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Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:31 pm
by valko

Did abraxas love his people so much that he would die for them? Does abraxas (or any other deity) just sit back and stay neutral or does he try to instruct his people to love? Wouldn't you do the same?

G -[/quote]

abraxas didnt need to die to save his people because his people could be saved by themselves, by the gnosis, by the work, and when i say neutral i mean he doesnt favor good nor bad people, he is just a judge that doent favor, just judges

the work thing, thats one of the main reasons i dont like your god, if he is all-good and all-fair then why why would he condemn people that are good people and do good things and live a good life but dont beleive in him that doesnt sound fair

you say hell is not a place of punishment but a place of shame, but isnt shame a kind of punishement? i believe that when i say punishement you think of physical punishement but shame is a kind of punishement

in the article about dinosaurs: first, i said "A NON-FLINSTONES WAY", the article said "They only uncover dead dinosaurs (i.e., their bones), and their bones do not have labels attached telling how old they are" thats what c14 dating is for

gnostic gospels are as valid as the ones in the bible (they were written at almost the same time and were based in the teachings of jesus seen from other angle AND there are more gnostic gospels than canonical) then why you discredit the gnostic ones and favor the ones chosen to be in the bible (those are the ones that were chosen because they are the simpler ones) and a last thing, why if the bible is the word of god, and the world is 6000 years old, and god interacted with mankind since the creatin, then WHY the bible that is the word of god A) is so diferent from the other myths and b)was written 200 years ago, more than 3500 years since the beggining of history, and why are there so many, many,many diferent tales about creation?

but if you dont want to listen to any of this then this is my other theory, NO GOD IS TRUE, god is fake, baal is fake, abraxas is fake, melek taus is fake,alah is fake, shiva is fake, kali, is fake, odin is fake, ALL GODS ARE FAKE, but i like to believe in them like fairyltales they are (theyre really interesting after all) and thats why i have this little aversion to your god, hes so boring, hes almighty, all-good, all-powerful etc etc, at least abraxas has a little more appeal, all the other gods are interesting because they are less powerful, have enemies, some have weaknesses, and the fact that they are more interesting is what makes them more real, at least in imagination (the only place where they exist)

finnaly about the article Why Do You Fear Death?: it asks "if we are just animals and there is no afterlife, why should you fear death?" well it answers itself, fear of death is a primal feeling of all animals including man, without fear of death all species would exctinct really fast, thats no proof of god or of christianity, you know why people fear death?: because noone knows whats after, only those who are really, really convinced of something are not afraid, and when you dont fear death you can become dangerous to yourself and to others. people kill themselves and other people, not because they dont know about god, but because they lost fear of death, and thus they dont fear the consequenses of their acts

