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Re: Disagreeing

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:02 pm
by FFC
Oriental wrote:
FFC wrote:
Oriental wrote:It occurs to me that any self-gratification in respect of sex is sinful even though we don't commit adultery with a woman behaviorally.
I don't think I've ever put it that diplomatically before. :o As Jesus said all sin has it's origin in the heart Mat 15:19 and lusting after a woman in your heart is the same as committing adultery with her. Mat 5:28
I am afraid I am inclined to disagree. The key word to the understanding of Jesus teaching as in Matt 5:28 is "hyperbolically"
turgonian wrote: He is speaking hyperbolically to get a point across powerfully
If what you said is true, it seemingly conflicts with James 1:15 where "sin" must be behavioral to get realized; otherwise, it is always "desire" well before giving birth to "sin" whether the sin comes true or not "desire" still lingering in one's mind.

Jesus charged us of the "desire" hyperbolically as "sin" it does not mean the desire has already been a "sin" to condemn.

In other words, if what you said is true, indignation is sort of sin because Matt 5:21-25 state that anger against a brother already subject to sin someone who kills no body.
I did not say having a sexual desire for a woman is a sin, I stated what Jesus said, that lust is a sin. Whether you think it or do it. The point being that it is what is in your heart that is the root of the problem. I don't think Jesus is speaking hyperbolically here, I think He is speaking pretty plainly. The sinful Intention with or without the act is still sin because the intention is where it starts. Sooner or later if the sinful intention is not put in check the act will follow. Have you ever heard the term acting out?

Oriental, which one is a look at a woman and fantasize about how you would love to have sex with her or to actually go and do it?

Re: Disagreeing

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:11 pm
by Oriental
FFC wrote: I did not say having a sexual desire for a woman is a sin, I stated what Jesus said, that lust is a sin. Whether you think it or do it. The point being that it is what is in your heart that is the root of the problem. I don't think Jesus is speaking hyperbolically here, I think He is speaking pretty plainly. The sinful Intention with or without the act is still sin because the intention is where it starts. Sooner or later if the sinful intention is not put in check the act will follow. Have you ever heard the term acting out?

Oriental, which one is a look at a woman and fantasize about how you would love to have sex with her or to actually go and do it?

Sorry for misinterpreting your meaning. I should have paid attention in greater depth.

I think: "to look at a woman and fantasize" is simply mortal desire which in James 1:15, we are warned of its possible temptation to act sinfully. "actually go and do it" is absolutely a sin. (precisely sinful act that hurts or does harm to the victim, {however, if the "victim" is willing and not complaining, it is rather doubtful whether s/he is a victim any longer; it complicates the issue)

Indeed, there are mental sins. The Ten Commandments stipulate that we shouldn't think sinfully about God which does not entail any act that we have to do for God to condemn. A flash of idea in our minds probably defiles ourselves making detestable to God. In the Book of Job, Job offered sacrifice as sin-offering for his sons and daughter for the fear that they sin against God without their knowledge on their own.

I figure that sexual desire that lingers in our minds can lead us to sin, but it doesn't amount to sin itself; it is simply desires as in James 1:15.

Paul said on concession people had better get married than being burnt with passion; by God's mercy, sexual desire is something God forgives and has allowance for us. A couple can't possibly go without a bit of sexual desire on bedding; if it is a sin, they have to pray for repentance everytime they finish intercourses. It doesn't make sense. God approves of it and looks at a couple better than single ones hanging alone. [Genesis 2] He commanded people to produce offsprings for generations. The reproduction, surely, has to be facilitated with sexual desire. Plus we have to trust sexual desire is part of intellectual design God set us into having it as so to enjoy it.

It is not unreasonable to think of Jesus teaching in Matthew 5 being hyperbolical. he was condemning the situations about sexuality out of control, in which some people hurt and some people are vicitms.

