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Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:39 am
by angel
That is by far the stupidest, most idiotic thing I have ever heard in my life. Please note that I did not design the preceding words, they just sprung up by chance (it must be a miracle). So please don't come crying to me that I insulted you in any way.

If they really just prung up by chanche...well that is worth noticing.
Otherwise I suppose some arguments would be needed in support. ;)

BTW I don't think I ever cried for people calling me stupid.
Angel, first of all define perfect
Never mentioned "perfect".
You do not need to define "perfect" in order to understand "bad design" as you do not need to understand "infinite" to understand "positive numbers".

However, let me try and answer anyway.
Cameras are designed for sure.
In cameras wires are behind sensors.
If I send out cameras with wires in front of sensors I would not sell much I guess
That would be bad design.

Enough? Or is it a matter of opinions?
By the way Angel, have you yourself ever actually designed anything?
Yes I have.

Maybe. However...
When examining the back of the eye, a portion of the optic nerve called the optic disc can be seen. 
Anyway that is what I meant by perfect eye.
Other animals enjoying three, four or even five color vision systems include tropical fish and birds.
In most primates closely related to humans there are three types of color receptors (known as cone cells).
The reason why mammals lost some of the vision capabilities developed by reptils/birds is perfectly explained by evolution. What is the explanation in terms of ID?
Bad design does not indicate that there was no design.
I agree. Though in ID they are discussing about perfect (or very dense in CSI) designer.
Their argument is from Dembski's no free lunch "argument".
Despite I agree that bad design is not enough to disprove design, I believe it is enough to disprove "intelligent design" at least in its current formulation.

Do you disagree?

Do you think we can produce evidence that there was NO DESIGN at all?

My position is that there is no evidence of design, though of course we cannot disprove it completely.
There are evidence against the sort of design ID is calling for.

Father Coyne, former director of Specula Vaticana, once told that
if there was design it was far more intelligent than ID proponents can grasp.

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:33 am
by godslanguage
Never mentioned "perfect".
Whenever you mean something is bad or poorly designed you are implying it is imperfect. So I asked you to define have failed. What you know as imperfect based on the design has to be substantiated with why that is imperfect. Therefore...claiming you know imperfect based upon intelligence your also claiming you are more intelligent and know perfection.
You do not need to define "perfect" in order to understand "bad design" as you do not need to understand "infinite" to understand "positive numbers".

However, let me try and answer anyway.
Cameras are designed for sure.
In cameras wires are behind sensors.
If I send out cameras with wires in front of sensors I would not sell much I guess
That would be bad design.
This situation is good if the purpose of the design of the camera is for BOTH functionalilty and to generate lots of profit/income, this is the postion you have stated.

However..."If I send out cameras with wires in front of sensors I would not sell much I guess"...this strictly applies to the market. The camera is meant to be user compatible, user friendly, portable etc....ACCORDING TO WHOM? The market, this design is imperfect or perfect only according to the market.

Apart from the free from distortion concept you have introduced inevitibly have now introduced the symmetrical vs. non-symmetrical concept. Which is: the camera has wires sticking out...and therefore a non-symmetrical design would imply imperfection or loss of function or loss of efficiency. The symetrical design of the camera that does not have wires sticking out would be perfect according to the people who want to buy it.

What if the camera weighed 100 pounds? What if it had bullet proof shielding and was used for military purposes on Tanks? Do you think it would be imperfect because it didn't sell in the market at a low price of 100 000 dollars? Believe it or not...if it was available someone would end up buying it. This really solidifies the fact that perfection is only an illusion according to a particular someone and perfection is based on purpose. To a real estate dealer...a house with a hole in the roof is perfect because the price dropped down half way and fixing that house and selling it would generate tripple the profit...however he would have to get that fixed because that design would not sell to a family of four who have no intention of attracting all the racoons in the city.

This is really about the structure of the design, symtetrical vs. non-symmetrical design. The fact that it has wires sticking out does not mean its not imperfect or poorly designed, what if those wires sticking out were designed to withstand water, they had a type of wire coated shielding (that didn't need a structure to support it from the external or environmental factors) which prevent it from short circuiting. The wires sticking out could as easily prove to have the same function versus being intact and symmetrical.