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:36 am
by Turgonian
abraxas didnt need to die to save his people because his people could be saved by themselves, by the gnosis, by the work, and when i say neutral i mean he doesnt favor good nor bad people, he is just a judge that doent favor, just judges
Indeed. The 'secret knowledge' was the key to 'enlightenment'. What kind of intellectualism is that? Sounds like Abraxas only favours the people who can understand all those mystical teachings in the first place...
God doesn't favour people either. He is 'no respecter of persons'. But he DOES judge. If you think passing fair judgement is 'favouring' either party, then Abraxas can't judge either.
And the fact remains, like Gman brought up, that Abraxas didn't teach his believers to love. Just to be mystical. Christianity is far more practical than Gnosticism...
the work thing, thats one of the main reasons i dont like your god, if he is all-good and all-fair then why why would he condemn people that are good people and do good things and live a good life but dont beleive in him that doesnt sound fair
How good is good? 80% good? 60%? 50%?
All grown humans commit a lot of sins in their lifetime... Now if you live a good life, being kind to your neighbours, paying your taxes, &c., and you commit murder only ONCE, the judge can sentence you to a long time in prison for that one act, even though the rest of your life was OK. According to Jesus, hating someone is the same as murdering him. Have you never committed that 'murder'?
you say hell is not a place of punishment but a place of shame, but isnt shame a kind of punishement? i believe that when i say punishment you think of physical punishement but shame is a kind of punishment
Why would God force anyone to spend eternity with Him, when they wouldn't want to?
in the article about dinosaurs: first, i said "A NON-FLINSTONES WAY", the article said "They only uncover dead dinosaurs (i.e., their bones), and their bones do not have labels attached telling how old they are" thats what c14 dating is for
Which is based on assumptions, of course. And did you note that evolutionists never seem to agree on what happened to dinosaurs?
gnostic gospels are as valid as the ones in the bible
Impossible. Either man is saved by gnosis, or by Christ. And if the Resurrection is true, man is saved by Christ.
(they were written at almost the same time and were based in the teachings of jesus seen from other angle AND there are more gnostic gospels than canonical)
- They were NOT based on the teachings of Jesus. Jesus said no one could come to the Father except through Him. In the gnostic gospels, Jesus is portrayed as having said things that accorded with the gnostic teachings, without proof that these were really His words (and I haven't heard of a gnostic gospel writer dying for his faith!). Besides, gnostic thought was disliked in 1st-century Palestine, so if Jesus would've been a gnostic, He would have been shunned.
- Rule One of literature: there's more trash about than good books. And when it comes to history, you have to check what is most reliable. Which brings us to your following point:
then why you discredit the gnostic ones and favor the ones chosen to be in the bible (those are the ones that were chosen because they are the simpler ones)
Simpler? No. The difference is that the gnostic 'gospels' were religious propaganda -- trying to ascribe already known teachings to a well-known person. The Gospels of the Bible belong to the biography genre. They are not primarily for spreading Christian teachings, but for giving an accurate account of the life of Jesus. In other words, the gnostics were concerned about mystical teaching, the Gospel writers were concerned about writing history.
and a last thing, why if the bible is the word of god, and the world is 6000 years old, and god interacted with mankind since the creatin, then WHY the bible that is the word of god A) is so diferent from the other myths
Well, there are similarities. But basically, sinful people turned away from God and started inventing their own 'gods' and making up stories about them.
and b)was written 2000 years ago, more than 3500 years since the beggining of history, and why are there so many, many,many diferent tales about creation?
As to your last question, same answer as above.
Only the New Testament was written 2000 years ago. The Old Testament has been extant for a much longer time and was known and kept by the Jews.
God spoke through the prophets and made sure that His people knew what He wanted of them.
but if you dont want to listen to any of this then this is my other theory, NO GOD IS TRUE, god is fake, baal is fake, abraxas is fake, melek taus is fake,alah is fake, shiva is fake, kali, is fake, odin is fake, ALL GODS ARE FAKE, but i like to believe in them like fairyltales they are (theyre really interesting after all) and thats why i have this little aversion to your god, hes so boring, hes almighty, all-good, all-powerful etc etc, at least abraxas has a little more appeal, all the other gods are interesting because they are less powerful, have enemies, some have weaknesses, and the fact that they are more interesting is what makes them more real, at least in imagination (the only place where they exist)
Assertions. Can you be sure God exists only in the imagination? Even though, as the article pointed out, we don't want to believe in things simply because they make us feel better?
I don't think Abraxas has 'appeal' at all. I prefer an all-good God, with my best interests at heart, to a mixed good/evil god.
finnaly about the article Why Do You Fear Death?: it asks "if we are just animals and there is no afterlife, why should you fear death?" well it answers itself, fear of death is a primal feeling of all animals including man, without fear of death all species would exctinct really fast, thats no proof of god or of christianity...
No species has fear of death except humankind. Animals do not consider either the future or the past and have no fear of nonexistence. Instinctually, they fear their enemies. But no animal has ever asked itself 'Why do I fear something that will eat me?'
you know why people fear death?: because noone knows whats after, only those who are really, really convinced of something are not afraid, and when you dont fear death you can become dangerous to yourself and to others. people kill themselves and other people, not because they dont know about god, but because they lost fear of death, and thus they dont fear the consequenses of their acts
If you fear death, but you don't believe in God, then you don't fear the consequences of your acts either. There would be none, and there would be no eternal being who would ensure that justice would be done.

