Where does it all end?

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Re: Where does it all end?

Post by gogobuffalo »

One thing I'd like to say about the last post. If you notice, Jesus never spoke of hell to people who weren't already sure it existed. That's because Jesus knew that you are never going to convince someone there's hell if they don't believe in God or anything. So if someone isn't sure about the end times, saying, where do you want to be at end times? Is never going to get that person to believe (at most, they'll just speculate, but most of the time the person would probably draw the conclusion that hell and heaven don't exist, or that the end times don't), you should maybe follow the model Jesus left behind. I mean if someone isn't sure about where it all ends, saying do you want to be with God or to cease to exist probably won't accomplish anything. And you should never want someone to come to belief just because of what they want for themselves. Everyone should want a loving relationship with Jesus because He is their Creator and wants to have a loving relationship with them. That is why they should come to belief! So I'd go about supporting the fact that there is a God and that Christianity is the one true religion. Just friendly advice though.
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Re: Where does it all end?

Post by jenna »

gogobuffalo wrote:One thing I'd like to say about the last post. If you notice, Jesus never spoke of hell to people who weren't already sure it existed. That's because Jesus knew that you are never going to convince someone there's hell if they don't believe in God or anything. So if someone isn't sure about the end times, saying, where do you want to be at end times? Is never going to get that person to believe (at most, they'll just speculate, but most of the time the person would probably draw the conclusion that hell and heaven don't exist, or that the end times don't), you should maybe follow the model Jesus left behind. I mean if someone isn't sure about where it all ends, saying do you want to be with God or to cease to exist probably won't accomplish anything. And you should never want someone to come to belief just because of what they want for themselves. Everyone should want a loving relationship with Jesus because He is their Creator and wants to have a loving relationship with them. That is why they should come to belief! So I'd go about supporting the fact that there is a God and that Christianity is the one true religion. Just friendly advice though.
Yes you are right. Thank you for this insight.
some things are better left unsaid, which i generally realize after i have said them
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Re: Where does it all end?

Post by phiver4 »

[quote][/quote]Don't let doubt worry you, everyone has doubt, and in the end doubt usually can make your faith stronger. If I doubt something I usually search for an answer, and when I find one my faith is stronger than it ever was before. So if a few things seem far fetched to you, big deal, just have faith in God, pray, and join His family.[quote]

I can say from personal experience that this is absolutley right on. I have been going through the same struggle as you, even though i gave my life to Jesus over 20 years ago. Since that time I married and have been blessed by God with 2 children. But over the years my faith in God diminished to the point where I turned my back on Him. In my mind I found the whole "thing" unbelievable and listened to many skeptics who seemed to make sense in their arguments about the accuracy of the Bible, evolution and science. I found that I barely believed in God. But I never challenged any of it, I never took the time. I was on my own and this emptiness lasted over 15 years. I always had God in the back of my mind but never acknowledged Him, thinking I was either too far gone or that He did not even exist. I felt that everything I had initially experienced as a Christian were simply "feelings" with nothing solid to back up what I believed. That is my fault for not building my foundation on rock.

Then, recently (and i mean recently- 2 months) I started to wake up at night terrified thinking that all there was to life was here on earth and nothing more, or as the previous poster "fortigurn" put it, "we turn to dust."
I was driving in my car on my way to work when I called out "God, I am scared because I don't know if you exist." I asked that He open my mind and point me in the direction for the answers and evidence I need. Trust me, that is all I did, exactly those words. God answered, with thunder. He poured on me (and still is) so much information that i was immediately overwhelmed. I started with a search on the internet looking for answers and this was the first site to which I came. I started to first read about the proof of God through science, the evidence for the Big Bang Theory, the 2nd Law of Thermal Dynamics, a constantly expanding universe and the exact placement of Earth, the moon, the sun and the other planets in order to sustain us and make life possible. The extreme complexity and enormous amount of information stored in DNA and how this makes the argument for evolution even more improbable. I have engaged myself in studies on Bible prophecy, proof of Jesus' existence, proof of His resurrection as well as studies combating the skeptics who claim errors and fallacies within the Bible. I go to sleep late and wake up early to learn as much as I possibly can because I am totally convinced that the Holy Spirit is guiding me, just as I prayed. The evidence for me is overwhelming: I believe without any doubt and with my entire heart that God exists and that Jesus Christ came to us to offer Salvation through Him.
God is no way at all finished with me as each day He shows me something new and opens my eyes even wider.
The skeptics will always be there, but when I look back, It is my doubt that saved me and i have them to thank.
I will pray for you.
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