its just about me even if i had freinds who belive i still wouldn't chat about it

to me im putting my trust in Jesus christ for eternal life by comming on here and learning about jesus death and resurrection and if i stood infront of god i would say i choose to keep my belive about you to myself

but god should know what im like
most people dont like shouting things out

but also what is said in the bible about going to heaven is only theory as know one can proof it and the only way would be if you were to be allowed to come back from heaven

but people choose to belive it as its jesus words in the bible

people who belive in the big bang cant say its what happened as its a therory as there is no hard evidence
I know how you Feel Jezzer. I remember when I met Christ about 10 Years ago now. I had a more clear understanding what I had done but not Excited. I found as I grew in reading the Bible, and Conversing with other Christians especially a small Bible Study Group it got me more Excited. The Bible became Alive in a real way. As the years passed along you start wanting to go to Church instead of Having to go to Church. I would still recommend going to Church as it is meant for you. It helps you meet people that may have the same experiences etc...

Just a thought

You are absolutely right. We do choose to believe of course we are not choosing on Blind Faith but Supported Faith. I am going to recommend a couple of Books to read

Case for a Creator
Case for Faith
Case for Christ

God Bless
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Post by FFC »

August is right, Jezzer, we are more than happy to share God's word with you. As Chrsitians one of our greatest joys is sharing what God has done and is doing in our lives and what He is constantly teaching us.

We've all been where you are. It's a big decision, but remember, no matter what He asks you to do He always gives you the grace to do it...when it comes down to it it's always God doing it anyway.
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
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Post by jezzer »

thnak you i shall be comming her and reading more on here but reading the bible or books is just not for me some might say it will be for me in time,but if i want to learn i will be looking on the net and seeing for myself,and once again church is not for me why if ive im starting to look into god, i will never want to go to church as i have the net and all i want it to take my own time and looking and reading,i dont want to feel i should be doing more as this is not what its all about

final say
how i will accept god not by church but by talking to myself what i belive and being here and reading online

its not that i worry about what others think i would prefer to keep things to myself and how i feel about this subject

my partner does not belive and doesn't want to hear about it so i would never chat to her about god unless she wanted to, but i know she will not

i have a 5year old when she gets older i still will not be pushing her into anything, if she asks about the church i will try to help, but i will never say she has to go to sunday school unless she tells me she wants to go

xmas will be the same as easter but ive allways thought at easter time about did jesus really rise from the dead so maybe i will be thinking a bit more when it comes round to easter

at easter ive allways like watching the stuff about jesus and the cross how he was made to walk with the cross, i find it much better watching than reading books and the bible which i never read,i can never see how anyone could really get into the bible unless you are really into it

i think there should be more documentaries on tv i think people like myself would understand more than just reading
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Post by FFC »

Jezzer wrote:i find it much better watching than reading books and the bible which i never read,i can never see how anyone could really get into the bible unless you are really into it
Jezzer, I keep thinking about what you said. I tried to let it go but I can't. It keeps running through my mind and it bothers me. I know you are just coming to grips with all of these spiritual issue in regard to Christianity, but I think I would be doing you a disservice If I didn't disagree with you here on this "not wanting to read the bible" issue.

The bible is God's inspired word, by his Spirit He directed His divinely picked authors to write the magnificent words that are contained within. It is not just a book that you read once and put it on the shelf to collect dust. It's a book that you read every day through which God speaks to you. In this Book God reveals His precious truths to you, His sure promises to you, His amazing love to you. Every answer for all our human and spiritual needs are in this book. It's not just good to read it's something we need to read for spiritual growth and sustenance. This book, through God's spirit imparts life!

If your partner whom you love wrote you precious love letters, would you tell her you'd rather hear about them through other people? Or tell her you'll wait for the movie because your not into reading? It sounds funny doesn't it...but it's the same with God's word.

I only write this to you because I don't want you to miss out on the greatest book ever written. Religious movies and documentaries are great, and reading posts on here are beneficial, but limiting yourself to these are not enough. Not even close.
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

Well Jeezer,

I don't know all that is involved with your circumstances, so I'll simply let you know that you are welcome here.

I encourage you to read your Bible to learn more. There are sites on the web where you can read it directly.

Please let us know how we can help and keep asking questions.

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Post by jezzer »

question did god know the bible was going to be written?
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Post by FFC »

I would say yes since He is the author of it. He instructed and inspired men to write it.
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
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Post by Turgonian »

Hi Jezzer,

It's a very good thing you're coming here, asking questions. The people here are explaining it all very well...

They're right about the Bible. God wanted us to love Him, which is why He gave us a book in which we can read what He is like, so that we can love Him better and find out what He did for us.

However, I wouldn't advise you to pick up a Bible and start reading at the beginning. The Bible has two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is the history of God's covenant with the people of Israel, the Jews. The New Testament is about the life of Jesus and how a Christian should live. It is not hard to get into.

You said,
but also what is said in the bible about going to heaven is only theory as know one can proof it and the only way would be if you were to be allowed to come back from heaven

but people choose to belive it as its jesus words in the bible
Jesus was God in the flesh. He died, and He came back from death! So He should know what will be there after death.

Can we be sure that He came back? After all, as you say, it's only in old books. How can we be really SURE?

Well, we examine the evidence just like a judge would in court. A judge has no way of making history repeat itself, so what does he do? He hears witnesses, determines if they are trustworthy, and at last decides what has most likely happened.

This site examines all the options. Did Jesus really rise? Did the disciples tell the truth?

Another article can be found at:

Keep searching, Jezzer! He who seeks, shall find![/url]
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Post by jezzer »

did the disciples tell the truth:
that is one thing i allways thought because its so hard to understand, i would think that, but ive just read that part and it seems its unlikely they could of made up all of this

i do like reading things like that because its intresting to see the otherside of the storie,instead of saying no it cant be true, i think the disciples made it all up

i think that most people who dont belive jesus was around and rose from the dead just leave it at that without thinking any more and without reading such things as this ... idence.htm
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Post by Canuckster1127 »

jezzer wrote:did the disciples tell the truth:
that is one thing i allways thought because its so hard to understand, i would think that, but ive just read that part and it seems its unlikely they could of made up all of this

i do like reading things like that because its intresting to see the otherside of the storie,instead of saying no it cant be true, i think the disciples made it all up

i think that most people who dont belive jesus was around and rose from the dead just leave it at that without thinking any more and without reading such things as this ... idence.htm

Of the 12 disciples (counting Paul as God's replacement for Judas) were you aware that 11 of them died Martyr's deaths?

If the disciples made things up and knew it was a lie, why would they die for it?

Don't you think that is strong evidence that they truly believed that Christ rose from the dead and they themselves were willing to die for Him?

Dogmatism is the comfortable intellectual framework of self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is more decadent than the worst sexual sin. ~ Dan Allender
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Post by jezzer »

i know now but before i read that part why would they lie i just thought it could be a lie
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Post by jezzer »

ive been looking at different things on the net and the only problem ive found
is that all the sources are funded by the church to say about god/jesus is there any sources that are not funded by the church

some people might say its one sided

i know the bible should speak for itself

but how would you convince the hard non belivers if the only information is from the church side
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Post by FFC »

jezzer wrote:ive been looking at different things on the net and the only problem ive found
is that all the sources are funded by the church to say about god/jesus is there any sources that are not funded by the church

some people might say its one sided

i know the bible should speak for itself

but how would you convince the hard non belivers if the only information is from the church side
You can look up non-christian/secular historians from Jesus times who give accounts of Jesus. Supposedly there are 19 well known ancient non-Christian historians. The Jewish historian Josephesus also has a great wealth of information.
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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