I do not fear death. I am no danger to others.


Gman -- ALL characteristics of God are complete and work together. Love is not the thing that holds it all together, I believe: God's love pervades His holiness and fairness, that is true, but His holiness also pervades His love and fairness, and His fairness pervades His love and holiness. You can't elevate one characteristic of God above the others.
That said, His love is complete and perfect, and is not in any way weakened by those other things.
What do we mean by love? Actually, the question should be: what does the Bible mean by love? (You probably meant that.) Check out this article.

Also, I don't see why Noah couldn't simply have migrated if the Flood would have been only local. And why we still see rainbows if God had made it a sign that He would never flood the earth again. There are still local floods, although we haven't had a global flood since God's promise. See: Was the Flood global? Does Scripture require a global Flood?
When I have time, I'll check the God and Science article you referred to.

Birdie -- How did all the animals fit on Noah's Ark?

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 12:52 pm
by Gman
valko wrote: the work thing, thats one of the main reasons i dont like your god, if he is all-good and all-fair then why why would he condemn people that are good people and do good things and live a good life but dont beleive in him that doesnt sound fair

you say hell is not a place of punishment but a place of shame, but isnt shame a kind of punishement? i believe that when i say punishement you think of physical punishement but shame is a kind of punishement
Valko, just an fyi... God doesn't send us to hell.... WE send ourselves to hell... Heaven and hell are a matter of choice and God simply judges us on which direction we have taken in our lives.. Is it a place of fire and punishment? Some say yes and some say no... I guess it is on how you interpret it. There are many different interpretations of hell... Maybe in a different post we all can go over it.
Turgonian wrote:Gman -- ALL characteristics of God are complete and work together. Love is not the thing that holds it all together, I believe: God's love pervades His holiness and fairness, that is true, but His holiness also pervades His love and fairness, and His fairness pervades His love and holiness. You can't elevate one characteristic of God above the others.
That said, His love is complete and perfect, and is not in any way weakened by those other things.
What do we mean by love? Actually, the question should be: what does the Bible mean by love? (You probably meant that.) Check out this article.
Turgonian, No.. I did not say that love is THE thing that holds it all together. Of course there are many different characteristics of God (like omnipotence, omnipresent), ... I said it simply defines or magnifies his divine power or holiness and gives it its deepest meaning (or best) to a believer. Sometimes referred of as his "communicable" or "moral" attributes to his created beings... Christ's death on the cross was a prime example of that... He took the hit for us (John 3:16).

What do I mean by love? I think this article by Rich Deem explains the biblical love pretty well:
Turgonian wrote:Also, I don't see why Noah couldn't simply have migrated if the Flood would have been only local. And why we still see rainbows if God had made it a sign that He would never flood the earth again. There are still local floods, although we haven't had a global flood since God's promise. See: Was the Flood global? Does Scripture require a global Flood?
When I have time, I'll check the God and Science article you referred to.
Yes, you will find your answer to why he would never flood the earth again... It is about half way down on that article. What it boils down to is the wrong interpretation of a few words... Words like "earth" (or erets) and "covered" which does not mean submerged. But maybe we can talk about this in a differnet post... :wink:

Take care,

G -

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:42 pm
by valko
you know i could keep replying to you and you replying to me for eternity and neither of us would change his mind, we´re just repeating ourselves now so i think we should stop with this, if i keep replyring i will keep repeating what i have said so far with other words and you too so lets just forget all of this

just keep creationism out of science class and put it back in the catholic schools, and keep it there until there are REAL scientific proof of it

so keep believing in god if that makes you feel better, i will keep believing what i believe, i dont need to believe in god because im confident on the power of our species, and i know we dont need god to be good people

lets make a deal, if i die i will wait with a big carton sign with your nick on it and if i was right youll buy me a drink, but promise you will do the same :3

