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Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:03 pm
by Kurieuo
googaly wrote:Looks like according to Christianity, I'm a goner. I fall into the first category. I've been exposed to Christianity, through no fault of my own, so I WILL be judged. Too bad for me I guess. I know God very truly and personally. I enjoy a happy life, I love my wife, am active in the community and respect and wonder at God's creation. But looks like since I was presented with Christianity, then I'm on the fast-track to Hell. Bummer. If only no one had told me about Christianity then I would be with God forever after I die.
Looks that way now, only you can know, but there is time yet. As for your goodness, there is another way you can actually make it to heaven. If you are perfectly good, then you can be with God, seeing as you will be able to withstand His fully holy character.

I'll agree with Isaiah those, and accept any goodness I have is like filthy rags (i.e., used sanitary napkins) to God. And then I'll thankfully accept God's gift of atonement through Christ.
googaly wrote:But what of the person who decides the Christian story is not for them? What if they say “Thanks, but I'd rather know God the way I've always known Him”? Then that person would go to Hell, when they were going to Heaven before. Just because a person does not agree with your exact recipe for Salvation does not mean they cannot know God and truly love Him and lead a deeply meaningful and fulfilled life. For this person, the introduction of Christianity presented the opportunity for Hell.
You talk of Hell as though you know what it is... Now if Christianity isn't for them, then neither is Christ. And if Christ is God, then God isn't for them. So to such people, God would allow them not to be with Him. Get it?
googaly wrote:Whoa! Don't assume that someone who does not “receive Christ” is not interested in knowing God. I am living proof. I know a loving God and even use Jesus as a guide, but do not follow the Christian dogma. To assume that you enrich someone's life is to assume that their lives are not already enriched. Who are you to assume that others cannot know love and God differently than you? Or even more profoundly than you?
So you'd prefer us to follow your dogma? Who are you to charge us? And who are you to know what is true?
googaly wrote:My only point is that I came to this 'scientific' forum intentionally to debate what has been a contradiction within the story of Christianity for me. So to drop statements like “One thing is sure - God is just and whatever happens - It will be fair.” Is to assume that I already believe in your judging God. To say “one thing is sure” is meaningless in light of the fact that I am questioning the very thing you claim to be so sure of. That was my only point with this.
Garbage. Your point was to come here and take a few shots, and most of them were at strawmen. Your original questions weren't really sincere, as if they were you wouldn't be arguing with the responses given based on your relativism which you are now trying to push. Perhaps that's a better place to start, seeing as you can't ever receive a real response to a question if they are many conflicting answers that are all true. :lol:

Anyway, enough is enough.