The question this really leads too is based on whether something is designed OR it is not designed. If a computer is designed how come it can't detect that it was designed, the only way it could do that is if it had a mind (conscious mind) about its own physical hardware/software, its structure, its complex function and an awareness of an external forces or external intelligent factors. If the computer came to the conclusion or even mere assumption that because of its detailed and specified complexity it is designed based on external intelligent causal factors...would you think this is a un-scientific position or dogmatic view the computer is holding?

Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 2:11 pm
by Gman
Angel wrote:LOL

If they really just prung up by chanche...well that is worth noticing.
Otherwise I suppose some arguments would be needed in support. Wink
So now you are agreeing that things can spring up by chance... I thought we were talking about facts here.. Not dice...
Angel wrote:BTW I don't think I ever cried for people calling me stupid.
Oh come now, that was hardly an ad hominem... If you want to go that route we are all guilty of it to some degree... Just admit it..

Like the name you give me "GM"an.. Think I don't get the pun?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 8:19 am
by Byblos
Angel wrote:BTW I don't think I ever cried for people calling me stupid.
For the record, I did not call you stupid, just your idea. Lord knows I've had many a sutpid idea in my days.

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:03 pm
by godslanguage
Sorry Byblos, I think Angel was referring to what I mentioned. Nobody is calling anyone stupid here.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:51 am
by angel
For the record, I did not call you stupid, just your idea. Lord knows I've had many a sutpid idea in my days.
Actually I was answering to this:
So please don't come crying to me that I insulted you in any way.
I'm grown enough to bare an adult discussion!

In any event, I was not complaing. I was asking for arguments instead.
Until now it seems godslanguage is the only one here submitting arguments, guys.

(godslanguage: I'll be back to you soon. Be patient! Cheers)

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:49 am
by angel
godslanguage wrote: Whenever you mean something is bad or poorly designed you are implying it is imperfect.
So I asked you to define have failed.
No. This might be irrelevant to the issue but I cannot agree with what you claimed.
I do not need to know what perfect means in order to know when something is imperfect.
Something is imperfect if I can improve it.
I think a camera with wires in front of the sensor can be improved by putting wires
behind the sensor (and leaving everything as it is).
It may not be the perfect camera anyway, though for sure the first camera was poorly designed.

That is how I see it at least. If you see differently imagine one call the camera designer on
court for having a reimbursement since the camera with wires in front of the sensors
does not meet the design standards.
The company defence is based on the remarkes you posted
What if the camera weighed 100 pounds? What if it had bullet proof shielding and was
used for military purposes on Tanks? Do you think it would be imperfect because it
didn't sell in the market at a low price of 100 000 dollars? Believe it or not...
if it was available someone would end up buying it. This really solidifies the fact
that perfection is only an illusion according to a particular someone and perfection
is based on purpose. To a real estate dealer...a house with a hole in the roof is
perfect because the price dropped down half way and fixing that house and selling
it would generate tripple the profit...however he would have to get that fixed because
that design would not sell to a family of four who have no intention of attracting all
the racoons in the city.
What do you think it will be the verdict?
Sorry, godslanguage. I can accept your comments on a general basis. Not if we are discussing
of a particular Nikon coolpix 3.5Mpx (exactly the standard model but with wires in front of the
sensor). In that case, the canera IS POORLY DESIGNED.
Therefore...claiming you know imperfect based upon intelligence your also claiming you
are more intelligent and know perfection.
It meas nothing to me.
This situation is good if the purpose of the design of the camera is for
BOTH functionalilty and to generate lots of profit/income, this is the postion you have stated.
Not at all, godslanguage. I may have been unclear or you misunderstood.
My referring to the "market" does not refer to a functionality of the camera.
The camera functions is to take pictures.
The market enters my argument just as a way of estimating the general attitude towards
a particular model. I never mention profits. As far as my argument is concerned the camera
might be sold for free. Still people would condider the side effect of seing wires in their pictures a
bad feature of the camera, I think.
It is similar to the way probability is defined in economic oriented books, as the amount
of money a person is ready to bet on something to happen.
The market was used similarly in my argument. I was simply asking how much people would be ready
to pay for a camera with wires in front of the sensors. I bet not many are ready to buy such a camera
for a price higher than the price of the *identical standard model*.
That is enough for me claim that generally the wires in front of sensors are considered
an instance of bad design.