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:16 pm
by Canuckster1127
Gman wrote:
Birdie wrote:and was just wondering if you were a communist because your sig has a quote from Hegel.
Well, some like to believe he was in the Marxist camp. But he lived from 1770 to 1831, well before Marxism... But even if some his ideas were classified as such, it still doesn't bother me... After all, some say the same about Christ too. That he believed in the equality of the sexes, he despised money-driven and money-hungry motives, he placed more value in humans than riches... etc... :)

G -
Marx drew on Hegel for his dialectic concept. Hegel was not communist.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:07 pm
by Gman
Canuckster1127 wrote:Marx drew on Hegel for his dialectic concept. Hegel was not communist.
Thanks for the tip Bart... I didn't really didn't get interested in Hegel until I watched a clip by Hal Lindsey where he quoted Hegel... Now how conservative can that be? :lol:
valko wrote:you know i could keep replying to you and you replying to me for eternity and neither of us would change his mind, we´re just repeating ourselves now so i think we should stop with this, if i keep replyring i will keep repeating what i have said so far with other words and you too so lets just forget all of this

just keep creationism out of science class and put it back in the catholic schools, and keep it there until there are REAL scientific proof of it

so keep believing in god if that makes you feel better, i will keep believing what i believe, i dont need to believe in god because im confident on the power of our species, and i know we dont need god to be good people

lets make a deal, if i die i will wait with a big carton sign with your nick on it and if i was right youll buy me a drink, but promise you will do the same :3
Valko, there is more evidence to the contrary... Both creationism and evolution are merely theories and should be treated as such. There is no 100% proof of either one, even most atheists would agree with that. While I don't think creationism should be taught in schools, I don't think evolution should be taught as a fact either.

Also, where do you feel we've all been repeating ourselves? I think Turgonian has done a good job in answering your basic questions.. Can you be a bit clearer?


G -

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 9:28 pm
by Swamper
Also, I don't see why Noah couldn't simply have migrated if the Flood would have been only local. And why we still see rainbows if God had made it a sign that He would never flood the earth again. There are still local floods, although we haven't had a global flood since God's promise.
I don't think it would have had to been a worldwide flood. The primary purpose of the flood was to destroy the sinful humans, and at this point in time humans were still pretty much all concentrated together in the same part of the world (I think). So why cover the entire planet when there's only one region where there's a problem? I think such a thing would be akin to nuking a city to take out one meth lab.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 11:19 pm
by Kurieuo
valko wrote:you know i could keep replying to you and you replying to me for eternity and neither of us would change his mind, we´re just repeating ourselves now so i think we should stop with this, if i keep replyring i will keep repeating what i have said so far with other words and you too so lets just forget all of this
What you describe here is a main reason why the purpose of this board is not for debating Christianity, Atheism, etc. This board openly makes a decisive stance in Christianity, so if you do not share the same position and do not have an openness to Christianity, then you should not be posting here.


Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 2:04 am
by Turgonian
valko wrote:you know i could keep replying to you and you replying to me for eternity and neither of us would change his mind, we´re just repeating ourselves now so i think we should stop with this, if i keep replying i will keep repeating what i have said so far with other words and you too so lets just forget all of this
We aren't repeating ourselves. As far as I'm aware, several new points were brought up in every post.
just keep creationism out of science class and put it back in the catholic schools, and keep it there until there are REAL scientific proof of it
Then ditto with Neo-Darwinian evolution.
There are schools at which it is forbidden to list sites like this one or Answers in Genesis. Why would that be? Because they're unscientific (despite the science used to defend the viewpoint), or because N-D evolution is highly debatable?
so keep believing in god if that makes you feel better, i will keep believing what i believe, i dont need to believe in god because im confident on the power of our species, and i know we dont need god to be good people
- I don't believe in God because it makes me feel better. 'We love God because He has loved us first.'
- Why don't you read over the previous posts?
- Once upon a time I thought that optimists about humanity had all died in the two World Wars and the communistic regimes. Apparently not.
- 'Good people' - as in 'completely sinless'?