Today English Version of bible translates the adultery in Matthew 5 as.."when some one wants to possess her in his heart..." they use the word "possess" that means an illegal act of bedding with a woman who is either unwilling or has already got married in which there would always be victim in the incident, if he acted his dream out. But whatever the circumstances he never acts this out but a flash of idea basks in his mind. I think Jesus cast a grave warning that such flash of mind is enough for people to do sinful acts, and such flash of mind, as James 1:15 states, can be conceived and grown to give birth to sin. He warns of the cause, not of the effect/results. But I still suspect if he was condemning sexual desire itself. They translate with plain and concise English.



Re: Disagreeing

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:48 am
by FFC
Oriental wrote:
FFC wrote: I did not say having a sexual desire for a woman is a sin, I stated what Jesus said, that lust is a sin. Whether you think it or do it. The point being that it is what is in your heart that is the root of the problem. I don't think Jesus is speaking hyperbolically here, I think He is speaking pretty plainly. The sinful Intention with or without the act is still sin because the intention is where it starts. Sooner or later if the sinful intention is not put in check the act will follow. Have you ever heard the term acting out?

Oriental, which one is a look at a woman and fantasize about how you would love to have sex with her or to actually go and do it?

Sorry for misinterpreting your meaning. I should have paid attention in greater depth.

I think: "to look at a woman and fantasize" is simply mortal desire which in James 1:15, we are warned of its possible temptation to act sinfully. "actually go and do it" is absolutely a sin. (precisely sinful act that hurts or does harm to the victim, {however, if the "victim" is willing and not complaining, it is rather doubtful whether s/he is a victim any longer; it complicates the issue)

Indeed, there are mental sins. The Ten Commandments stipulate that we shouldn't think sinfully about God which does not entail any act that we have to do for God to condemn. A flash of idea in our minds probably defiles ourselves making detestable to God. In the Book of Job, Job offered sacrifice as sin-offering for his sons and daughter for the fear that they sin against God without their knowledge on their own.

I figure that sexual desire that lingers in our minds can lead us to sin, but it doesn't amount to sin itself; it is simply desires as in James 1:15.

Paul said on concession people had better get married than being burnt with passion; by God's mercy, sexual desire is something God forgives and has allowance for us. A couple can't possibly go without a bit of sexual desire on bedding; if it is a sin, they have to pray for repentance every time they finish intercourses. It doesn't make sense. God approves of it and looks at a couple better than single ones hanging alone. [Genesis 2] He commanded people to produce offsprings for generations. The reproduction, surely, has to be facilitated with sexual desire. Plus we have to trust sexual desire is part of intellectual design God set us into having it as so to enjoy it.

It is not unreasonable to think of Jesus teaching in Matthew 5 being hyperbolical. he was condemning the situations about sexuality out of control, in which some people hurt and some people are vicitms.

Today English Version of bible translates the adultery in Matthew 5 as.."when some one wants to possess her in his heart..." they use the word "possess" that means an illegal act of bedding with a woman who is either unwilling or has already got married in which there would always be victim in the incident, if he acted his dream out. But whatever the circumstances he never acts this out but a flash of idea basks in his mind. I think Jesus cast a grave warning that such flash of mind is enough for people to do sinful acts, and such flash of mind, as James 1:15 states, can be conceived and grown to give birth to sin. He warns of the cause, not of the effect/results. But I still suspect if he was condemning sexual desire itself. They translate with plain and concise English.


I understand what you are saying and I agree. I'm just saying that sexual desire and lust are two different things, but sometimes are divided by a thin line. Sexual desire is natural and a wonderful gift from God. Lust is a sin which is not of God and is rooted in selfish desire and greed.

Having a strong sexual desire for your wife is not sin at all, but to couple that desire with a self centered attitude that objectifies your wife, with the purpose of using her for your own sexual desires, having no regard for her feelings or worth is wrong. I know you don't do that, but I am just trying to explain how I see the difference between sexual desire and lust.