Symmetry has nothing to do with my argument. The wires can be perfectly symmetrical, but if I have
wires in front of sensore, symmetric or not, they prevent me from taking good photo!
Nor I would like to have double commands to enhance symmetry.
What if the camera weighed 100 pounds? ...
What if the two cameras differ ONLY by the wires in front or on the back of sensors?

The question this really leads too is based on whether something is designed OR
it is not designed. If a computer is designed how come it can't detect that it was
designed, the only way it could do that is if it had a mind (conscious mind) about
its own physical hardware/software, its structure, its complex function and an awareness
of an external forces or external intelligent factors. If the computer came to the conclusion
or even mere assumption that because of its detailed and specified complexity it is designed
based on external intelligent causal factors...would you think this is a un-scientific position
or dogmatic view the computer is holding?
The computer may be not enough smart to get to the conclusion or to see the problem.

If the question was just the last one:
I have to clarify the question first.
Of course the computer *has* been designed, we all agree on that.
However, I have to be clear on two points:

1) Not because the conclusion is correct, an argument leading to that conclusion is correct.
[for all n natural number, n^2=n+n then 2+2=2*2 is a correct result based on a wrong argument.]
So everything depends on the detail of the observations and reasonings on which the computer is lead to conclude
that it has been designed.
If it simply noticed that it is too complicated to appear by chance, the argument is silly.
First one should estimate how long it takes to get the result by chance (which in turn depends on a number of
assumptions on the way it has been produced.) and then decide if acomputergenesis can have occurred
spontaneously in a given time.
If you don't provide me with these details about your scenario your question cannot be answered.

BTW I think computer *has* come by chance with no design. WE do not designed it,
we *catalized* the conditions for the computer to come to existence.
WE are in fact coming naturally (through unguided, random, evolution) and we provided the
necessary conditions for the computer to be assembled.
It took 4 billion years to set up the conditions and less than 100 years to get to computers.
Stricking isn't it?
[That may be not exactly what I believe but I am here discussing the scientific attitute
towards design. You might not like it, but you cannot proved this attitude to be irrational
as I believe you wanted to do.]

In this view nothing has been designed because we are part of the natural conditions and catalizers which
Nature can use to produce objects with an high CSI and IC.

2) The question is completely different from the question posed by intelligent design.
The computer has been intelligently designed *by us*. We know the designer. We are part of the Nature.
We are a well known biological intelligence which is known to have designed similar things such
as radio equipments, various chip based stuff, and pocket calculators.

[I doubt that someone finding a computer in a village in amazzonia which had no contact with
tecnological societies would think they designed it. I suppose most people would imagine the computer
was designed in some intel facility, assembled in some china factory and transported there in some unknown way.
Then if you disagree on my conclusion I can predict that intel mark will be found on the inside chip.
If you still disagree with my scenario we can open the computer and check who is right.
Of course the people in the amazonian village can have designed a mark which is very similar to the
intel mark we all know.
We can now compare the chip design with the one registered by intel.
If they are identical and you still disagree we can let a judge decide if it is reasonable to assume that
amazonian people invented independently the same circuits.]

ID is claiming something completely different. They say that biological systems have been designed
by an unkown designer, external to Nature,
whose intelligence is not implemented in a biological or artifical
or physical structure (since it must have a CSI higher than anything physical in the universe).
We never observed scientifically anything like that. Nor something similar.
For that reason ID cannot be called a scientific explanation for biological systems.

That has nothing to do with science. It is just faith. It may be correct. But it is not science.

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:55 am
by August
angel wrote:ID is claiming something completely different. They say that biological systems have been designed
by an unkown designer, external to Nature,
whose intelligence is not implemented in a biological or artifical
or physical structure (since it must have a CSI higher than anything physical in the universe).
That is a blatant misrepresentation of what ID says. ID does not speculate on the identity of the designer, so to say that it is "external to nature" is false. Your following statement is therefore also incorrect.