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 10:22 am
by Turgonian
Kurieuo wrote:What you describe here is a main reason why the purpose of this board is not for debating Christianity, Atheism, etc. This board openly makes a decisive stance in Christianity, so if you do not share the same position and do not have an openness to Christianity, then you should not be posting here.
Hey, let the guy speak. Next year I'm going to college, and I need to know what people are thinking and commit a lot of arguments to memory... :P

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 11:39 pm
by valko
i promised to myself that i would stop posting if the thread became too long but this is too good

just some commentaries and links

1) ... r_god.html (is a semi-houmurous article that has almost all of my questions to god) (i didnt write it)

2)about the evolution ... ution.html

3) just a commentarie (i only want some answers i dont want to repeat a discussion like the one about abraxas) What about yog-sothtoth, azathot, and his court, they are extradimensional (at least yog-sothtoth, the other ones are in the center of the universe in a border-like place between our universe and yog-sothoths) so why theyre not logical? if god exist they dont, but if they do exist god doesnt, and there is no more evidence of god than the bible, and no more evidence of the outer gods than h.p.lovecraft books and theyre both books so its logical that the outer gods could exist and god dont

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:59 pm
by Turgonian
valko wrote:i promised to myself that i would stop posting if the thread became too long but this is too good
Isn't it?

Answering the questions of point 1:

1. Why doesn't God show himself? He DID show Himself at a time, and few people believed Him. By the way, what does the site mean by 'showing'? Simply giving a glimpse of Himself? Appearing in the form of Jesus to have a talk with everyone? What would He say? Maybe something like, 'Hello, I'm God, all you need to know about me is in the Bible. Please read it. Bye.' Now maybe some people just wouldn't believe it, others wouldn't follow His commands, others would complain about His alleged 'cruelty' in the Bible, and comparatively few would believe. Hmm...sounds suspiciously like it is now. By the way, how often would He have to appear? Every 20 years? Or only once, so that those people could tell their children, and so on? Well, that's what happened 2000 years ago, if you have to believe Christians.

2. Why do God-picked Catholic priests rape? No, Catholic priests are not chosen by God, so there's no mistake He needs to admit. Apart from the fact that only a very small portion of rapists are Catholic priests, and abolishing the priesthood would certainly not decrease the number of rapists -- who rapes? God? No, men -- sinners. Whether it's a Catholic priest doing it or not, the reason is still the same: there is evil because of the Fall. Man is responsible, not God. Also, God has promised that He will use evil for His own good purposes. Read the book of Job for some indication.

3. Why wasn't Eve made from dust and why do men and women have the same amount of ribs? Well, why would Eve be made from dust? It's like asking a painter, 'Why didn't you paint this flower yellow too?' And as to the same amount of ribs, this 'ethical atheist' has even less scientific knowledge than I, and that's saying something. One, removing a limb does not change genetic information: a man who loses a finger doesn't often get nine-fingered children. Two, that rib is the only bone in the human body which can regrow if the tissue around it is left intact.

4. Why is there suffering? Because WE sinned, and because by sinning WE still cause suffering. As Holding says, 'Step back for a moment and look at this from God's perspective. We've had countless opportunities to reform characters like you. At the same time, I'm hardly a perfect example myself. I'm a sinner; forgiven, but a sinner still. What right do I have to ask God to run interference for me on these things? I don't go praying every time I need a band-aid; and when I pray in crisis, I do it fully aware that Jesus has NOT promised a positive answer every time or even most of the time. That's because I exegete the text in context, instead of raping out of it what I want to see because I'm a fundy atheist with some kind of burr under my saddle about religion. I don't go asking God to be my personal magician, giving people heart attacks or magically transporting policemen from across the street to here or putting magic force field around me. Good grief, man, do you want God to help you with your homework next? Or tie your boot laces for you? Why not? He's omnipotent and omniscient -- no problem for him! Well?'

