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Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 11:10 am
by cslewislover
ageofknowledge wrote: It's not just a gross ignorance of religious information but most information in general this new general lacks. One poll revealed that 70% of high school kids couldn't name what state New Orleans was in after Hurricane Katrina.
I've seen some other stats like this, regarding major historical events. And with all the homework kids have now, one wonders what the heck they're learning. I don't get it . . . I'm very frustrated about schools right now. y:-L

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:59 am
by imoneru?
ageofknowledge wrote:"More than 10% of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife."

:pound: I'm wiping tears of laughter away right now.

It's not just a gross ignorance of religious information but most information in general this new generation lacks. One poll revealed that 70% of high school kids couldn't name what state New Orleans was in after Hurricane Katrina.

I mean the modern liberals have dumbed education down to the point where all they seem to know is basic arthirimitic, their own feelings, and how to twitter.

Yeah twittering will save us :shakehead:

We're almost graduating retards at this point. And a lot aren't even graduating anymore.
Well they are all smarter then I am [which isn't saying much]as I have no idea how to "Twitter" "Blog" or add an "Avitar" to my user name....Ray

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:57 am
by cslewislover
Lol, Ray. To add an avatar, click on the User Control Panel at top left, then click on Profile. Then to the left, click Edit Avatar, and there are options there. If you have problems, ask away.

I was thinking about using this one for a while, but people might take it too seriously:


(Hi Gabrielman! :wave: You DON'T suck at life, btw.)

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:17 pm
by Gabrielman
Hi CSLewislover! Want some coffee again? y~o) y~o) :cheers:

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:32 pm
by cslewislover
Gabrielman wrote:Hi CSLewislover! Want some coffee again? y~o) y~o) :cheers:



Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:56 pm
by imoneru?
cslewislover wrote:Lol, Ray. To add an avatar, click on the User Control Panel at top left, then click on Profile. Then to the left, click Edit Avatar, and there are options there. If you have problems, ask away.

I was thinking about using this one for a while, but people might take it too seriously:


(Hi Gabrielman! :wave: You DON'T suck at life, btw.)
Thank you, you are always very helpful, and I appreciate it, I used one of the Avatars from the gallery, I would like to have used one of 24 different paintings I painted over the years but although I have photos of them on my Picasa Web Albums I don't know how to transfer the path over to my Profile on this web site, The reason I added the Avatar was so that it would be easier to locate my posts....Thanks again and ...God Bless...Ray

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:02 pm
by Gabrielman
Hey Ray not to intrude or anything but I looked at your profile and it said you weren't a Christian, yet you seem like one and you even used the cross for an avitar. Are you a Messianic Jew then? :D I love Messianic Jews (Zola Levitt and his ministry are a good example.). Just thought I would ask cause I was wondering. God bless!

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 2:38 pm
by Gabrielman
cslewislover wrote:
Gabrielman wrote:Hi CSLewislover! Want some coffee again? y~o) y~o) :cheers:


That says Ichigomochi, so does it mean strawberry coffee? That would be some really good coffee! Let's have some more! y~o) y~o) , would you like hazelnut like before? :D

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 3:47 pm
by cslewislover
Gabrielman wrote:
cslewislover wrote:
Gabrielman wrote:Hi CSLewislover! Want some coffee again? y~o) y~o) :cheers:


That says Ichigomochi, so does it mean strawberry coffee? That would be some really good coffee! Let's have some more! y~o) y~o) , would you like hazelnut like before? :D
Lol, I didn't know. I didn't know what Ichigo meant, actually, so I looked it up and it means strawberry! Which I bet you knew, but which for me gives more meaning to your bright sig!!

I would love hazlenut! And chocolate biscotti with it!! Image Thanks!!! :D y@};-

I thought you might get a kick out of this:


Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:28 pm
by Gabrielman
:pound: :pound: That's awsome! Yeah I knew Ichigo ment strawberry, and he happens to be my avitar, hmm.... so wonder what that means about me! LOL

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:43 pm
by imoneru?
Gabrielman wrote:Hey Ray not to intrude or anything but I looked at your profile and it said you weren't a Christian, yet you seem like one and you even used the cross for an avitar. Are you a Messianic Jew then? :D I love Messianic Jews (Zola Levitt and his ministry are a good example.). Just thought I would ask cause I was wondering. God bless!
No Gab I don't consider myself a Christian as I have (In my mind at least never been Born Again) I choose to believe in the life,death and resurrection of Jesus and that He is the son of God but not in my heart only in my mind, I can't really explain it even to myself, but like the good book says if I were to be weighed in the balance there would be something lacking.

