Anyone Hungry? What to do with abortions of the unborn.

Discussion for Christian perspectives on ethical issues such as abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, and so forth.

Is it alright to eat an aborted unborn human?

Yes, it will otherwise just go to waste.
Abortion? Yes. Eating? No.
The unborn shouldn't have been aborted in the first place.
Total votes: 25

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Post by BGoodForGoodSake »

To each his own, let's not judge each other.

Now shake hands and make up.
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Re: somethings not to joke about

Post by Canuckster1127 »

bluesman wrote:
You're not all that familiar with the concept of satire and hyperbole; Are you .......
There are some subjects where satire and hyperbole even to make a point
shouldn't be used.

"We have no right to ask the world to believe our message unless there
is something about us that is unexplainable and supernatural.
There must be a divine dimension to our lives"

Michael Thomas
I find nothing humorous about abortion. Quite the opposite.

The use of hyperbole was modelled by Christ. Would you care to offer a means of determining when it is appropriate and when it is not?

What you've offered here, while certainly nice sounding, is a little vague and while no doubt your opinion and feelings on the matter, seems to imply a level of judgment that I'd like to see your basis for standing in judgement defended.
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Anonymous Guest

Post by bluesman »


(Hint: Hunger in any country (be it third world, or america) is not a cause of lack of food. The US Government pays farmers not to farm land (believe me its one of the many things wrong with our government (also, please don't ask me to go into further detail this is not the place for that)). We do not have hungry b/c a lack of raw material, but instead b/c of a lack of access to the food (be it poor, poorly managed government, or some other reason, just not lack of food))

I guess you oculd just be using exaggeration to make a point (albeit sick one)

you all are sick....

I guess you oculd just be using exaggeration to make a point (albeit sick one)

This is the an example of the person that I am most concerned about.
Is he/she seek the truth about Christianity and the Lord?
What are they thinking about Christians now?
Sometimes we don't consider how our discussions might appear to Guests and agnostics search this board.
I can be guilty of this just as much as the next Christian, both here and in my Real Life. That why I like this quote:

We have no right to ask the world to believe our message unless there is something about us that is unexplainable and supernatural. There must be a divine dimension to our lives

My previous comments were not really directed at you Canuckster.
I only briefly skimmed your previous post because it was too long for my short attention span.

I have made my point so now if I have offend please forgive me.

Really the topic is not about abortion. Now its not even about this use of the fetus which is not based in fact.

You could say it about examining stories we hear or read to see if they are true.

or how we could so easily believe something about another ethnic people such as the Chinese. I read that a lot of people in China are turning to Jesus.

or that the fall of our society is so far that we could see such horrors happen. I would think it has happened by a sick individual and right here in North America.

or what do we do about the so called Christian organizations that use misinformation for their own agendas.

Really I could tie is into another thread where we talked about objections of agnostics to faith. "Religion is the root of Violence" .
In this situation it more - how can Christianity be true when "christians" behave hatefully by this use of lies for their own "sick" agendas.

Anyways, if Anonymous Guest is still out there seeking come back to us and we can discuss Jesus our Lord.

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Post by FFC »

I thought it was a little funny too, but maybe a little inappropriate. There is a line that we have to be careful not to cross, as harmless as it may seem to us.

Maybe this is what Paul was talking about here.

Eph 5:4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.
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