5. Why are there many religions? Because some people rather follow false ideas...and pass them on to their children. As for the Jews, they were right until the coming of Christ. Any Christian denomination that has Christ at its center is more or less right.

6. How did Noah get the animals on the ark? He didn't 'get' them -- they came. For more information, see here.

7. Can anyone talk to God, or only priests? That's right, anyone can communicate with God in prayer.

8. Why is there war? For the same reason there are other kinds of suffering on earth -- and man remains responsible. Or would you say wars aren't fought by men? 'How does it agree with Thou Shalt Not Kill?' One, this is a commandment, not a statement. Two, the Hebrew word used refers to a predatory way of killing -- the modern word that comes closest is 'murder', not killing in war.

9. The kids of Adam and Eve intermarried. There were no genetic mistakes yet -- those also increased after the Fall.

10. Why did Moses 'wipe out entire cities, kill all the men and rape the women and children'? There was no rape involved, and God was not being cruel. See here, here and here.

The other 55 questions to be answered later, as well as your point 3.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:06 pm
by Turgonian
valko wrote:just a commentarie (i only want some answers i dont want to repeat a discussion like the one about abraxas) What about yog-sothtoth, azathot, and his court, they are extradimensional (at least yog-sothtoth, the other ones are in the center of the universe in a border-like place between our universe and yog-sothoths) so why theyre not logical? if god exist they dont, but if they do exist god doesnt, and there is no more evidence of god than the bible, and no more evidence of the outer gods than h.p.lovecraft books and theyre both books so its logical that the outer gods could exist and god dont
Never heard of 'em. However, it's not that they're not LOGICAL, it's just that they don't exist. There's a lot more evidence for God than you give Him credit for -- why don't you look around on this site, 'Evidence for God from Science'?

JP Holding makes a convincing case for why Christianity could never have survived if it would have been based on lies. See his article The Impossible Faith, subtitled 'How Not to Start an Ancient Religion'.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:50 pm
by Turgonian
11. 'Scientific lies'? Proof, please. 'Stars held up in the firmament'? Well, are they in the sky (from our perspective) or not? See here for more information about the firmament. 'Milky Way of lost souls'? This guy doesn't know much about Christianity, apparently, and is attacking a straw man. 'Why the earth-centric universe?' It's called 'geocentric', and the Bible says no such thing; see here.

12. On the number of scientific theories... 'Did you just put all this evidence here to confuse us'? I've never heard people say that about conflicting theories in another field. There's something called 'misunderstanding' and 'ignorance', which is the cause of a lot of problems that haunt us today, and create a lot of fun among scientists. (Imagine the scientific community knowing everything, and never having any doubt...) Oh, by the way, the conflicting theories about the 'whole fossil thing and evolution' only appeared when people started moving away from God's Word. So who's to blame?

13. 'Why did you make us such sinful creatures?' False in the first place. 'Why did you give us the ability to sin?' Along with free will, I might add. Apparently, God wanted to give man a choice, so that either man might freely (by choice) love Him, or God would get a magnificent opportunity to show His grace, love and glory. 'Why do you punish us for doing exactly what you created us to do'? This guy needs to reread Genesis; we weren't created to do sin. His questions are, therefore, irrelevant. Why not ask, 'Why did you create us with red hats and yellow toes?' God didn't do that either, so that is not a flawed analogy. :lol:

14. Why doesn't God save us from ourselves? Don't worry, He will, but not today, certainly not because a fundy atheist wants Him to; He still has some plans to execute, and they're bound to be far more glorious than anything a frustrated atheist can come up with.

