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Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:58 pm
by Himantolophus
This supposed "essay" of yours has been tossed about on the dozens of forums I've seen you on and the people on every one of them have soundly disproved every bit of it. You also failed to address any questions aimed at you. I suggest everyone not bother with Byer's essay. His whole premise is that adaptation causes genetic change and that marsupials are descended from placental mammals. Completely backwards to what science has proven. Plus he provides no evidence or data to back his opinion except that there are marsupials in Australia right now.

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 12:51 am
by colemine77
[The animals in Australia etc are just the same animals as elsewhere that repopulated the earth after the flood. Yes the sea levels must of been for a while lower to allow more ease of migration.]

The sea levels must have been lower? How much? The sea level will have to drop a hell of a lot before you are going to walk to Australia! And for a while? 30min? 2 weeks? 2 centuries? The sea level will have to drop by a few kilomentres for a LOOOONG time for animals to migrate there IMO.

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:50 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Himantolophus wrote:This has nothing to do with Jesus or God or getting people to believe in Him, it has to do with the Flood of Noah and whether it was a global event and whether Noah could have accomplished the task. Belief in a localized Flood does not mean that we do not believe in the Bible, Jesus, or God.
My apologies...I hadn't realized that this was just about the Flood.
Himantolophus wrote: Scientists are all about testing their theories, YEC's should do the same, right?
«Should» do the same? Not really. This is something you do if you've got a whole lot of money and nothing to do with it.

It would make a nice project for someone who is super-rich!


Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:00 am
by Himantolophus
Fürstentum Liechtenstein: I didn't mean any rudeness by that initial post, I hope you didn't take it to be. I was just preventing a derail of the OP.

On your second point, I think some creationist groups have plenty of cash to throw about. I don't know if Discovery Institute would do it since they seem to focus on ID/OEC I believe.

Being in the science field myself, I wish that there was more grant money available for our side too :mrgreen:

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:06 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Himantolophus wrote:Fürstentum Liechtenstein: I didn't mean any rudeness by that initial post, I hope you didn't take it to be. I was just preventing a derail of the OP.
I was terribly insulted! I am deeply, deeply hurt!

C' you think I'm a girl? :pound:


On a more serious note, I don't think the YEC/OEC/TE/WE* debate is of any importance. First Timothy 1:3-5 instructs Christians to shy away from false doctrines, myths and endless genealogies that ''promote controversies rather than God's work, which is by faith.'' Verses 6 and 7 go on to warn about meaningless talk.

While amusing, I think that topics such as this one, and the whereabouts of the Antichrist :twisted: , and Are Russia and Iran Gog & Magog? :esurprised: cetera, are divisive and come under the heading of meaningless talk.

These subjects make for good small talk while sipping a drink and eating your entrée...which goes to show you how richly the Lord has blessed us. We have the priviledge and the wealth to be concerned about something so frivolous.


*Whatever Else

PS: sincere apologies to all girls. I was just trying to be funny :lol:

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:33 pm
by zoegirl
C' you think I'm a girl?
:esurprised: :esurprised: :shakehead:

Hmph, what a lovely insult y[-( y=P~

But on the serious note....I agree with you, however, it is often not the OEC'ers that are crying heretic! The reason we often get upset is that we are often called so and our faith is called into question.

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:54 pm
by Himantolophus
I was terribly insulted! I am deeply, deeply hurt!

C' you think I'm a girl?
just checking... you'd be surprised how many people get pissed off on forums because of misunderstood posts :shakehead:

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:09 pm
by David Blacklock
>>...I don't think the YEC/OEC/TE/WE* debate is of any importance. ...[They] are divisive and come under the heading of meaningless talk...We have the priviledge and the wealth to be concerned about something so frivolous...<<

I agree. There are fine people on all sides of any of these arguments. I have decided how you behave is a lot more important than what you believe.


Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:58 pm
by Robert Byers
colemine77 wrote:[The animals in Australia etc are just the same animals as elsewhere that repopulated the earth after the flood. Yes the sea levels must of been for a while lower to allow more ease of migration.]

The sea levels must have been lower? How much? The sea level will have to drop a hell of a lot before you are going to walk to Australia! And for a while? 30min? 2 weeks? 2 centuries? The sea level will have to drop by a few kilomentres for a LOOOONG time for animals to migrate there IMO.
First it is said all the time that sea levels were lower to allow migration of animals from americas to Asia. I don't mean the ice age. I mean earlier migrations allowing tropical migrations.
Perhaps the levels were low for half or a century.

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:51 am
by colemine77
Robert Byers wrote:
colemine77 wrote:[The animals in Australia etc are just the same animals as elsewhere that repopulated the earth after the flood. Yes the sea levels must of been for a while lower to allow more ease of migration.]

The sea levels must have been lower? How much? The sea level will have to drop a hell of a lot before you are going to walk to Australia! And for a while? 30min? 2 weeks? 2 centuries? The sea level will have to drop by a few kilomentres for a LOOOONG time for animals to migrate there IMO.
First it is said all the time that sea levels were lower to allow migration of animals from americas to Asia. I don't mean the ice age. I mean earlier migrations allowing tropical migrations.
Perhaps the levels were low for half or a century.
Yes that is all Dandy but the problem is that it would have had to happen within the last 4500 years according to YEC. Surely somewhere there would have been recorded in history if the sea levels dropped so far? People would have noticed. Maybe they built a city while the sea was level was low and now it is covered with water. Atlantis anyone? :pound:

And where would all the water have gone?

Re: Testing the Noah Story?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:25 pm
by Himantolophus
First it is said all the time that sea levels were lower to allow migration of animals from americas to Asia. I don't mean the ice age. I mean earlier migrations allowing tropical migrations.
Perhaps the levels were low for half or a century.
an Ice Age or polar melting is the only thing that causes sea levels to change... try again