reply to Angel

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:17 pm
by godslanguage
First off, computers are not a bunch of wires sticking out, whether it is symmetrical or not, this has nothing to do with efficiency and purpose. In networking, for example sending and receiving data we use encoding algorithms to transmit the data from source to destination such as sending in frames, packets, cells which can be represented by the binary bits of sequences being sent out through the copper/fiber optic cables. Computers, the ones you have on your desktop perform synchronously (according to frequency, voltage etc...) and that synchronization is based on the purpose for fast processing and stability, to increase efficiency, there is also parity bit for redundancy (checking for errors or CRC's) included which makes transmitting through the short bus lines even more efficient. Another example of transmitting in long distances for hundreds or thousands of miles, repeaters or signal enhancers would be used to strengthen or amplify the signal so that it can reach the destination without the external noise or electromagnetic interference being a significant factor. I'm just giving examples in design since we are talking and relating to design in nature vs. human design to make a point.

Doesn't RNA perform encoding/decoding mechanisms for building proteins? Has evolutionary Biology figured out the algorithm, does it need to or doesn't it, this is where I believe Intelligent design can go more deeply into, and not just process of “change”, why it changes, what are all the external factors forcing this part to be a subsystem or a dependant component of the other. Evolution can assume how the eye evolved, but like I asked why is it more complex, why does the eye specifically need to be more complex, because complexity is one thing and specified complexity is another, how many factors induced this change, which ones exactly, is it just mere chemical processes, laws of physics combined with this case...Nature seems to be doing an amazing job dealing with all these elements the way it is, does it just change because changes occur and therefore....or is it more specific in that external intelligence plays a key role in the whole thing.

The bacterial flagellum that Michael Behe introduces about irreducible complexity states that if you take out one part, the whole thing seizes to function or doesn't function properly, but that begs the question, what if it does function if you take out a bunch of parts from it? Doesn't that mean that it is not irreducibly complex...NO, it actually means more so, that this is designed. The BEST human designs are the ones that are "REDUNDANT" or are "FAULT TOLERANT". Take for example a space craft, not accounting for the heat being dispersed when traveling back through the earths atmosphere would cause catastrophe. Adding more layers to it or using stronger material would prevent anything from shredding/ripping apart, this is what I mean about redundancy.. But EVERYTHING has its limits angel, everything.
No. This might be irrelevant to the issue but I cannot agree with what you claimed.
I do not need to know what perfect means in order to know when something is imperfect.
Something is imperfect if I can improve it.

So what are the limits to improving something, for example, I can think of many ways to improve my computer, for example, I wake up one day and decide that Microsoft makes crappy operating systems, it has shown to have severe security and vulnerability issues (ie: crackers and viruses). I decide to make my own operating system (forgetting that Linux/UNIX OS's are much more efficient). So what I do is make my own OS, and I make it in such a way that only I am able to use it, that means that I can't contact or use the Internet (this means not including TCP/IP communication standard protocols), what I do is I want to make it perfect, that means completely free from viruses and attackers, physically and logically, so I encase the PC in steal chamber, I make it so that logically only I can access it, others can't and that means I can't access the Internet. So this is my idea of a perfect computer, virus and hacker free.
Building this so called perfect design would be perfect to me but imperfect to somebody else who wants to contact me via e-mail, or how about servicing the hardware it if it breaks down?
Building up on the old Windows would not fix any problems, because I know that the outside world (external environment) would get access to it either way if I updated the patches, service pack etc...But it seems to be perfect for business even though they loose billions of dollars/year of stolen personal information (ie: credit cards etc..), but they use it either way.

The point is that if something fulfills a purpose it doesn't need to be quantified by "perfection" or "imperfection". The environment takes its toll, we live in it and we abide by the physical constraints of the environment, so the environment will always have an effect on us, whatever our design or whatever we should incorporate free will, so limiting the free will is adding layers upon layers to the spacecraft until either it can't function or it can't move at all due to the weight, or perhaps making it so redundant that the external environment has almost zero effect on it and be prevalent to loss of free-will inherent in that design .

The same redundancy can be compared to a human cutting himself and then healing, eventually it heals, bones break and heal, but cutting off a leg won't grow back, but what does that mean to design? It means there is a limit to every design, cutting off the leg without growing back shows a limit to that design If you smoke heavily you will be prevalent to health problems or perhaps cancer in the long run, do you believe the designer should have also incorporated something to prevent this from happening?