I enjoy bible study, and have a desire to learn as much as this tired old brain will absorb, but I just don't feel Saved, I realize feelings are fickel but it would seem to me that if a person was saved by God He/She would loose their self centerness, and care more for spiritual things then material things, and I like toys, I contribute to charities because my heart goes out to the little kids that are dying every day at St.Judes Hospital and starving in the third world countries, but I don't want to send the money I have spent on this Computer and my 18 hundred dollar professional Trek Bicycle to help them out. I don't mind sendind 40 0r 50 bucks as I can live without that but I'm to selfcentered to give up my toys even when I know it might help some little kid live a few more days or months, and I don't know about you but that don't sound like "Loving your neighbor to me"
So until God gives me the ability to change my ways (something I don't have now) I choose not to call my self a Christian, maybe I'm to hard on my self , I guess I'll have to let God decide that, I know He spits out luke warm christians....Ray

P.S. I always liked the late great Zola Levitt also followed him for about 4 years and collected his booklets and a notebook full of his letters. Him I wouldn't hesitate to call a Christian. I'm not Jewish but have great respect for them.

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:53 pm
by cslewislover
Hey, Ray, maybe you're being hard on yourself. The Lord gives us things to enjoy for ourselves too. You just need to be open to His will and what He'd like you to do. Some churches emphasize tithing (10% of your income, which I know you know), but it doesn't seem required in the church age. We are to give joyfully whatever we feel led to give, and many feel led to give more than 10%, it just depends. Many of the early church members gave all, but that soon changed. And I don't think it means that we aren't Christians if we spend some money on enjoyable things. There's a verse or two or three that I need to find . . .

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:10 pm
by Gabrielman
To add to what CS said, we are also ment to enjoy ourselves. I wouldn't want to spend the money that I did on this computer elsewhere either. What I got out of that, I got to meet you and some really nice people on this board, I am blessed by it and I spent that money on me. I also do what I can for God here, but it is a labor of love. I do believe you are being to hard on yourself as well. You are completely allowed to enjoy life, espcially with where you are now being at the point where you no longer are seen as one who should have to work (i.e. retirement) Once I retire I am going to have fun, I think it's God's way of saying, "You worked all your life, now enjoy what's left!" LOL, just my opinion I know, but it seems like that to me! God bless, and you seem like a really great person so don't be so hard on yourself.

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:32 pm
by cslewislover
1 Timothy 6:17-19: "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Paul doesn't say here that the rich or anyone else has to give everything they have away, but to be generous and willing to share. But I'm more concerned with your belief that you believe in the Lord mentally, but not spiritually, basically. I find this hard to fathom as biblical. I don't mean you are bad, LOL, I just believe what the bible says: that for anyone who believes in Christ and that he died for them, that they will be saved. How can you say you believe, yet are not be saved (I mean, I get what you're saying . . . )? Jesus said you'd be saved, "Whoever believes in him is not condemned . . . " (John 4:18a). It seems like something Satan would do to keep you from your joy in the Lord, and any encouragement you would get from Him.

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 9:07 am
by imoneru?
cslewislover wrote:1 Timothy 6:17-19: "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Paul doesn't say here that the rich or anyone else has to give everything they have away, but to be generous and willing to share. But I'm more concerned with your belief that you believe in the Lord mentally, but not spiritually, basically. I find this hard to fathom as biblical. I don't mean you are bad, LOL, I just believe what the bible says: that for anyone who believes in Christ and that he died for them, that they will be saved. How can you say you believe, yet are not be saved (I mean, I get what you're saying . . . )? Jesus said you'd be saved, "Whoever believes in him is not condemned . . . " (John 4:18a). It seems like something Satan would do to keep you from your joy in the Lord, and any encouragement you would get from Him.
To me it dosn't seem that hard to understand as I said I believe as a logical thinker believes, With His Head or Brain, and not with my Heart as Jesus said we must do to be "Born Again". Paul more or less quotes Jesus in Romans 10 :9,10 when he [inspired by God] states "If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you will be saved, Using human reasoning I can concieve of an all powerful God or spiritual being that is able to create a universe and based on that assumption be able to do all the other things an all powerful God could and has done, but in thinking this way I am using my brain not my heart, to me logically thinking my heart is only an organ for pumping blood and has no ability to believe or disbelieve anything I have to depend on my brain for that and as Jesus stated "The people do honor me with their mouth but their Heart is far from me"(Talk is cheep) I guess what I am saying is that I am able to except the bible from a logical point of view but not a spiritual one, When Jesus told Nicodemus "You Must Be Born Again" Nick couldn't understand it and Jesus told him in so many words that that kind of birth only comes from God. And thats the part I don't have, The bible says "ask and you will recieve, seek and you will find"Etc. well I have done that under my own power but with no results, I'm not about to say God is a lier, as the bible also states He cannot lie, but what ever it is I lack I have come to the conclusion that only God will be able to provide if He chooses to do so....God Bless...Ray