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Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 12:41 pm
by Enigma7457
madscientist wrote: Well basically i meant that biology is made so that it is the stronger and better to survive and species autimatically adapt to new conditions and it is so shocking to think that biology WANTS to be where it can - below, deep in oceans, are special plants
Do you think it is amazing that scuba gear can survive in deep oceans? No, because it was DESIGNED with that in mind. When the 'special plants' survive in deep oceans, that is because they were designed with that in mind.

Forum Monk wrote:Gotcha. I think of this as the life cycle of a star, not the evolution of a star. But thats just semantics, I understand what you mean.
Agreed. I've heard it called Stellar Evolution. Just ran with it.
Forum Monk wrote:Correct me if I am wrong. According to your view, God designed the conditions and process, initiated it, and let it run its course to a predicted conclusion. Therefore when God said He created this or that, He does not mean I fashioned it with my hands, He is saying I provided for this and that to come into existence by natural laws. In a way He fashioned it in his mind. Is that right?
Not necessarily. To be honest, didn't think about it that way. But, if a man 'creates' a car (or other machine), it doesnt' necessarily mean he fashioned it with his hands. He could have set up another machine (one, for example, to attach the doors) and programmed them to make a car. He still created the car, but not with his own hands.

But look here: Gen 1:24 "And God said, 'Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds'...And it was so"

So here, if you look into the words, he didn't actually say create. Should we assume evolution? I don't think so. Not sure what that means, but we can't say God didn't create, just because it didn't say so.

Now, "in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth". Here, he says create. But what is the earth made from? Rock, pretty much. If you accept the big bang, then you have the makings of rock created in the beginning.

So, to answer your question, i guess you could say it that way. I don't think saying created means he had to literally fashion them with his hands (do we even know God has hands?). I don't think there is a problem here.

Will post more later, i gotta go to work

creation... by hands?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:53 am
by madscientist
completely agree with you Enigma7457 :) i think creatuing "by hands" means a metaphor rather than that. also, often God's Eyes are mentioned etc - another metaphor i think. God is not like us - although "created in God's image"... implies we are similar to God - but in what aspects? free will, capable of love or hatred, etc - does it refer to physical stuff, too? Dont think so.
Also, it takes God no time to do things since he is infinitely powerful - He doesnt need to use his "Hands" to do it - he just thinks it the way He wants it and it jus happens...