Another very good indication of design is size. Size implies a couple of things, notice how technology keep getting smaller and smaller but the technology is much better and can perform more functions then previously. The cell for example, has more computing power then all the super-computers that exist. Its also a good indication where technology is going, technology is an illusion of design compared to living systems (laughable in comparison), technology I believe is leading towards a “cellular” level of expression. The size, the function, the mechanisms, even the idea of reproduction that non-living systems can reproduce is now a reality.

Why does intelligence need to explain what is inherent in living systems, didn't we already know we were designed or not designed?
It took 4 billion years to set up the conditions and less than 100 years to get to computers
So I'm not to sure about this statement here angel. If one simple cell is that much more powerful than all the CPU processors combined on the planet, then you could say that these computers aren't really designed at all, in comparison.

Another question needs to be asked, if intelligent systems can only be designed by intelligence, then that begs evolutionary theory for the existence of intelligence in the first place, the mind exhibits intelligent thinking processes whether they are frequent or not, we are conscious about our acts and therefore we have to ask why does intelligence even exist in the first place, why do we define it?

The fact is that nothing has shown to produce or simulate anything functional or mechanistic in ND'sm, there are no predictive theories or rules of logic for evolutionary theory, so explaining it would be wandering off into assumptions, well maybe that happened or this was the case, but the fact remains that nothing has been simulated, the problem is it hasn't been simulated because its very complex and hard to work with, the second fact is it hasn't been simulated because the process of simulation is either presumptive, the third fact is the method of simulation, what method will you simulate it. If you have the wrong process but the right imaginary tract than its possible to simulate it through computers, but if that process is wrong you can imagine all you like and the burden is on you to explain your imaginative theory in a mathematically precise way and taking in all the external factors that contribute, because there seems to be alot more than just the natural selection, since you can't simulate it with this. Intelligent design has shown either or a combination of the following:

a. ND'st are incapable of explaining evolutionary theory from a hard-scientific perspective
b. ND'st conform to the wrong method of explaining evolutionary theory
c.ND'st have completely missed out and evaded the principles of intelligent systems
d. That ND'st still need lots of time to explain everything what ID believes it cannot explain, and ND'st are working on it

ID is claiming something completely different. They say that biological systems have been designed
by an unkown designer, external to Nature,
whose intelligence is not implemented in a biological or artifical
or physical structure (since it must have a CSI higher than anything physical in the universe).
We never observed scientifically anything like that. Nor something similar.
For that reason ID cannot be called a scientific explanation for biological systems.
We have never observed natural selection producing anything significant either, but it must have produced the way ND'st says because...the battle is between the environment and the living system, so therefore there is nothing else that can contribute to this process but this environment, and if this environment is finely tuned for life, or that the laws of gravity, the earth, solar system and galaxy shows, then the environment itself must be an illusion of design as well. :wink:

Not at all, godslanguage. I may have been unclear or you misunderstood.
My referring to the "market" does not refer to a functionality of the camera.
The camera functions is to take pictures.
The market enters my argument just as a way of estimating the general attitude towards
a particular model. I never mention profits. As far as my argument is concerned the camera
might be sold for free. Still people would condider the side effect of seing wires in their pictures a
bad feature of the camera, I think.
Yes, well, I was referring to how the product adapts to market conditions, technology is based on the needs of people, so what purpose does a 4.0 megapixel camera have for a two year old or what attitude might that two year old have towards that compared to a camera with a bunch of wires sticking out, either way the 2 year old would discard it and play with his superman doll. What purpose would that have for the army? The attitude towards it is based on the purpose of the product. I'm not mentioning profits either, my point is around the fact of intent.

One hundred and fifty years ago, Darwin didn't know how intelligent these systems in cells (DNA, RNA) are. Coincidently now technology seems to have kept up with Darwinian evolution. The cell is not just some blob of protoplasm or goo like Darwin believed back then. Unfortunately the belief seems to be the same among ND'st today, theoretically they see the cell the same way, that it was gradually developed over time, time had created this illusion of design through these “natural” mechanisms (random mutation, natural selection etc...). Now reason through technology has provided evidence otherwise through not only by examining this stuff in microscopes but through the design capabilities themselves and the explicit similarities being shown. So it is no wonder Darwinists are being challenged, this is from the scientific and a lot to do with the technological/engineering/creative perspective. So do you doubt technology, engineering, creation? Do you doubt that design or systems that exhibit intelligence mechanistic processes could not have been designed, in this case Intelligent
Design is very scientific to assume.

