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Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 9:45 pm
by Kurieuo
Well within about decade and a half ago I use to be a banger and like the Def Leopard, Gunners, Metalicca, Pantera, FNM ;), NIN, Pearl Jam, Nirvanna, Tool, Anthrax, Garbage... and along the way I've come to like the sound of other secular artists such as Foo Fighters, Linkin Park and many others...

But there was a decisive moment in my life when I began examining my faith seriously. I loved my music, it was like a friend I could associate my emotions and feelings with. But then one time after heavily reading the Bible and studying it, I began listening to some of these, and I literally became too sick inside, dizzy, and experienced some effects almost like a panic attack. I can't explain it, but now if I ever go to listen to many of these things at home, I just feel sick inside. Yet, I can still enjoy them in passing and reminiscing if I hear them played at someones house or in public.

Now I've got a new stockpile of Christian rock artists including Pillar, Third Day, Kutless and though I enjoy them to a lesser extant POD. Then I've got many worship ones which I like listening to at night, or when I feel like creating an atmosphere as I pray to or worship God. My favourite band is perhaps Third Day, but Kutless and Pillar have to be a close second. :P


Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 5:13 am
by Anonymous
Third day are awesum. I recently saw them live at the Parachute Music Festival (anyone heard of it?), they were so good.

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 10:14 am
by Prodigal Son
third day is awesome!

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:44 pm
by Alanna
This doesn't explain all that much either, but it was all I could find for now, I'll keep looking!
God Bless!
Alanna Witzaney

Bad Music by Nathan Caswell (from the Jan.Feb. Brabant Lake Times)

Music, through its emotions and its teaching can either bring us toward good or away from it. It can give us good thoughts such as faith, hope or charity or it can bring us evil thoughts like pride, lust, or hate. Hip-hop and rock music and are two kinds of music that often bring evil and have caused enormous destruction in our society.

The Sound of Evil. That boom-boom-boom of the bass, that is amplified above all else in rock and hip-hop, has a numbing effect on our minds. With its simple, catchy beat, it pulls us into the music. This beat is like the watch that is swung by the hypnotist; its purpose is to distract the mind by simplicity, while he places thoughts in your head. Discordant tones (ones that jar together) and heavy distortion which communicates feelings like anger or agony surround us and produces in us, a sense of chaos. The buzzing of electric sounds, like those in dance music, take us from our natural human environment and reality. The sound of the hip-hop beat is violent and sexual, which is well represented in the music videos shown on TV that are increasingly violent and pornographic.

The Lyrics of Evil. The rock movement is based on the lie that we can have freedom without responsibility, and most of the lyrics ever written to rock music show that. It began as a rebellion against tradition, against authority and morals. It encourages the desire to do what ever you feel like doing and not what you are supposed to do. It has inspired drug abuse, sexual corruption, every one of the seven deadly sins. A lot of modern rock is popular because people identify with the loneliness of the lyrics. This causes people to stay lonely, instead of trying to rise above it. It can lead to depression and suicide.

Hip-hop teaches that materialism, sex and drugs are alright. It tells children that using drugs is cool, while in real life people die every day from abusing drugs. It has made the word “pimpin” mean cool, while real women suffer and die at the hands of pimps who control them on the streets. It shows murder and the whole gangsta' scene to be just a part of life that we have to live with. It teaches us that that life is all about the bling-bling of clothes, cars and gluttony. It has, like rock music, glorified a life of self-destruction.

Not all the lyrics of Rock and Hip-hop are evil. Some songs may have positive messages, but usually they are few and far between. The sound of rock music or rap doesn't go well with positive messages because the environment that the music produces is not positive.

We must choose to listen to music that is uplifting; that leads us to Jesus Christ and truth. It may be difficult to go against popular culture, but we must remember that each of us and not our peers is responsible for our own souls. We must not be afraid to say “no” to things that will influence us badly. (Perhaps, listening to bad music would be a good thing to give up for Lent or for good.)

But test all things; hold fast to that which is good. Keep yourselves from every kind of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:21,22

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:54 pm
by Kurieuo
Seems to be more targeted at what is implied within songs, rather than the category of music.


Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 8:55 pm
by Alanna
I agree, which is why I'm still searching, I just found this ...enlightening and thought I'd share it :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:03 pm
by Kurieuo
Well I'd generally agree to it... although I do detect bias towards a certain categories of music that excludes any "rock" or "hip-hop." ;)

One must also be careful not to quell expression. Many artists express themselves, though at the same time many conform their words to sell to teenagers for sales and popularity. I'm all for someone expressing themselves through their own music, even if I am very disagreeable with it, and would not allow my children to listen to it.

Also there are now many rock and hip-hop Christian bands, so songs aren't that few and far between if you go to a decent Christian bookshop, even in standard music stores I believe you can find many of these bands now. So really... the only decision one needs to make today is what category of music they like, and they can source out artists who play decent music with uplifting lyrics.


Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:29 am
by bizzt
Alanna wrote:I'm not a very big fan of any music... I use to like rock a little bit, but a friend of mine has been telling me a few dangerous things about listening to rock, though I'm still working on researching more about it, I've put it on the shelf. :wink:

God Bless!!
Rock can't be dangerous unless thrown :wink: but there are lyrics in a lot of Rock, Rap that could be distasteful for your ears. Personally I like listening to Third Day, Skillet, Friday's Cry, Toby Mac, M W Smith, Steven C Chapman... to name a Few. Also like listening to Dolly Parton, Leanne Rimes, Shania Twain, John M Montgomery, Clint Black, Brad Paisley, Alberta's Own Paul Brandt...

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:20 pm
by Poetic_Soul
I listen to neo-soul, gospel and jazz. Anything that's smooth. 8)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:10 pm
by Jac3510
Haha.. I kinda went the other way, K. I grew up on Christian music and became a metal head... Linkin Park, Evanescance (sp?), Metallica, Disturbed . . . I love these guys.

But, I have found the joy of praise music as well. Tomlin and Crowder are outstanding, as are Casting Crowns and Shane and Shane. Good stuff...

Just bear in mind that I'm a guitarist long before I'm a musician ;)

Re: Music

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 1:42 am
by madscientist
ANything i can find randomly. And this is another problem... the music;s lyrics arent too good for god probaly. Too many swaering, etc. And it wud b good if som1 cud tell me whetehr its a sin to listent to musci which has sort of swearing and stuff like that etc.

oh darkness of music

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:37 am
by bluesman
I listen to and play the blues so where does that leave me?

Actually my favorite lately is Blind Willie Johnson who is a Gospel Blues singer / guitar player.

Its not the music that bad its the words and behavior of the artists.

I stay away from music that would promote violence
and I hate these music video that show nothing but half dressed women.

Most blues and rock and roll is about love. Finding love or losing in love etc.
Now sometimes the messages of certain songs can be misunderstood.
Cocaine by Eric Clapton is actually an anti-drug song.
Eric nearly lost his own life with drugs before writing that song.
However, I understand the misunderstanding on that one.

Ted Nugent, remember him?, is against drug and doesn't even drink.
I don't know his belief in God though.

Ozzy, he really is a joke and I feel sorry for him.

Rock and Roll was said to of the devil. In actually fact white culture was afraid to have their kids listen to music that was based out of a black culture. Shame on them for using the church for their racist views.

Even Blues was thought to be from the devil because it was somewhat in competition with the church.

Funny that some of same people listening to blues on saturday night were the same people in church on Sunday. Much of that southern gospel is the same music as blues but different words.

Many older bluesman won't play on Sundays and its common for a blues show to end on a Gospel or Gospel Blues song.


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:15 pm
by FFC
Funny that some of same people listening to blues on saturday night were the same people in church on Sunday. Much of that southern gospel is the same music as blues but different words.
Yes, and didn't Martin Luther write some hymns set to barroom tunes?

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:31 pm
by jakelo
I've been a metal fan for years and still am one. Sure, the lyrics of some music can be extreme, but I mostly listen to heavy metal because I can let my mind drift when listening to the fast beats and such. I've become a very big fan of a metal band called Zao recently. People call them a Christian band, but the band defines themselves of a band "composing of both Christians and non-Christians." Although I think it's just one person that isn't Christian ;).

One of Zao's more recent albums was what got my attention. It is called "Live...From the Funeral of God." Sounds kinda bad, eh? It's actually a concept album. The singer (who is very Christian) wanted to touch on the idea of God one day getting tired of the way man continues to sin against Him and He turns His back to man. Even though this wouldn't happen, it is a very scary thing to think about.

I'm actually planning on going to see Zao in concert this summer. Just listening to their music assures me that this concert will be one heck of a ride.


Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 9:20 am
by madscientist
jakelo wrote:I've been a metal fan for years and still am one. Sure, the lyrics of some music can be extreme, but I mostly listen to heavy metal because I can let my mind drift when listening to the fast beats and such. I've become a very big fan of a metal band called Zao recently. People call them a Christian band, but the band defines themselves of a band "composing of both Christians and non-Christians." Although I think it's just one person that isn't Christian ;).

One of Zao's more recent albums was what got my attention. It is called "Live...From the Funeral of God." Sounds kinda bad, eh? It's actually a concept album. The singer (who is very Christian) wanted to touch on the idea of God one day getting tired of the way man continues to sin against Him and He turns His back to man. Even though this wouldn't happen, it is a very scary thing to think about.
Hm... ive got some music from them. I actually dont like metal and all that but i think ill start to listen to it. I'd never think a Christian can make such kind of music... :))