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Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:34 am
by Ashley
Thats ok, I can handle it myself. I know that situation varies from one to one.


Re: dilemma

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:55 pm
by Gman
Ashley wrote:The dilemma I face is: does it worth to have this corporate loyalty (I was looked at as an indecent job-hopper in my resume before this job!), or does it worth to quit this job to look for a more challenging one where workload is pretty heavier, but risk of unemployment can be higher?
Sorry Ashley, I just saw that you had sent me this message twice. I must have missed it. I really don't know how to answer your question. I would have to say though it's all about your motives. In other words you will need to peel away the layers to understand the real motive behind it. Is it for money? Is it because I can't afford to work here? Is it for status? Is it because I'm bored and can't learn anymore here? Is it because I really don't like the manager? Etc... Unfortunately I can't answer those things for you...

Every decision you make comes with a price, and you will need to make that yourself. I would say this though, if you feel it is a dead end and you feel you won't learn or grow from it, then it may be best to move on. Sometimes it may not be good for the company as well if you are unhappy, and that unhappiness just spreads to others bringing the company morale down... So I wouldn't feel too guilty about loyalty here unless you want them to be loyal to your misery. :wink:

As for job security, I guess that is the risk you will have to take... I wouldn't compromise your happiness though, and be accurate with yourself as to what that happiness is... While you are working for them however, we need to give them all our best.

Also pray to God for guidance...

Hope that helps,

God Bless,

G -

Re: dilemma

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:11 pm
by Ashley
Gman wrote: Sorry Ashley, I just saw that you had sent me this message twice. I must have missed it. I really don't know how to answer your question. I would have to say though it's all about your motives. In other words you will need to peel away the layers to understand the real motive behind it. Is it for money? Is it because I can't afford to work here? Is it for status? Is it because I'm bored and can't learn anymore here? Is it because I really don't like the manager? Etc... Unfortunately I can't answer those things for you...

Every decision you make comes with a price, and you will need to make that yourself. I would say this though, if you feel it is a dead end and you feel you won't learn or grow from it, then it may be best to move on. Sometimes it may not be good for the company as well if you are unhappy, and that unhappiness just spreads to others bringing the company morale down... So I wouldn't feel too guilty about loyalty here unless you want them to be loyal to your misery. :wink:

As for job security, I guess that is the risk you will have to take... I wouldn't compromise your happiness though, and be accurate with yourself as to what that happiness is... While you are working for them however, we need to give them all our best.

Also pray to God for guidance...

Hope that helps,

God Bless,

G -

Gman, thanks for your reply. I think a lot about your words. I know you shouldn't (and virtually no one should) be more aware of my situation than myself. Your care is kind and I am very grateful of it.

My salary is lower than the market rate by great margin. I know I accept it just because of the status of being an accountant in listed company which build up reputation for myself.

I am loathe to suggest salary rise with my employer. He is not a good guy. This may simply give him allowances to bargian a poorer term for me in other fringe benefits to my detriment.

What I can do now is to tolerate.

AFter all, thank you for your advice.



Re: dilemma

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 7:34 pm
by Gman
Ashley wrote:Gman, thanks for your reply. I think a lot about your words. I know you shouldn't (and virtually no one should) be more aware of my situation than myself. Your care is kind and I am very grateful of it.

My salary is lower than the market rate by great margin. I know I accept it just because of the status of being an accountant in listed company which build up reputation for myself.

I am loathe to suggest salary rise with my employer. He is not a good guy. This may simply give him allowances to bargian a poorer term for me in other fringe benefits to my detriment.

What I can do now is to tolerate.

AFter all, thank you for your advice.
That's hard, I know what you mean... In many ways I think we are in the same boat. I use to work at a fortune 500 company for many years.. It was very stressful but I made a lot of money out of it... It was kind of burning me out so I took a less stressful job about 4 years ago... At first I wasn't too happy about the less pay (about 20 thousand less), but now that I look back at it, I think it was the right decision because I have piece in my heart now.

I really love my job now.. It is also much more secure than my previous job although I too don't see eye to eye with my boss. ... So there are pluses and minuses here...

The main thing is I try to make my job more challenging by taking on new projects. This also helps me from getting too bored... Plus I have more time now to further my education.

The only real thing that is different is that I don't spend as much now. I already did that buying a house a new car and a huge t.v. so I guess I really don't need anything more.

Hope that helps... :wink:

G -

Tolerate the boredom something I've never come across before

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:50 pm
by Ashley

It help a lot indeed. Very grateful.

alas... hard to express my feeling right here. The employment contract with him is very stupid contract. I am like a tree in the office; grasping more challenges drew coworkers' awful reaction as though they are deprived of theirs to be reprimanded by the boss. It is quit ironic for me to say that I am tolerating the boredom.




Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:17 pm
by Gman

Well hopefully the grasping of more challenges will get you noticed... Some times the higher ups may see that also. You never know...

Take care,

G -