Hope that helps

Re: Disagreeing

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:24 am
by Oriental
FFC wrote: Oriental,
I understand what you are saying and I agree. I'm just saying that sexual desire and lust are two different things, but sometimes are divided by a thin line.
Hope that helps

Thanks. I agree. They are two different things.



Re: Dreaming in Sin

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:39 pm
by Michelle
Atticus Finch wrote:What is the christian stance regarding morality within dreaming?

It's difficult to control the path of our dreams and sometimes they aren't always pure. I'm about to share a rather candid example so some people might want to skip the next part.

While I slept this morning I dreamt that I had relations (sexual) with my next door neighbor. She's at least thirty years older than I and it would be quite the shock if any of this happened in real life. Dreams can have profound effects on the mind when awake and right now I feel a strange attraction to her.

Since we cannot control the content of our dreams (as we can our awakened consciousness) should we worry at all about our dreaming? Is morality only efficient when of a sober and clear mind?


I am not really able to answer your question in terms of interpretation of sin. However your dream that you had may not have anything immoral about it. Dreams are metaphors. First, what is your relationship to this person (and I am not meaning sexual either) that you dreamed about? The sex act it self could represent unity. It might mean that you have the need to share something close with this person.

Also, many Christians have probably had dreams that disturb them. One lady who was extremely moral and a very dedicated Christian was awaking from surgery and from a dream state. Her altered state of consciousness while in the first few minutes of awaking was observed. As she was waking a torrent of the foulest words and sexual suggestions came forth from her mouth. Yet this women had never uttered a profanity in her life.

How the brain works is not fully understood. What occurred above may give scientists an insight into how the brain works. It may assist to learn more about Tourets (not sure of the spelling) syndrome.

Anyway I hope I have been of help. If you need more information just ask! My brother is an expert on the matter. He is a cognitive psychologist and has studied this area. So just ask.

a special function

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:26 am
by Oriental
I think dream has some special function - communication with God.

Please read Matthew 1:20-24.

There are plenty of examples when God conveys message in people's dreams.


Is it true?

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:32 am
by Oriental
I have also got to read some articles about dreams .. scientists said that everybody dreams. It just depends on whether he remembers the content of dreams after he wakes up. If he wakes up when he is in the sleeping cycle of rapid eye movement he can remember otherwise he cannot. Some said that dream is a process that the brain reshuffles the piece of memory in the brain cells because brain has limited capacity to contain all information it got to receive from eyeballs when being awake.

Is it true?

Re: Dreaming in Sin

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:48 pm
by Judah
Michelle wrote:Also, many Christians have probably had dreams that disturb them. One lady who was extremely moral and a very dedicated Christian was awaking from surgery and from a dream state. Her altered state of consciousness while in the first few minutes of awaking was observed. As she was waking a torrent of the foulest words and sexual suggestions came forth from her mouth. Yet this women had never uttered a profanity in her life.
Oopsy, anaesthesia releases repression... :oops:
Which all goes to show, even saints are sinners.

Biblical truth tells us that all humans are sinners, that we all do wrong things regardless of how hard we may try not to do so.
It is best not to hassle oneself over matters that are out of reach of direct control - such as dreams - and simply be humble before God and allow Him to get on with His renewing sanctifying work within oneself.
I have known of situations in people's lives that have been sexualized in their dreams but when told, they parallel other events so closely that they are probably more representative of those events than any sexual desire - just as Michelle suggests, a metaphor. We are complex critters.

Re: Dreaming in Sin

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:06 pm
by Michelle
Judah wrote:
Michelle wrote:Also, many Christians have probably had dreams that disturb them. One lady who was extremely moral and a very dedicated Christian was awaking from surgery and from a dream state. Her altered state of consciousness while in the first few minutes of awaking was observed. As she was waking a torrent of the foulest words and sexual suggestions came forth from her mouth. Yet this women had never uttered a profanity in her life.
Oopsy, anaesthesia releases repression... :oops:
Which all goes to show, even saints are sinners.

