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Re: New young scientist vs old hat scientist

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 11:42 am
by tiamo41
Gman, i was only being hypothectical in my last post, really meant nothing against you, nor do it believe you are ridiculing. I read and re-read all your posts and appreciate them. that was "MY BAD"...IT was just a thought in my mind plus i was in a hurry. I read everything i can get my hands on and always have an open mind, i posted originally because i thought this would be a good place to "air" out any doubts and/or beliefs , and hopefully some help. Tiamo

Re: New young scientist vs old hat scientist

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 9:26 pm
by Gman
tiamo41 wrote:Gman, i was only being hypothectical in my last post, really meant nothing against you, nor do it believe you are ridiculing. I read and re-read all your posts and appreciate them. that was "MY BAD"...IT was just a thought in my mind plus i was in a hurry. I read everything i can get my hands on and always have an open mind, i posted originally because i thought this would be a good place to "air" out any doubts and/or beliefs , and hopefully some help. Tiamo
No problem Tiamo. I'm sorry if I was a bit brash earlier. And it's ok to question, express doubts, or to "air" it out. We all have questions or doubts. It's whats makes us human... But please try that "love" test first. Perhaps you may be surprised.

I'm sorry to hear about your mother.. I have lost both parents, being in my early 40's (alone), and have no family as well. The only thing that keeps me going is my faith. And the most important, which you rarely hear, is being thankful for the things in this life. It is a very powerful tool. Being thankful for the times you were with your mother. Focus on that and I believe you will find God.

All the best..
G -

Re: New young scientist vs old hat scientist

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:49 pm
by gogobuffalo
Hey Tiamo have you ever read the articles on this site? Because I see that you're interested in science, and Christianity, and combining the two would maybe be a good catalyst for your returning faith. I think a lot of the articles on are great, and you might want to look into them. And if you have looked at the site but haven't really found nething convincing, check this one out if you haven't yet: ... intro.html
That is part one of a three part article. The links to the continuing parts are at the end of the articles. I think if you read all of that with an open mind - giving them a fair chance, realizing there is a possibility that they're correct - than you might find them convincing. If you have any specific questions let me know, I'll try to help you to the best of my ability. Whenever I am strongly doubting about something I go and search for ways to discourage my doubts, and I almost always end up with a stronger faith than before I doubted. So maybe you'll run across something I've covered in my spiritual journey and I can help. Good luck buddy I'll pray for you.

Re: New young scientist vs old hat scientist

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 4:05 pm
by tiamo41
Just of interest ! on PBS tonight at 8 PM TO 10pm a documentary on "Judgement Day" explores the theory on ID. Nov 13th