15. Should we stop modern medicine? No...until we cross the limit and want to be like God.

16. Did people just make up Heaven because they were afraid to tell their children that death was the end of everything? No; that was God's revelation, and before he's going to accept that, he needs to check out some rational Christian apologetic sites.

17. Does God know how to use e-mail, and why hasn't he mailed us with the answers? God doesn't have a mail address, and doesn't need one; you can contact Him by praying, and He's written His answers in the Bible. He's also given us rational people who do not ask suggestive questions, but investigate whether the Bible is really as bad as it seems and what it really says, if just reading the Bible doesn't provide you with answers. Do fundy atheists know how to use the Internet? Why haven't they read the articles at, say, Christian Thinktank yet?

18. How does immaculate conception work? God gives a divine fiat and creates the fruit in the womb -- as simple as that.

19. Why does God only take the soul up to heaven? Just wait -- the bodies will follow in due time.

20. Why does God make us like things that aren't good for us (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs)? Surprise -- almost everyone hates cigarettes when they first taste them. I believe the same goes for drugs, and alcohol isn't necessarily bad for a person...only when abused, just like sex &c. That said, God doesn't make us -- He doesn't really need to.

21. Why is there concupiscence? Because of the Fall. God didn't give us bad desires -- it's just that we couldn't handle our good gifts from God, and perverted them.

22. Why does God send everyone who doesn't believe in Him to burn in Hell? No burning; just exclusion from God. If people don't want God, they don't get Him; it's as simple as that. They're left alone forever. There they can dwell on the time they could have earnestly sought God, when they preferred making websites with foolish questions.

23. Why do God's followers have such a 'strong ability to intolerance and hate'? Do they? I don't, and neither do many other Christians. Why do we 'massacre those unlike ourselves'? I don't, and I don't want to either. Maybe somebody needs to tell this guy the Crusades happened some time back. And, of course, that you don't need to be a Christian to massacre those with other ideas (cf. Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot).

24. Why do we use fossil fuels when fossils are the devil's invention? They aren't. Next question.

25. Am I ever going to answer their questions? Am I listening? Somebody give this guy a link.

Next 40 questions to be dealt with later.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:15 pm
by Jorge S
Hola Hermano Valko,

Es un placer saber que hablas español pues ese es mi idioma materno. Veo tambien que soy solo una semana mas joven que tu en este sitio. Nada ocurre sin un proposito determinado y tu presencia aqui indica que tienes inquietudes espirituales. Espero Dios nos ayude a darte suficientes razones para que tambien aceptes a Jesucristo como tu Salvador. Nada es mas importante en la vida que aprender a estar aun mas vivo. Jesus es el camino para lograr ese regalo que Dios nos ofrece: vivir en, por, con y para El por toda la eternidad.

Me disculpas por la falta de acentos pero uso un teclado configurado para escribir en ingles.

Pienso que por respeto a los demas debemos continuar en ingles. Me comunicare contigo en español por el servicio de mensajes personales.

Dios te Bendiga.


Hi, Buddy.

I was also a atheist (actually a convinced Communist!) for most of my life. Jesus knocked at my heart and won me over. Faith is a gift and God gives it freely to anyone who asks for it.

Becoming a Christian does not constitute intellectual suicide, as some believe. I've been on both sides of the line and know this out of my own experience. In fact, what atheism, skepticism, agnosticism, mysticism, Paganism and other worldviews -in all shapes and gradations- offer to the really inquiring mind leaves more questions than answers.

The whole universe, our own lives, the course of history and the Bible are the evidences God has presented us with. The truth is absolute. What changes is how much of it we own. God is knowable because He wants us to know Him. Up to this point in my Christian walk I haven't found any philosophic, scientific or historic evidence denying what God has revealed in the Bible. In addition, He answers my prayers and keeps true to His Pronouncements, Prophecies and Promises.

What you find hard to believe now will become easy to understand once you change your attitude towards the Bible. There's a difference between reading to learn and reading to scorn.

May Our Gracious Lord Touch Your Heart and Bless You.