Biblical truth tells us that all humans are sinners, that we all do wrong things regardless of how hard we may try not to do so.
It is best not to hassle oneself over matters that are out of reach of direct control - such as dreams - and simply be humble before God and allow Him to get on with His renewing sanctifying work within oneself.
I have known of situations in people's lives that have been sexualized in their dreams but when told, they parallel other events so closely that they are probably more representative of those events than any sexual desire - just as Michelle suggests, a metaphor. We are complex critters.

Absolutely correct!

Dream, I think is a proof of God

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:14 am
by Oriental
Because in the scripture, there are quite many occassions when God talked to people in dreams.

I think that if we want to prove that God exists, dream is a proof. Such proof is highly personal though.

I have never tried it but I am pondering an attempt to pray to God for a dream to talk to Him.



Re: Dream, I think is a proof of God

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 3:02 pm
by Judah
Oriental wrote:Because in the scripture, there are quite many occassions when God talked to people in dreams.

I think that if we want to prove that God exists, dream is a proof. Such proof is highly personal though.

I have never tried it but I am pondering an attempt to pray to God for a dream to talk to Him.

Hi Oriental,

I think God uses all kinds of methods to speak to us, and often we are not listening. He speaks to us about Himself through His creation. He speaks to us through the consequences of our actions. He speaks to us when we pray and worship, or when we draw close to Him by doing His will, or by simply resting with Him. He speaks to us through others, and through life's events. So I do not see why a dream couldn't be from God as a way of telling or showing you something. God can speak to you when you are awake, so why not when you are asleep?

I think the question then is, how do you recognize it is Him? I believe I can discern that most times when I am talking to Him in prayer. But will it be the same with a dream? How will I know?

For me, I find there is a "conviction" that goes with it, a certainty, a sense of rightness, something that fits, that brings things together, has it make sense, and works out... those kind of things. And importantly, it is not at variance to the character of God and His word.
1 Thessalonians 5: 20 do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21 Test everything. Hold on to the good. 22 Avoid every kind of evil.
So if God speaks to you in a dream, you will know the message is from God in much the same way as you do in prayer - or in life's events. After you awake from your dream, talk to God in prayer about it. Discuss it with Him when you are awake. Test everything for Truth - it's match with God's character and His word - to be sure that the message you believe you have received is from God.

But as I see it, since God is always ready to speak to us, to share with us, to have us draw close to Him and to know Him and love Him, being there in a dream is just one more way at His disposal of doing just that.

Yes, our close relationship to Him, and communication with Him, is certainly our personal proof of Him. 8)

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:06 pm
by FFC
I think one of the best ways to hear God is to shut up and listen. :)

Psalms 46:10 says:
Be still, and know that I am God...

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 6:10 pm
by Judah
FFC wrote:I think one of the best ways to hear God is to shut up and listen. :)

Psalms 46:10 says:
Be still, and know that I am God...
Absolutely, FFC - absolutely! :D

Doubt or not to doubt

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 11:20 pm
by Oriental
It is true that we must stand in awe for God and trust in Him. In Matthew 6:25-34, we shouldn't worry about tomorrow which will happen beyond our control.

I was writing in the last post for sake of the unbelievers who always doubt if He exists. After all, doubt should not be something that assure us of Him but this keeps us from knowing Him because scripturally we are told not to doubt.

I am not a devoted one though I tell people that I am a Christian. However, for sake of preaching (if one really wants to be dedicated to this), I think one may sometimes talk and behave like an unbeliever: [1 Corinthian 9:19-23]

19 Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.
20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law.
21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law.
22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.
23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

I think things may turn ugly if we side with or seem to side with the unbeliever; it may go contrary to what a Christian should look like; however, if the unbelievers doubt, let us doubt as well. I guess it is one of the essence this website should bear. Otherwise, why should we try to reconcile the scientific findings with scripture if we believe beyond doubt?



Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:36 am
by Turgonian
Because it will only increase our belief and awe?