The other part about it is the method that is used to predict any changes that occur in genetic sequences. Is there any predictive logic, set of rules or theories in evolutionary biology to show how and why things change the way they do. Beneficial mutations can be compared to designing a motherboard on a computer and adding or taking away a component to produce/achieve a specific complex function. Beneficial mutations can be shown to have goal directed processes, another sign in my opinion, of an intelligent system.

Now Bgood and many disagree about comparing design to natural design because life reproduces. But I disagree that design is only constraint to human artifacts. It CAN be compared to either way and effectively because intelligence is recognizable and when looking through that microscope, we find similarities we can make reasonable assumptions that intelligence played a role in the design. I guess the one thing we can do is say since there is a pattern that we can “NOW” recognize as a fundamental property of design because of our own reasoning and current knowledge of elements of pattern in design, we can make this inference of design in anything because we recognize how it works, or how it must work, but before, lets say 150 years ago we would make a different conclusion because the design back then does not even show “similarities” to design in living systems as does technology/engineering show now.

a. Either that design was directly designed
b. Indirectly designed (evolutionary process initiated by origin (ie: First living cell))
c. both a and b (progressively designed)
d. It wasn't designed at all, just looks designed (ND'sm)

Scripturally speaking, did God the designer create us perfect in his image?
Did God say he made us to be gods or that we are gods, or that we are to fulfill his purpose?
Or does God say we are truly flawed, that we have weaknesses? But, scripturally speaking it all makes sense, the design, the purpose, the plan and everything, it makes perfect sense to me, but it might not make sense to you.

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:30 am
by godslanguage
Just to add to this, I believe that free-will is the greatest possible attribute of design. We are given the free-will to make decisions, to make choices, to have an effect on others, help others, the environment and vice-versa. That is my idea of perfect design, and that is exactly what God has given us.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:40 am
by angel
I am perfectly aware that ID claims not to be interested in what/who the designer
is. HOWEVER, and at the same time!, Dembski repeatedly claims that the designer
has a complex specified information (CSI) higher that anything it designed.
This is the consequences of his "no free lunch theorem".

Now I disagree that it has anything to do with a theorem, but from his own point of view
HE is claiming that the designer cannot be a biological intelligence since it
must have more CSI that any biological system and AT THE SAME TIME that ID is not concerned
with who or what the designer is or which properties characterize it.

The contradiction that you noticed is hence entirely their own contradiction.

The reason to be contradictory is quite clear. They contradict themselves because
they are able to stop any argument they don't like (for example when they are asked
who designed the designer) by claiming that their studies are not involved with the designer
itself but only with what it designed.
At the same time they can use the fact that designer is non-biological to identify it with
Christian God (or that it is very closed to), when they please.

So, go to the ARN discussion forum and ask explanation to them directly.
When I did I was banned in less than ten days.

ok what is your point?
That a camera with wires in front of its sensor is well designed as the same camera with wires on the sensors's back?
That computers are designed?
That since sometimes we can see that something is designed then WE are designed?
Or what else?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:21 am
by August
angel wrote:August,
I am perfectly aware that ID claims not to be interested in what/who the designer
is. HOWEVER, and at the same time!, Dembski repeatedly claims that the designer
has a complex specified information (CSI) higher that anything it designed.
This is the consequences of his "no free lunch theorem".

Now I disagree that it has anything to do with a theorem, but from his own point of view
HE is claiming that the designer cannot be a biological intelligence since it
must have more CSI that any biological system and AT THE SAME TIME that ID is not concerned
with who or what the designer is or which properties characterize it.

The contradiction that you noticed is hence entirely their own contradiction.

The reason to be contradictory is quite clear. They contradict themselves because
they are able to stop any argument they don't like (for example when they are asked
who designed the designer) by claiming that their studies are not involved with the designer
itself but only with what it designed.
At the same time they can use the fact that designer is non-biological to identify it with
Christian God (or that it is very closed to), when they please.

So, go to the ARN discussion forum and ask explanation to them directly.
When I did I was banned in less than ten days.
Banned from ARN? That's funny, because almost all the posters on ARN are evolutionists.

