How can we escape the Heat Death or the Big Crunch?

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Post by Cobolev »

well, in fact, chiristanity with other religion beliefs are not offically banned.
But, it can only be talked privately. That means u can never get news about religion belief through mass media, the only way u can get such information is talking with a friend who believes in Jesus Christ or another religion belief. As for guys like me who receive all their education in public schools, will be told that belief in some kind of supernatural force is absolutely absurd. At the very beginning of education ,at the age of 7 or 8,
the children are given a worldview of materialism,through many subtle ways. And because of that almost every one who got college education would find it is very hard for them to believe in God.
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Post by FFC »

So, in order to slove the problem through God, I have to persuade myself that the God exists truely. Fortunately, I began to realize the existence of God is reasonable.
Thankfully, the internet is a veritable wealth of information. If you are truly seeking God you will find Him.
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible." - Corrie Ten Boom

Act 9:6
And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
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