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Re: praying

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:25 am
by Byblos
akiracapsule wrote:In the bible it states that god is perfect, and has a master plan.

isn't praying for events, objects, and ANYTHING telling god that you want him to alter your plan?
How does praying change the master plan? If your plan is to become a doctor (and that somehow you foreknew it will happen), how does what you have for lunch today impact that goal?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:41 am
by Turgonian
Asking God to alter His plan? Nope -- that's why Jesus taught His disciples to pray 'Thy will be done', in one breath with asking for sustenance, forgiveness and protection from evil.

Christianity is not fatalistic. It's not, 'God's plan will happen whatever we do.' It is, 'God's plan will happen for an important part because of what we do.' He doesn't only decree the end, but also the means. This includes prayers as well.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:59 pm
by omimanordude
God is in heaven, and cares for all of us. I believe that He does truly answer prayers, but not for things of nonsense, like winning the lottery or getting away with murder or something. All I know is that He has answered my prayers, that is, the ones that are important and I truly prayed for and needed.

content of prayer

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:48 am
by Ashley
It may not be appropriate to post here but I don't want to open a new topic to ask.

I've no idea what content looks good for a prayer when my notebook computer was stolen in the restaurant. Should I pray for the thieves to repent or recovery of the lost computer, or a new one to replace the stolen for better quality...?

what prayers should i have if pickpocketed with large sum of money?

Nothing comes up to my mind for what I should pray.


Re: content of prayer

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:08 am
by Byblos
Ashley wrote:It may not be appropriate to post here but I don't want to open a new topic to ask.

I've no idea what content looks good for a prayer when my notebook computer was stolen in the restaurant. Should I pray for the thieves to repent or recovery of the lost computer, or a new one to replace the stolen for better quality...?

what prayers should i have if pickpocketed with large sum of money?

Nothing comes up to my mind for what I should pray.

I would pray for the wisdom and presence of mind to protect myself and my property. We cannot control what others do. All we can do is deal with our feelings in our own eyes and in the eyes of God.