Anyhow, you are just looking for a contradiction where there is none. Dembski does sometimes refer to God in his work, but to read into it that ID speculates on the identity of the designer is a non-sequitor. You are raising a false dichotomy: Higher CSI does not equal non-biological.

Dembski writes:
"Intelligent design attempts to understand the evidence for intelligence in the natural world. The nature and, in particular, the moral characteristics of that intelligence constitute a separate inquiry. Intelligent design has theological implications, but it is not a theological enterprise. Theology does not own intelligent design. Intelligent design is not an evangelical Christian thing, or a generically Christian thing, or even a generically theistic thing. Anyone willing to set aside naturalistic prejudices and consider the possibility of evidence for intelligence in the natural world is a friend of intelligent design. In my experience such friends have included Buddhists, Hindus, New Age thinkers, Jungians, parapsychologists,
vitalists, Platonists, and honest agnostics, to name but a few. As a consequence, intelligent design's fate does not stand or fall with whether one can furnish a satisfying theodicy." Intelligent design requires neither a meddling God nor a meddled world. For that matter, it doesn't even require that there be a God.

The theodicy question aside, how God relates to the theory of intelligent design requires one further clarification. Creationists and naturalists alike worry that when design theorists refer to a “designer” or “designing intelligence,” and thus avoid explicitly referring to God, they are
merely engaged in a rhetorical ploy. Accordingly, design theorists are saying what needs to be said to get skeptics to listen to their case. But as soon as skeptics buy their arguments for design, design theorists perform a bait-and-switch, identifying the designer with the God of religious faith. Whereas creationism is direct and forthright in its acknowledgment of God, intelligent design is thus said to be deceptive and sneaky. This charge is unfounded. If design theorists are reticent about using the G-word, it has
nothing to do with waiting for a more opportune time to slip it in. Design theorists do not bring up God for the simple reason that design-theoretic reasoning does not warrant bringing up God. Design-theoretic reasoning tells us that certain patterns exhibited in nature reliably point us to a
designing intelligence. But there's no inferential chain that leads from such finite designconducing patterns in nature to the infinite personal transcendent creator God of the world's major theistic faiths. Who is the designer? As a Christian I hold that the Christian God is the ultimate source of design behind the universe (though that leaves open that God works through secondary causes, including derived intelligences). But there's no way for design inferences from physics or biology to reach that conclusion. Such inferences are compatible with Christian belief but do not entail it. Far from being coy or deceitful, when design theorists do not bring up God, it is because they are staying within the proper scope of their theory. Intelligent design is not creationism and it is not naturalism. Nor is it a compromise or synthesis of these positions. It simply follows the empirical evidence of design wherever it leads. Intelligent design is a third

You can try and construct non-sequitors based on propagandist anti-ID arguments, but then you have to call Dembski a liar or a fraud. Is that what you are doing? He freely admits that as a Christian, he believes God to be the designer, but then also states that it has nothing to do with ID. It is outside the scope of the theory.

Anyhow, you stated somewhere else that you are a believer. How do you reconcile your belief and the theory of evolution?

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:03 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
Dear August,

I think you misunderstood him completely.
He is not taking the contradictions from what Debmski has said.

The contradiction is in Dembski's theorem's themselves. The book no free lunch will be from hence forth known as the collection of theorems.
According to the collection of theorems complex specified information(CSI) cannot emerge from systems which contain less CSI. CSI can only emerge from systems in which complex specificity is imbued, or injected.

In which case Angel in correct is saying that according to the collection of theorems a biological origin of life must come come from a non-biological source.

Below are the corollaries of the law of Conservation of Energy which were formulated by Dembski himself.
(1) The CSI in a closed system of natural causes remains constant or decreases.
(2) CSI cannot be generated spontaneously, originate endogenously, or organize itself (as these terms are used in origins-of-life research).
(3) The CSI in a closed system of natural causes either has been in the system eternally or was at some point added exogenously (implying that the system though now closed was not always closed).
(4) In particular, any closed system of natural causes that is also of finite duration received whatever CSI it contains before it became a closed system.

1. Left on its own a system can only lose CSI.
2. CSI cannot increase on it's own.
3. CSI must be greater in the originating system.

Therefore CSI cannot be a result of a system with less CSI.
To go on.

A biological or any physical system cannot have infinite CSI.
So logically a biological or any physical system has a physical limitation.
According to the collection of theorems the CSI of the system which imbued CSI into our system must be greater. And the CSI of those systems must also be accounted for.
Therefore we are left with an infinite regression which can only lead to one solution. A super-natural one with infinite CSI.

His idea of conservation of information is not flawed, the problem with his formulation is that he rules out a source with inherent and higher CSI, the universe itself along with the natural laws. There seems to be no justification for this in his thesis. Only a personal bias against a natural source of CSI, energy.

Also IMO the name of the theorem itself does not fit well with what the theory actually states. :)

Angel your a mathematician if you, would like to expound on this you may...

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:25 am
by August
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Dear August,

I think you misunderstood him completely.
He is not taking the contradictions from what Debmski has said.

The contradiction is in Dembski's theorem's themselves. The book no free lunch will be from hence forth known as the collection of theorems.
According to the collection of theorems complex specified information(CSI) cannot emerge from systems which contain less CSI. CSI can only emerge from systems in which complex specificity is imbued, or injected.

In which case Angel in correct is saying that according to the collection of theorems a biological origin of life must come come from a non-biological source.

Below are the corollaries of the law of Conservation of Energy which were formulated by Dembski himself.
(1) The CSI in a closed system of natural causes remains constant or decreases.
(2) CSI cannot be generated spontaneously, originate endogenously, or organize itself (as these terms are used in origins-of-life research).
(3) The CSI in a closed system of natural causes either has been in the system eternally or was at some point added exogenously (implying that the system though now closed was not always closed).
(4) In particular, any closed system of natural causes that is also of finite duration received whatever CSI it contains before it became a closed system.

1. Left on its own a system can only lose CSI.
2. CSI cannot increase on it's own.
3. CSI must be greater in the originating system.

Therefore CSI cannot be a result of a system with less CSI.
To go on.

A biological or any physical system cannot have infinite CSI.
So logically a biological or any physical system has a physical limitation.
According to the collection of theorems the CSI of the system which imbued CSI into our system must be greater. And the CSI of those systems must also be accounted for.
Therefore we are left with an infinite regression which can only lead to one solution. A super-natural one with infinite CSI.

His idea of conservation of energy is not flawed, the problem with his conclusion is that he rules out a source with inherent and higher CSI, the universe itself along with the natural laws. There seems to be no justification for this in his thesis.

Also IMO the name of the theorem itself does not fit well with what the theory actually states. :)

Angel your a mathematician if you, would like to expound on this you may...
I don't think I misunderstood. I think that both of you try to draw conclusions which are not there.

Your conclusion is a non-sequitor:
Therefore we are left with an infinite regression which can only lead to one solution. A super-natural one with infinite CSI.
Even if all the premises hold true, the conclusion does not necessarily follow, and that is exactly what Dembski is trying to say. Both of you are question-begging.

There are possibilities such as frontloading by an unknown intelligence, panspermia or panpsychism.

Do you posit that issue is around whether the development of life is a closed system or not?

EDIT: I honestly do not have time to debate this. Hold to your conclusions as you wish, I don't think we will change each others minds here. The issue at hand runs much deeper than what Dembski or anyone else has to say. It is determined by our respective worldviews, which I have pointed out many times, and don't want to rehash.

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:47 am
by godslanguage
ok what is your point?
That a camera with wires in front of its sensor is well designed as the same camera with wires on the sensors's back?
That computers are designed?
That since sometimes we can see that something is designed then WE are designed?
Or what else?
Well, angel, I believe what your doing is avoiding and running around in circles here, almost playing some sort of game. It is obvious you have your own "opinion" on this issue of design and chaos (the topic of this thread), one that I don't agree on and which is not biblically accurate. Secondly, I am not a biologist so I'm taking my comments from the perspective of design in technology/engineering. ND'sm claims biological design to be an illusion, I don't hold that position (this is what the theory of Intelligent Design holds as well that design is not an illusion) so comparing both to it, such as redundancy or intellligent mechanistic processes would not do much good, for anyone who supports the absolute default position of ND'sm. So, technically, there is no point in discussing this with you since you avoid the possibility and therefore avoid any comparison that adheres or that can correspond to that possibility.